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 Spermatophore development and ultrastructure of the mature sperm of Craterostigmus tasmanianus were studied using light and electron microscopy. In C. tasmanianus, as in the Scolopendromorpha, the spermatophore develops within the vas deferens. The latter consists of three parts, each with a different morphology. The first may be involved in guiding the sperm to roll up into typical ring-like structures, while the other two, which show an evident secretory activity, secrete the acellular wall of the spermatophores. The ultrastructure of mature spermatozoa showed that a very close similarity exists between Craterostigmomorpha and Lithobiomorpha, especially regarding the organization of the connecting piece. Based on this similarity, we consider the Craterostigmomorpha together with the Scolopendromorpha, Geophilomorpha and Lithobiomorpha (=Pleurostigmophora) to be the sister group of the Scutigeromorpha. Accepted: 2 June 1996  相似文献   
In order to study the divergence of teleost sex chromosomes, subtractive cloning was carried out between genomic DNA of males and females of the rainbow trout (XX/XY) and of Leporinus elongatus (ZW/ZZ). Inserts cloned in a plasmid vector were individually tested on Southern blots of DNA of males and females for sex specificity. No sex-specific insert was obtained from trout, but two out of ten inserts cloned from L. elongatus showed sex-specific patterns in this species: one corresponds to a sequence present on both Z and W chromosomes, while the other is W specific. Sequences of these two inserts show neither clear homology with other known sequences, nor an open reading frame. They cross-hybridize with the genomic DNA of Leporinus friderici, but without sex-specific patterns. Twenty-four L. elongatus adults were sexed by gonadal observation, chromosomed examination and Southern hybridization with one or the other insert. Ten males and 11 females had chromosomes and hybridization patterns typical of their sex. One ZW female was recognized as a male with the W-specific probe. This was also the case for two unusual ZW males, one having a male hybridization pattern with the other probe. These three atypical individuals may result from single genetic exchanges between four regions of the Z and the W, giving rise to three atypical W chromosomes. Finding males with such atypical heterochromosomes in a female heterogametic species may indicate that a gradual transition occurs between the heterogametic systems.  相似文献   
Developing embryos of the stick insect Carausius morosus were examined ultrastructurally with a view to studying vitellophage invasion of the yolk mass during and after germ band formation. Newly laid eggs in C.morosus have a unique yolk fluid compartment surrounded by a narrow fringe of cytoplasm comprising several small yolk granules. Vitellophages originate mainly from a thin layer of stem cells, the so-called yolk cell membrane, interposed between the germ band and the yolk mass. Throughout development, a thin basal lamina separates the yolk cell membrane from the overlying embryo.
Vitellophages extend from the yolk cell membrane with long cytoplasmic processes or filopodia to invade the central yolk mass. Along their route of entrance, filopodia engulf portions of the yolk mass and sequester it into membrane-bounded granules. As this process continues, the yolk mass is gradually partitioned into a number of yolk granules inside the vitellophages.
