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We have used a paleogenetics approach to investigate the genetic landscape of coat color variation in ancient Eurasian dog and wolf populations. We amplified DNA fragments of two genes controlling coat color, Mc1r (Melanocortin 1 Receptor) and CBD103 (canine-β-defensin), in respectively 15 and 19 ancient canids (dogs and wolf morphotypes) from 14 different archeological sites, throughout Asia and Europe spanning from ca. 12 000 B.P. (end of Upper Palaeolithic) to ca. 4000 B.P. (Bronze Age). We provide evidence of a new variant (R301C) of the Melanocortin 1 receptor (Mc1r) and highlight the presence of the beta-defensin melanistic mutation (CDB103-K locus) on ancient DNA from dog-and wolf-morphotype specimens. We show that the dominant KB allele (CBD103), which causes melanism, and R301C (Mc1r), the variant that may cause light hair color, are present as early as the beginning of the Holocene, over 10 000 years ago. These results underline the genetic diversity of prehistoric dogs. This diversity may have partly stemmed not only from the wolf gene pool captured by domestication but also from mutations very likely linked to the relaxation of natural selection pressure occurring in-line with this process.  相似文献   
Detection of multiple human papillomavirus (HPV) types in the genital tract is common. Associations among HPV types may impact HPV vaccination modeling and type replacement. The objectives were to determine the distribution of concurrent HPV type infections in cervicovaginal samples and examine type-specific associations. We analyzed HPV genotyping results from 32,245 cervicovaginal specimens collected from women aged 11 to 83 years in the United States from 2001 through 2011. Statistical power was enhanced by combining 6 separate studies. Expected concurrent infection frequencies from a series of permutation models, each with increasing fidelity to the real data, were compared with the observed data. Statistics were computed based on the distributional properties of the randomized data. Concurrent detection occurred more than expected with 0 or ≥3 HPV types and less than expected with 1 and 2 types. Some women bear a disproportionate burden of the HPV type prevalence. Type associations were observed that exceeded multiple hypothesis corrected significance. Multiple HPV types were detected more frequently than expected by chance and associations among particular HPV types were detected. However vaccine-targeted types were not specifically affected, supporting the expectation that current bivalent/quadrivalent HPV vaccination will not result in type replacement with other high-risk types.  相似文献   
Selection is a central force underlying evolutionary change and can vary in strength and direction, for example across time and space. The fitness consequences of individual genetic diversity have often been investigated by testing for multilocus heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs), but few studies have been able to assess HFCs across life stages and in both sexes. Here, we test for HFCs using a 26‐year longitudinal individual‐based data set from a large population of a long‐lived seabird (the common tern, Sterna hirundo), where 7,974 chicks and breeders of known age were genotyped at 15 microsatellite loci and sampled for life‐history traits over the complete life cycle. Heterozygosity was not correlated with fledging or post‐fledging prospecting probabilities, but was positively correlated with recruitment probability. For breeders, annual survival was not correlated with heterozygosity, but annual fledgling production was negatively correlated with heterozygosity in males and highest in intermediately heterozygous females. The contrasting HFCs among life stages and sexes indicate differential selective processes and emphasize the importance of assessing fitness consequences of traits over complete life histories.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Detailed comparison and analysis of the output of DNA gene expression arrays from multiple samples require global normalization of the measured individual gene intensities from the different hybridizations. This is needed for accounting for variations in array preparation and sample hybridization conditions. RESULTS: Here, we present a simple, robust and accurate procedure for the global normalization of datasets generated with single-channel DNA arrays based on principal component analysis. The procedure makes minimal assumptions about the data and performs well in cases where other standard procedures produced biased estimates. It is also insensitive to data transformation, filtering (thresholding) and pre-screening.  相似文献   
