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三峡库区9种植物种子萌发特性及其在植被恢复中的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶敏  鲍大川  江明喜 《生态学报》2011,31(4):906-913
三峡大坝蓄水后形成的库区消涨带面临植被消亡、生态退化等问题。为了筛选出适用于库区消涨带植被恢复的植物, 将9种1年生植物种子放置在库区消涨带不同海拔进行水淹(W 165-8 m, 121 d;W 155-18 m, 230 d;W 147-26 m, 271 d), 然后在实验室条件下进行萌发, 研究在消涨带淹水胁迫下这些种子的萌发特性。结果表明: (1) 除马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、小蓬草(Conyza canadensis)、金色狗尾草(Setaria glauca)种子在各条件下萌发率都较低外, 不同水淹条件对萌发率影响不同: 与新鲜种子相比, W 165水淹后, 旱稗(Echinochloa hispidula)和婆婆针(Bidens bipinnata)种子萌发率显著上升, 其余种子萌发率均显著下降; W 155水淹后, 所有种子的萌发率都显著下降且只有鱧肠(Eclipta prostrate)、黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)、合萌(Aeschynomene indica)3个物种有萌发, 萌发率分别为11.0%、7.3%和2.7%; W 147水淹后, 旱稗和婆婆针种子萌发率显著上升, 鱧肠种子无显著差异, 其余种子萌发率显著下降。(2) 鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针和旱稗种子比其它物种更耐水淹。W 165水淹后, 鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针、旱稗种子萌发率分别为44.7%、42%、20.7%和4.3%, W 147水淹后分别为76.3%、23%、15%和26.3%, 高于其他物种。(3) 水淹后种子萌发时间格局也受到影响, 大部分种子起始萌发时间推迟、萌发速度变慢。鱧肠、黄花蒿、婆婆针和旱稗的种子对三峡库区消涨带的水淹胁迫具有一定的适应能力, 可根据它们对水淹条件适应能力的差异在消涨带不同海拔高度进行植被恢复。  相似文献   
The diamagnetic levitation as a novel ground-based model for simulating a reduced gravity environment has been widely applied in many fields. In this study, a special designed superconducting magnet, which can produce three apparent gravity levels (0, 1, and 2 g), namely high magneto-gravitational environment (HMGE), was used to simulate space gravity environment. The effects of HMGE on osteoblast gene expression profile were investigated by microarray. Genes sensitive to diamagnetic levitation environment (0g), gravity changes, and high magnetic field changes were sorted on the basis of typical cell func- tions. Cytoskeleton, as an intracellular load-bearing struc- ture, plays an important role in gravity perception. Therefore, 13 cytoskeleton-related genes were chosen according to the results of microarray analysis, and the expressions of these genes were found to be altered under HMGE by real-time PCR. Based on the PCR results, the expressions of WASF2 (WAS protein family, member 2), WIPF1 (WAS/WASL interacting protein family, member 1), paxillin, and talin 1 were further identified by western blot assay. Results indicated that WASF2 and WIPF1 were more sensitive to altered gravity levels, and talin 1 and paxillin were sensitive to both magnetic field and gravity changes. Our findings demonstrated that HMGE can affect osteoblast gene expression profile and cytoskele- ton-related genes expression. The identification of mechanosensitive genes may enhance our understandings to the mechanism of bone loss induced by microgravity and may provide some potential targets for preventing and treating bone loss or osteoporosis.  相似文献   
The stochastic dilution hypothesis has been proposed to explain species coexistence in species-rich communities. The relative importance of the stochastic dilution effects with respect to other effects such as competition and habitat filtering required to be tested. In this study, using data from a 25-ha species-rich subtropical forest plot with a strong topographic structure at Badagongshan in central China, we analyzed overall species associations and fine-scale species interactions between 2,550 species pairs. The result showed that: (1) the proportion of segregation in overall species association analysis at 2 m neighborhood in this plot followed the prediction of the stochastic dilution hypothesis that segregations should decrease with species richness but that at 10 m neighborhood was higher than the prediction. (2) The proportion of no association type was lower than the expectation of stochastic dilution hypothesis. (3) Fine-scale species interaction analyses using Heterogeneous Poisson processes as null models revealed a high proportion (47%) of significant species effects. However, the assumption of separation of scale of this method was not fully met in this plot with a strong fine-scale topographic structure. We also found that for species within the same families, fine-scale positive species interactions occurred more frequently and negative ones occurred less frequently than expected by chance. These results suggested effects of environmental filtering other than species interaction in this forest. (4) We also found that arbor species showed a much higher proportion of significant fine-scale species interactions (66%) than shrub species (18%). We concluded that the stochastic dilution hypothesis only be partly supported and environmental filtering left discernible spatial signals in the spatial associations between species in this species-rich subtropical forest with a strong topographic structure.  相似文献   
