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The quantity and quality of host nutrients can affect fitness‐related traits in hymenopteran parasitoids, including oogenesis. The present study tested the prediction that a high host quality will influence oogenesis‐related traits positively in synovigenic parasitoids, and that a high‐quality adult parasitoid diet can positively affect the same parameters, potentially compensating for development on low‐quality hosts. Four braconid parasitoid species with contrasting life histories are reared on a low‐quality diet [Anastrepha ludens Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae reared on mango] or a high‐quality (artificial) diet. Adult parasitoids are provided with a high‐quality (honey ad libitum), moderate‐quality (honey every other day) or low‐quality (guava pulp) diet. Generalist species that encounter high variation in host quality naturally are predicted to be more flexible in dealing with nutrient shortfalls than specialist species. By contrast to the predictions, low‐quality hosts yield parasitoids with higher egg loads in two species: Opius hirtus Fisher and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata Ashmead. However, as predicted, a high‐quality adult diet exerts a positive effect on egg load (Utetes anastrephae Viereck), egg size (Doryctobracon crawfordi Viereck) and egg maturation rate (D. longicaudata, O. hirtus and U. anastrephae). The generalist D. longicaudata varies in egg load and maturation rate depending on host quality and adult diet, respectively. Evidence of the combined effect of both factors on parasitoid fertility is presented for the specialist O. hirtus. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Sex differences in immune function are relatively well studied in vertebrate animals, although the patterns are not always clear in birds. The study of immune responses in nestlings of wild bird populations may constitute an appropriate way to investigate inherent intersexual differences while controlling for environmental conditions such as parasitism that affect male and female individuals growing in the same nest. We studied whether the cell‐mediated immune response, as measured by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) injection, and the levels of circulating antibodies differ between sexes of Pied Flycatcher nestlings Ficedula hypoleuca. No sex differences in nestling cell‐mediated immune response were found, but females showed significantly higher levels of plasma immunoglobulins than males did. Although nestling birds may not have a fully functional humoral immune defence, our study indicates that sex differences in the humoral component exist at this early stage of life. Given the importance of antibodies in the fight against parasite, bacterial and viral infections, the intrinsic sex disparity in circulating antibodies may have important implications for the life history of each sex.  相似文献   
Heterotrophic nitrogen fixation is a key ecosystem process in unpolluted, temperate old‐growth forests of southern South America as a source of new nitrogen to ecosystems. Decomposing leaf litter is an energy‐rich substrate that favours the occurrence of this energy demanding process. Following the niche ‘complementarity hypothesis’, we expected that decomposing leaf litter of a single tree species would support lower rates of non‐symbiotic N fixation than mixed species litter taken from the forest floor. To test this hypothesis we measured acetylene reduction activity in the decomposing monospecific litter of three evergreen tree species (litter C/N ratios, 50–79) in an old‐growth rain forest of Chiloé Island, southern Chile. Results showed a significant effect of species and month (anova , Tukey's test, P < 0.05) on decomposition and acetylene reduction rates (ARR), and a species effect on C/N ratios and initial % N of decomposing leaf litter. The lowest litter quality was that of Nothofagus nitida (C/N ratio = 78.7, lignin % = 59.27 ± 4.09), which resulted in higher rates of acetylene reduction activity (mean = 34.09 ± SE = 10.34 nmol h?1 g?1) and a higher decomposition rate (k = 0.47) than Podocarpus nubigena (C/N = 54.4, lignin % = 40.31 ± 6.86, Mean ARR = 4.11 ± 0.71 nmol h?1 g?1, k = 0.29), and Drimys winteri (C/N = 50.6, lignin % = 45.49 ± 6.28, ARR = 10.2 ± 4.01 nmol h?1 g?1, k = 0.29), and mixed species litter (C/N = 60.7, ARR = 8.89 ± 2.13 nmol h?1g?1). We interpret these results as follows: in N‐poor litter and high lignin content of leaves (e.g. N. nitida) free‐living N fixers would be at competitive advantage over non‐fixers, thereby becoming more active. Lower ARR in mixed litter can be a consequence of a lower litter C/N ratio compared with single species litter. We also found a strong coupling between in situ acetylene reduction and net N mineralization in surface soils, suggesting that as soon N is fixed by diazotroph bacteria it may be immediately incorporated into mineral soil by N mineralizers, thus reducing N immobilization.  相似文献   
Niche conservatism theory suggests that recently diverged sister species share the same ecological niche. However, if the ecological niche evolves as part of the speciation process, the ecological pattern could be useful for recognizing cryptic species. In a broad sense systematists agree that the niche characters could be used for species differentiation. However, to date such characters have been ignored. We used the genetic algorithm for rule‐set production for modelling the ecological niche as a means of inferring ecological divergence in allopatric populations of muroid rodents for which taxonomic identity is uncertain. Our results show that niche differentiation is significant in most of the identified phylogroups. The differentiation is likely associated with natural evolutionary units, which can be identified by applying species concepts based on phylogenetic and ecological patterns (e.g. phylogenetic, cohesive, evolutionary). Even so, the role of the niche partition within phylogenetic reconstruction may be a limited one.  相似文献   
