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Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is highly contagious and responsible for huge outbreaks among cloven hoofed animals. The aim of the present study is to evaluate a plasmid DNA immunization system that expresses the FMDV/O/IRN/2007 VP1 gene and compare it with the conventional inactivated vaccine in an animal model. The VP1 gene was sub-cloned into the unique Kpn I and BamH I cloning sites of the pcDNA3.1+ and pEGFP-N1 vectors to construct the VP1 gene cassettes. The transfected BHKT7 cells with sub-cloned pEGFP-N1-VP1 vector expressed GFP-VP1 fusion protein and displayed more green fluorescence spots than the transfected BHKT7 cells with pEGFP-N1 vector, which solely expressed the GFP protein. Six mice groups were respectively immunized by the sub-cloned pcDNA3.1+-VP1 gene cassette as the DNA vaccine, DNA vaccine and PCMV-SPORT-GMCSF vector (as molecular adjuvant) together, conventional vaccine, PBS (as negative control), pcDNA3.1+ vector (as control group) and PCMV-SPORT vector that contained the GMCSF gene (as control group). Significant neutralizing antibody responses were induced in the mice which were immunized using plasmid vectors expressing the VP1 and GMCSF genes together, the DNA vaccine alone and the conventional inactivated vaccine (P<0.05). Co-administration of DNA vaccine and GMCSF gene improved neutralizing antibody response in comparison with administration of the DNA vaccine alone, but this response was the most for the conventional vaccine group. However, induction of humeral immunity response in the conventional vaccine group was more protective than for the DNA vaccine, but T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ concentration were the most in DNA vaccine with the GMCSF gene. Therefore the group that was vaccinated by DNA vaccine with the GMCSF gene, showed protective neutralizing antibody response and the most Th1 cellular immunity.  相似文献   
Mannose‐capped lipoarabinomannan (ManLAM) is considered an important virulence factor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, while mannose caps have been reported to be responsible for various immunosuppressive activities of ManLAMobserved in vitro, there is conflicting evidence about their contribution to mycobacterial virulence in vivo. Therefore, we used Mycobacterium bovis BCG and M. tuberculosis mutants that lack the mannose cap of LAM to assess the role of ManLAM in the interaction of mycobacteria with the host cells, to evaluate vaccine‐induced protection and to determine its importance in M. tuberculosis virulence. Deletion of the mannose cap did not affect BCG survival and replication in macrophages, although the capless mutant induced a somewhat higher production of TNF. In dendritic cells, the capless mutant was able to induce the upregulation of co‐stimulatory molecules and the only difference we detected was the secretion of slightly higher amounts of IL‐10 as compared to the wild type strain. In mice, capless BCG survived equally well and induced an immune response similar to the parental strain. Furthermore, the efficacy of vaccination against a M. tuberculosis challenge in low‐dose aerosol infection models in mice and guinea pigs was not affected by the absence of the mannose caps in the BCG. Finally, the lack of the mannose cap in M. tuberculosis did not affect its virulence in mice nor its interaction with macrophages in vitro. Thus, these results do not support a major role for the mannose caps of LAM in determining mycobacterial virulence and immunogenicity in vivo in experimental animal models of infection, possibly because of redundancy of function.  相似文献   
Plasmonics - Based on the influence of edge effect and channel shape, two new graphene nanoribbon field effect transistors are presented being useful in high-voltage and highly sensitive optical...  相似文献   
Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a member of the heat shock family of molecular chaperones that regulate protein conformation and activity. Hsp90 regulates multiple cell signaling pathways by controlling the abundance and activity of several important protein kinases and cell cycle-related proteins. In this report, we show that inhibition of Hsp90 by geldanamycin or its derivative, 17-allylamino-17-desmethoxygeldamycin, leads to activation of the Rho GTPase and a dramatic increase in actin stress fiber formation in human tumor cell lines. Inactivation of Rho prevents geldanamycin-induced actin reorganization. Hsp90 inactivation does not alter the appearance of filopodia or lamellipodia and tubulin architecture is not visibly perturbed. Our observations suggest that Hsp90 has an important and specific role in regulating Rho activity and Rho-dependent actin cytoskeleton remodeling.  相似文献   
Information about the cellular concentrations of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) is instrumental for mechanistic studies of DNA replication and for understanding diseases caused by defects in dNTP metabolism. The dNTPs are measured by methods based on either HPLC or DNA polymerization. An advantage with the HPLC-based techniques is that the parallel analysis of ribonucleoside triphosphates (rNTPs) can serve as an internal quality control of nucleotide integrity and extraction efficiency. We have developed a Freon-free trichloroacetic acid-based method to extract cellular nucleotides and an isocratic reverse phase HPLC-based technique that is able to separate dNTPs, rNTPs and ADP in a single run. The ability to measure the ADP levels improves the control of nucleotide integrity, and the use of an isocratic elution overcomes the shifting baseline problems in previously developed gradient-based reversed phase protocols for simultaneously measuring dNTPs and rNTPs. An optional DNA-polymerase-dependent step is used for confirmation that the dNTP peaks do not overlap with other components of the extracts, further increasing the reliability of the analysis. The method is compatible with a wide range of biological samples and has a sensitivity better than other UV-based HPLC protocols, closely matching that of mass spectrometry-based detection.  相似文献   
