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A simple new procedure was described for producing a sequential series of overlapping clones for use in DNA sequencing. The technique used single-stranded M13 DNA and complementary DNA oligomers to form specific cleavage and ligation substrates. It was, therefore, independent of the sequence of the DNA cloned into the vector. Deletions of varying sizes were generated from one end of the insert through the 3' to 5' exonuclease activity of T4 DNA polymerase. The approximate size of the deletion and therefore the starting point for DNA sequencing could be estimated by electrophoresis of the subcloned phage DNA on a agarose gel. This greatly reduced the number of templates that must be sequenced to obtain a complete sequence. The entire procedure could be carried out in one tube in less than a day. The procedure was used to subclone and sequence the maize mitochondrial 18 S rDNA and 5' flanking region (2622 bases) in less than a week. Other applications of oligomers and single-stranded DNA in the construction of insertions, deletions, and cDNAs are discussed.  相似文献   
We have analysed the lineage of olfactory receptor neurons usinga replication-incompetent retrovirus injected beneath the olfactoryepithelium of young rats. There are two major types of clustersof infected cells seen at 5–40 days after infection: (i)horizontal basal cells (HBCs); (ii) variable numbers of globosebasal cells (GBCs), and immature and mature sensory neurons.Olfactory nerve lesion increased the frequency of the globose/sensoryneuron clusters, as well as the number of cells/cluster, butdid not change the number of HBC clusters or cells/cluster.No clusters contained sustentacular cells. These data indicatethat, at least in young rats: (i) HBCs are not precursors ofolfactory neurons; (ii) there is a lineage path from GBCs tomature neurons; and (iii) sustentacular cells arise from a separatelineage.  相似文献   
The NH2-terminal sequence of type 1 M protein was determined by automated Edman degradation of purified polypeptide fragments extracted from whole streptococci by limited digestion with pepsin. Three polypeptide fragments were purified by slab gel electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide followed by electroelution. The purified fragments migrated as 28-, 25-, and 23.5-kDa fragments, respectively. Each of the fragments inhibited opsonization of a diluted antiserum prepared in rabbits by immunization with whole type 1 streptococci. The amino-terminal sequences of the peptide fragments were confirmed by comparison with the primary structure predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the type 1 M protein structural gene. The 28-kDa fragment contained the NH2-terminal asparagine residue of the processed type 1 M protein, whereas the NH2-terminal sequences of the 25- and 23.5-kDa peptides began at residues 27 and 36, respectively. A seven-residue periodicity with respect to polar and nonpolar residues was observed beginning at residue 22 and, therefore, the secondary structural potential of type 1 M protein is similar to that reported for other M proteins. In contrast to the other M proteins, however, identical repeats were rare, the longest sequence identity consisting of a three-amino acid acid sequence Lys-Asp-Leu at positions 30-32 repeated once at positions 65-67. A 23-residue synthetic peptide of the amino-terminus of the type 1 M protein evoked opsonic antibodies against type 1 streptococci. These results indicate that the NH2-terminal region of type 1 M protein retains the secondary structural characteristics of other M serotypes. Moreover, it contains epitopes that evoke protective immune responses. Our studies may have bearing in the development of safe and effective vaccines against group A streptococcal infections.  相似文献   
We have extended the sequence of the OXA-2 beta-lactamase which together with S1 mapping has enabled us to identify the promoter site for this gene. This lies in a region that is found upstream from a variety of resistance genes on different plasmids; each gene appears to have been inserted at the same specific site and to be expressed from the same promoter. The ancestral plasmid thus appears to function as a natural expression vector. The sequence of the recombination site at the 5' end of the OXA-2 gene shows a marked similarity with the attP sequence of lambda. DNA-probe analysis confirmed that the OXA-2 and OXA-3 beta-lactamases are related, and indicated no similarity with other beta-lactamase genes. However, a comparison of amino acid sequences demonstrates that the OXA-2, OXA-1 and PSE-2 beta-lactamases show some similarities to the typical class A enzymes, especially in the central helical domain of the latter, which is largely responsible for forming the active site of the enzyme. The three oxacillinases also show marked amino acid sequence similarity with the product of a regulatory gene, blaR1, required for beta-lactamase induction in Bacillus licheniformis.  相似文献   
