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Despite intense research, the mechanism of Cd2+ toxicity on photosynthesis is still elusive because of the multiplicity of the inhibitory effects and different barriers in plants. The quick Cd2+ uptake in Synechocystis PCC 6803 permits the direct interaction of cadmium with the photosynthetic machinery and allows the distinction between primary and secondary effects. We show that the CO2‐dependent electron transport is rapidly inhibited upon exposing the cells to 40 µm Cd2+ (50% inhibition in ~15 min). However, during this time we observe only symptoms of photosystem I acceptor side limitation and a build of an excitation pressure on the reaction centres, as indicated by light‐induced P700 redox transients, O2 polarography and changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters. Inhibitory effects on photosystem II electron transport and the degradation of the reaction centre protein D1 can only be observed after several hours, and only in the light, as revealed by chlorophyll a fluorescence transients, thermoluminescence and immunoblotting. Despite the marked differences in the manifestations of these short‐ and long‐term effects, they exhibit virtually the same Cd2+ concentration dependence. These data strongly suggest a cascade mechanism of the toxic effect, with a primary effect in the dark reactions.  相似文献   
Whole body studies of Plotosus tandanus revealed that ampullary pores occur over the entire body of the fish, but are in higher concentrations in the head region. These pores give rise to a short canal (50-60 microm) produced by columnar epithelial cells bound together by tight junctions and desmosomes. At the junction of the canal and the ampulla, cuboidal epithelial cells make up the wall. The ampulla consists of layers of collagen fibers that surround flattened epithelial cells in the lateral regions and give rise to supportive cells that encase a small number of receptor cells (10-15). The ampullary wall comprises several types of cells that are adjoined via tight junctions and desmosomes between cell types. The ovoid receptor cells possess microvilli along the luminar apical area. Beneath this area, the cells are rich in mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. An unmyelinated neuron adjoins with each receptor cell opposite multiple presynaptic bodies. This form of microampulla has not been previously described within the Family Plotosidae.  相似文献   
Exchange of erythrocyte intracellular (i/c) K+for extracellular (e/c) Na+in human erythrocytes treated with sub-CMC concentrations of the non-ionic detergent Brij 58 can be stopped by reincubation in serum or albumin containing solutions. The progressive equilibration of the K+contents of detergent-treated human erythrocytes with the incubation medium was reversed by an albumin-mediated withdrawal of detergent molecules from the cell. Re-establishment of near normal [K+] in terms of K+/kg water proceeds in two ways: (i) a metabolism-dependent net accumulation of K+ions; and (ii) a metabolism-independent shrinkage of erythrocytes, this being the more significant factor.  相似文献   
The Aschelminthes is a collection of at least eight animal phyla, historically grouped together because the absence of a true body cavity was perceived as a pseudocoelom. Analyses of 18S rRNA sequences from six Aschelminth phyla (including four previously unpublished sequences) support polyphyly for the Aschelminthes. At least three distinct groups of Aschelminthes were detected: the Priapulida among the protostomes, the Rotifera-Acanthocephala as a sister group to the protostomes, and the Nematoda as a basal group to the triploblastic Eumetazoa.   相似文献   
Acrosomal development in the early spermatid of the rufous hare wallaby shows evidence of formation of an acrosomal granule, similar to that found in eutherian mammals, the Phascolarctidae and Vombatidae. Unlike the other members of the Macropodidae so far examined, the acrosome of this species appears to be fully compacted at spermiation and extends evenly over 90% of the dorsal aspect of the nucleus. During spermiogenesis, the nucleus of the rufous hare wallaby spermatid showed evidence of uneven condensation of chromatin; this may also be related to the appearance of unusual nucleoplasm evaginations from the surface of the fully condensed spermatid. This study was unable to find evidence of the presence of Sertoli cell spurs or nuclear rotation during spermiogenesis in the rufous hare wallaby. The majority of spermatozoa immediately before spermiation had a nucleus that was essentially perpendicular to the long axis of the sperm tail. Nuclei of spermatozoa found in the process of being released or isolated in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule were rotated almost parallel to the long axis of the flagellum; complete parallel alignment occurred during epididymal maturation. At spermiation spermatozoa have characteristically small cytoplasmic remnants compared to those of other macropods. Unlike the majority of macropodid spermatozoa so far described, the spermatozoa of the rufous hare wallaby showed little evidence of morphological change during epididymal transit. There was no formation of a fibre network around the midpiece or of plasma membrane specializations in this region; the only notable change was a distinctive flattening of midpiece mitochondria and scalloping of the anterior mitochondrial sheath to accommodate the sperm head. Preliminary evidence from spermiogenesis and epididymal sperm maturation supports the classification of the rufous hare wallaby as a separate genus but also indicates that its higher taxonomic position may need to be re‐evaluated.  相似文献   
