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We have generated antibodies against synthetic peptides which represent the carboxyl terminus of either the major, or the two minor, forms of the rat hepatic lectin which recognizes galactose-terminated glycoproteins (asialoglycoproteins). The antibodies were shown to be specific for the form of the lectin containing the immunizing peptide sequence by the following: reaction with purified lectin after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoprecipitation of sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured lectin, immunoprecipitation of lectin synthesized in vitro. These antibodies, however, precipitated all three rat hepatic lectin forms from nonionic detergent extracts of hepatocytes labeled with 125I via the lactoperoxidase catalyzed technique. A similar result was obtained if antibody was bound to intact cells prior to solubilization with detergent and collection of the immune complexes. We conclude that at least the plasma membrane-associated fraction of the rat hepatic lectin forms exists as a heterotypic complex.  相似文献   
Reovirus is a nonenveloped mammalian virus that provides a useful model system for studies of viral infections in the young. Following internalization into host cells, the outermost capsid of reovirus virions is removed by endosomal cathepsin proteases. Determinants of capsid disassembly kinetics reside in the viral σ3 protein. However, the contribution of capsid stability to reovirus-induced disease is unknown. In this study, we found that mice inoculated intramuscularly with a serotype 3 reovirus containing σ3-Y354H, a mutation that reduces viral capsid stability, succumbed at a higher rate than those infected with wild-type virus. At early times after inoculation, σ3-Y354H virus reached higher titers than wild-type virus at several sites within the host. Animals inoculated perorally with a serotype 1 reassortant reovirus containing σ3-Y354H developed exaggerated myocarditis accompanied by elaboration of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Surprisingly, unchallenged littermates of mice infected with σ3-Y354H virus displayed higher titers in the intestine, heart, and brain than littermates of mice inoculated with wild-type virus. Together, these findings suggest that diminished capsid stability enhances reovirus replication, dissemination, lethality, and host-to-host spread, establishing a new virulence determinant for nonenveloped viruses.  相似文献   
Concentrations of trypsin that bring about aggregation of hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells also release from the cell surface an Mr = 55,000 glycopeptide fragment. This glycopeptide fragment also accumulates in the medium, including serum-free medium, as a normal consequence of membrane protein turnover. The trypsin-released glycopeptide is labeled when cells are grown in the presence of fucose or leucine before treatment of the cells with the protease. Similarly, the glycopeptide fragment can be labeled by reacting cells in situ by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodination or by tritiated borohydride reduction of cells treated first with neuraminidase and galactose oxidase. The tryptic glycopeptide fragment was purified by concanavalin A-Sepharose chromatography, and hydroxyapatite chromatography in the presence of dodecyl sulfate. The amino acid and carbohydrate composition was determined, as was the sensitivity of the purified glycopeptide to a variety of endo- and exoglycosidases. The purified glycopeptide contains an average of 17 sialic acid residues and hence, shows charge heterogeneity after electrophoresis in isoelectric focusing gels. The charge heterogeneity can be eliminated completely by treatment with neuraminidase. The glycopeptide after this treatment is homogeneous. The trypsin-sensitive membrane glycoprotein which is the source of the Mr = 55,000 glycopeptide was identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoretic analysis of labeled cells, treated or not treated with trypsin. This glycoprotein, which has an apparent molecular weight of 85,000 and forms a homodimer in the presence of calcium ions, was purified and its identity as the parent of the Mr = 55,000 glycopeptide was confirmed by showing that the same Mr = 55,000 fragment was released by trypsin from the purified glycoprotein as was released from the intact cells.  相似文献   
We report the potential phylogenetic utility of DNA sequence data from the last 700 bp of a ca. 1-kb intron of the MADS-box gene pistillata from a sampling of Sphaerocardamum species and other Brassicaceae. These results are compared with nrDNA ITS and the chloroplast trnL intron for the same taxa to demonstrate the potential phylogenetic utility of this pistillata intron and to identify potential historically independent sequences for an ongoing study of relationships within Sphaerocardamum. Analyses of the DNA sequence data for Brassicaceae indicated that pairwise divergences and potentially informative characters were higher in the pistillata intron (0.6-30.8%, 284 characters) and ITS (0-24%, 94 characters) than in the chloroplast trnL intron (0-4.2%, 17 characters). A comparison of Sphaerocardamum sequences identified low divergences and numbers of informative characters for trnL intron (0-2.4%, 1 character) and nrDNA ITS (0-2.5%, 2 characters) and substantially more variation among the pistillata sequences (0.15-3.7%, 19 characters). Phylogenetic analyses of these pistillata sequences fully resolve ingroup relationships without character conflict. Results of pistillata PCR amplifications from a broader dicot sample showed that some primers may be useful in amplifying orthologous pistillata sequences. Ultimately this pistillata intron may be a valuable source of phylogenetic characters at lower taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
A mechanism is suggested, based on a biphasic approach-withdrawal theory proposed byT. C. Schneirla, to account for how behaviours may be selected by environmental forces for transmission over generations. The basic postulates of Schneirla's theory are presented followed by an examination of some aspects of lorisid behaviour in the light of this theory.  相似文献   