Gene expression profiling of the blood cell response induced early after vaccination has previously been demonstrated to predict the immunogenicity of vaccines. In this study, we evaluated whether the analysis of the gene expression profile of skin-migrated dendritic cells (DCs) could be informative for the in vitro prediction of immunogenicity of vaccine, using canine adenovirus serotype 2 (CAV2) as vaccine vector. CAV2 has been shown to induce immunity to transgenes in several species including sheep and is an interesting alternative to human adenovirus-based vectors, based on the safety records of the parental strain in dogs and the lack of pre-existing immunity in non-host species. Skin-migrated DCs were collected from pseudo-afferent lymph in sheep. Both the CD11b+ -type and CD103+ -type skin-migrated DCs were transduced by CAV2. An analysis of the global gene response to CAV2 in the two skin DC subsets showed that the gene response in CD11b+ -type DCs was far higher and broader than in the CD103+ -type DCs. A newly released integrative analytic tool from Ingenuity systems revealed that the CAV2-modulated genes in the CD11b+ -type DCs clustered in several activated immunogenicity-related functions, such as immune response, immune cell trafficking and inflammation. Thus gene profiling in skin-migrated DC in vitro indicates that the CD11b+ DC type is more responsive to CAV2 than the CD103+ DC type, and provides valuable information to help in evaluating and possibly improving viral vector vaccine effectiveness.  相似文献   
Plant nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptors (NLRs) act as intracellular sensors for pathogen-derived effector proteins and trigger an immune response, frequently resulting in the hypersensitive cell death response (HR) of the infected host cell. The wheat (Triticum aestivum) NLR Pm2 confers resistance against the fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) if the isolate contains the specific RNase-like effector AvrPm2. We identified and isolated seven new Pm2 alleles (Pm2e–i) in the wheat D-genome ancestor Aegilops tauschii and two new natural AvrPm2 haplotypes from Bgt. Upon transient co-expression in Nicotiana benthamiana, we observed a variant-specific HR of the Pm2 variants Pm2a and Pm2i towards AvrPm2 or its homolog from the AvrPm2 effector family, BgtE-5843, respectively. Through the introduction of naturally occurring non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms and structure-guided mutations, we identified single amino acids in both the wheat NLR Pm2 and the fungal effector proteins AvrPm2 and BgtE-5843 responsible for the variant-specific HR of the Pm2 variants. Exchanging these amino acids led to a modified HR of the Pm2–AvrPm2 interaction and allowed the identification of the effector head epitope, a 20-amino-acid long unit of AvrPm2 involved in the HR. Swapping of the AvrPm2 head epitope to the non-HR-triggering AvrPm2 family member BgtE-5846 led to gain of a HR by Pm2a. Our study presents a molecular approach to identify crucial effector surface structures involved in the HR and demonstrates that natural and induced diversity in an immune receptor and its corresponding effectors can provide the basis for understanding and modifying NLR–effector specificity.  相似文献   
Iron plays a key role in microbial metabolism and bacteria have developed multiple siderophore-driven mechanisms due to its poor bioavailability for organisms in the environment. Iron-bearing minerals generally serve as a nutrient source to sustain bacterial growth after bioweathering. Siderophores are high-affinity ferric iron chelators, of which the biosynthesis is tightly regulated by the presence of iron. Pyoverdine-producing Pseudomonas have shown their ability to extract iron and magnesium from asbestos waste as nutrients. However, such bioweathering is rapidly limited due to repression of the pyoverdine pathway and the low bacterial requirement for iron. We developed a metabolically engineered strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa for which pyoverdine production was no longer repressed by iron as a proof of concept. We compared siderophore-promoted dissolution of flocking asbestos waste by this optimized strain to that by the wild-type strain. Interestingly, pyoverdine production by the optimized strain was seven times higher in the presence of asbestos waste and the dissolution of magnesium and iron from the chrysotile fibres contained in flocking asbestos waste was significantly enhanced. This innovative mineral weathering process contributes to remove toxic iron from the asbestos fibres and may contribute to the development of an eco-friendly method to manage asbestos waste.  相似文献   
The exopolysaccharide (EPS) HE800 is a marine-derived polysaccharide (from 8 × 10(5) to 1.5 × 10(6) g mol(-1)) produced by Vibrio diabolicus and displaying original structural features close to those of glycosaminoglycans. In order to confer new biological activities to the EPS HE800 or to improve them, structural modifications need to be performed. In particular, depolymerisation is required to generate low-molecular-weight derivatives. To circumvent the use of chemical methods that lack specificity and reproducibility, enzymes able to perform such reaction are sought. This study reports the screening for enzymes capable of depolymerising the EPS HE800. A large diversity of enzyme sources has been studied: commercially available glycoside hydrolases with broad substrate specificity, lyases, and proteases as well as growing microorganisms. Interestingly, we found that the genus Enterococcus and, more particularly, the strain Enterococcus faecalis were able to depolymerise the EPS HE800. Partial characterization of the enzymatic activity gives evidence for a random and incomplete depolymerisation pattern that yields low-molecular-weight products of 40,000 g mol(-1). Genomic analysis and activity assays allowed the identification of a relevant open reading frame (ORF) which encodes an endo-N-acetyl-galactosaminidase. This study establishes the foundation for the development of an enzymatic depolymerisation process.  相似文献   
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