The protein RamC is required for the production of the spore-forming cells called aerial hyphae by the filamentous bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor. We showed that RamC, which contains several weakly predicted membrane-spanning sequences, is located exclusively in the S. coelicolor membrane. By constructing site-directed mutants in the cloned ramC gene and complementing a ramC null mutant, we showed that protein kinase-like sequence motifs in the amino-terminal half of the protein are required for function in vivo. These data suggest that RamC is a membrane-associated receptor kinase.  相似文献   
The coverage and reliability of protein-protein interactions determined by high-throughput experiments still needs to be improved, especially for higher organisms, therefore the question persists, how interactions can be verified and predicted by computational approaches using available data on protein structural complexes. Recently we developed an approach called IBIS (Inferred Biomolecular Interaction Server) to predict and annotate protein-protein binding sites and interaction partners, which is based on the assumption that the structural location and sequence patterns of protein-protein binding sites are conserved between close homologs. In this study first we confirmed high accuracy of our method and found that its accuracy depends critically on the usage of all available data on structures of homologous complexes, compared to the approaches where only a non-redundant set of complexes is employed. Second we showed that there exists a trade-off between specificity and sensitivity if we employ in the prediction only evolutionarily conserved binding site clusters or clusters supported by only one observation (singletons). Finally we addressed the question of identifying the biologically relevant interactions using the homology inference approach and demonstrated that a large majority of crystal packing interactions can be correctly identified and filtered by our algorithm. At the same time, about half of biological interfaces that are not present in the protein crystallographic asymmetric unit can be reconstructed by IBIS from homologous complexes without the prior knowledge of crystal parameters of the query protein.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - This study evaluated the overall influence of ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECMF) and exogenous Ca2+ supplementation on the growth, physiological, and metabolic traits...  相似文献   
During an inflammation and upon encountering pathogens, immature dendritic cells (DC) undergo a maturation process to become highly efficient in presenting antigens. This transition from immature to mature state is accompanied by various physiological, functional and morphological changes including reduction of caspase activity and inhibition of phagocytosis in the mature DC. Caspases are cysteine proteases which play essential roles in apoptosis, necrosis and inflammation. Here, we demonstrate that VAMP-8, (a SNARE protein of the early/late endosomes) which has been shown previously to inhibit phagocytosis in DC, is a substrate of caspases. Furthermore, we identified two putative conserved caspase recognition/cleavage sites on the VAMP-8 protein. Consistent with the up-regulation of VAMP-8 expression upon treatment with caspase inhibitor (CI), immature DC treated with CI exhibits lower phagocytosis activity. Thus, our results highlight the role of caspases in regulating VAMP-8 expression and subsequently phagocytosis during maturation of DC.  相似文献   
海洋生态资本价值结构要素与评估指标体系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
针对海洋生态系统的特点,构建了海洋生态资本价值的结构要素及其评估指标体系。海洋生态资本的价值是指海洋生态资本的存量价值及其产生的收益流价值,包括各类海洋生态资源的现存量价值及其组成海洋生态系统整体而产生的生态系统服务价值。其中,海洋生态资源的现存量价值由海洋生物资源存量价值和海洋生境资源存量价值构成。海洋生态系统服务价值包含海洋供给服务、海洋调节服务、海洋文化服务和海洋支持服务等4个子要素的价值。  相似文献   
微-纳尺度的蛋白质自组装体具有形貌多样性与良好的生物相容性,因而成为蛋白质自组装领域的研究热点。以蛋白质结晶条件的筛选手段高通量筛选不同类型蛋白质于不同尺度、不同形貌的自组装过程,是一种新兴的研究方法,具有重要研究意义。利用该方法进行蛋白质自组装条件筛选时,常会形成一些表观透明的液滴,其中是否有自组装现象的发生尚不明确。文中以β-乳球蛋白与蛋白质结晶试剂盒IndexTM C10相互作用为例进行探索,实验结果表明透明液滴中存在微-纳尺度的蛋白质自组装体。进一步通过扫描电镜观察不同初始浓度β-乳球蛋白与IndexTM C10混合形成的透明液滴中微-纳自组装体的形貌有所差别;通过激光共聚焦显微镜连续拍摄添加荧光标签的β-乳球蛋白形成自组装体的过程,可实时观察到液液相分离现象及最终形成的自组装体的形貌;通过原位X-射线衍射手段,可观察到自组装体内部结构随时间推移逐渐有序化的过程。以上研究表明,在以结晶条件筛选手段为基础的蛋白质自组装条件筛选实验中,透明液滴内的自组装现象具有深入探索的必要和价值。  相似文献   
