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Vaccination with DNA and recombinant vaccinia viruses (rec.VV) has been studied with the coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) model system. Plasmids encoding all structural proteins of CVB3, when injected intramuscularly, induced only low levels of virus-specific antibodies. However, DNA vaccination with the major structural protein VP1 protected 72.2% of mice from lethal challenge, whereas VP1 expressed by rec.VV was much less efficient.  相似文献   
Clinical evidence suggests that there may be some relationship between the occurrence of peptic ulcers and the season of the year. As little experimental work has been carried out on this subject, three drugs commonly used to induce experimental ulcers in rats (acetylsalicylic acid, 300 mg/kg; phenylbutazone, 200 mg/kg; reserpine, 10 mg/kg) were tested every month for one year under standardised experimental conditions (Ta, RH, LD 12:12). In rats given phenylbutazone the maximum area of ulceration was found in October and December, and in rats given acetylsalicylic acid in February and March. In rats given reserpine, there were no significant monthly variations. An influence of climatic factors on ulcer induction cannot be completely excluded. Endogenous conditions might also account for the monthly differences in ulceration.  相似文献   
A comparative bioacustic analysis of vocalizations of the prosimian subfamily Galaginae revealed that morphologically similar sibling taxa within the main groups of the lesser galagos and the greater galagos can be reliably identified phenotypically on the basis of the acoustic structure of their loud call or advertisement call. Results confirm the separation of two distinct species of greater galagos, Galago crassicaudatus and Galago garnettii, and strongly suggest the discrimination of three distinct species from the senegalensis lesser bushbaby group, Galago senegalensis, Galago moholi and Galao zanzibaricus. An investigation of the ontogenetic development of the loud call indicated that it is derived from the infant's isolation call, displaying in all studied bushbaby taxa a fairly similar acoustic pattern. Shared acoustic characters of the loud call among the different taxa as well as the infant's isolation call were used to propose a hypothesis about the phylogenetic affinities in bushbabies. The results seem to be supported by recent fossil records.  相似文献   
Peptide mapping can be used to elucidate further the structural similarities of the benzodiazepine binding proteins in different vertebrate species. Crude synaptic membrane preparations were photoaffinity-labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam and subsequently degraded with various concentrations of trypsin. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by fluorography allowed a comparison of the molecular weights of photolabeled peptides in different species. Tryptic degradation led to a common peptide of 40K in all species investigated, a finding indicating that the benzodiazepine binding proteins are structurally homologous in higher bony fishes and tetrapods.  相似文献   
The nuclear mutation pet ts1402 prevents proteolytic processing of the precursor of cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 (cox2) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The structural gene PET1402 was isolated by genetic complementation of the temperature-sensitive mutation. DNA sequence analysis identified a 1206-bp open reading frame, which is located 215 by upstream of the PET122 gene. The DNA sequence of PET1402 predicts a hydrophobic, integral membrane protein with four transmembrane segments and a typical mitochondrial targeting sequence. Weak sequence similarity was found to two bacterial proteins of unknown function. Haploid cells containing a null allelle of PET1402 are respiratory deficient.  相似文献   
Abstract The sequence of the cohesive ends of actinophage RP3 DNA has been determined. As with all other phages of Gram-positive bacteria that have been studied sofar, RP3 DNA has 3'-protruding ends. A shuttle cosmid has been constructed containing this cos area which can be efficiently transduced by phage RP3 to host cells of Streptomyces rimosus .  相似文献   
Two Corynebacterium glutamicum strains, one being glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) negative and the other possessing 11-fold-higher specific GDH activity than the parental wild type, were constructed and used to analyze the role of GDH in C. glutamicum. The results indicate (i) that GDH is dispensable for glutamate synthesis required for growth and (ii) that although a high level of GDH increases the intracellular glutamate pool, the level of GDH has no influence on glutamate secretion.  相似文献   
cDNAs encoding three proteins from barley ( Hordeum vulgare ), a class-II chitinase (CHI), a class-II β-1,3-glucanase (GLU) and a Type-I ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) were expressed in tobacco plants under the control of the CaMV 35S-promoter. High-level expression of the transferred genes was detected in the transgenic plants by Northern and Western blot analysis. The leader peptides in CHI and GLU led to accumulation of these proteins in the intercellular space of tobacco leaves. RIP, which is naturally deposited in the cytosol of barley endosperm cells, was expressed either in its original cytosolic form or fused to a plant secretion peptide (spRIP). Fungal infection assays revealed that expression of the individual genes in each case resulted in an increased protection against the soilborne fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani , which infects a range of plant species including tobacco. To create a situation similar to 'multi-gene' tolerance, which traditional breeding experience has shown to provide crops with a longer-lasting protection, several of these antifungal genes were combined and protection against fungal attack resulting from their co-expression in planta was evaluated. Transgenic tobacco lines were generated with tandemly arranged genes coding for RIP and CHI as well as GLU and CHI. The performance of tobacco plants co-expressing the barley transgenes GLU/ CHI or CHI/RIP in a Rhizoctonia solani infection assay revealed significantly enhanced protection against fungal attack when compared with the protection levels obtained with corresponding isogenic lines expressing a single barley transgene to a similar level. The data indicate synergistic protective interaction of the co-expressed anti-fungal proteins in vivo .  相似文献   
Summary We report a newborn with incontinentia pigmenti Bloch-Sulzberger and male phenotype. Chromosome analysis revealed a Klinefelter's syndrome 47,XXY. These findings are compatible with the hypothesis of dominant sexlinked genes carried on the X-chromosome in this disease.
Zusammenfassung Wir berichten über ein neugeborenes Kind mit männlichem Phänotyp bei Incontinentia pigmenti Bloch-Sulzberger. Bei der klinischen Abklärung fand sich die Gonosomenaberration eines Klinefelter-Syndroms 47,XXY. Dieser Befund geht konform mit der Vermutung eines dominant X-gekoppelten Erbganges dieser seltenen Hauterkrankung.
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