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Kainate receptors (KARs) are a class of ionotropic glutamate receptors that are expressed throughout the central nervous system. The function and subcellular localization of KARs are tightly regulated by accessory proteins. We have previously identified the single-pass transmembrane proteins, Neto1 and Neto2, to be associated with native KARs. In the hippocampus, Neto1, but not Neto2, controls the abundance and modulates the kinetics of postsynaptic KARs. Here we evaluated whether Neto2 regulates synaptic KAR levels in the cerebellum where Neto1 expression is limited to the deep cerebellar nuclei. In the cerebellum, where Neto2 is present abundantly, we found a ∼40% decrease in GluK2-KARs at the postsynaptic density (PSD) of Neto2-null mice. No change, however, was observed in total level of GluK2-KARs, thereby suggesting a critical role of Neto2 on the synaptic localization of cerebellar KARs. The presence of a putative class II PDZ binding motif on Neto2 led us to also investigate whether it interacts with PDZ domain-containing proteins previously implicated in regulating synaptic abundance of KARs. We identified a PDZ-dependent interaction between Neto2 and the scaffolding protein GRIP. Furthermore, coexpression of Neto2 significantly increased the amount of GRIP associated with GluK2, suggesting that Neto2 may promote and/or stabilize GluK2:GRIP interactions. Our results demonstrate that Neto2, like Neto1, is an important auxiliary protein for modulating the synaptic levels of KARs. Moreover, we propose that the interactions of Neto1/2 with various scaffolding proteins is a critical mechanism by which KARs are stabilized at diverse synapses.  相似文献   
La Paz Bay and La Paz Lagoon are water bodies of the Gulf of California that are influenced by waste water discharges from the City of La Paz and from activities of the phosphorite mining company “Rofomex”. Because seaweeds concentrate elements from the water and are used as effective indicators of contamination by metals, we investigated their usefulness in this region. Concentrations of certain major elements (Ca, Fe, K and Na) and trace elements (As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Ta, Th, U, Zn and Zr) were determined in 12 species of seaweeds from La Paz Bay and La Paz Lagoon using instrumental neutron activation analysis. The contents of trace elements of environmental importance (As, Co, Cr, Fe, Sb, Se and Zn) in all studied samples are within the range of typical levels for a pristine environment not subjected to anthropogenic impact. Somewhat higher concentrations of Cr (81mg kg−1), Hf (4mg kg−1), Rb (48mg kg−1), Sc (6.3mg kg−1), Ta (0.95mg kg−1), Th (6.8mg kg−1), U (33mg kg−1) and Zn (90mg kg−1) were found in the green seaweed species Ulva (formerly Enteromorpha) intestinalis, whereas such elements as As (77mg kg−1), Sb (1.4mg kg−1) and Se (1.8mg kg−1) were mainly concentrated in the species Sargassum sinicola, Codium cuneatum and Padina mexicana respectively. Because of their higher abundance and heterogeneity in elemental composition the seaweeds species Ulva intestinalis and Caulerpa sertularioides seem to be more suitable for further biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution of the coastal waters in this zone.  相似文献   
Von Willebrand factor (vWf) functions both as a carrier of factor VIII (fVIII) in plasma and as an adhesive protein providing the primary link between collagen of the extracellular matrix and platelets sequestered from blood flow. The functional activity of vWf correlates with the level of its binding to collagen, which is commonly measured in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We developed an automated collagen-binding assay employing the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon, which allows one to quantitatively measure the binding of purified vWf and vWf-containing therapeutic fVIII concentrates to collagen type III immobilized on a biosensor chip. The results of the SPR-based assay highly correlated (r = 0.987) with collagen-binding ELISA. The advantages of the SPR-based assay are its higher accuracy and reproducibility in comparison with ELISA. We applied the developed assay for monitoring structural changes in the vWf component of plasma-derived fVIII/vWf concentrates during a virus inactivation procedure performed by heat treatment. We determined the critical residual moisture content of 2% that can be present in lyophilized concentrates during heat-treatment procedures without causing deteriorative changes in vWf properties. Our data suggest that the SPR-based assay is a useful tool in the development of industrial virus-inactivation procedures, allowing one to preserve vWf activity and achieve the maximal therapeutic efficacy of fVIII/vWf concentrates.  相似文献   
