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Cross protection of members of the domains Bacteria, Archaea, and lower Eukaryota from stress factors due to the action of extracellular low-molecular metabolites with adaptogenic functions was shown. The adaptogen produced by Luteococcus japonicus subsp. casei and described previously as a reactivating factor (RF) was shown to protect the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae, archaea Haloarcula marismorti, and the cells of higher eukaryotes (HeLa) against weak stressor impacts. Production of an archaeal extracellular metabolite with a weak adaptogenic effect of the producer cells and capable of a threefold increase in survival of heat-inactivated yeast cells was discovered. Our results confirm the similarity of the compensatory adaptive reactions in prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) and eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Using immunohistochemistry and a tracer technique we investigated the distribution in the optic tectum of turtles (Emys orbicularis and Testudo horsfieldi) of the calcium-binding proteins (CaBPr) parvalbumin (PV), calbindin (CB) and calretinin (CR) before and after labeling of the nucleus rotundus (Rot) with horseradish peroxidase. The optic tectum activity of the cytochrome oxidase (CO) was studied in parallel. In the principal link of the tectofugal visual pathway (central gray layer, SGC) in both chelonian species, the sparse PV-ir as well as CB- and CR-ir neurons were found significantly varying both in number and the intensity of immunoreactivity of their bodies and dendrites. In contrast, the superficial (SGFS) and deeper periventricular (SGP) tectal layers comprised numerous cells immunoreactive to all three CaBPr in different proportions. Only few retrogradely labeled tectorotundal SGC neurons expressed PV, CB or CR. The very large PV-ir neurons in SGC and SAC were not retrogradely labeled; morphologically they matched the efferent neurons with descending projections. SGC neurons of two chelonian species differed in the level of CO activity. Intense immunoreactivity to all three CaBPr and high CO activity were detected in both species in SGFS neuropil with some differences in sublaminar distribution patterns. The peculiarities of the CaBPr and CO activity distribution patterns in different segments of SGC neurons are discussed as related to the laminar organization of the turtle tectum and its retinal innervation. It is suggested that in the projection tectorotundal SGC neurons the CaBPr are concentrated mainly in their distal dendrites that contact retinal afferents in the superficial retinorecipient tectal layer.  相似文献   
Immunohistochemical distribution of calcium-binding proteins, parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin (CB), has been studied in the mesencephalic auditory center (MLd) of pigeon (Columba livia). In the central region of the MLd (core, ICC), an overlap in distribution of the PVand CB-immunopositive (ip) neurons and neuropil has been observed, with different patterns in the central and peripheral parts. In the peripheral region of the MLd (belt, ICS, and ICX), both neurons and neuropil contained only CB. A selective CB chemospecificity of the belt, ICS, and ICX is an evolutionary conserved feature characteristic of all avian species. Interspecies differences in the distribution of PV and CB immunoreactivity in the ICC are a result of adaptive functional specialization, which provides specific processing of different aspects of the auditory information.  相似文献   
Distribution of activity of cytochrome oxidase (CO) and immunoreactivity to parvalbumin (Pv) and calbindin (Cb) was studied in the optic tectum of the pigeon (Columba livia). In the first link of the tectofugal pathway in the central gray layer (SGC = layer 13), small amounts of the CO-active and Pv-immunoreactive (Pv-ir) cellular bodies were revealed in its internal part (sublayer 13b). Some of these neurons located along the SGC lower boundary had long dendritic processes ascending into the superficial tectum layer (SGF). In the retinorecipient SGF sublayers and particularly in neuropil of the sublayers 4 and 7, the high CO activity correlating with Pv-immunoreactivity was found. It is suggested that a great contribution to metabolic activity of these sublayers is made by the largely branching dendritic processes of Pv-ir neurons of sublayer 13b. The projectional neurons SGC located in its external part (sublayer 13a) were CO-inactive and contained Cb. They sent long dendrites into sublayer 5b; in its neuropil, the high density of Cb-immunoreactivity and a moderate CO activity were detected. Thus, the tectal link of the pigeon tectofugal visual channel consists of two components--the Pv-specific, highly metabolically active and the Cb-specific, metabolically less active ones that transduce visual information from different retinorecipient SGF sublayers. The absence of the significant amount of CO-positive bodies of projectional neurons in SGC can be due to that metabolically more active are their dendritic arborizations in the SGF sublayers.  相似文献   
Using histochemical determination of activity of the mitochondrial oxidative enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) in brain structures, metabolic activity both in turtles and in lizards has been shown to be higher in centers of the tectofugal channel (the tectal stratum griseum centrale, SGC; nucleus pretectalis ventralis, Ptv; thalamic nucleus rotundus, Rot; telencephalic visual area of the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge, Advr) than in the thalamofugal channel centers (the thalamic nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars dorsalis, GLd; cortex dorsolateralis, Cxdl; and pallial thickening, Path) of the visual system. Some interspecies differences in distribution of the CO activity in the tectal, thalamic, and telencephalic visual centers between terrestrial and pond turtles and lizards were revealed. The obtained data confirm the idea on the dominating role of the tectofugal channel over the thalamofugal channel of the visual system in information processing and organization of the day-to-day behavior of reptiles.  相似文献   
Using histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, distribution of activity of oxidative mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) and of immunoreactivity to calcium-binding proteins has been studied in spiral ganglion and auditory nuclei of brainstem in two turtle species. It has been shown that immunoreactivity to calbindin, parvalbumin, and calretinin in neurons and neuropil of nuclei of cochlear and superior olivary complexes, in nucleus of lateral lemniscus, and in spiral ganglion neurons coincides topographically with the high CO activity. The similarity of the studied metabolic and neurochemical characteristics of these auditory centers in reptiles, birds, and mammals indicates the existence of some common principles of their organization in amniotes in spite of phylogenetic differences and peculiarities of specialization of the auditory system in different species.  相似文献   
The fluorescence of the natural photosynthetic pigments beta-carotene (beta-K) and chlorophyll a (Chl) and their mixtures with bovine serum albumin (BSA) in different molar ratios has been studied. An increase in the fluorescence intensity in a pigment mixture-BSA complex was found. The highest possible (four- to sixfold) increase in the fluorescence intensity compared with fluorescence intensity of one-pigment BSA complexes BSA (beta-K) and BSA (Chl) was achieved at the ratio 11-27% beta-K/89-73% Chl in the BSA complex. A considerable overlap of fluorescence spectra of BSA (Chl) complex (lambda(max) at 690 nm) and BSA (beta-K) complex (lambda(max) at 684 nm) was observed.  相似文献   
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