Mannans are hemicellulosic polysaccharides that are considered to have both structural and storage functions in the plant cell wall. However, it is not yet known how mannans function in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seed mucilage. In this study, CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-LIKE A2 (CSLA2; At5g22740) expression was observed in several seed tissues, including the epidermal cells of developing seed coats. Disruption of CSLA2 resulted in thinner adherent mucilage halos, although the total amount of the adherent mucilage did not change compared with the wild type. This suggested that the adherent mucilage in the mutant was more compact compared with that of the wild type. In accordance with the role of CSLA2 in glucomannan synthesis, csla2-1 mucilage contained 30% less mannosyl and glucosyl content than did the wild type. No appreciable changes in the composition, structure, or macromolecular properties were observed for nonmannan polysaccharides in mutant mucilage. Biochemical analysis revealed that cellulose crystallinity was substantially reduced in csla2-1 mucilage; this was supported by the removal of most mucilage cellulose through treatment of csla2-1 seeds with endo-β-glucanase. Mutation in CSLA2 also resulted in altered spatial distribution of cellulose and an absence of birefringent cellulose microfibrils within the adherent mucilage. As with the observed changes in crystalline cellulose, the spatial distribution of pectin was also modified in csla2-1 mucilage. Taken together, our results demonstrate that glucomannans synthesized by CSLA2 are involved in modulating the structure of adherent mucilage, potentially through altering cellulose organization and crystallization.Mannan polysaccharides are a complex set of hemicellulosic cell wall polymers that are considered to have both structural and storage functions. Based on the particular chemical composition of the backbone and the side chains, mannan polysaccharides are classified into four types: pure mannan, glucomannan, galactomannan, and galactoglucomannan (Moreira and Filho, 2008; Wang et al., 2012; Pauly et al., 2013). Each of these polysaccharides is composed of a β-1,4-linked backbone containing Man or a combination of Glc and Man residues. In addition, the mannan backbone can be substituted with side chains of α-1,6-linked Gal residues. Mannan polysaccharides have been proposed to cross link with cellulose and other hemicelluloses via hydrogen bonds (Fry, 1986; Iiyama et al., 1994; Obel et al., 2007; Scheller and Ulvskov, 2010). Furthermore, it has been reported that heteromannans with different levels of substitution can interact with cellulose in diverse ways (Whitney et al., 1998). Together, these observations indicate the complexity of mannan polysaccharides in the context of cell wall architecture.CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-LIKE A (CSLA) enzymes have been shown to have mannan synthase activity in vitro. These enzymes polymerize the β-1,4-linked backbone of mannans or glucomannans, depending on the substrates (GDP-Man and/or GDP-Glc) provided (Richmond and Somerville, 2000; Liepman et al., 2005, 2007; Pauly et al., 2013). In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), nine CSLA genes have been identified; different CSLAs are responsible for the synthesis of different mannan types (Liepman et al., 2005, 2007). CSLA7 has mannan synthase activity in vitro (Liepman et al., 2005) and has been shown to synthesize stem glucomannan in vivo (Goubet et al., 2009). Disrupting the CSLA7 gene results in defective pollen growth and embryo lethality phenotypes in Arabidopsis, indicating structural or signaling functions of mannan polysaccharides during plant embryo development (Goubet et al., 2003). A mutation in CSLA9 results in the inhibition of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated root transformation in the rat4 mutant (Zhu et al., 2003). CSLA2, CSLA3, and CSLA9 are proposed to play nonredundant roles in the biosynthesis of stem glucomannans, although mutations in CSLA2, CSLA3, or CSLA9 have no effect on stem development or strength (Goubet et al., 2009). All of the Arabidopsis CSLA proteins have been shown to be involved in the biosynthesis of mannan polysaccharides in the plant cell wall (Liepman et al., 2005, 2007), although the precise physiological functions of only CSLA7 and CSLA9 have been conclusively demonstrated.In Arabidopsis, when mature dry seeds are hydrated, gel-like mucilage is extruded to envelop the entire seed. Ruthenium red staining of Arabidopsis seeds reveals two different mucilage layers, termed the nonadherent and the adherent mucilage layers (Western et al., 2000; Macquet et al., 2007a). The outer, nonadherent