Microarray technology allows co-regulated genes to be identified. In order to identify genes that are controlled by specific regulators, gene expression can be compared in mutant and wild-type bacteria. However, there are a number of pitfalls with this approach; in particular, the regulator may not be active under the conditions in which the wild-type strain is cultured. Once co-regulated genes have been identified, proteinbinding motifs can be identified. By combining these data with a map of promoters, or operons (the operome), the regulatory networks in the cell (the regulome) can start to be built up.  相似文献   
To determine relationships between Helicobacter pylori geographical origin and type II methylase activity, we examined 122 strains from various locations around the world for methylase expression. Most geographic regions possessed at least one strain resistant to digestion by each of 14 restriction endonucleases studied. Across all of the strains studied, the average number of active methylases was 8.2 ± 1.9 with no significant variation between the major geographic regions. Although seven pairs of isolates showed the same susceptibility patterns, their cagA/vacA status differed, and the remaining 108 strains each possessed unique patterns of susceptibility. From a single clonal group, 15 of 18 strains showed identical patterns of resistance, but diverged with respect to M.MboII activity. All of the methylases studied were present in all major human population groupings, suggesting that their horizontal acquisition pre-dated the separation of these populations. For the hpyV and hpyAIV restriction-modification systems, an in-depth analysis of genotype, indicating extensive diversity of cassette size and chromosomal locations regardless of the susceptibility phenotype, points toward substantial strain-specific selection involving these loci.  相似文献   
The bacterial insertion sequence IS903 has the unusual ability to transpose both replicatively and non-replicatively. The majority of products are simple insertions, while co-integrates, the product of replicative transposition, occur at a low frequency (<0.1% of simple insertions). In order to define the critical steps that determine the outcome of IS903 transposition, we have isolated mutants that specifically increase the rate of replicative transposition. Here we show that the nucleotide immediately flanking the transposon influences both overall transposition frequency and co-integrate formation. In particular, when the 3'-flanking nucleotide is A, co-integrates are increased 500-fold compared with a 3' C. In addition, we have isolated five transposase mutants that increase replicative transposition. These residues are close to the catalytic residues and are thus likely to be part of the active site. These are the first transposase mutations described that affect the product of transposition. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that a delay in cleavage of the 5'-flanking DNA will increase the effective half-life of the 3'-nicked transposon intermediate and consequently enhance co-integrate formation.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial activation and the production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) are crucial for CD4+ T cell responses and have a role in naïve cell signaling after TCR activation. However, little is known about mROS role in TCR-independent signaling and in recall responses. Here, we found that mROS are required for IL-12 plus IL-18-driven production of IFN-γ, an essential cytokine for inflammatory and autoimmune disease development. Compared to TCR stimulation, which induced similar levels of mROS in naïve and memory-like cells, IL-12/IL-18 showed faster and augmented mROS production in memory-like cells. mROS inhibition significantly downregulated IFN-γ and CD44 expression, suggesting a direct mROS effect on memory-like T cell function. The mechanism that promotes IFN-γ production after IL-12/IL-18 challenge depended on the effect of mROS on optimal activation of downstream signaling pathways, leading to STAT4 and NF-κB activation. To relate our findings to IFN-γ-driven lupus-like disease, we used Fas-deficient memory-like CD4+ T cells from lpr mice. Importantly, we found significantly increased IFN-γ and mROS production in lpr compared with parental cells. Treatment of WT cells with FasL significantly reduced mROS production and the activation of signaling events leading to IFN-γ. Moreover, Fas deficiency was associated with increased mitochondrial levels of cytochrome C and caspase-3 compared with WT memory-like cells. mROS inhibition significantly reduced the population of disease-associated lpr CD44hiCD62LloCD4+ T cells and their IFN-γ production. Overall, these findings uncovered a previously unidentified role of Fas/FasL interaction in regulating mROS production by memory-like T cells. This apoptosis-independent Fas activity might contribute to the accumulation of CD44hiCD62LloCD4+ T cells that produce increased IFN-γ levels in lpr mice. Overall, our findings pinpoint mROS as central regulators of TCR-independent signaling, and support mROS pharmacological targeting to control aberrant immune responses in autoimmune-like disease.Subject terms: Autoimmunity, Cytokines  相似文献   
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