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Phenotypic variation in two populations of the White Sea herring Clupea pallasi marisalbi (Berg) (spring spawners and summer spawners), based on 21 meristic and 21 morphometric bilateral characters, has been studied. Total phenotypic variance was partitioned into a within-individual or stochastic component (fluctuating asymmetry) and an among-individual or factorial component, reflecting heterogeneity among individuals and resulting from the diversity of genotypes and environments. Both standardized stochastic and factorial components show clear negative correlations with means across characters. Negative correlation of the factorial components with means is in contradiction to the commonly accepted explanation of negative means-standardized variances association. Slopes of regression of standardized stochastic variances on means in meristic characters was significantly higher in summer spawners than in spring spawners, and results in discordance of stochastic variance across characters: it is higher in spring spawners for low and average variability characters and does not differ for both populations for high variability characters. The populations do not show notable differences in variation of morphometric characters. Consideration of other available data on these populations, such as spawning behaviour and salinity resistance of larvae, suggests that the lower slope of regression of stochastic variances on means is associated with the reduced viability of spring spawners  相似文献   
Abstract.  The effects of day length on adult diapause development, associated with diapause body colour change as well as postdiapause reproduction are studied in Nezara viridula from Japan. Facultative diapause spontaneously terminates under three constant short-day and near-critical photoperiods at 25 °C without low temperature treatment. The period required for body colour change from russet to green and the precopulation and preoviposition periods differ significantly between the photoperiodic treatments, being shortest under LD 13 : 11 h, intermediate under LD 12 : 12 h and longest under LD 10 : 14 h. Photoperiodic conditions do not affect postdiapause reproductive performance: the total egg production, duration of the period of oviposition and other reproductive indices do not differ significantly between the photoperiodic conditions. The total egg production depends on the duration of the period of oviposition but not on how long females remained russet during diapause. It is concluded that diapause in N. viridula does not require low temperature for its successful completion and diapause duration affects winter survival but not postdiapause reproductive performance or longevity. Such independence of the postdiapause reproductive performance from the duration of diapause may have contributed to the continuous worldwide range expansion of this species into temperate zone.  相似文献   
Cercidiphylloxylon spenceri(Brett)Pearson is described from the Lizigou Formation,Palaeocene in China.The growth rings are distinct; pores are diffuse,solitary,with somewhat angular outlines in cross section;vessel elements long with long scalariform perforation plates; intervessel pitting is opposite to scalariform; fibertracheids are present; axial parenchyma is scarce; rays are mostly biseriate and heterogeneous.All wood characters of the fossil specimen fall into the range of those of extant Cercidiphyllum(Cercidiphyllaceae).The finding is one of the earliest fossil wood records of Cercidiphyllaceae.  相似文献   
Although the faunal elements of Far East Asian Mesozoic terrestrial biota have attracted much attention in recent years, their palaeoecology remains poorly known. In particular, features of the palaeoclimate are highly controversial. To address this point we used the Mesozoic fossil wood Xenoxylon , a genus recognized as an indicator of wet temperate biotopes and which is common in the area during the Carnian–Maastrichtian interval. We re-appraised bibliographic data and gathered new data for Xenoxylon in the Mesozoic of Far East Asia. This demonstrated that previous taxonomic approaches to the genus have been so far idiosyncratic. We examined the anatomical diversity of morphogenus Xenoxylon in Far East Asia and compared it to that of samples from Europe. This indicates that in an area centred on north-eastern China, Xenoxylon reached a level of anatomical diversity unmatched elsewhere in the world. We hypothesize that this diversity witnesses the persistence of palaeoecological conditions particularly suitable for Xenoxylon and that a wet temperate climate prevailed over most of the area throughout the Carnian–Maastrichtian interval. It is in this setting that the famous Jehol Biota probably evolved.  相似文献   
