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Dormancy of seeds of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) was inducedby imbibing in -1.8 MPa polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG) solutionand pulsing with far red light for 15 min prior to washing anddrying. When re-imbibed with water at 20 °C, dormancy wasbroken by raising the temperature to 30 °C for 6 h. Thistreatment was also effective when -0.9 MPa PEG was present duringre-imbibition and high temperature. Seeds with broken dormancywere found to germinate in water over a smaller temperaturerange than seeds in which dormancy had not been induced. Whenthe duration of the temperature shift to 30 °C was varied,germination percentage increased from 7 to 60% after 6 h, butlonger exposures up to 12 h had no further promoting effect.The time course of germination after transfer to water following6 h at 30 °C in PEG showed piercing of the perisperm-endospermenvelope after 9–12 h and radicle protusion after 12–15h. If PEG was retained after high temperature treatment no visiblegermination was observed. Thus, to study membrane fluidity andthe protein content associated with germination, seeds weresampled 9 h after high temperature treatment. To study the germinablebut not germinating state, seed held in PEG for 9 h rather thanin water was used. Dormant seed was sampled before the hightemperature treatment. Membrane fluidity was assessed usingfluorescence polarization of membrane fractions treated withDPH (1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene) or its derivatives. Membraneproteins were compared using one-dimensional SDS-PAGE electrophoresis.Intracellular membrane fluidity was not increased in the transitionfrom the dormant to germinable state, but did increase in thetransition to germination. There were no detected changes inintracellular membrane proteins during either transition. Inplasma membrane fractions, fluidity increased during both transitions,while a marked increase in 21, 18 and 17 kD proteins was observedin the transition from germinable to germinating state. Thusmodification of plasma membrane fluidity rather than changesin protein profile is associated with the high temperature releaseof cucumber seeds from dormancy. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany  相似文献   
The dark-germinating seeds of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv.Saharanpur Long green) developed secondary dormancy when giventwo brief far-red light (FR) irradiations during a 4 d incubationin osmoticum at 20°C. Acetone treatment of seeds was foundnot only to break FR-induced dormancy but also to prevent itsdevelopment. The progressive effect of increasing the durationof treatment or the concentrations of acetone, as well as anappreciable activity of the latter, irrespective of its applicationto dry or hydrated seeds, is consistent with the Taylorson hypothesisof anaesthetic action at the membrane level. Contrary to thegeneral consensus that it is only the cells of the embryo whichrespond to an active dormancy-breaking factor, termination ofdormancy as well as prevention of its development by acetonein cucumber seeds was accompanied by a striking change in thepermeability of the cell membranes of the perisperm-endospermenvelope enclosing the embryo. This change in the permeabilityof the cell membranes brought about by acetone appeared to bepermanent in nature as it was not affected by hydration or dehydrationof the treated seeds. Key words: Acetone, anaesthetic substances, secondary seed dormancy, triphenyl tetrazolium chloride, benzyladenine, Evan's blue  相似文献   
The effect of holothurin (a marine biotoxin) on the resistance of mice to Trypanosoma musculi was measured by studying changes in the parasite population in vivo. Swiss Webster (SW), Beige (BG), and Black (BL) mice treated with holothurin prior to and simultaneously with infection of trypanosomes had lower parasitemias than controls. Higher levels of parasitemia were observed in mice treated after infection with trypanosomes. The timing of administration of holothurin appeared to be an important factor in the observed effect. The minor variations in the parasitemia seemed to be related to the mouse strain.  相似文献   
A chemically defined medium using commercially available α-MEM supplemented with HEPES, L-glutamine, D-glucose, folic acid, D-biotin and adenine supports the luxuriant growth and propagation of Leishmania donovani promastigotes. A peak parasite population of about 7.0 × 107/ml at stationary phase and a population doubling time of 11.4 h for high-subpassage promastigotes were obtained. The medium was suitable for transformation of isolated amastigotes from infected hamster spleen. Promastigotes could be detected by culturing kala-azar patients’bone-marrow aspirate or spleen puncture material in this medium. Four out of six freshly transformed isolates gradually adapted and grew well in this medium. Macroscopic colonies appeared on agar plates prepared with the medium within 16–20 days after inoculation. The cloning efficiency was increased about five-fold by glycerol supplementation.  相似文献   
We review the definitions, determinants, and ways of enhancing successful cognitive and emotional aging. Objective definitions of successful aging based on physical health emphasize outcomes including freedom from disability and disease, whereas subjective definitions center on well-being, social connectedness, and adaptation. Most older people do not meet objective criteria for successful aging, while a majority meet the subjective criteria. Older people with severe mental illness are not excluded from successful aging. The determinants of successful aging include complex interactions of lifestyle behaviors and social environment with genes. Depression interferes with nearly all determinants of successful aging. Evidence-based means of enhancing successful aging include calorie restriction, physical exercise, cognitive stimulation, social support, and optimization of stress. Future directions for successful aging research and implications for geriatric psychiatry are discussed.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) (EC No., 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD) (EC No., and isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICD) (EC No. from promastigotes of Leishmania donovani strain 3S grown at 25 C in modified Tobie's (mT) medium and from promastigotes of the 37 C-adapted substrain of this strain cultivated in the mT at 37 C were assayed at 25 and 37 C. At 25 C ICD from both the strain and the substrain had the highest, and PGD, the lowest activity; the activity of G-6-PD was intermediate, but much closer to that of ICD. Irrespective of the temperature of the assay, the activities of G-6-PD and ICD from the 37 C substrain were significantly higher than those of these enzymes from the parental strain; however, the activity of PGD from the 25 C strain was slightly higher than that of this dehydrogenase from the 37 C-adapted stock. No significant activity losses of G-6-PD and ICD from either the strain or the substrain were noted after incubation of the extracts in the presence of 0.25 M sucrose at 37 C for 2 hr. PGD was unstable in such extracts, but it could be rendered stable by the addition of 4 mM 6-phosphogluconate. G-6-PD was the least and ICD the most dependent on Mg2+ ions. In the 15–25 C range, the Q10 values of the enzymes from the 25 C strain were 2.83, 2.5, and 2.63 for G-6-PD, PGD, and ICD, respectively. These values for the respective enzymes in the 25–35 C range were 2.06, 1.67, and 1.62. The Q10 values of the enzymes from the 37 C substrain in the 15–25 C range were 2.06 for G-6-PD, 3.25 for PGD, and 2.77 for ICD; in the 25–35 C range, the corresponding values were 1.67, 1.46, and 1.83. Cultivation of the 37 C substrain at 25 C was accompanied by a drop in G-6-PD and ICD activities.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Two derivatives of the mesoionic thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-5,7-diones 1 were prepared and examined for in vivo antiprotozoan activity to study structure-activity relationships that might lead us to more active derivatives. Mesoionic compounds 1A and 1B were inoculated into Swiss Webster male mice with Trypanosoma musculi infection. the effects were measured by studying parasite populations during the course of patent period (days 9 through 15 post-infection).
The injection of 200 μg of compound 1A along with 5 times 104 trypanosomes affected the level of parasitemia at both the peak and during days 9 to 13 post infection. Experimental animals that received drug 1A prior to and after infection with T. musculi developed significantly lower parasitemia as compared to the control animals at the height of parasite populations (day 11 of observation). the group that received the drug simultaneously with trypanosome infection had significantly lower parasitemias on day 11 and 13 of infection compared to the controls.  相似文献   
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