Later in development, the yolk cell membrane is gradually replaced by the endodermal cells that emerge from the anterior and posterior embryonic rudiments. From this stage of development onwards, vitellophages remain attached to the basal lamina through long filopodia extending between the endodermal cells. Yolk confined in different vitellophagic cells appears heterogeneous both in density and texture, suggesting that yolk degradation may be spatially differentiated.  相似文献   
31P NMR chemical shifts of salts of adenosine 5′-triphosphate and diphosphate: ATPH2?22(Me4N+) · H2O, ATPH2?22 Na+ · 3.5 H2O, ATPH2?2Mg2+ · 4 H2O, ATPH2?2Ca2+ · 2 H2O, ADPH2?2(Me4N+) · H2O and ADPH2?Mg2+ · 4 H2O have been measured in 0.02 M 2H2O solutions at 145.7 MHz (22° C) at constant p2H values (8.20 and 6.20). The results are compared with those obtained from salts of adenosine 5′-monophosphate and other simpler phosphomonoesters, e.g. AMP2?2(Me4N+), AMP2?Mg2+, AMPH?Me4N+ and (AMPH?)2Mg2+. It is concluded that the effects exerted by Mg2+ and Ca2+ on the 31P NMR shifts of dipoly- and tripolyphosphates relative to monovalent cations are due mainly to changes in conformation of the polyphosphate chain rather than to purely electronic factors associated with the binding of divalent cations to the phospho-oxyanions. The data are consistent with the existence of the following complexes at p2H 8.20: (MgPαPβ)ADP? and (MgPαPγ)ATP2?af (MgPαPβ)ATP2?af (MgPβPγ)ATP2? with the latter equilibrium relatively fast in the NMR time scale. Monoprotonation of the terminal phosphate appears to weaken the Mg2+-polyphosphate binding, particularly at Pβ of MgADPH and at Pβ and Pγ of MgATPH?. The Mg2+-polyphosphate binding weakens further at p2H 3.70, i.e. in MgATPH2. Possible implications of the results in the mechanism of actomyosin Mg2+-ATPase in muscle contraction are discussed.  相似文献   
Serum and hepatic 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD), and serum calcium, phosphate, 25OHD3 binding capacity and binding affinity were measured in male and female trout. Both serum and hepatic 25OHD levels are decreased in female trout with elevations in protein bound calcium and phosphate. Whereas the apparent dissociation constant (Kd) for serum binding of 25OHD3 of 1.0–2.0 × 10?9M is similar in males and females, the 25OHD3 binding capacity of hypercalcemic spawning trout (1.39 × 10?7M) is significantly less than that of male fish (1.88 × 10?7M). At circulating serum concentrations of 25OHD which average 9.5 × 10?9M only 5–7% of trout serum 25OHD binding sites are occupied.  相似文献   
Because of the high risk of going unnoticed, cryptic species represent a major challenge to biodiversity assessments, and this is particularly true for taxa that include many such species, for example, bats. Long‐eared bats from the genus Plecotus comprise numerous cryptic species occurring in the Mediterranean Region and present complex phylogenetic relationships and often unclear distributions, particularly at the edge of their known ranges and on islands. Here, we combine Species Distribution Models (SDMs), field surveys and molecular analyses to shed light on the presence of a cryptic long‐eared bat species from North Africa, Plecotus gaisleri, on the islands of the Sicily Channel, providing strong evidence that this species also occurs in Europe, at least on the islands of the Western Mediterranean Sea that act as a crossroad between the Old Continent and Africa. Species Distribution Models built using African records of P. gaisleri and projected to the Sicily Channel Islands showed that all these islands are potentially suitable for the species. Molecular identification of Plecotus captured on Pantelleria, and recent data from Malta and Gozo, confirmed the species' presence on two of the islands in question. Besides confirming that P. gaisleri occurs on Pantelleria, haplotype network reconstructions highlighted moderate structuring between insular and continental populations of this species. Our results remark the role of Italy as a bat diversity hotspot in the Mediterranean and also highlight the need to include P. gaisleri in European faunal checklists and conservation directives, confirming the usefulness of combining different approaches to explore the presence of cryptic species outside their known ranges—a fundamental step to informing conservation.  相似文献   
The family Prochilodontidae is considered a group with well conserved chromosomes characterized by their number, morphology and banding patterns. Thence, our study aimed at accomplishing a cytogenetic analysis with conventional methods (Giemsa staining, silver staining of the nucleolus organizer regions-AgNOR, and C-banding) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S and 5S ribosomal DNA probes in five species of the Prochilodus genus (Prochilodus argenteus, Prochilodus brevis, Prochilodus costatus, Prochilodus lineatus and Prochilodus nigricans) collected from different Brazilian hydrographic basins. The results revealed conservatism in chromosome number, morphology, AgNORs 18S and 5S rDNAs location and constitutive heterochromatin distribution patterns. The minor differences observed in this work, such as an Ag-NOR on a P. argenteus chromosome and a distinct C-banding pattern in P. lineatus, are not sufficient to question the conservatism described for this group. Future work using repetitive DNA sequences as probes for FISH will be interesting to further test the cytogenetic conservatism in Prochilodus.  相似文献   
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