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The combination of highly equipped smartphones, with the increased use of social media, has offered a wide database. Given this, citizen science can be used to record and monitor non-native fish fauna, target new samples and collaborate with monitoring occurrences in new areas. We aimed to demonstrate the efficiency of social media in citizen science as a tool to cooperate with monitoring studies of non-native species. Consequently, we determined the occurrence points of S. brasiliensis in the Iguaçu River basin, indicating sites of greatest occurrence and analyzing the impact of the invasion on the native fauna of the basin. Files and information available on the YouTube® and Facebook® media platforms were used as data, was carried out from April 2019 to April 2020. The results were 40 records, 22 videos obtained from Youtube, and seven videos and 11 photos from Facebook, the oldest record was from April 2013, while the largest number of posts was in 2016. Fish records available from online platforms can reveal the occurrence and progressive dispersion of species, in the context of biological invasions, these tools can be of great value in studies that aim to follow the progress of introduced species, contributing by helping to direct new sampling programs and corroborating the occurrence of species in new areas in conjunction with standard monitoring programs. Based on citizen science records, it was possible to update the range of occurrence of the non-native S. brasiliensis in the Iguaçu River basin, cooperating with scientific knowledge. Innovative monitoring and control measures are necessary to deal with invasive species, with citizen science proving to be competent for determining the occurrence of species and showing promise in the entire field of ichthyology.  相似文献   
Samples of Austrolebias nigrofasciatus (n = 103), an endangered species of annual fish endemic to a small area of the Patos-Mirim lagoon system encompassing the São Gonçalo Channel lowlands, were collected from eight isolated temporary ponds, four located at the known distribution range of the species and four located along the Piratini River lowlands, where morphologically different individuals were found. In the laboratory, fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (coI), cytochrome b (cytb) and nuclear rhodopsin (rho) genes were amplified, purified and sequenced for 100, 99 and 58 of these individuals, respectively. Samples were further analysed using phylogenetic and phylogeographic methods to evaluate the patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation presented within and between populations, while assessing their evolutionary history, in order to guide the application of further conservation strategies. We found that the four new populations from the Piratini River lowlands encompass a different lineage of A. nigrofasciatus that diverged from that encountered in the São Gonçalo Channel at approximately 0.165 M years before present, during a population expansion and did not yet attain reciprocal monophyly. This divergence was associated with a glacial event that was preceded by an interglacial period putatively associated with the dispersal. Moreover, significant levels of genetic differentiation and a high number of exclusive haplotypes could be encountered even in micro-geographical scales, as in the comparisons between populations located within the same major lineage, indicating each of them may encompass independent management units. Conservation actions are certainly urgent, especially in the face of signs of a recent bottleneck.  相似文献   
One hundred and seventy Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates were characterized by spoligotyping to evaluate the biodiversity of tubercle bacilli in a region of Brazil with a high incidence of tuberculosis (Pelotas and Rio Grande cities - Rio Grande do Sul State). The spoligotyping results were compared to the World Spoligotyping Database (Institut Pasteur de Guadeloupe), which contains data from >14,000 worldwide isolates of M. tuberculosis. The isolates clustered by spoligotyping were further characterized by IS6110-RFLP to confirm the clonal relationship. Sixty-six different spoligotypes were identified, grouping 125 of the isolates (74%). Approximately half of the isolates belonged to seven of the most frequently occurring spoligotypes in the database. Three shared types (with two or more isolates) not previously identified were given the type numbers 826, 827 and 863. An additional 45 spoligotypes were identified that did not match any existing database pattern. RFLP characterization reduced the number of isolates in most of the clusters, thereby showing a higher differentiation capacity than spoligotyping. These results highlight the importance of molecular epidemiology studies of tuberculosis in insufficiently studied regions with a high TB burden, in order to uncover the true extent of genetic diversity of the pathogen.