mucilage is loosely attached and can be easily extracted by shaking seeds in water. Compositional and linkage analyses suggest that this layer is almost exclusively composed of unbranched rhamnogalacturonan I (RG-I) (>80% to 90%), with small amounts of branched RG-I, arabinoxylan, and high methylesterified homogalacturonan (HG). By contrast, the inner, adherent mucilage layer is tightly attached to the seed and can only be removed by strong acid or base treatment, or by enzymatic digestion (Macquet et al., 2007a; Huang et al., 2011; Walker et al., 2011). As with the nonadherent layer, adherent mucilage is also mainly composed of unbranched RG-I, but with small numbers of arabinan and galactan ramifications (Penfield et al., 2001; Willats et al., 2001; Dean et al., 2007; Macquet et al., 2007a, 2007b; Arsovski et al., 2009; Haughn and Western, 2012). There are also minor amounts of pectic HG in the adherent mucilage, with high methylesterified HG in the external domain compared with the internal domain of the adherent layer (Willats et al., 2001; Macquet et al., 2007a; Rautengarten et al., 2008; Sullivan et al., 2011; Saez-Aguayo et al., 2013). In addition, the adherent mucilage contains cellulose (Blake et al., 2006; Macquet et al., 2007a), which is entangled with RG-I and is thought to anchor the pectin-rich mucilage onto seeds (Macquet et al., 2007a; Harpaz-Saad et al., 2011, 2012; Mendu et al., 2011; Sullivan et al., 2011). As such, Arabidopsis seed mucilage is considered to be a useful model for investigating the biosynthesis of cell wall polysaccharides and how this process is regulated in vivo (Haughn and Western, 2012).Screening for altered seed coat mucilage has led to the identification of several genes encoding enzymes that are involved in the biosynthesis or modification of mucilage components. RHAMNOSE SYNTHASE2/MUCILAGE-MODIFIED4 (MUM4) is responsible for the synthesis of UDP-l-Rha (Usadel et al., 2004; Western et al., 2004; Oka et al., 2007). The putative GALACTURONSYLTRANSFERASE11 can potentially synthesize mucilage RG-I or HG pectin from UDP-d-GalUA (Caffall et al., 2009). GALACTURONSYLTRANSFERASE-LIKE5 appears to function in the regulation of the final size of the mucilage RG-I (Kong et al., 2011, 2013). Mutant seeds defective in these genes display reduced thickness of the extruded mucilage layer compared with wild-type Arabidopsis seeds.RG-I deposited in the apoplast of seed coat epidermal cells appears to be synthesized in a branched form that is subsequently modified by enzymes in the apoplast. MUM2 encodes a β-galactosidase that removes Gal residues from RG-I side chains (Dean et al., 2007; Macquet et al., 2007b). β-XYLOSIDASE1 encodes an α-l-arabinfuranosidase that removes Ara residues from RG-I side chains (Arsovski et al., 2009). Disruptions of these genes lead to defective hydration properties and affect the extrusion of mucilage. Furthermore, correct methylesterification of mucilage HG is also required for mucilage extrusion. HG is secreted into the wall in a high methylesterified form that can then be enzymatically demethylesterified by pectin methylesterases (PMEs; Bosch and Hepler, 2005). PECTIN METHYLESTERASE INHIBITOR6 (PMEI6) inhibits PME activities (Saez-Aguayo et al., 2013). The subtilisin-like Ser protease (SBT1.7) can activate other PME inhibitors, but not PMEI6 (Rautengarten et al., 2008; Saez-Aguayo et al., 2013). Disruption of either PMEI6 or SBT1.7 results in the delay of mucilage release.Although cellulose is present at low levels in adherent mucilage, it plays an important adhesive role for the attachment of mucilage pectin to the seed coat epidermal cells. The orientation and amount of pectin associated with the cellulose network is largely determined by cellulose conformation properties (Macquet et al., 2007a; Haughn and Western, 2012). Previous studies have demonstrated that CELLULOSE SYNTHASE A5 (CESA5) is required for the production of seed mucilage cellulose and the adherent mucilage in the cesa5 mutant can be easily extracted with water (Harpaz-Saad et al., 2011, 2012; Mendu et al., 2011; Sullivan et al., 2011).Despite all of these discoveries, large gaps remain in the current knowledge of the biosynthesis and functions of mucilage polysaccharides in seed coats. In this study, we show that CSLA2 is involved in the biosynthesis of mucilage glucomannan. Furthermore, we show that CSLA2 functions in the maintenance of the normal structure of the adherent mucilage layer through modifying the mucilage cellulose ultrastructure.  相似文献   
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