The mite Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese) (Mesostigmata: Macronyssidae) is considered a poultry pest causing important infestations in chickens and it is considered a potential vector of arbovirus. Despite being considered a common parasite in wild birds, there is scarce published information about its potential hosts and effects on them. Here we present new bird hosts for O. bursa, assess the presence of Alphavirus, Flavivirus and Bunyavirus in mites from three host species, and discuss its potential impact on wild bird populations. We found O. bursa infecting five raptor and six passerine wild bird species. For nine of these species, this is the first record of infection by O. bursa. Although all analysed mites were negative for the examined arboviruses, the small sample size of mites does not allow further conclusions at the present moment. Because of the general nature of this ectoparasite, its presence in migratory long dispersal and endangered bird species, and the seropositivity for arboviruses in some of the species studied here, we consider it critical to assess the role of O. bursa and other ectoparasites as vectors and reservoirs of pathogens and as potential deleterious agents in wild bird populations.  相似文献   
A revision of the species and families of sarcosaprophagous flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, Fanniidae, Drosophilidae, Phoridae, Piophilidae and Stratiomyidae) suitable for forensic purposes in the Iberian Peninsula is presented. Morphological characteristics that allow the accurate identification of third instars of the species present in the Iberian Peninsula are described and presented in the form of a diagnostic key. For larval Calliphoridae, characteristics such as the spines of the body segments were useful for the genus Calliphora whereas features of the anal segment and the cephalopharyngeal skeleton were useful for larvae of Lucilia. Identification of three Chrysominae species present in the Iberian Peninsula is included. For larval Sarcophagidae, characters such as the arrangement and shape of spiracular openings, structures of the anal segment and the cephalopharyngeal skeleton were used for the first time. A new record of Sarcophaga cultellata Pandellé, from a human corpse, is also included as well as recent incursions into the European cadaveric entomofauna such as Synthesiomyia nudiseta (van der Wulp) and Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus). This work provides useful new information that could be applied to forensic investigations in the Iberian Peninsula and in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Whales living within seismically active regions are subject to intense disturbances from strong sounds produced by earthquakes that can kill or injure individuals. Nishimura & Clark (1993) relate the possible effects of underwater earthquake noise levels in marine mammals, adducing that T-phase source signal level (10- to 30- Hz range) can exceed 200 dB re: 1 μPa at 1 m, for a magnitude 4–5 earthquake, sounds audible to fin whales which produce low frequency sounds of 16–20/25–44 Hz over 0.5–1s, typically of 183 dB re: 1 μPa at 1 m. Here we present the response of a fin whale to a 5.5 Richter scale earthquake that took place on 22 February 2005, in the Gulf of California. The whale covered 13 km in 26 min (mean speed = 30.2 km/h). We deduce that the sound heard by this whale might have triggered the costly energy expenditure of high speed swimming as a seismic-escape response. These observations support the hypothesis of Richardson et al. (1995) that cetaceans may flee from loud sounds before they are injured, when exposed to noise in excess of 140 dB re: 1 μPa 1 m.  相似文献   
Natural disturbances like wildfire, windthrow and insect outbreaks are critical drivers of composition, structure and functioning of forest ecosystems. They are strongly climate‐sensitive, and are thus likely to be distinctly affected by climatic changes. Observations across Europe show that in recent decades, forest disturbance regimes have intensified markedly, resulting in a strong increase in damage from wind, bark beetles and wildfires. Climate change is frequently hypothesized as the main driving force behind this intensification, but changes in forest structure and composition associated with management activities such as promoting conifers and increasing standing timber volume (i.e. ‘forest change’) also strongly influence susceptibility to disturbances. Here, we show that from 1958 to 2001, forest change contributed in the same order of magnitude as climate change to the increase in disturbance damage in Europe's forests. Climate change was the main driver of the increase in area burnt, while changes in forest extent, structure and composition particularly affected the variation in wind and bark beetle damage. For all three disturbance agents, damage was most severe when conducive weather conditions and increased forest susceptibility coincided. We conclude that a continuing trend towards more disturbance‐prone conditions is likely for large parts of Europe's forests, and can have strong detrimental effects on forest carbon storage and other ecosystem services. Understanding the interacting drivers of natural disturbance regimes is thus a prerequisite for climate change mitigation and adaptation in forest ecosystem management.  相似文献   
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