A Mr = 110,000 glycoprotein, GP 110, was partially purified using wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose affinity chromatography from a bile canalicular-enriched membrane fraction denoted N2u of rat liver. This fraction was subjected to preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the Mr = 110,000 polypeptide was excised and used as an immunogen in rabbits. The antisera were found to specifically recognize a Mr = 110,000 polypeptide, named GP 110, in the N2u membrane fraction. In isolated hepatocytes, GP 110 was readily accessible to cell surface iodination catalyzed by lactoperoxidase at 4 degrees C and was judged by immunoprecipitation studies to contain about 2% of total radioactivity incorporated into externally oriented proteins of the cell. Immunoprecipitated GP 110 was shown by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to migrate with an approximate pI of 4.9. Indirect immunofluorescence on frozen liver sections demonstrated that GP 110 was primarily localized in the bile canaliculus. In corroborative studies employing subcellular fractionation, it was found that GP 110 was enriched nearly 19-fold in P2, a plasma membrane fraction primarily derived from the sinusoidal domain, and 44-fold in N2u. In contrast, only low levels of GP 110 were present in endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial, cytosolic, and nuclear-enriched fractions of liver. The physiological function of GP 110 is as yet unknown; antisera to it did not immunoprecipitate other known bile canalicular proteins of similar molecular weights. GP 110 was found to be extensively glycosylated relative to other known membrane proteins; approximately 33% of the apparent molecular weight appear to be carbohydrate. In agreement, limited removal of N-linked carbohydrate chains indicated that there are approximately eight chains/GP 110 polypeptide. Neuraminidase treatment of GP 110 resulted in a desialylated Mr = 85,000 polypeptide suggesting that the majority of carbohydrate chains on GP 110 are of the complex type.  相似文献   
Binding of a radiolabeled sea anemone cytolysin to erythrocyte membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stichodactyla helianthus cytolysin III, a 17 kDa basic polypeptide isolated from a Caribbean sea anemone, is one of the most potent hemolysins yet found in a living organism. This toxin has been reported to form new ion channels in artificial lipid bilayer membranes. The ability of this toxin to attack cell membranes is greatly enhanced by the presence of sphingomyelin. In order to investigate the mechanism by which the cytolysin causes cell lysis, we have prepared a highly active [3H]cytolysin derivative by reductive methylation with sodium cyanoborohydride and [3H]formaldehyde. A dimethylated toxin derivative was used to investigate the basis for the differential lytic activity of this polypeptide upon erythrocytes from six mammalian species. Using both direct [3H]toxin binding and indirect (Thron method) binding techniques, we found that the interspecies differences are due to variable membrane susceptibilities toward the bound toxin, rather than to differences in membrane affinity for the toxin. Similarly, we showed the enhanced lytic activity of the toxin for rat erythrocytes at elevated pH to be caused by enhanced activity of the bound toxin.  相似文献   
The fate of Listeria monocytogenes during refrigerated storage was determined on several processed meat products, including ham, bologna, wieners, sliced chicken, sliced turkey, fermented semidried sausage, bratwurst, and cooked roast beef. The meats were surface inoculated with a five-strain mixture of less than or equal to 200 or ca. 10(5) L. monocytogenes cells per package, vacuum packaged, and stored at 4.4 degrees C. Survival or growth of listeriae was determined for up to 12 weeks of storage or until the product was spoiled. The organism survived but did not grow on summer sausage, grew only slightly on cooked roast beef, grew well on some wiener products but not on others, grew well (10(3) to 10(5) CFU/g increase within 4 weeks) on ham, bologna, and bratwurst, and grew exceptionally well (10(3) to 10(5) CFU/g increase within 4 weeks) on sliced chicken and turkey. The rate of growth depended largely upon the type of product and the pH of the product. Growth was most prolific on processed poultry products. The organism generally grew well on meats near or above pH 6 and poorly or not at all on products near or below pH 5. These results indicate the importance of preventing postprocessing contamination of L. monocytogenes in a variety of ready-to-eat meat products.  相似文献   
Immunological relationship among hydrogenases.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We examined the immunological cross-reactions of 11 different hydrogenase antigens with 9 different hydrogenase antibodies. Included were antibodies and antigens of both subunits of the hydrogenases of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Thiocapsa roseopersicina. The results showed a strong relationship among the Ni-Fe dimeric hydrogenases. The two subunits of Ni-Fe dimeric hydrogenases appeared immunologically distinct: specific interactions occurred only when antibodies to the 60- and 30-kilodalton subunits reacted with the 60- and 30-kilodalton-subunit antigens. The interspecies cross-reactions suggested that at least one conserved protein region exists among the large subunits of these enzymes, whereas the small subunits are less conserved. Antibodies to the Fe-only bidirectional hydrogenase of Clostridium pasteurianum reacted with the Desulfovibrio vulgaris bidirectional hydrogenase. Surprisingly, antibodies to the clostridial uptake hydrogenase did not react with any of the Fe-only bidirectional hydrogenases but did react with several of the Ni-Fe dimeric hydrogenases. The two hydrogenases from C. pasteurianum were found to be quite different immunologically. The possible relationship of these findings to the structure and catalytic functions of hydrogenase are discussed.  相似文献   
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