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Sericin gene expression in the middle silk glands during Bombyx mori larval development was analyzed using probes from a genomic DNA clone for 10.5 kb sericin mRNA. The 10.5 kb mRNA, the most abundant in the fifth instar, is not detected in the third feeding, fourth feeding and fourth moulting stages. It becomes detectable at 2 days of the fifth instar, and accumulates rapidly. The second major mRNA in the late fifth instar, a 9.0 kb component having a similar sequence to the 10.5 kb mRNA, becomes detectable only at 6 and 7 days of the instar by use of the repetitious coding sequence probe of the sericin clone. Using the same probe about 20 kb RNAs with a fainter intensity than that of the major mRNAs are detected. They are present extremely faintly in the third and fourth feeding stages, disappear in the fourth moulting stage, and increase in the fifth instar. Two other faint poly(A)+ RNA components are detected by a DNA probe containing the 5' end sequence of the sericin clone. One is 4.3 kb, and appears in the third, fourth and fifth feeding stages but not in the fourth moulting stage. The other is 3.0 kb, and it becomes detectable after 1 day of the fifth instar.  相似文献   
Daily alternating temperatures or a short exposure to low orhigh temperatures were necessary for the germination of eggplantseeds at the initial stage of after-ripening. But requirementsbecame less strict with the progress of after-ripening, andafter 4 to 8 months of afterripening, germination occurred easilyboth at constant (20 and 25) and daily alternating temperatures(30 for 16hrs and then 20 for 8hrs). With further progress in after-ripening, however, daily alternatingtemperatures or a short exposure to low or high temperaturesbecame again indispensable for attaining a high percentage ofgermination. The progress of after-ripening was greatly influencedby the degree of seed ripening, that is, by the period beforethe seeds were sampled from fruits after anthesis (ripening). The effect of GA on the germination of egg plant seeds varieddepending on the concentration of GA, temperature and the degreeof maturity (ripening and after-ripening) of the seeds. (Received March 8, 1968; )  相似文献   
Changes in total nitrogen and free amino acid contents in stemcuttings of Morus alba have been studied. The fresh and dryweights and total nitrogen amounts of the parent stems of cuttingsdecreased initially after cutting. Their increase follows theformation of main roots in cuttings, suggesting that, like carbohydrates,sugars and starch, stored nitrogenous substances are used forsprouting and rooting of cuttings. Amino acids found in stems,roots and shoots are those common in other higher plants withthe exception of pipecolic acid and 5-hydroxypipecolic acid.Significant changes in the levels of asparagine, proline, arginine,-aminobutyric acid and alanine in roots, bark and wood of parentstems were observed during cutting growth, whereas those ofother amino acids remained comparatively constant; the mostpredominant amino acid in the starting materials was proline.while that in the cuttings during growth was asparagine. Theresults suggest that, among free amino acids, asparagine, prolineand arginine play the major part in storage of nitrogen in mulberry.The importance of glut-amine and asparagine in nitrogen metabolismin mulberry has been discussed.  相似文献   
Ptomascopus morio displays simpler parental care than Nicrophorus species. The effects of carcass size and clutch number on clutch size in P. morio were examined. Clutch size was related to carcass size. There was a negative correlation between number of clutch and clutch size for most sizes of carcass. Longevity of females was shorter when the carcass size was larger, such that total lifetime fecundity did not differ among carcasses of different sizes. The clutch size of P. morio was larger than that of Nicrophorus quadripunctatus. The clutch size of P. morio declined rapidly with repeated clutch production, but that of N. quadripunctatus was rather constant. This indicates that N. quadripunctatus maintains a more constant clutch size than P. morio over several reproductive attempts, although the former displays more complex parental care.  相似文献   
1. Habitat loss and fragmentation potentially affect the performance of bees that forage nectar and pollen of plants in their habitats. In forest landscapes, silvicultural conifer plantations often have reduced and fragmented natural broadleaf forests, which seem to provide more floral resources for bees than do the plantations. 2. This study evaluated the effects of forest characteristics (i.e. elevation, area, edge length, and tree size of natural forests) on pollen diets (plant taxa assemblages of pollen grains in provisions) and total provision mass in oviposited chambers in nests made by a standardised number of Osmia cornifrons bees at 14 sites in a forestry area in central Japan. 3. From April to May, the numbers of nests and chambers per nest increased, and the provision mass per chamber decreased. Main pollen sources were Prunus at higher elevations in April and Wisteria at lower elevations in May, foraging on which increased the numbers of nests and chambers per nest. The provision mass per chamber was smaller at higher elevations in more fragmented natural forests. Decreases in the area of natural forests within the foraging range (400‐m radii) of O. cornifrons increased the utilisation of Rubus pollen and decreased the total provision mass. 4. These findings suggest that the loss and fragmentation of natural broadleaf forests change pollen diets and reduce the provision mass of mason bees, which may reduce the number and size of their offspring.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis during photoinduced, synchronous progression of the cell cycle in single-celled protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris was studied by tracer techniques. Nuclei of the protonemata were labelled with 3H-thymidine during spore germination so that the amount of 3H incorporated into the TCA-insoluble fraction of the cells could be used as a measure of the cell number in each sample. The rate of the incorporation of 14C-amino acids into TCA-insoluble materials was not significantly varied at different stages of the cell cycle or by treatment with blue light. Extracts of cells labelled with 35S-methionine at various times after the transfer from red light condition (G0) to darkness (G1 to S) were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. At least 3 of about 200 spots showed significant changes in intensity on fluorograms. Spot A (molecular weight 20,000, isoelectric point 6.3) was detectable only in early G1, whereas spot B (molecular weight 19,500, isoelectric point 6.3) was found only in the late G1 and S phases. When the cells were exposed to blue light before the dark incubation, the times of disappearance of spot A and appearance of spot B were advanced depending upon the progression of the cell cycle but not upon the clock time.  相似文献   
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