The lesser kudu (Tragelaphus imberbis) has been kept in North American zoological parks since 1930 but has never been a common species in collections. In 1987 this population totaled 28 animals: 15 males and 13 females. A pedigree evaluation in 1987 of the existing population indicated that eight effective founders and one potential founder were represented in the North American herd. Three new potential founders from European captive populations were added to the population in 1987 to increase the number of existing founder lines to 12 animals. As this species is not endangered or threatened in its native habitat, it is not a high priority to qualify for designation as an SSP species. Because of this, the institutions holding lesser kudu in North America decided to join informally and draft a breeding program to better manage this small captive population. This program was designed to minimize inbreeding and equalize genetic representation of founder animals to maximize genetic diversity. It requires a shift in management philosophy to establish stable groups of breeding females at participating institutions while rotating appropriate breeder males through these herds in a controlled manner to ensure minimization of inbreeding and maximization of genetic diversity. It is hoped that this program can serve as a model for the management of other small captive populations of non-SSP species.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effects of the specific platelet-activating factor (PAF; 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-glycerophosphocholine) antagonist BN52021 on free fatty acid (FFA) and diacylglycerol (DG) accumulation and on the loss of fatty acids from phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) in mouse brain. Mice were pretreated with BN52021 (10 mg/kg, i.p.) 30 min before electroconvulsive shock (ECS) or postdecapitation ischemia. These procedures cause rapid breakdown of PIP2 and accumulation of FFA and DG. Lipid extracts were prepared from microwave-fixed cerebrum and fractionated by TLC, and the fatty acid methyl esters were prepared by methanolysis and quantified by capillary GLC. In saline or vehicle (dimethyl sulfoxide)-treated mice, ECS caused marked accumulation of FFA and DG and loss of mainly stearic (18:0) and arachidonic (20:4) acids from PIP2. BN52021 pretreatment of ECS-treated mice decreased the accumulation of free palmitic (16:0), 18:0, 20:4, and docosahexaenoic (22:6) acids with no effect on the fatty acids in DG or the loss of PIP2. BN52021 had no effect on basal levels of FFA, DG, or PIP2. One minute of postdecapitation ischemia induced PIP2 loss and accumulation of FFA and DG. BN52021 attenuated the accumulation of free 20:4 and 22:6 acids, decreased the content of oleic (18:1), 20:4, and 22:6 acids in DG, but had no effect on PIP2 loss. These data indicate that BN52021 reduces the injury-induced activation of phospholipase A2 and lysophospholipase, which mediate the accumulation of FFA in brain, while having a negligible effect on phospholipase C-mediated degradation of PIP2.  相似文献   
A method is proposed to identify impacts of habitat modification in cases where it is difficult to site experimental and control samples. This problem occurs especially in heterogeneous systems, but may pose difficulties in any field experimental situation. The method is relevant to the situation where treated (modified) and untreated sites are spread over a range of habitat types. Types of change are identified and compared to treatments. If a specific change type is associated with a particular treatment then it is likely that the change is causally related to the treatment. There are five stages in the analysis. First, the classes or states of the sample sites, over a period of time, are identified (by numerical classification). Second, for each sample site, the sequence of states is listed. Third, transition matrices are made for each sample site to show the changes which have occurred. Fourth, the transition matrices are classified, to identify types of change. Finally, we use the Chisquared test to indicate whether the treated and untreated sites are associated with particular types of change. As an example, we refer to habitat modification to manage salt-marsh mosquitoes and we evaluate impacts on the environment mainly through changes to the vegetation. We consider that the method has potential to identify changes in heterogeneous systems even though little change was identified in the particular salt marsh studied.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider one method of mapping larger units identified from the spatial pattern of sequences of vegetation types. The basic data were presence/absence data for 6450 stands arranged in 90 transects. A second set of data was derived by averaging the species occurrences in non-overlapping groups of 5 stands. A divisive numerical classification was used to determine the primary vegetation units. In all, 5 different sets of primary types were derived, using different species suites, different sample sizes and different numerical methods. We briefly discuss the types identified and their spatial patterns in the area.Each of these types was then used to define a string of type-codes for every transect so that each transect represents a sample from the landscape containing information on the frequency and spatial distribution of the primary vegetation types. The transects may be classified using a Levenshtein dissimilarity measure and agglomerative hierarchical classification, giving 5 analyses of transects, one for each of the primary types discussed above. We then examine these transect classifications to investigate the stability of the vegetation landspace patterns under changes in species used for the primary classification, in size of sample unit and in method of primary classifications. There is a considerable degree of stability in the results. However it seems with this vegetation that the tree species and non-tree species have considerable independence. We also indicate some problems with this approach and some possible extensions.  相似文献   
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