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Molecular Biology Reports - Stripe rust and leaf rust are among the most devastating diseases of wheat, limiting its production globally. Wheat wild relatives harbour genetic diversity for new...  相似文献   
Stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) is one of the major devastating disease which causes large reduction in wheat yield. T. monococcum is an attractive diploid species for gene discovery in wheat with smaller genome size of 5700 Mb compared to 17,300 Mb of bread wheat. An adult plant stripe rust resistance QTL QYrtm.pau-2A was mapped on chromosome 2A flanked by two SSR markers Xwmc170 and Xwmc407. In the present study, two gene based markers Pau_Ta2AL_Gene45 and Pau_Ta2AL_Gene54 developed from 2A specific ESTs were found to map close to QYrtmpau-2A to narrow down the region for candidate gene identification. Utilizing sequence information of these two markers, four BAC clones were identified from the Minimum Tiling Path of 2AL assembly and were sequenced. SSR markers were designed from these BAC sequences and mapped to chromosome 2A. A 50 Mb region of wheat chromomse 2A was identified to harbor stripe rust resistance gene of T. monococcum. Gene based markers identified in the present investigation can be used for marker assisted introgression of QYrtm.pau-2A from T. monococcum to cultivated wheat.  相似文献   
Triticum monococcum L, a diploid wheat species closely related to the A genome of cultivated wheats, is highly resistant to leaf rust. A synthetic amphiploid, T. monococcumT. durum was crossed with T. aestivum cv WL711, highly susceptible to leaf rust. Leaf rust resistant derivatives were selected among backcross generations with the recurrent parent WL711 and cytologically analysed. Chromosome number of the leaf rust resistant BC1F3 progenies varied from 39 to 44. Six leaf rust resistant and susceptible bulks from different BC1F3 progenies were analysed using 29 wheat microsatellite(WMS) markers already mapped on A genome of bread wheat and found polymorphic among parents. One T. monococcum specific allele of WMS gwm136 locus was found to be closely linked to the leaf rust resistance gene in all the resistant bulks. Differential chromosome number, frequency of univalents and multivalents, however, indicated that the critical T. monococcum chromosome might be present in addition to the A genome chromosomes of wheat, substituted either for the B or D genome chromosome of wheat or translocated to chromosome 1A of wheat in one or the other bulks. The association of the T. monococcum specific allele of WMS gwm136 locus to leaf rust resistance was further confirmed from bulked segregant analysis in BC2F1 generation.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Diploid A genome wheat species harbor immense genetic variability which has been targeted and proven useful in wheat improvement. Development and deployment of...  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Bread wheat sustains genes for grain softness on “Ha” locus of short arm of 5D chromosome. Pina-D1 and Pinb-D1 alleles of...  相似文献   
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis West. f.sp. tritici, is one of the most damaging diseases of wheat worldwide. Forty genes for stripe rust resistance have been catalogued so far, but the majority of them are not effective against emerging pathotypes. Triticum monococcum and T. boeoticum have excellent levels of resistance to rusts, but so far, no stripe rust resistance gene has been identified or transferred from these species. A set of 121 RILs generated from a cross involving T. monococcum (acc. pau14087) and T. boeoticum (acc. pau5088) was screened for 3 years against a mixture of pathotypes under field conditions. The parental accessions were susceptible to all the prevalent pathotypes at the seedling stage, but resistant at the adult plant stage. Genetic analysis of the RIL population revealed the presence of two genes for stripe rust resistance, with one gene each being contributed by each of the parental lines. A linkage map with 169 SSR and RFLP loci generated from a set of 93 RILs was used for mapping these resistance genes. Based on phenotypic data for 3 years and the pooled data, two QTLs, one each in T. monococcum acc. pau14087 and T. boeoticum acc. pau5088, were detected for resistance in the RIL population. The QTL in T. monococcum mapped on chromosome 2A in a 3.6 cM interval between Xwmc407 and Xwmc170, whereas the QTL from T. boeoticum mapped on 5A in 8.9 cM interval between Xbarc151 and Xcfd12 and these were designated as QYrtm.pau-2A and QYrtb.pau-5A, respectively. Based on field data for 3 years, their R 2 values were 14 and 24%, respectively. T. monococcum acc. pau14087 and three resistant RILs were crossed to hexaploid wheat cvs WL711 and PBW343, using T. durum as a bridging species with the objective of transferring these genes into hexaploid wheat. The B genome of T. durum suppressed resistance in the F1 plants, but with subsequent backcrossing one resistance gene could be transferred from one of the RILs to the hexaploid wheat background. This gene was derived from T. boeoticum acc. pau5088 as indicated by co-introgression of T. boeoticum sequences linked to stripe rust resistance QTL, QYrtb.pau-5A. Homozygous resistant progenies with 40–42 chromosomes have been identified. