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In xenic culture, isolates of Entamoeba histolytica from asymptomatic carriers are characterized, with rare exception, by possession of a nonpathogenic zymodeme. During the process of axenizing such an isolate, strain CDC:0784:4, a change in the pattern of the isoenzymes from nonpathogenic zymodeme I to pathogenic zymodeme II was observed 40 days after the amebae had been transferred from a medium for xenic cultivation to one used for axenic cultivation, but before axenization of the amebae had actually occurred. Axenization was accomplished by feeding the amebae lethally irradiated bacteria while suppressing and finally eradicating with antibiotics the bacterial flora accompanying the amebae in the original xenic culture. The change in zymodeme was accompanied by a change in virulence as evidenced by the ability of the amebae to produce hepatic abscesses in hamsters and to destroy monolayers of tissue culture cells. Two explanations are offered for the observed changes in zymodeme and virulence: a zymodeme is not a stable inherent property of the ameba. Alternatively, the original isolate consisted of two zymodeme populations and the conditions of growth selected for one or the other of the populations. In either case, our results suggest that the finding of a particular zymodeme in a culture of E. histolytica isolated from an asymptomatic carrier of the parasite cannot be used to predict a clinical condition or serve as a basis for the recommendation of therapy.  相似文献   
Cysteine and ascorbic acid were previously shown to be required by Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites for attachment to glass, elongation, and ameboid movement as well as for short-term (12-24 h) survival in a balanced salt solution containing bovine serum albumin and a vitamin solution (Maintenance Medium 1). If the only function of cysteine and ascorbate was to decrease the redox potential, other reducing agents should be effective. However, the requirement for cysteine in the presence of ascorbic acid was highly specific. Equally effective were D- and L-cysteine; however, of many other compounds tested, only thioglycolic acid, ascorbic acid, or L-cystine (in decreasing order) were somewhat active. Under N2 atmosphere, cysteine and ascorbic acid were still required, although their concentrations could be halved. The ability to attach in the maintenance medium was irreversibly lost after only 5 min of cysteine-ascorbic acid deprivation; however, there was no decrease in viability when the amebae were transferred to growth medium within 30 min. Cysteine thiol groups in the medium were oxidized rapidly regardless of the concentration of ascorbic acid or the presence of amebae; however, ascorbic acid prolonged attachment of amebae.  相似文献   
The nephropathy induced by mercuric chloride was assessed in unilaterally nephrectomized (NPX) and sham-operated (SO) rats using histological and urinalysis techniques. This assessment was carried out in order to test whether or not rats are more susceptible to the nephrotoxic effects of mercuric chloride after unilateral nephrectomy and a period allowing for compensatory renal growth. Twelve days after surgery both NPX and SO rats were given a single 1.5, 2.0 or 2.5 mumol/kg dose of mercuric chloride (i.v.). Twenty-four hours after the 1.5 or 2.0 mumol/kg dose of mercuric chloride was administered, cellular and tubular necrosis in the pars recta segments of proximal tubules in the outer medulla was more severe in NPX rats than in SO rats. Moreover, the urinary excretion of a number of cellular enzymes (e.g. lactate dehydrogenase) and plasma solutes (e.g. albumin) was greater in NPX rats than in SO rats. At the 2.5 mumol/kg dose of mercuric chloride, renal tubular damage was quite extensive in both groups of rats; to such an extent that possible differences in renal tubular damage between the NPX and SO rats could not be determined histologically. However, the urinary excretion of alanine aminopeptidase was greater in the NPX rats than in the SO rats. Therefore, based on the aforementioned findings, rats that have undergone and adapted to a reduction in renal mass (i.e. unilateral nephrectomy) appear to be more vulnerable to the nephrotoxic effects of mercuric chloride than rats with two normal kidneys.  相似文献   