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the susceptibility under laboratory conditions of Trichogrammapretiosum Riley adults to fungicides recommended by the Integrated Production of Apple (IPA). The bioassays were carried out using the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC), West Palearctic Regional Section (WPRS) standard protocols. Twelve selected fungicides were studied in the doses (g or ml active ingredient/100 L) captan 1 (0.115), captan 2 (0.120), kresoxim-methyl (0.010), sulphur 1 (AG) (0.480), sulphur 2 (0.480), folpet (0.105), mancozeb (0.160), pyraclostrobin (0.010), tebuconazole (0.010), tetraconazole (0.005), thiophanate-methyl (0.050) and triforine (0.024). Distilled water was used as the blank treatment and the insecticide triclorfon (0.150) as a positive control. The parasitoids were exposed to dry residues applied on glass plates. The reduction in the capacity of parasitism was used to measure the effect of the chemical in comparison to the blank treatment. Each treatment was replicated four times. The results allowed us to classify the fungicides tested in four categories: 1, harmless (< 30%); 2, slightly harmful (30-79%); 3, moderately harmful (80-99%); and 4, harmful (> 99%). 75% of the tested substances were classified as selective (classes 1 and 2) to the parasitoid. The fungicides captan 1, captan 2, kresoxim-methyl, folpet, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole, thiophanate-methyl and triforine were harmless; mancozeb was slightly harmful; sulphur 1 (AG) and tetraconazole were moderately harmful and sulphur 2 was harmful. These findings should be taken into account when selecting fungicides to spray apple orchards against fungi diseases to preserve the egg parasitoid T. pretiosum.  相似文献   
The efficiency index (Effindex) combines internal and external loads, and it has been considered a promising tool to evaluate physical fitness status. However, its real applicability and limitations have not been elucidated yet. To examine and discuss the findings from studies that used Effindex as a tool for the evaluation of physical fitness status in team sports. A systematic search was performed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The databases conferred were PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, MEDLINE and CINAHL. The articles selected were published up to March 2021. Fourteen articles were included after meeting the inclusion criteria. A wide variety of combinations of external and internal loading parameters to calculate Effindex were found. The pooled sample included 349 male participants (23 ± 3 years). Fifty-nine percent of the sample were soccer players, 20% rugby players, 10% Australian football players, 7% hurling players, and 4% basketball players. Most Effindex calculations used total distance (TD) divided by heart rate derived parameters. However, recent studies have suggested the use of accelerations as the external load parameter. Effindex is a simple and powerful tool for the evaluation of physical fitness status in team sports athletes. The disparity of external and internal loading parameters used to calculate Effindex may affect its sensitivity to detect changes in fitness status in different team sport settings. More studies with indoor team sports and female athletes are warranted.  相似文献   
Biodiversity and Conservation - Rivulidae represents one of the most endangered taxa in Brazil. This family encompasses species known as annual or seasonal fish because they possess unique...  相似文献   
The planting of tree seedlings is a common restoration technique in the tropics, and using large‐crowned, fast‐growing shade species is recommended to suppress invasive grasses and accelerate forest succession. We analyzed the effectiveness of shade species in shading the forest floor during the rainy and dry seasons at young forest restoration sites, whether shade changes according to site for a given species, and whether crown architecture can predict the shade level. We measured the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted by the tree crowns of 14 species in two 3‐year‐old restoration plantings. The ability to predict shade based on crown architecture traits was evaluated using multiple linear regressions. The interception of PAR varied according to species, site, and season for seven species and was generally higher during the rainy season. Low values of tree and first branch height and high values of trunk diameter and mean area of a leaf predicted greater light interception. For the dry season, the ability to predict PAR interception was weaker than that for the rainy season and affected by a shorter tree height and a greater crown area. The crown architecture of shade species did not completely predict their shading ability, and the preselection of shade species for forest restoration purposes based only on crown architecture traits is not effective. Therefore, it is important to consider other factors, such as how long trees retain their leaves throughout the year and the soil and management conditions of the sites undergoing restoration, during the selection of species.  相似文献   