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Heat shock protein (HSP101) function as molecular chaperones and confer thermotolerance to plants. In the present investigation, identification, comprehensive expression analysis, phylogeny and protein modelling of HSP101 gene has been done in Aegilops speltoides accession Pau3583. In the present study, we cloned and in silico characterized a HSP101C gene designated as AsHSP101C-Pau3583. AsHSP101C-Pau3583 is 4180 bp long with seven exons and six introns and encoded a polypeptide of 910 amino acids predicted by FGENESH. We have identified 58 SNPs between the AsHSP101C-Pau3583 and reference gene sequence extracted from Ae. speltoides TGAC assembly. Real-time RT-PCR analysis of expression levels of HSP101 gene in two wheat genotypes under heat stress revealed that gene namely HSP101C was up-regulated in Aegilops speltoides acc. Pau3583 by > fourfold in comparison to Triticum aestivum cv. PBW343 under heat stress signifies that it plays a role in conferring heat tolerance. Sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis of AsHSP101C-Pau3583 with seven wheat homologs Triticum aestivum, Aegilops speltoides (TGAC), Triticum durum cv Cappelli, Triticum durum cv Strongfield, Triticum monococcum, Aegilops tauschii and Triticum urartu showed significant similarities with highly conserved coding regions and functional domains (AAA, AAA + 2, ClpB domains), suggesting the conserved function of HSP101C in different species. The illustration of the protein models of HSP101C in homologs provided information for the ATP-binding motifs within the nucleotide binding domains (NBD), specific for the chaperone activity. These findings are important and identified SNPs could be used for designing markers for ensuring the transfer of AsHSP101C-Pau3583 gene into hexaploid wheat and its role in heat tolerance.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12298-021-01005-2.  相似文献   
Powdery mildew (PM), caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, is one of the important wheat diseases, worldwide. Two PM resistance genes, designated as PmTb7A.1 and PmTb7A.2, were identified in T. boeoticum acc. pau5088 and mapped on chromosome 7AL approximately 48cM apart. Two resistance gene analogue (RGA)-STS markers Ta7AL-4556232 and 7AL-4426363 were identified to be linked to the PmTb7A.1 and PmTb7A.2, at a distance of 0.6cM and 6.0cM, respectively. In the present study, following marker assisted selection (MAS), the two genes were transferred to T. aestivum using T. durum as bridging species. As many as 12,317 florets of F1 of the cross T. durum /T. boeoticum were pollinated with T. aestivum lines PBW343-IL and PBW621 to produce 61 and 65 seeds, respectively, of three-way F1. The resulting F1s of the cross T. durum/T. boeoticum//T. aestivum were screened with marker flanking both the PM resistance genes PmTb7A.1 and PmTb7A.2 (foreground selection) and the selected plants were backcrossed to generate BC1F1. Marker assisted selection was carried both in BC1F1 and the BC2F1 generations. Introgression of alien chromatin in BC2F1 plants varied from 15.4 - 62.9 percent. Out of more than 110 BC2F1 plants showing introgression for markers linked to the two PM resistance genes, 40 agronomically desirable plants were selected for background selection for the carrier chromosome to identify the plants with minimum of the alien introgression. Cytological analysis showed that most plants have chromosome number ranging from 40-42. The BC2F2 plants homozygous for the two genes have been identified. These will be crossed to generate lines combining both the PM resistance genes but with minimal of the alien introgression. The PM resistance gene PmTb7A.1 maps in a region very close to Sr22, a stem rust resistance gene effective against the race Ug99. Analysis of selected plants with markers linked to Sr22 showed introgression of Sr22 from T. boeoticum in several BC2F1 plants. Thus, in addition to PM resistance, these progeny might also carry resistance to stem rust race Ug99.  相似文献   

Wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, the progenitor of modern tetraploid and hexaploid wheats, is an important resource for new variability for disease resistance genes. T. dicoccoides accession pau4656 showed resistance against prevailing leaf rust and stripe rust races in India and was used for developing stable introgression lines (IL) in T. durum cv Bijaga yellow and named as IL pau16068. F5 Recombinant inbred lines (F5 RILs) were developed by crossing IL pau16068 with T. durum cultivar PBW114 and RIL population was screened against highly virulent Pt and Pst pathotypes at the seedling and adult plant stages. Inheritance analyses revealed that population segregated for two genes for all stage resistance (ASR) against leaf rust, one ASR gene against stripe rust and three adult plant resistance (APR) genes for stripe rust resistance. For mapping these genes a set of 483 SSR marker was used for bulked segregant analysis. The markers showing diagnostic polymorphism in the resistant and susceptible bulks were amplified on all RILs. Single marker analysis placed all stage leaf rust resistance genes on chromosome 6A and 2A linked to the SSR markers Xwmc256 and Wpaus268, respectively. Likewise one all stage stripe rust resistance gene were mapped on long arm of chromosome 6A linked to markers 6AL-5833645 and 6AL-5824654 and two APR genes mapped on chromosomes 2A and 2B close to the SSR marker Wpaus268 and Xbarc70, respectively. The current study identified valuable leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes effective against multiple rust races for deployment in the wheat breeding programme.

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