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A simple fluorimetric assay for the determination of carbamoyl phosphate in tissue extracts is described. In the assay, production of ATP from carbamoyl phosphate and ADP by carbamate kinase is coupled to the formation of NADPH, using glucose, hexokinase, NADP+, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Production of NADPH in this system proved to be equal to the amount of carbamoyl phosphate present.  相似文献   
Lincomycin-resistant calli were induced from both Lycopersicon esculentum and Lycopersicon peruvianum using N-mitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) mutagenesis. From these calli lincomycin-resistant plants were regenerated. For L. peruvianum it was shown that the resistant plants could be divided in two classes with respect to their resistance to lincomycin and its derivative clindamycin. The first class comprised plants which were resistant to 500 mg/l lincomycin and showed no shoot or root formation in the presence of clindamycin; the second class consisted of plants resistant to 2000 mg/l lincomycin and these plants were able to form shoots and roots on clindamycin containing media. Lincomycin is an inhibitor of peptidyltransferase; chloroplast encoded parts of this enzymatic function are sensitive for this antibiotic. Reciprocal crosses between our lincomycin resistant and wild type L. peruvianum plants indicated a maternal inheritance of the mutation.  相似文献   
Abstract We have evaluated the use of an improved direct agglutination test (DAT) based on stable, freeze-dried antigen for the detection of anti- Leishmania antibodies in canine serum samples. With a cut-off value of 1:640, the sensitivity of the DAT was shown to be 100% and the specificity of the test was 98.8%.  相似文献   
Germ-line mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene are responsible for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Genotype-phenotype correlation studies in patients with FAP have demonstrated associations of certain variants of the disease with mutations at specific sites within the APC gene. In a large FAP family, we identified a frameshift mutation located in the alternatively spliced region of exon 9. Phenotypic studies of affected family members showed that the clinical course of FAP was delayed, with gastrointestinal symptoms and death from colorectal carcinoma occurring on average 25 and 20 years later than usual, respectively. The numbers of colorectal adenomas differed markedly among affected individuals and the location of colorectal cancer lay frequently in the proximal colon. Our findings suggest that the exon 9 mutation identified in the pedigree is associated with late onset of FAP. The atypical phenotype may be explained by the site of the mutation in the APC gene. Analysis of the APC protein product indicated that the exon 9 mutation did not result in a detectable truncated APC protein. Given the location of the mutation within an alternatively spliced exon of APC, it is conceivable that normal APC proteins are produced from the mutant allele by alternative splicing.  相似文献   
Carotenoid difference spectra were recorded of chromatophores of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides energized with low light intensities versus chromatophores under dark conditions. The amplitudes of the peaks and troughs were dependent on the light intensities and the duration of illumination, but the shape of the difference spectra remained constant. Sharp isosbestic points were found at 515, 500, 481, 465, and 452 mm. When potassium-valinomycin-induced diffusion potentials (inside negative) were imposed on the chromatophores “mirror images” of the light-induced difference spectra were recorded with the same isosbestic points and the same positions but different relative amplitudes of the peaks and troughs. The results are explained in terms of changes in the shape of the vibrational splittings of the carotenoid main electronic transition. This could be the result of changes in the fluidity of the environment of the carotenoids upon energization of the membrane. Prolonged periods of illumination with low or high light intensities resulted in irreversible changes of the difference spectra. Short periods of illumination with high light intensities resulted in reversible elevations of the baseline and red shifts of peaks, troughs, and baseline crossings.  相似文献   
Crosslink repair depends on the Fanconi anemia pathway and translesion synthesis polymerases that replicate over unhooked crosslinks. Translesion synthesis is regulated via ubiquitination of PCNA, and independently via translesion synthesis polymerase REV1. The division of labor between PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 in interstrand crosslink repair is unclear. Inhibition of either of these pathways has been proposed as a strategy to increase cytotoxicity of platinating agents in cancer treatment. Here, we defined the importance of PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 for DNA in mammalian ICL repair. In mice, loss of PCNA-ubiquitination, but not REV1, resulted in germ cell defects and hypersensitivity to cisplatin. Loss of PCNA-ubiquitination, but not REV1 sensitized mammalian cancer cell lines to cisplatin. We identify polymerase Kappa as essential in tolerating DNA damage-induced lesions, in particular cisplatin lesions. Polk-deficient tumors were controlled by cisplatin treatment and it significantly delayed tumor outgrowth and increased overall survival of tumor bearing mice. Our results indicate that PCNA-ubiquitination and REV1 play distinct roles in DNA damage tolerance. Moreover, our results highlight POLK as a critical TLS polymerase in tolerating multiple genotoxic lesions, including cisplatin lesions. The relative frequent loss of Polk in cancers indicates an exploitable vulnerability for precision cancer medicine.  相似文献   
In many bird populations, individuals display one of several genetically inherited colour morphs. Colour polymorphism can be maintained by several mechanisms one of which being frequency-dependent selection with colour morphs signalling alternative mating strategies. One morph may be dominant and territorial, and another one adopt a sneaky behaviour to gain access to fertile females. We tested this hypothesis in the barn owl Tyto alba in which coloration varies from reddish-brown to white. This trait is heritable and neither sensitive to the environment in which individuals live nor to body condition. In Switzerland, reddish-brown males were observed to feed their brood at a higher rate and to produce more offspring than white males. This observation lead us to hypothesize that white males may equalise fitness by investing more effort in extra-pair copulations. This hypothesis predicts that lighter coloured males produce more extra-pair young, have larger testes and higher levels of circulating testosterone. However, our results are not consistent with these three predictions. First, paternity analyses of 54 broods with a total of 211 offspring revealed that only one young was not sired by the male that was feeding it. Second, testes size was not correlated with male plumage coloration suggesting that white males are not sexually more active. Finally, in nestlings at the time of feather growth testosterone level was not related to plumage coloration suggesting that this androgen is not required for the expression of this plumage trait. Our study therefore indicates that in the barn owl colour polymorphism plays no role in the probability of producing extra-pair young.  相似文献   