Tree species that produce resources for fauna are recommended for forest restoration plantings to attract pollinators and seed dispersers; however, information regarding the flowering and fruiting of these species during early growth stages is scarce. We evaluated the reproductive phenology of animal‐dispersed tree species widely used in Atlantic Forest restoration. We marked 16 animal‐dispersed tree species in 3‐ to 8‐year‐old forest restoration plantings in Itu‐São Paulo, southeast Brazil. We noted the age of the first reproductive event, flowering and fruiting seasonality, percentage of trees that reached reproductive stages, and intensity of bud, flower, and fruit production for each species. Flowering and fruiting are seasonal for most species; only two, Cecropia pachystachya and Ficus guaranitica, exhibited continuous flowering and fruiting throughout the year; we also identified Schinus terebinthifolia and Dendropanax cuneatus fruiting in the dry season during resource scarcity. Therefore, we recommend all as framework species, that is, species that are animal‐dispersed with early flowering and fruiting potential, for forest restoration. Further, we recommend identifying and planting similar animal‐dispersed tree species that produce fruits constantly or in the dry season to maximize fauna resource availability throughout the year in tropical forest restoration plantings. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material  相似文献   
Austrolebias wolterstorffi is a critically endangered annual fish, occurring in temporary ponds in a restricted area of Southern Brazil and Uruguay. Here, we evaluate the levels of genetic diversity and morphometric differentiation presented by A. wolterstorffi, attempting to reconstruct the spatiotemporal scenario by which this species reached their current distribution. Part of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear rhodopsin genes were characterized and analysed for a set of 122 and 110 specimens, respectively, collected along the entire distribution range of the species. Additionally, shape variations were evaluated for 92 individuals (43 males and 49 females) through geometric morphometric methods. Our analyses demonstrated several cases of significantly high levels of genetic differentiation among individual populations, in an isolation-by-distance pattern of divergence, with at least six different population groups along the Patos-Mirim lagoon. These groups differed by a minimum of 0.9% and a maximum of 2.6% of corrected cyt b nucleotide distances and did not share any mitochondrial haplotype. Such a pattern, added to the slight morphometric differentiation detected for most of the groups, suggests the occurrence of incipient speciation as consequence of allopatric fragmentation. The chronophylogenetic tree performed with the concatenated dataset supported independent oriental and occidental colonization routes, with the population located in the northwest part of the Rio Grande do Sul coastal plain presenting the most ancient divergence. In general, the recovered biogeographic patterns are highly consistent with the records of Quaternary climatic changes and depositional events that have occurred along the area inhabited by the studied species. This allowed us to establish a molecular clock calibration system for Neotropical annual fish. Thus, although the taxonomic status of each of the detected population units needs further study, it is clear that independent conservation strategies must be taken in each of the major areas covered by this study, most of which are located in Brazil.  相似文献   
The recently-revised subfamily Centruroidinae is part of the New World clade of buthid scorpions. In this study, we analyzed the cytogenetic characteristics of nine of the 10 Brazilian centruroidines, and one undescribed species of the genus Ischnotelson, using a phylogenetic approach to determine the chromosomal rearrangements responsible for the differentiation of karyotypes among the species. The cytogenetic data recorded in the present study supported the new taxonomic arrangement of the Centruroidinae, with all the species of the same genus sharing the same or similar diploid numbers, i.e., 2n?=?20 or 22 in Troglorhopalurus lacrau and T. translucidus, 2n?=?25 or 26 in Ischnotelson sp., I. guanambiensis and I. peruassu, and 2n?=?28 in Jaguajir agamemnon, J. pintoi and J. rochae. The karyotype modelling in the ChromEvol software indicated 2n?=?18 as the ancestral diploid number of the Centruroidinae. The differentiation of karyotypes among the centruroidine genera was based on increasing chromosome numbers resulting from progressive fission events. These changes probably occurred prior to the diversification of the genera Ischnotelson, Jaguajir, Physoctonus and Rhopalurus, and appear to have played a more important role in karyotype evolution at the intergeneric level than the interspecific one. However, the observed increase in diploid numbers was not accompanied by changes in the number or location of ribosomal genes or telomeric sequences. The identification of meiotic cells in female specimens also allowed us to discuss the mechanisms of achiasmatic meiosis in scorpions.  相似文献   
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