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Biochemical characterization of rotavirus receptors in MA104 cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have tested the effect of metabolic inhibitors, membrane cholesterol depletion, and detergent extraction of cell surface molecules on the susceptibility of MA104 cells to infection by rotaviruses. Treatment of cells with tunicamycin, an inhibitor of protein N glycosylation, blocked the infectivity of the SA-dependent rotavirus RRV and its SA-independent variant nar3 by about 50%, while the inhibition of O glycosylation had no effect. The inhibitor of glycolipid biosynthesis d, l-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol (PDMP) blocked the infectivity of RRV, nar3, and the human rotavirus strain Wa by about 70%. Sequestration of cholesterol from the cell membrane with beta-cyclodextrin reduced the infectivity of the three viruses by more than 90%. The involvement of N-glycoproteins, glycolipids, and cholesterol in rotavirus infection suggests that the virus receptor(s) might be forming part of lipid microdomains in the cell membrane. MA104 cells incubated with the nonionic detergent octyl-beta-glucoside (OG) showed a ca. 60% reduction in their ability to bind rotaviruses, the same degree to which they became refractory to infection, suggesting that OG extracts the potential virus receptor(s) from the cell surface. Accordingly, when preincubated with the viruses, the OG extract inhibited the virus infectivity by more than 95%. This inhibition was abolished when the extract was treated with either proteases or heat but not when it was treated with neuraminidase, indicating the protein nature of the inhibitor. Two protein fractions of around 57 and 75 kDa were isolated from the extract, and these fractions were shown to have rotavirus-blocking activity. Also, antibodies to these fractions efficiently inhibited the infectivity of the viruses in untreated as well as in neuraminidase-treated cells. Five individual protein bands of 30, 45, 57, 75, and 110 kDa, which exhibited virus-blocking activity, were finally isolated from the OG extract. These proteins are good candidates to function as rotavirus receptors.  相似文献   
Fermentation bioprocesses typically involve two liquid phases (i.e. water and organic compounds) and one gas phase (air), together with suspended solids (i.e. biomass), which are the components to be dispersed. Characterization of multiphase dispersions is required as it determines mass transfer efficiency and bioreactor homogeneity. It is also needed for the appropriate design of contacting equipment, helping in establishing optimum operational conditions. This work describes the development of image analysis based techniques with advantages (in terms of data acquisition and processing), for the characterization of oil drops and bubble diameters in complex simulated fermentation broths. The system consists of fully digital acquisition of in situ images obtained from the inside of a mixing tank using a CCD camera synchronized with a stroboscopic light source, which are processed with a versatile commercial software. To improve the automation of particle recognition and counting, the Hough transform (HT) was used, so bubbles and oil drops were automatically detected and the processing time was reduced by 55% without losing accuracy with respect to a fully manual analysis. The system has been used for the detailed characterization of a number of operational conditions, including oil content, biomass morphology, presence of surfactants (such as proteins) and viscosity of the aqueous phase.  相似文献   
 Root samples of 37 species distributed on the beach and along a successional gradient (from mobile to stabilized areas) in a tropical sand dune system on the Gulf of Mexico showed that 97% of the species were mycorrhizal. The mycorrhizal inoculum potential of the sand from several dune areas was compared using two different bioassays. Firstly, the field rate of colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of Chamaecrista chamaecristoides seedlings transplanted to random plots in the foredunes and in the mobile area was measured. The seedlings were harvested at intervals during 3 weeks to record mycorrhizal structures. In the mobile area, no mycorrhizal colonization was observed during the experiment. In the foredunes, hyphae and external mycelium were present in 40% of the seedlings as early as 8 days after transplanting. After 15 days, arbuscules and vesicles were observed in 60 and 20% of the seedlings, respectively, and after 21 days, 100, 46 and 20% of the seedlings showed hyphae, arbuscules and vesicles, respectively. Secondly, maize seedlings were transplanted to pots previously filled with sand from the foredunes, mobile dunes, grassland and a Dyphisa robinoides shrub area. After 1 month, the lowest mycorrhizal inoculum potential was recorded for the mobile dunes and the highest for the shrub area. As expected, mycorrhizal inoculum potential increased with dune stabilization. Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   
A simple and accurate method for determining the distribution of sizes of single cells and aggregates of Azotobacter vinelandii by image analysis has been developed. A staining procedure using methylene blue helps to enhance the contrast between aggregates and background without altering aggregate size distribution. Sample dilution affected the distribution of the population and therefore should be avoided. Mixing and aeration conditions during culture play an important role in the aggregation of A. vinelandii. Cells grown under mild mixing conditions (unbaffled flasks) presented a thick slime layer and formed aggregates of up to 35 microm of average equivalent diameter. In contrast, under strong agitation conditions (baffled flasks) practically no aggregates were formed throughout cultivation. The method described can be used for the characterization of aggregation of other microbial cultures.  相似文献   
Sperm motility, crucial for fertilization, has been mostly studied in two dimensions (2D) by recording their swimming trajectories near a flat surface. However, spermatozoa swim in three-dimensions (3D) to find eggs, with their speed being the main impediment to track them under realistic conditions. Here, we describe a novel method allowing 3D tracking and analysis of the trajectories of multiple free-swimming sperm. The system uses a piezo-electric device displacing a large focal distance objective mounted on a microscope to acquire 70 image stacks per second, each stack composed of 60 images that span a depth of 100 μm. With this method, 3D paths of multiple sperm in the same field could be visualized simultaneously during 1 s . Within the same sample we found that surface-confined sperm swam 25% slower, produced 3-fold fewer circular revolutions per second, and had trajectories of 134% greater radius of curvature than those sperm swimming freely in 3D.  相似文献   
