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Upon base composition analysis, oligonucleotides which are labeled at the 3'-terminus with fluorescein or biotin generate an additional, late eluting peak in the HPLC chromatogram. Investigation of this effect revealed the haptens acted as apurinic sites, and phosphodiesterase cleavage of the phosphate bond between the upstream nucleotide and apurinic site is inhibited. Extension of this work with a base-stable apurinic site inserted into all possible junctures of 5'-TGAC-3' tetramers showed this to be a general effect. As a consequence of this work, acid-catalyzed depurination resulting in apurinic sites can be monitored in oligonucleotide synthesis.  相似文献   
A revised structure of fluorescein mercuric acetate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the help of NMR spectroscopy the structure assignment of fluorescein mercuric acetate is corrected to 4',5'-bis(acetoxymercury)fluorescein.  相似文献   
Yee  KK; Costanzo  RM 《Chemical senses》1998,23(5):513-519
Following recovery from olfactory nerve transection, animals regain their ability to discriminate between odors. Odor discrimination is restored after new neurons establish connections with the olfactory bulb. However, it is not known if the new connections alter odor quality perception. To address this question, 20 adult hamsters were first trained to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry odors. After reaching criterion (> or = 90% correct response), half of the animals received a bilateral nerve transection (BTX) and half a surgical sham procedure. Animals were not tested again until day 40, a point in recovery when connections are re-established with the bulb. When BTX animals were tested without food reinforcement, they could not perform the odor discrimination task. Sham animals, however, could discriminate, demonstrating that the behavioral response had not been extinguished during the 40 day period. When reinforcement was resumed, BTX animals were able to discriminate between cinnamon and strawberry after four test sessions. In addition, their ability to discriminate between these two familiar odors was no different than that of BTX and sham animals tested with two novel odors, baby powder and coffee. These findings suggest that, after recovery from nerve transection, there are alterations in sensory perception and that restoration of odor quality discrimination requires that the animal must again learn to associate individual odor sensations with a behavioral response.   相似文献   
In Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing (QS) activates the production of virulence factors, playing a critical role in pathogenesis. Multiple negative regulators modulate the timing and the extent of the QS response either in the pre-quorum or post-quorum phases of growth. This regulation likely increases P. aeruginosa phenotypic plasticity and population fitness, facilitating colonization of challenging environments such as higher organisms. Accordingly, in addition to the factors required for QS signals synthesis and response, also QS regulators have been proposed as targets for anti-virulence therapies. However, while it is known that P. aeruginosa mutants impaired in QS are attenuated in their pathogenic potential, the effect of mutations causing a dysregulated timing and/or magnitude of the QS response has been poorly investigated so far in animal models of infection. In order to investigate the impact of QS dysregulation on P. aeruginosa pathogenesis in a murine model of lung infection, the QteE and RsaL proteins have been selected as representatives of negative regulators controlling P. aeruginosa QS in the pre- and post-quorum periods, respectively. Results showed that the qteE mutation does not affect P. aeruginosa lethality and ability to establish chronic infection in mice, despite causing a premature QS response and enhanced virulence factors production in test tube cultures compared to the wild type. Conversely, the post-quorum dysregulation caused by the rsaL mutation hampers the establishment of P. aeruginosa chronic lung infection in mice without affecting the mortality rate. On the whole, this study contributes to a better understanding of the impact of QS regulation on P. aeruginosa phenotypic plasticity during the infection process. Possible fallouts of these findings in the anti-virulence therapy field are also discussed.  相似文献   