Regulation of the coagulation factor VIII (fVIII) level in circulation involves a hepatic receptor low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP). One of two major LRP binding sites in fVIII is located within the A2 domain (A2), likely exposed within the fVIII complex with von Willebrand factor and contributing to regulation of fVIII via LRP. This work aimed to identify A2 residues forming its LRP-binding site, previously shown to involve residues 484-509. Isolated A2 was subjected to alanine-scanning mutagenesis followed by expression of a set of mutants in a baculovirus system. In competition and surface plasmon resonance assays, affinities of A2 mutants K466A, R471A, R484A, S488A, R489A, R490A, H497A, and K499A for LRP were found to be decreased by 2-4-fold. This correlated with 1.3-1.5-fold decreases in the degree of LRP-mediated internalization of the mutants in cell culture. Combining these mutations into pairs led to cumulative effects, i.e., 7-13-fold decrease in affinity for LRP and 1.6-2.2-fold decrease in the degree of LRP-mediated internalization in cell culture. We conclude that the residues mentioned above play a key role in formation of the A2 binding epitope for LRP. Experiments in mice revealed an approximately 4.5 times shorter half-life for A2 in the circulation in comparison with that of fVIII. The half-lives of A2 mutant R471A/R484A or A2 co-injected with receptor-associated protein, a classical ligand of LRP, were prolonged by approximately 1.9 and approximately 3.5 times, respectively, compared to that of A2. This further confirms the importance of the mutated residues for interaction of A2 with LRP and suggests the existence of an LRP-dependent mechanism for removing A2 as a product of dissociation of activated fVIII from the circulation.  相似文献   
Factor VIII is activated and inactivated by plasmin by limited proteolysis. In our one-stage clotting assay, these plasmin-catalyzed reactions were inhibited by the addition of isolated factor VIII A2 subunits and by Glu-Gly-Arg-active-site modified factor IXa. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that an anti-A2 monoclonal antibody, recognizing the factor IXa-interactive site (residues 484-509), blocked the plasmin-catalyzed cleavage at Arg(336) and Arg(372) but not at Arg(740). Surface plasmon resonance-based assays and ELISA demonstrated that the A2 subunit bound to active-site modified anhydro-plasmin with high affinity (K(d): 21 nM). Both an anti-A2 monoclonal antibody and a peptide comprising of A2 residues 479-504 blocked A2 binding by approximately 80% and approximately 55%, respectively. Mutant A2 molecules where the basic residues in A2 were converted to alanine were evaluated for binding of anhydro-plasmin. Among the tested mutants, the R484A A2 mutant possessed approximately 250-fold lower affinity than the wild-type A2. The affinities of K377A, K466A, and R471A mutants were decreased by 10-20-fold. The inhibitory effect of R484A mutant on plasmin-catalyzed inactivation of factor VIIIa was approximately 20% of that of wild-type A2. In addition, the inactivation rate by plasmin of factor VIIIa reconstituted with R484A mutant was approximately 3-fold lower than that with wild-type A2. These findings demonstrate that Arg(484) plays a key role within the A2 plasmin-binding site, responsible for plasmin-catalyzed factor VIII(a) inactivation.  相似文献   
