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Apical cuttings of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Sirtema were used al different stages of development to study long-distance transport of phosphate. The effects of two hormones, gibberellic acid (GA3) and abscisic acid (ABA), on this process were also investigated. Before tuberization, phosphate (32P) supplied to a single leaf was transported preferentially in the young and growing parts of the plant: apical bud, young leaves and roots. After tuberization, the tuber became the principal site of phosphate accumulation. GA3 treatment (10−4 M) of the tuber as well as of the leaves led to reduced transport of 32P into the tuber. By contrast, treatment of the tuber with ABA (10−4M) did not change the 32P distribution within the plant, while foliar spray with ABA greatly increased the transport into the tuber. The opposite effects of the two hormones on phosphate accumulation by tubers are discussed with regard to their opposite effects on the tuberization process.  相似文献   
Rat hepatocytes have been studied in suspension culture for 10-h periods. Levels of extractable lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) have been measured in these hepatocytes at hourly intervals in order to note the balance between biosynthesis and degradation of this enzyme. Newly synthesized LDH has been measured by following the rate of incorporation of [3H]leucine into radiochemically pure LDH of high specific catalytic activity as isolated by a rapid affinity chromatographic procedure. The effects of the addition of physiological concentrations of the following hormones at the beginning of 10-h culture periods immediately following preparation of the hepatocytes by the collagen perfusion procedure have been recorded. The hormones triiodothyronine (T3), insulin, glucagon, and dexamethasone have been added singly or in combination. The culture medium has supplied variable amounts of these hormones in the 10% of fetal calf (or other) serum added, and the hepatocytes themselves have provided intracellular amounts of hormones. In addition to the added hormones, N6,O2'-dibutyryl cyclic AMP (Bt2cAMP) has also been studied. Control suspensions of hepatocytes show reproducible initial levels of extractable LDH which are maintained or slightly increased during 10 h. Such control systems also incorporate [3H]leucine into total protein and into highly purified LDH at reproducible rates during 10 h of incubation. The effects of added hormones on LDH lavels are as follows: (a) T3 causes about a 2-fold increase in LDH at 7 to 8 h in hepatocytes from young adult animals, an effect which is lowered in either younger or older animals or in thyroidectomized animals. (b) Insulin leads to a similar increase in LDH at 5 to 6 h and a falling off at 8 to 10 h. (c) Glucagon also causes an approximate doubling of the amount of extractable LDH during a 10-doubling of the amount of extractable LDH during a 10-h period. (d) Dexamethasone does not produce an increase. (e) Bt2-cAMP produces an effect indistinguishable from that of glucagon. Paired combinations of these hormones fail to produce an additive response in any case. The combinations of T3 plus dexamethaseon and insulin plus dexamethasone lead to significant reductions in levels of extractable LDH when compared to the single hormone effects cited above. With respect to rates of synthesis of total protein as measured by [3H]leucine incorporation, only glucagon, glucagon plus Bt2-cAMP, glucagon plus insulin, T3 plus Bt2cAMP, and T3 plus insulin produce significant increases during a 10-h period. However, when [3H]leucine incorporation into highly purified LDH is measured as an index of LDH biosynthesis, T3, insulin, and glucagon consistently increase the biosynthetic rates during a 10-h period. Bt2cAMP produces a smaller increase. Dexamethasone fails to produce any significant change when compared to controls. Paired combinations of hormones again do not produce any additive effect on LDH biosynthesis when the hormone producing the higher level is taken as the reference...  相似文献   
Bone tissue engineering offers promising alternatives to repair and restore tissues. Our laboratory has employed poly(lactide-co-glycolide) PLAGA microspheres to develop a three dimensional (3-D) porous bioresorbable scaffold with a biomimetic pore structure. Osseous healing and integration with the surrounding tissue depends in part on new blood vessel formation within the porous structure. Since endothelial cells play a key role in angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature), the purpose of this study was to better understand human endothelial cell attachment, viability, growth, and phenotypic expression on sintered PLAGA microsphere scaffold. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination showed cells attaching to the surface of microspheres and bridging the pores between the microspheres. Cell proliferation studies indicated that cell number increased during early stages and reached a plateau between days 10 and 14. Immunofluorescent staining for actin showed that cells were proliferating three dimensionally through the scaffolds while staining for PECAM-1 (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule) displayed typical localization at cell-cell contacts. Gene expression analysis showed that endothelial cells grown on PLAGA scaffolds maintained their normal characteristic phenotype. The cell proliferation and phenotypic expression were independent of scaffold pore architecture. These results demonstrate that PLAGA sintered microsphere scaffolds can support the growth and biological functions of human endothelial cells. The insights from this study should aid future studies aimed at enhancing angiogenesis in three dimensional tissue engineered scaffolds.  相似文献   
Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is contiguous with coronary arteries and myocardium and potentially may play a role in coronary atherosclerosis (CAD). Exercise is known to improve cardiovascular disease risk factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise training on the expression of 18 genes, measured by RT-PCR and selected for their role in chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and adipocyte metabolism, in peri-coronary epicardial (cEAT), peri-myocardial epicardial (mEAT), visceral abdominal (VAT), and subcutaneous (SAT) adipose tissues from a castrate male pig model of familial hypercholesterolemia with CAD. We tested the hypothesis that aerobic exercise training for 16 wk would reduce the inflammatory profile of mRNAs in both components of EAT and VAT but would have little effect on SAT. Exercise increased mEAT and total heart weights. EAT and heart weights were directly correlated. Compared with sedentary pigs matched for body weight to exercised animals, aerobic exercise training reduced the inflammatory response in mEAT but not cEAT, had no effect on inflammatory genes but preferentially decreased expression of adiponectin and other adipocyte-specific genes in VAT, and had no effect in SAT except that IL-6 mRNA went down and VEGFa mRNA went up. We conclude that 1) EAT is not homogeneous in its inflammatory response to aerobic exercise training, 2) cEAT around CAD remains proinflammatory after chronic exercise, 3) cEAT and VAT share similar inflammatory expression profiles but different metabolic mRNA responses to exercise, and 4) gene expression in SAT cannot be extrapolated to VAT and heart adipose tissues in exercise intervention studies.  相似文献   
Metabolism of Deoxyuridine in Rabbit Brain   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Abstract: The metabolism of [3H]deoxyuridine by rabbit brain was investigated in vitro and in vivo . In vitro , brain slices from various regions of brain and from all age groups accumulated [3H]deoxyuridine from artificial CSF. Within the slices, a portion of the accumulated [3H]deoxyuridine was metabolized to [3H]deoxyuridine phosphate, with subsequent conversion to [3H]thymidine phosphate, and ultimately [3H]DNA. The percentage of the [3H]deoxyuridine phosphorylated and subsequently converted into [3H]DNA was highest at birth and declined to adult levels in 3-month-old rabbits. Thymidine, when added to the incubation medium with the [3H]deoxyuridine, was approximately 10 times as potent as unlabeled deoxyuridine in inhibiting the intracellular phosphorylation and conversion of [3H]deoxyuridine to [3H]thymidine phosphate in brain slices. In vivo , 2.5 h after intraventricular injection of [3H]deoxyuridine, over 90% of the [3H]deoxyuridine was cleared from the central nervous system at all ages. However, in both newborn and 3-month-old rabbits, approximately 40 and 12%, respectively, of the 3H remaining in brain was phosphorylated and converted to [3H]thymidine phosphates; and 11 and 4%, respectively, of the 3H remaining in brain was converted to [3H]DNA. These results show that both immature and mature rabbit brain is able to incorporate deoxyuridine into DNA. Thus, all the enzymes involved in this conversion, including thymidylate synthetase (EC, are present and active in brain throughout life.  相似文献   
Hi-C is a genome-wide chromosome conformation capture technology that detects interactions between pairs of genomic regions and exploits higher order chromatin structures. Conceptually Hi-C data counts interaction frequencies between every position in the genome and every other position. Biologically functional interactions are expected to occur more frequently than transient background and artefactual interactions. To identify biologically relevant interactions, several background models that take biases such as distance, GC content and mappability into account have been proposed. Here we introduce MaxHiC, a background correction tool that deals with these complex biases and robustly identifies statistically significant interactions in both Hi-C and capture Hi-C experiments. MaxHiC uses a negative binomial distribution model and a maximum likelihood technique to correct biases in both Hi-C and capture Hi-C libraries. We systematically benchmark MaxHiC against major Hi-C background correction tools including Hi-C significant