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Summary In Antirrhinum majus the transposable element Tam3 has been described at two unlinked loci pallida and nivea, both of which are required for the production of anthocyanin pigment in flowers. In each case the element is inserted in the promoter region and gives a variegated phenotype. We show that the rate of Tam3 excision at both loci is greatly affected by temperature, being approximately 1000-fold higher at 15°C compared with 25°C. Tam3 is also controlled by an unlinked gene Stabiliser, which considerably reduces excision rate. We show that the high degree of sensitivity to temperature and Stabiliser is an intrinsic property of Tam3 which is not shared by an unrelated element, Tam1. The Tam3 insertion at nivea gives rise to a series of alleles which confer reduced pigmentation, novel spatial patterns and changed instability. These are probably a result of imprecise excision and rearrangements of the Tam3 element.  相似文献   
Summary A combination treatment with thymosin 1 (200 µg/kg) for 4 days, followed by a single injection of murine interferon / (3 × 104 international units/mouse), starting 2 days after cyclophosphamide treatment (200 mg/kg, single injection) demonstrated a dramatic and rapid disappearance of tumor burden in mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) tumor. The effectiveness of this new chemoimmunotherapy protocol was evident even on the long-term survival in a high percentage of animals, and was statistically significant when compared to treatment with the single agents in conjunction with chemotherapy or to chemotherapy itself. The same combination immunotherapy treatment strongly stimulated natural killer activity and cytotoxicity against autologus 3LL tumor cells in 3LL-tumor-bearing mice treated with cyclophosphamide, whereas treatments with each agent singly did not alter or only slightly modified the cytotoxic activity towards Yac-1 or 3LL target cells. Selective depletion with antibodies showed that killer cells stimulated by combination chemoimmunotherapy treatment bear phenotypic characteristics of asialo-GM1-positive cells. A histological study has shown a high number of infiltrating lymphoid cells in the tumors obtained from mice treated with combination chemoimmunotherapy.  相似文献   
Purified pig relaxin (3000 U/mg) was injected i.m. into pregnant Holstein dairy heifers on Day 276 or 277 to determine its effect on parturition and sequential measurements of the pelvic area, cervical dilatation, and peripheral blood-plasma concentrations of progesterone and relaxin. Treatments included phosphate-buffer saline (2 ml, Group C, N = 7), relaxin once (1 mg, Group 1R, N = 7), and twice (2 mg, 12 h apart; Group 2R, N = 7). Intervals (mean +/- s.e.) between the first injection of relaxin or PBS and calving were 64 +/- 17, 80 +/- 19 and 125 +/- 34 h for Groups 2R, 1R and C, respectively. The calving intervals were reduced in Groups 2R (P less than 0.01) and 1R (P less than 0.05) compared with Group C. The incidence of dystocia was 29% (2 of 7) in Group 2R and 43% (3 of 7) in Group 1R compared with 57% (4 of 7) in Group C (P less than 0.01). Body weights and ratios of males to females of the calves were similar (P greater than 0.05) between groups. Progesterone plasma concentrations decreased (P less than 0.01) earlier in Groups 1R and 2R compared with Group C, and this acute decrease began within 6 h of treatment. At 24 h after relaxin or PBS injection, progesterone concentrations were 2.7 +/- 1.1 ng/ml for Group 2R, 3.5 +/- 0.9 ng/ml for Group 1R, and 6.0 +/- 0.1 ng/ml for Group C. Relaxin reached peak blood-plasma levels of 19 +/- 2.2 ng/ml 1 h after injection of relaxin, but remained unchanged, 0.3 +/- 0.01 ng/ml, in Group C. Pelvic area was increased 26%, 22% and 14% and cervical dilatation was increased 109%, 76% and 53% 48 h after injection in Groups 2R, 1R and C, respectively, but these responses were similar among groups at the time of parturition. We conclude that two i.m. injections of relaxin facilitated earlier calving, acutely decreased progesterone secretion, increased cervical dilatation and pelvic area expansion, and decreased the incidence of dystocia in dairy heifers.  相似文献   