Enzymes from psychrophiles catalyze the reactions at low temperatures with higher specific activity. Among all the psychrophilic enzymes produced, cold active β-galactosidase from marine psychrophiles revalorizes a new arena in numerous areas at industrial level. The hydrolysis of lactose in to glucose and galactose by cold active β-galactosidase offers a new promising approach in removal of lactose from milk to overcome the problem of lactose intolerance. Herein we propose, a 3D structure of cold active β-galactosidase enzyme sourced from Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis by using Modeler 9v8 and best model was developed having 88% of favourable region in ramachandran plot. Modelling was followed by docking studies with the help of Auto dock 4.0 against the three substrates lactose, ONPG and PNPG. In addition, comparative docking studies were also performed for the 3D model of psychrophilic β-galactosidase with mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes. Docking studies revealed that binding affinity of enzyme towards the three different substrates is more for psychrophilic enzyme when compared with mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes. It indicates that the enzyme has high specific activity at low temperature when compared with mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes.  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide (CO2) stands out as sustainable feedstock for developing a circular carbon economy whose energy supply could be obtained by boosting the production of clean hydrogen from renewable electricity. H2‐dependent CO2 gas fermentation using acetogenic microorganisms offers a viable solution of increasingly demonstrated value. While gas fermentation advances to achieve commercial process scalability, which is currently limited to a few products such as acetate and ethanol, it is worth taking the best of the current state‐of‐the‐art technology by its integration within innovative bioconversion schemes. This review presents multiple scenarios where gas fermentation by acetogens integrate into double‐stage biotechnological production processes that use CO2 as sole carbon feedstock and H2 as energy carrier for products'' synthesis. In the integration schemes here reviewed, the first stage can be biotic or abiotic while the second stage is biotic. When the first stage is biotic, acetogens act as a biological platform to generate chemical intermediates such as acetate, formate and ethanol that become substrates for a second fermentation stage. This approach holds the potential to enhance process titre/rate/yield metrics and products'' spectrum. Alternatively, when the first stage is abiotic, the integrated two‐stage scheme foresees, in the first stage, the catalytic transformation of CO2 into C1 products that, in the second stage, can be metabolized by acetogens. This latter scheme leverages the metabolic flexibility of acetogens in efficient utilization of the products of CO2 abiotic hydrogenation, namely formate and methanol, to synthesize multicarbon compounds but also to act as flexible catalysts for hydrogen storage or production.

Carbon dioxide recycling is a compelling need and microbial carbon dioxide fixation in value‐added compounds is a valuable opportunity. Fermentation of CO2 gas streams using acetogenic bacteria is consolidating as a key biotechnology to move toward a cyclic carbon economy. Throughout the review, we pinpointed an ample range of products that are technically attainable by reframing a CO2‐based gas fermentation process within a two‐stage context with the aim of highlighting some avenues available for fruitful exploitation of the current technology.  相似文献   
Melanoma is the most lethal cutaneous cancer with a highly aggressive and metastatic phenotype. While recent genetic and epigenetic studies have shed new insights into the mechanism of melanoma development, the involvement of regulatory non‐coding RNAs remain unclear. Long non‐coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a group of endogenous non‐protein‐coding RNAs with the capacity to regulate gene expression at multiple levels. Recent evidences have shown that lncRNAs can regulate many cellular processes, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and invasion. In the melanoma, deregulation of a number of lncRNAs, such as HOTAIR, MALAT1, BANCR, ANRIL, SPRY‐IT1 and SAMMSON, have been reported. Our review summarizes the functional role of lncRNAs in melanoma and their potential clinical application for diagnosis, prognostication and treatment.  相似文献   
Structure_threader is a program to parallelize multiple runs of genetic clustering software that does not make use of multithreading technology (structure , fastStructure and MavericK) on multicore computers. Our approach was benchmarked across multiple systems and displayed great speed improvements relative to the single‐threaded implementation, scaling very close to linearly with the number of physical cores used. Structure_threader was compared to previous software written for the same task—ParallelStructure and StrAuto and was proven to be the faster (up to 25% faster) wrapper under all tested scenarios. Furthermore, Structure_threader can perform several automatic and convenient operations, assisting the user in assessing the most biologically likely value of ‘K’ via implementations such as the “Evanno,” or “Thermodynamic Integration” tests and automatically draw the “meanQ” plots (static or interactive) for each value of K (or even combined plots). Structure_threader is written in python 3 and licensed under the GPLv3. It can be downloaded free of charge at https://github.com/StuntsPT/Structure_threader .  相似文献   
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