interaction callers (SIC) and Hi-C loop callers using published Hi-C, capture Hi-C, and Micro-C datasets. Our results demonstrate that 1) Interacting regions identified by MaxHiC have significantly greater levels of overlap with known regulatory features (e.g. active chromatin histone marks, CTCF binding sites, DNase sensitivity) and also disease-associated genome-wide association SNPs than those identified by currently existing models, 2) the pairs of interacting regions are more likely to be linked by eQTL pairs and 3) more likely to link known regulatory features including known functional enhancer-promoter pairs validated by CRISPRi than any of the existing methods. We also demonstrate that interactions between different genomic region types have distinct distance distributions only revealed by MaxHiC. MaxHiC is publicly available as a python package for the analysis of Hi-C, capture Hi-C and Micro-C data.  相似文献   
In this study, the diversity of Plasmodium vivax populations circulating in Pakistan and Iran has been investigated by using circumsporozoite protein (csp) and merozoite surface proteins 1 and 3α (msp-1 and msp-3α) genes as genetic markers. Infected P. vivax blood samples were collected from Pakistan (n = 187) and Iran (n = 150) during April to October 2008, and were analyzed using nested-PCR/RFLP and sequencing methods. Genotyping pvmsp-1 (variable block 5) revealed the presence of type 1, type 2 and recombinant type 3 allelic variants, with type 1 predominant, in both study areas. The sequence analysis of 33 P. vivax isolates from Pakistan and 30 from Iran identified 16 distinct alleles each, with one allele (R-8) from Iran which was not reported previously. Genotyping pvcsp gene also showed that VK210 type is predominant in both countries. Moreover, based on the size of amplified fragment of pvmsp-3α, three major types: type A (1800 bp), type B (1500 bp) and type C (1200 bp), were distinguished among the examined isolates that type A was predominant among Pakistani (72.7%) and Iranian (77.3%) parasites. PCR/RFLP products of pvmsp-3α with HhaI and AluI have detected 40 and 39 distinct variants among Pakistani and Iranian examined isolates, respectively. Based on these three studied genes, the rate of combined multiple genotypes were 30% and 24.6% for Pakistani and Iranian P. vivax isolates, respectively. These results indicate an extensive diversity in the P. vivax populations in both studies.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to assess the magnitude and health impacts of As in drinking water. Drinking water samples (n?=?60) were collected from twenty different sites of Shiekhupura District (Pakistan). Health risk assessment through average daily dose (ADD), hazard indices (HI), hazard quotient (HQ), carcinogenic risk (CR), and cancer indices (CI) for dermal and oral exposure were determined. Results revealed that As concentration ranged from 2 to 900?µg?L?1 in water samples, which was significantly greater than the safe limit of As (10?µg?L?1) in water. Health risk assessment of As showed that ADD (1.07E?02–9.85E?04), HQ (1.06E+01–9.85E+00), and CR (1.60E?02–9.85E?04) for oral exposure and ADD (1.03E?05–9.69E?06), HQ (1.19E?02–7.96E?03), and CR (1.11E?05–8.98E?05) for dermal exposure which were exceeded the toxic risk index value. Comparison of the two exposure pathways indicated that the oral exposure is much higher risk than the dermal contact. Both values of HI and CI were greater than WHO limit. It is concluded that residents of study area are at higher risk of As induced diseases and carcinogenicity.  相似文献   
The increased cell density and product titer in biomanufacturing have led to greater use of depth filtration as part of the initial clarification of cell culture fluid, either as a stand-alone unit operation or after centrifugation. Several recent studies have shown that depth filters can also reduce the concentration of smaller impurities like host cell proteins (HCP) and DNA, decreasing the burden on subsequent chromatographic operations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the HCP removal properties of the Pall PDH4 depth filter media, a model depth filter containing diatomaceous earth, cellulose fibers, and a binder. Experiments were performed with both cell culture fluid (CCF) and a series of model proteins with defined pI, molecular weight, and hydrophobicity chosen to match the range of typical HCP. The location of adsorbed (fluorescently labeled) proteins within the depth filters was determined using confocal scanning laser microscopy. Protein binding was greater for proteins that were positively charged and more hydrophobic, consistent with adsorption to the negatively charged diatomaceous earth. The lowest degree of binding was seen with proteins near their pI, which were poorly removed by this filter. These results provide new mechanistic insights into the factors governing the filter capacity and performance characteristics of depth filters containing diatomaceous earth that are widely used in the clarification of CCF.  相似文献   
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