A Mr = 110,000 glycoprotein, GP 110, was partially purified using wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose affinity chromatography from a bile canalicular-enriched membrane fraction denoted N2u of rat liver. This fraction was subjected to preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the Mr = 110,000 polypeptide was excised and used as an immunogen in rabbits. The antisera were found to specifically recognize a Mr = 110,000 polypeptide, named GP 110, in the N2u membrane fraction. In isolated hepatocytes, GP 110 was readily accessible to cell surface iodination catalyzed by lactoperoxidase at 4 degrees C and was judged by immunoprecipitation studies to contain about 2% of total radioactivity incorporated into externally oriented proteins of the cell. Immunoprecipitated GP 110 was shown by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to migrate with an approximate pI of 4.9. Indirect immunofluorescence on frozen liver sections demonstrated that GP 110 was primarily localized in the bile canaliculus. In corroborative studies employing subcellular fractionation, it was found that GP 110 was enriched nearly 19-fold in P2, a plasma membrane fraction primarily derived from the sinusoidal domain, and 44-fold in N2u. In contrast, only low levels of GP 110 were present in endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial, cytosolic, and nuclear-enriched fractions of liver. The physiological function of GP 110 is as yet unknown; antisera to it did not immunoprecipitate other known bile canalicular proteins of similar molecular weights. GP 110 was found to be extensively glycosylated relative to other known membrane proteins; approximately 33% of the apparent molecular weight appear to be carbohydrate. In agreement, limited removal of N-linked carbohydrate chains indicated that there are approximately eight chains/GP 110 polypeptide. Neuraminidase treatment of GP 110 resulted in a desialylated Mr = 85,000 polypeptide suggesting that the majority of carbohydrate chains on GP 110 are of the complex type.  相似文献   
We report here the cloning of a human cell cycle gene capable of complementing a temperature-sensitive (ts) S-phase cell cycle mutation in a Chinese hamster cell line. Cloning was performed as follows. A human genomic library in phage lambda containing 600,000 phages was screened with labeled cDNA synthesized from an mRNA fraction enriched for the specific cell cycle gene message. Plaques containing DNA inserts which hybridized to the cDNA were picked, and their DNAs were assayed for transient complementation in DNA transformation experiments. The transient complementation assay we developed is suitable for most cell cycle genes and indeed for many genes whose products are required for cell proliferation. Of 845 phages screened, 1 contained an insert active in transient complementation of the ts cell cycle mutation. Introduction of this phage into the ts cell cycle mutant also gave rise to stable transformants which grew normally at the restrictive temperature for the ts mutant cells.  相似文献   
Monoamine oxidase inhibitory properties of milacemide in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Milacemide is a glycine prodrug with reported antiepileptic antimyoclonic properties. In this study, milacemide increased "wet dog shakes" in rats pretreated with 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and carbidopa. Moreover, it worsened the serotonin behavior syndrome precipitated by 5-HTP and the monoamine oxidase inhibitor tranylcypromine. The serotonin syndrome was also elicited by the combination of milacemide and 5-HTP without tranylcypromine. In vitro, milacemide inhibited both monoamine oxidase A and B from the frontal cortex of rats, to a greater extent for MAO B. This drug is currently under investigation in humans as an antiepileptic agent and precautions for the consequences of monoamine oxidase inhibition should be considered when the drug is used in high doses.  相似文献   
Summary We used specific binding of phlorizin to the intact intestinal mucosa in order to measure glucose transport site density in intestines of mice fed a high-carbohydrate or no-carbohydrate diet. Nonspecific binding varied with intestinal position but showed only modest dependence on diet. Specific binding to glucose transporters was 1.9 times greater in jejunum of high-carbohydrate mice than of no-carbohydrate mice; this ratio was the same as the ratio for Vmax values of actived-glucose uptake between the two diet groups. The gradient in specific binding of phlorizin along the intestine paralleled the gradient in Vmax of glucose transport. These results directly demonstrate that the increase in intestinal glucose transport caused by a high-carbohydrate diet is due to induction of glucose transporter. They also indicate that the normal positional graident in glucose transport along the intestine arises from a gradient in transporters, induced by the normal gradient in luminal glucose concentration.  相似文献   
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