The hospital standardized mortality ratio (HSMR) is developed to evaluate and improve hospital quality. Different methods can be used to standardize the hospital mortality ratio. Our aim was to assess the validity and applicability of directly and indirectly standardized hospital mortality ratios.


Retrospective scenario analysis using routinely collected hospital data to compare deaths predicted by the indirectly standardized case-mix adjustment method with observed deaths. Discharges from Dutch hospitals in the period 2003–2009 were used to estimate the underlying prediction models. We analysed variation in indirectly standardized hospital mortality ratios (HSMRs) when changing the case-mix distributions using different scenarios. Sixty-one Dutch hospitals were included in our scenario analysis.


A numerical example showed that when interaction between hospital and case-mix is present and case-mix differs between hospitals, indirectly standardized HSMRs vary between hospitals providing the same quality of care. In empirical data analysis, the differences between directly and indirectly standardized HSMRs for individual hospitals were limited.


Direct standardization is not affected by the presence of interaction between hospital and case-mix and is therefore theoretically preferable over indirect standardization. Since direct standardization is practically impossible when multiple predictors are included in the case-mix adjustment model, indirect standardization is the only available method to compute the HSMR. Before interpreting such indirectly standardized HSMRs the case-mix distributions of individual hospitals and the presence of interactions between hospital and case-mix should be assessed.  相似文献   
BackgroundAddiction, or substance dependence, is nowadays considered a chronic relapsing condition. However, perceptions of addiction vary widely, also among healthcare professionals. Perceptions of addiction are thought to contribute to attitude and stigma towards patients with addiction. However, studies into perceptions of addiction among healthcare professionals are limited and instruments for reliable assessment of their perceptions are lacking. The Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ) is widely used to evaluate perceptions of illness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the IPQ: factor structure, internal consistency, and discriminant validity, when applied to evaluate healthcare professionals’ perceptions of addiction.MethodsParticipants were 1072 healthcare professionals in training and master students from the Netherlands and Indonesia, recruited from various addiction-training programs. The revised version of the IPQ was adapted to measure perceptions of addiction (IPQ-A). Maximum likelihood method was used to explore the best-fit IPQ factor structure. Internal consistency was evaluated for the final factors. The final factor structure was used to assess discriminant validity of the IPQ, by comparing illness perceptions of addiction between 1) medical students from the Netherlands and Indonesia, 2) medical students psychology students and educational science students from the Netherlands, and 3) participants with different training levels: medical students versus medical doctors.ResultsFactor analysis revealed an eight-factor structure for the perception subscale (demoralization, timeline chronic, consequences, personal control, treatment control, illness coherence, timeline cyclical emotional representations) and a four-factor structure for the attribution subscale (psychological attributions, risk factors, smoking/alcohol, overwork). Internal reliability was acceptable to good. The IPQ-A was able to detect differences in perceptions between healthcare professionals from different cultural and educational background and level of training.ConclusionsThe IPQ-A is a valid and reliable instrument to assess healthcare professionals’ perceptions of addiction.  相似文献   
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