Recently, we isolated from the serum of pregnant women a factor that induced rapid proliferation of a lactogen-dependent rat lymphoma cell line (Nb2). This mitogenic factor is reasonably specific to pregnancy, since it was present in serum samples from second trimester as well as term-pregnant women, but not in those of adult men or cycling females. It is unlikely that this mitogenic activity (referred to as pregnancy mitogen [PM]) is due to contamination by classical lactogens, since acetone fractionation of serum yielded a preparation devoid of placental lactogen and prolactin, as determined by radioimmunoassays. Further purification of acetone precipitates from term-pregnant serum by ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration yielded a mitogenic activity with a relative mol wt of approximately 10,000. PM activity in the NB2 cell bioassay was not affected by the presence of prolactin antiserum. However, its activity was immunoneutralized by coincubation with anti-placental lactogen serum and, to a lesser extent, anti-growth hormone serum. It appears that PM was not generated by our extraction procedure, since gel filtration of whole serum also yielded a bioactive fraction of approximately 10 kDa. PM was further purified to homogeneity by high-performance liquid chromatography. Examination of the preliminary amino acid composition of PM revealed differences from that of a bioactive fragment of growth hormone and a corresponding portion of placental lactogen, suggesting that PM could be either a molecular variant of these hormones or a novel protein.  相似文献   
Two crystal forms of calcium carbonate were observed: calcite (utricle) and aragonite (saccule, lagena, endolymphatic sac). The first step in otolith formation is the appearance of organic structures in the macula. The subsequent step is characterized by fast growing primitive crystals with a prismatic habitus that successively transform into adult or mature crystals. With the metamorphosis, the aragonite crystals of the endolymphatic organ show clear signs of erosion that can be related to a process of CaCO3 mobilization from such deposits.  相似文献   
The effects of thymosin-α1 on the stimulation of specific release of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) from splenic lymphocytes and thymocytes were studied. Experiments were also performed to study in parallel the absolute levels of thymosin-α1 in the blood and the induction of serum FTS activity and of azathioprine sensitivity of spleen cells from adult thymectomized (ATx) mice. A significant difference in the release of PGE2 between normal splenocytes and splenocytes from ATx mice was observed. Thymosin-α1 at certain concentrations was able to stimulate PGE2 release from lymphocytes of ATx mice while inhibiting release in lymphocytes of normal mice. Also, thymocytes were stimulated to release PGE2 after incubation with α1 in a manner similar to that seen in spleen cells of ATx mice. Approximately the same concentration of α1 was found to also correct the low azathioprine sensitivity of splenocytes from ATx mice. Determinations of FTS-like activity in the blood and the pharmacokinetics of α1 after administration of this synthetic molecule show a clear dissociation. A maximum peak of α1 activity was obtained after 1 hr, while maximal FTS-like activity was observed after 24 hr. The inhibition of the induction by α1 of FTS-like activity and of Thy 1.2 antigen by indomethacin suggests that the action of α1 requires prostaglandin biosynthesis.  相似文献   
The tendency toward extremely high variability among relaxins derived from purportedly closely related species has come to an abrupt end with the discovery of quasi-porcine relaxin in the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and the Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni). An aqueous abstract of the corpora lutea of the two baleen whales contained significant amounts of relaxin-like activity as determined by a mouse bioassay and by cross-reactivity with anti-pig relaxin antibodies. The activity could be isolated and purified to homogeneity. Sequence analysis revealed that both whale relaxins differed from each other by about 3 residues, whereas the relaxin of B. edeni differed at only one position from that of pig relaxin. The similarity appears to include even the chain length heterogeneity observed at the C-terminal end of the B chain in porcine relaxin which is produced by a peculiar mode of connecting peptide removal from the pro-hormone. This finding may well represent one of the better documented challenges to the current paradigm of molecular evolution.  相似文献   
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