The function of the KCNQ4 channel in the auditory setting is crucial to hearing, underpinned by the finding that mutations of the channel result in an autosomal dominant form of nonsyndromic progressive high frequency hearing loss. The precise function of KCNQ4 in the inner ear has not been established. However, recently we demonstrated that there is differential expression among four splice variants of KCNQ4 (KCNQ4_v1-v4) along the tonotopic axis of the cochlea. Alternative splicing specifies the outcome of functional channels by modifying the amino acid sequences within the C terminus at a site designated as the membrane proximal region. We show that variations within the C terminus of splice variants produce profound differences in the voltage-dependent phenotype and functional expression of the channel. KCNQ4_v4 lacks exons 9-11, resulting in deletion of 54 amino acid residues adjacent to the S6 domain compared with KCNQ4_v1. Consequently, the voltage-dependent activation of KCNQ4_v4 is shifted leftward by approximately 20 mV, and the number of functional channels is increased severalfold compared with KCNQ4_v1. The properties of KCNQ4_v2 and KCNQ4_v3 fall between KCNQ4_v1 and KCNQ4_v4. Because of variations in the calmodulin binding domains of the splice variants, the channels are differentially modulated by calmodulin. Co-expression of these splice variants yielded current magnitudes suggesting that the channels are composed of heterotetramers. Indeed, a dominant negative mutant of KCNQ4_v1 cripples the currents of the entire KCNQ4 channel family. Furthermore, the dominant negative KCNQ4 mutant stifles the activity of KCNQ2-5, raising the possibility of a global disruption of KCNQ channel activity and the ensuing auditory phenotype.  相似文献   
We report on the construction of maize minichromosomes using shuttle vectors harboring native centromeric segments, origins of replication, selectable marker genes, and telomeric repeats. These vectors were introduced into scutellar cells of maize immature embryos by microprojectile bombardment. Several independent transformation events were identified containing minichromosomes in addition to the normal diploid complement of 20 maize chromosomes. Immunostaining indicated that the minichromosomes recruited centromeric protein C, which is a specific component of the centromere/kinetochore complex. Minichromosomes were estimated to be 15–30 Mb in size based on cytological measurements. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that minichromosomes contain the centromeric, telomeric, and exogenous unique marker sequences interspersed with maize retrotransposons. Minichromosomes were detected for at least a year in actively dividing callus cultures, providing evidence for their stability through numerous cell cycles. Plants were regenerated and minichromosomes were detected in root tips, providing confirmation of their normal replication and transmission during mitosis and through organogenesis. Assembly of maize artificial chromosomes may provide a tool to study centromere function and a foundation for developing new high capacity vectors for plant functional genomics and breeding. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Evgueni V. Ananiev, deceased Evgueni V. Ananiev and Chengcang Wu contributed equally to this work. Novel materials described in this publication may be available for noncommercial research purposes on acceptance and signing of a material transfer agreement. In some cases, such materials may contain or be derived from materials obtained from a third party. In such cases, the distribution of material will be subject to the requisite permission from any third-party owners, licensors, or controllers of all or parts of the material. Obtaining any permission will be the sole responsibility of the requestor.  相似文献   
Novel potent derivatives of N-(aryl)-4-(azolylethyl)thiazole-5-carboxamides are described as inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor II (VEGFR-2). Several compounds display VEGFR-2 inhibitory activity reaching IC(50)<100 nM in both enzymatic and cellular assays. The compounds also inhibit the related tyrosine kinase, VEGFR-1. By controlling the substitution pattern on the 5-carboxamido pharmacophore, both dual and specific VEGFR-2 thiazoles were identified.  相似文献   
Oxadiazole derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for their ability to inhibit tubulin polymerization and to cause mitotic arrest in tumor cells. The most potent compounds inhibited tubulin polymerization at concentrations below 1 microM. Lead analogs caused mitotic arrest of A431 human epidermoid cells and cells derived from multi-drug resistant tumors (10, EC(50)=7.8 nM). Competition for the colchicine binding site and pharmacokinetic properties of selected potent compounds were also investigated and are reported herein, along with structure-activity relationships for this novel series of antimitotic agents.  相似文献   
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