FliM is part of the flagellar switch complex. Interaction of this protein with phospho-CheY (CheY-P) through its N terminus constitutes the main information relay point between the chemotactic system and the flagellum. In this work, we evaluated the role of the N terminus of FliM in the swimming behavior of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Strains expressing the FliM protein with substitutions in residues previously reported in Escherichia coli as being important for interaction with CheY showed an increased stop frequency compared with wild-type cells. In accordance, we observed that R. sphaeroides cells expressing FliM lacking either the first 13 or 20 amino acids from the N terminus showed a stopped phenotype. We show evidence that FliMDelta13 and FliMDelta20 are stable proteins and that cells expressing them allow flagellin export at levels indistinguishable from those detected for the wild-type strain. These results suggest that the N-terminal region of FliM is required to promote swimming in this bacterium. The role of CheY in controlling flagellar rotation in this organism is discussed.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition causes shifts in vegetation types as well as species composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and other soil microorganisms. A greenhouse experiment was done to determine whether there are feedbacks between N-altered soil inoculum and growth of a dominant native shrub and an invasive grass species in southern California. The region is experiencing large-scale loss of Artemisia californica shrublands and replacement by invasive annual grasses under N deposition. Artemisia californica and Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens were grown with soil inoculum from experimental plots in a low N deposition site that had (1) N-fertilized and (2) unfertilized soil used for inoculum, as well as (3) high-N soil inoculum from a site exposed to atmospheric N deposition for four decades. All treatments plus a nonmycorrhizal control were given two levels of N fertilizer solution. A. californica biomass was reduced by each of the three inocula compared to uninoculated controls under at least one of the two N fertilizer solutions. The␣inoculum from the N-deposition site caused the greatest growth depressions. By contrast, B.␣madritensis biomass increased with each of the three inocula under at least one, or both, of the N solutions. The different growth responses of the two plant species may be related to the types of AM fungal colonization. B. madritensis was mainly colonized by a fine mycorrhizal endophyte, while A. californica had primarily coarse endophytes. Furthermore, A. californica had a high level of septate, nonmycorrhizal root endophytes, while B. madritensis overall had low levels of these endophytes. The negative biomass response of A. californica seedlings to high N-deposition inoculum may in part explain its decline; a microbially-mediated negative feedback may occur in this system that causes poor␣seedling growth and establishment of A.␣californica in sites subject to N deposition and B. madritensis invasion.  相似文献   
For the commercially established process of paclitaxel production with Taxus chinensis plant cell culture, the size of plant cell aggregates and phenotypic changes in coloration during cultivation have long been acknowledged as intangible parameters. So far, the variability of aggregates and coloration of cells are challenging parameters for any viability assay. The aim of this study was to investigate simple and non-toxic methods for viability determination of Taxus cultures in order to provide a practicable, rapid, robust and reproducible way to sample large amounts of material. A further goal was to examine whether Taxus aggregate cell coloration is related to general cell viability and might be exploited by microscopy and image analysis to gain easy access to general cell viability. The Alamar Blue assay was found to be exceptionally eligible for viability estimation. Moreover, aggregate coloration, as a morphologic attribute, was quantified by image analysis and found to be a good and traceable indicator of T. chinensis viability.  相似文献   
Fluorescence microscopy and image analysis were evaluated in order to assess the viability of Trichoderma harzianum, an economically important filamentous fungus. After the evaluation of the two most commonly used fluorochromes, acridine orange (AO) and fluorescein diacetate (FDA) as metabolic indicator stains, AO gave ambiguous results and therefore FDA was chosen. The lower stability at room temperature and fast fluorescence intensity decay (50% after only 30 s of illumination in UV light) could be overcome by the use of a digital image acquisition system including frame grabber and a video camera. Fresh (live) fungal hyphae emitted bright green fluorescence when stained with this dye (7.5 microg/L), whereas a total absence of fluorescence was observed when using sterilized (dead) fungal cells. Fresh cells were subjected to different lethal and sublethal treatments and the percentage of FDA stained fluorescent hyphae was then measured over the total hyphal area (% of FDA-stained area) by image analysis. At the same time, samples were cultivated in shake flasks in order to correlate this % of FDA-stained area with its growth rate, a functional indicator of viability. The linear correlation (r = 0.979) was: growth rate (g/L x h) = 2.25 x 10(-3) (% of FDA-stained area). This method was used to evaluate the viability of the fungus under two different fermentation conditions in a 10-L bioreactor. Estimated viable biomass during fermentation was strongly influenced by the process conditions. The use of FDA, with computer-aided quantitative image analysis, has made it possible to rapidly and reliably quantify the viability of T. harzianum.  相似文献   
The influence of the agitation conditions on biomass growth, morphology, carbon metabolism, viability, and 6-pentyl-alpha-pyrone (6PP) production by Trichoderma harzianum were studied in an extractive fermentation system. Batch spore-inoculated cultures developed at dissolved oxygen concentrations above 35% of air saturation were carried out in a 14 L bioreactor. The effect of energy dissipation rate over culture performance was assessed using two sets of three Rushton turbines (having different diameters) operated at different agitation speeds. Higher mechanical stress enhanced cellular differentiation (i.e., sporulation), while yielding lower specific growth rates and increased specific CO(2) production rates (CPRs) at relatively constant specific glucose consumption rates. In addition, fungal viability and clump mean diameter decreased gradually at higher energy dissipation rates. 6PP biosynthesis was growth associated and its specific productivity showed a bell-shaped relationship with the energy dissipation rate. T. harzianum physiology was, therefore, strongly influenced by the prevailing hydrodynamic conditions as it triggered cellular metabolism and differentiation shifts.  相似文献   
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