The fetal globin genes G gamma and A gamma from one chromosome of a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) were sequenced and found to be closely similar to the corresponding genes of man and the gorilla. These genes contain identical promoter and termination signals and have exons 1 and 2 separated by the conserved short intron 1 (122 bp) and exons 2 and 3 separated by the more rapidly evolving, larger intron 2 (893 bp and 887 bp in chimpanzee G gamma and A gamma, respectively). Each intron 2 has a stretch of simple sequence DNA (TG)n serving possibly as a "hot spot" for recombination. The two chimpanzee genes encode polypeptide chains that differ only at position 136 (glycine in G gamma and alanine in A gamma) and that are identical to the corresponding human chains, which have aspartic acid at position 73 and lysine at 104 in contrast to glycine and arginine at these respective positions of the gorilla A gamma chain. Phylogenetic analysis by the parsimony method revealed four silent (synonymous) base substitutions in evolutionary descent of the chimpanzee G gamma and A gamma codons and none in the human and gorilla codons. These Homininae (Pan, Homo, Gorilla) coding sequences evolved at one-tenth the average mammalian rate for nonsynonymous and one-fourth that for synonymous substitutions. Three sequence regions that were affected by gene conversions between chimpanzee G gamma and A gamma loci were identified: one extended 3' of the hot spot with G gamma replaced by the A gamma sequence, another extended 5' of the hot spot with A gamma replaced by G gamma, and the third conversion extended from the 5' flanking to the 5' end of intron 2, with G gamma replaced here by the A gamma sequence. A conversion similar to this third one has occurred independently in the descent of the gorilla genes. The four previously identified conversions, labeled C1-C4 (Scott et al. 1984), were substantiated with the addition of the chimpanzee genes to our analysis (C1 being shared by all three hominines and C2, C3, and C4 being found only in humans). Thus, the fetal genes from all three of these hominine species have been active in gene conversions during the descent of each species.   相似文献   


Insensitivity of advanced-stage prostate cancer to androgen ablation therapy is a serious problem in clinical practice because it is associated with aggressive progression and poor prognosis. Targeted therapeutic drug discovery efforts are thwarted by lack of adequate knowledge of gene(s) associated with prostate tumorigenesis. Therefore there is the need for studies to provide leads to targeted intervention measures. Here we propose that stable expression of U94, a tumor suppressor gene encoded by human herpesvirus 6A (HHV-6A), could alter gene expression and thereby inhibit the tumorigenicity of PC3 cell line. Microarray gene expression profiling on U94 recombinant PC3 cell line could reveal genes that would elucidate prostate cancer biology, and hopefully identify potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   
The effect of infection of barley with barley stripe mosaic virus on the chlorophyll, phospholipid and galactolipid content was examined in plants grown in sand culture with a range of nitrogen concentrations. The systemic yellowing and mosaic symptoms of infection were associated with a reduction in the chlorophyll and galactolipid content and an increase in the phospholipid content of leaves. The effects of the virus were not reversed by high nitrogen. The effects of virus infection are interpreted as a stress-induced phenomenon and the effects compared with those brought about by other stresses.  相似文献   
Jamieson B. G. M. and Daddow L. M. 1979. The ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Neochasmus sp. (Cryptogonimidae, Digenea, Trematoda) and its phylogenetic significance. International Journal for Parasitology12: 547–559. The typical spermatozoon is filiform, monopartite and internally strongly asymmetrical, with a mean length of 254 μm. Its two axonemes are wholly incorporated though not deeply. The six major regions, in anteroposterior (proximal-distal) sequence, are: acrosomoid, prenuclear, uniaxonemal, nuclear, intermediate (amitochondrial), posterior mitochondrial and posterior amitochondrial regions. Centrioles and flagellar rootlets, present in the spermatid, are absent from the spermatozoon. The right axoneme (axial unit) originates more anteriorly than the left and anteriorly bears an acrosome-like projection (acrosomoid). Spinose regions carrying epiplasmalemmal projections are reported for the first time in the Digenea. Dimorphism exists as replacement of the typical posterior mitochondrial and amitochondrial regions by an amitochondrial region characterized by asymmetrical distribution of spines around one axoneme. Excepting known schistosomatid sperm, the digenean sperm is diagnosed by the combination of three characters: cortical microtubules, two fully incorporated 9 + 1 axonemes and presence of mitochondria although no one of these characters is limited to the group. Subtle intertaxon variations occur.  相似文献   
1. The aim of the present study was to evaluate host plant and habitat preferences in the Estonian populations of Euphydryas maturna, a regionally polyphagous but often locally specialised butterfly endangered in most parts of its European range. 2. Laboratory trials suggested that Fraxinus excelsior, Viburnum opulus and Melampyrum pratense are plants recognised by ovipositing females as potential hosts. These plants also supported development of the larvae, with the poorest growth performance on M. pratense. 3. Both a transect count‐based habitat occupancy analysis and a country‐wide landscape occupancy analysis revealed the abundance of F. excelsior as the primary determinant of the occurrence of E. maturna. In contrast, the occurrence of E. maturna was not associated with habitats colonised by M. pratense. 4. The results suggest that European ash, F. excelsior, is the main, if not the only, host plant of E. maturna in Estonia. The use of V. opulus cannot be excluded, although, due the relative scarcity of this plant, an important role for it as a determinant of the distribution of E. maturna is unlikely. Melampyrum pratense is not likely an alternative host of E. maturna in Estonia, which contrasts with the situation in neighbouring Finland. 5. This study adds to the evidence of geographical differences in host specialisation in melitaeine butterflies. The results imply that conservation actions should focus on securing the favourable status of the locally used host plant; the populations of F. excelsior are currently threatened by a fungal disease, ash dieback.  相似文献   
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