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A total of 17 facultatively lithoautotrophic strains of Nitrobacter were investigated. They all were found to be related on the species level by DNA hybridizations. The G+C content of DNA ranged between 58.9 and 59.9 mol %. The isolates originated from divers environments. The cells were 0.5–0.8×1.2–2.0 m in size and motile by one polar to subpolar flagellum. Cell-division normally occurred by budding. Polar caps of intracytoplasmic membranes as well as carboxysomes were present. The cells tended to excrete extracellular polymers forming aggregates or biofilms. Heterotrophic growth was slower than mixotrophic but often faster than litoautotrophic growth. In the presence of nitrite and organic substances the organisms often showed diphasic growth. First nitrite and then the organic material was oxidized. In the absence of oxygen growth was possible by dissimilatory nitrate reduction. Nitrite, nitric and nitrous oxide as well as ammonia were formed. Depending on growth conditions the generation times varied from 12 to 140 h. The new Nitrobacter spec. may be one of the most abundant nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in soils, fresh waters and natural as well as artificial stones. For this organism the name Nitrobacter vulgaris is proposed.The type strain is filed with the culture collection of the Institut für Allgemeine Botanik, Universität Hamburg, FRG.  相似文献   
Summary Strain RD330 a transposon mutant of Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP134 was considered to be dienelactone hydrolase defective (Don et al. 1985). During a bioconversion experiment with 3CB (3-chlorobenzoate) 2CMA (2-chloro-cis,cis-muconate) was accumulated by RD330 with an overall amount of 31%, but no dienelactone could be detected. Enzyme tests revealed that both enzymes 2CMA-cycloisomerase and dienelactone-hydrolase were induced at low levels in RD330 by 3CB and its metabolites.The control of 3CB addition during the bioconversion experiment was performed by on line HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography).  相似文献   
A new chemolithotrophic nitrite-oxidizing bacterium, for which the name Nitrospira marina is proposed, was isolated from the Gulf of Maine. N. marina is a Gramnegative curved rod which may form spirals with 1 to 12 turns. Cells have a unique periplasmic space and lack intracytoplasmic membranes and carboxysomes. N. marina is an obligate chemolithotroph, but best growth is obtained in a mixotrophic medium. N. marina may be one of the most prevalent nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in some oceanic environments. Type strain is field with American Type Culture Collection (ATCC 43039).  相似文献   
  • 1 . Es werden Anlagentypen für die autotrophe, mixotrophe oder heterotrophe Saubere Kultur von Mikroalgen sowie Verfahren der Algenkultur auf Abwasserbasis beschrieben. Zur Erstellung von Freilandanlagen erscheinen Beckenkonstruktionen besonders geeignet, die auf die Verwendung industrieller Fertigteile abgestellt sind. Bei der autotrophen Kultur von Mikroalgen im Freiland besteht das Hauptproblem darin, einen effizienten CO2-Eintrag zu erzielen
  • 2 . Massenkulturen mariner und limnischer Mikroalgen haben vor allem in Japan als Komponenten komplexer Aquakultursysteme wirtschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt
  • 3 . Besonderes Interesse verdienen Verfahren zur Massenkultur von Mikroalgen in Abwässern. Mit ihrer Hilfe gelingt es, auf verhältnismäßig engem Raum hohe Abbauleistungen der organischen Fracht zu erzielen und gleichzeitig proteinreiche Substanz für die Tierernährung zu produzieren
Zusammenfassung Die Epithelzellen der Plexus chor. ventr. III und IV, das Paraphysenepithel und das Ventrikelependym von Rana temporaria L. zeigen eine deutliche — wenn auch quantitativ unterschiedliche — Aktivität von SDH, -HBDH und LDH. Der Nachweis einer UDPGGT-Aktivität fällt dagegen nur im Plexusepithel positiv aus. In der Plexusepithelzelle sind die Formazangranula gleichmäßig über das gesamte Plasma verteilt, während sie in den Ependymzellen vorwiegend im apikalen, lumenwärtigen Teil der Zelle angeordnet sind. Die Ependymzellen lassen im Reaktionsausfall Typenunterschiede erkennen. Bei einigen Tieren wird die Auswirkung einer Adrenalininjektion auf das Enzymmuster der Plexusepithelzellen untersucht; die funktionellen Zusammenhänge mit einer gleichzeitigen Entspeicherung ihres Glykogenvorrats werden erörtert. Die Verteilung und der Lamellierungstyp der Mitochondrien im Plexus- und Paraphysenepithel werden mit elektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen illustriert. Einige Komentare sind dem histochemischen Verhalten des Wundrandes gewidmet.
Histochemical studies on the choroid plexuses, the paraphysis cerebri, and the ependyma of Rana temporaria L.
Summary The epithelium of the choroid plexuses of the IIIrd and IVth ventricles as well as the paraphyseal epithelium and the ventricular ependyma cells of Rana temporaria L. show distinct activities of SDH, -HBDH and LDH, that differ quantitatively. The UDPGGT-reaction is positive in the plexus epithelium. In the epithelium of the choroid plexus, the formazan granules are evenly distributed in the cytoplasm. In the ependyma cells an apical accumulation of this material can be demonstrated. The various morphological types of the ependyma cells differ in the intensity of the SDH, -HBDH and LDH-reactions. In the plexus cells of some animals the effect of epinephrine was studied on the histochemically-detectable activity of these enzymes with respect to the simultaneous depletion of the glycogen depot. The distribution and ultrastructure of mitochondria is described in the choroid plexus and paraphyseal epithelial cells. A comment is made in reference to some histochemical pecularities of stab wound areas.

Teil einer medizinischen Doktorarbeit.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in an inbred kindred was observed in three sisters and three first cousins. This was interpreted as presumptive evidence for autosomal recessive inheritance and it is suggested that in addition to its known genes, anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia occasionally may be caused by an autosomal recessive gene.This investigation was supported by Public Health Service Research Grant No. FR 00123, from GCRC-DRFR and by a Fellowship in Pediatric Teratology of the Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati.  相似文献   
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