1. Hypoxia occurs seasonally in many stratified coastal marine and freshwater ecosystems when bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations are depleted below 2–3 mg O2 L?1. 2. We evaluated the effects of hypoxia on fish habitat quality in the central basin of Lake Erie from 1987 to 2005, using bioenergetic growth rate potential (GRP) as a proxy for habitat quality. We compared the effect of hypoxia on habitat quality of (i) rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax mordax Mitchill (young‐of‐year, YOY, and adult), a cold‐water planktivore, (ii) emerald shiner, Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque (adult), a warm‐water planktivore, (iii) yellow perch, Perca flavescens Mitchill (YOY and adult), a cool‐water benthopelagic omnivore and (iv) round goby Neogobius melanostomus Pallas (adult) a eurythermal benthivore. Annual thermal and DO profiles were generated from 1D thermal and DO hydrodynamics models developed for Lake Erie’s central basin. 3. Hypoxia occurred annually, typically from mid‐July to mid‐October, which spatially and temporally overlaps with otherwise high benthic habitat quality. Hypoxia reduced the habitat quality across fish species and life stages, but the magnitude of the reduction varied both among and within species because of the differences in tolerance to low DO levels and warm‐water temperatures. 4. Across years, trends in habitat quality mirrored trends in phosphorus concentration and water column oxygen demand in central Lake Erie. The per cent reduction in habitat quality owing to hypoxia was greatest for adult rainbow smelt and round goby (mean: ?35%), followed by adult emerald shiner (mean: ?12%), YOY rainbow smelt (mean: ?10%) and YOY and adult yellow perch (mean: ?8.5%). 5. Our results highlight the importance of differential spatiotemporally interactive effects of DO and temperature on relative fish habitat quality and quantity. These effects have the potential to influence the performance of individual fish species as well as population dynamics, trophic interactions and fish community structure.  相似文献   
The evolution of viviparity in squamates has been the focus of much scientific attention in previous years. In particular, the possibility of the transition from viviparity back to oviparity has been the subject of a vigorous debate. Some studies have suggested this reversal is more frequent than previously thought. However, none of them provide conclusive evidence. We investigated this problem by studying the phylogenetic relationships between oviparous and viviparous lineages of the reproductively bimodal lizard species Zootoca vivipara . Our results show that viviparous populations are not monophyletic, and that several evolutionary transitions in parity mode have occurred. The most parsimonious scenario involves a single origin of viviparity followed by a reversal back to oviparity. This is the first study with a strongly supported phylogenetic framework supporting a transition from viviparity to oviparity.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 1–11.  相似文献   
The emotional reactions of an actor that resemble those experienced by the character he is portraying serve as an index of the artist's penetration into the sphere of the needs (motives) of that dramatic character, an indicator of the naturalness, verisimilitude, and accuracy of the behavior ofthat character, which is the most important condition for fruitful creativity in the theater [6]. The ability to transform one's own artistic, creative need (a "meta-meta task," in the terminology of K. S. Stanislavskii) into the motives of the behavior of the portrayed person, into his "metatask," is an extremely important aspect of an actor's talent and also of his professionalism [2,8]. This ability is closely related to a personality trait that may, very provisionally, be designated by the term emotionality, by which is meant the ability to respond forcefully to emotion-producing stimuli. In an actor, emotional responses to the reproduction in the mind of corresponding emotionally colored situations assumes special importance [1,13]. The number of studies employing objective recording of the physiological changes accompanying an actor's emotional responses is still very limited [1,3,5,9,10,15].  相似文献   
Abstract The effects of day‐length and temperature on pre‐adult growth and induction of reproductive diapause are studied in Orius sauteri and Orius minutus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) from northern (43.0°N, 141.4°E) and central (36.1°N, 140.1°E) Japan. In the north, at 20 °C, pre‐adult growth is slower under an LD 14 : 10 h photoperiod than under shorter or longer photophases. At 24 and 28 °C, the longer photophases result in shorter pre‐adult periods. Acceleration of nymphal growth by short days in autumn appears to be adaptive. In the central region, this response is less pronounced, suggesting that timing of adult emergence is less critical than in the north. Day length also influences the thermal requirements for pre‐adult development. The slope of the regression line representing temperature dependence of pre‐adult development is significantly smaller and the lower development threshold (LDT) is significantly lower under an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod than under long‐day conditions. The weaker dependence of nymphal growth on temperature and the lower LDT in autumn might be adaptive. In the north, increased temperature shifts the critical day length of diapause induction and suppresses the photoperiodic response in O. sauteri but not in O. minutus. Further south, the incidence of diapause in both species is low even under short‐day conditions but the same interspecific difference is observed (i.e. increase of temperature affects the response in O. sauteri but not in O. minutus). This suggests seasonally earlier diapause induction with weaker temperature dependence in O. minutus than in O. sauteri.  相似文献   
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