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We hypothesized that aging is characterized by a reduced release of nitric oxide (NO) in response to shear stress in resistance vessels. Mesenteric arterioles and arteries of young (6 mo) and aged (24 mo) male Fischer 344 rats were isolated and cannulated. Shear stress (15 dyn/cm(2))-induced dilation was significantly reduced and shear stress (1, 5, 10, and 15 dyn/cm(2))-induced increases in perfusate nitrite were significantly smaller at all shear stress levels in vessels of aged rats. Inhibition of NO synthesis abolished shear stress-induced release of nitrite. Furthermore, shear stress (15 dyn/cm(2))-induced release of nitrate was significantly higher and total nitrite (nitrite plus nitrate) was significantly lower in vessels of aged rats. Tiron or SOD significantly increased nitrite released from vessels of aged rats, but this was still significantly less than that in young rats. Superoxide production was increased and the activity of SOD was decreased in vessels of aged rats. There were no differences in endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) protein and basal activity or in Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD proteins in vessels of the two groups, but extracellular SOD was significantly reduced in vessels of aged rats. Maximal release of NO induced by shear stress plus ACh (10(-5) M) was comparable in the two groups, but phospho-eNOS in response to shear stress (15 dyn/cm(2)) was significantly reduced in vessels of aged rats. These data suggest that an increased production of superoxide, a reduced activity of SOD, and an impaired shear stress-induced activation of eNOS are the causes of the decreased shear stress-induced release of NO in vessels of aged rats.  相似文献   
Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the foremost causes of renal failure and a primary cause of diabetes mellitus related death. Previously, we have reported that aqueous extract of Enicostemma littorale has potential antidiabetic activity. In the present study, we have investigated the effect of aqueous extract of E. littorale 1 g/kg, p.o. and swertiamarin 50 mg/kg, p.o. daily for 3 weeks in type 1 DN complications in SD rats. DN was assessed by serum urea, creatinine, lipid profile and water intake levels. Treatment with aqueous extract of E. littorale and swertiamarin significantly decreased serum urea and creatinine and other parameters associated with the development of DN in type 1 diabetic rats. We have also found considerable improvement in histology of glomerular function of aqueous extract of E. littorale and swertiamarin-treated animals.  相似文献   
Aging impairs shear-stress-dependent dilation of arteries via increased superoxide production, decreased SOD activity, and decreased activation of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (eNOS). In the present study, we investigated whether chronic increases in shear stress, elicited by increases in blood flow, would improve vascular endothelial function of aged rats. To this end, second-order mesenteric arteries of young (6 mo) and aged (24 mo) male Fischer-344 rats were selectively ligated for 3 wk to elevate blood flow in a first-order artery [high blood flow (HF)]. An in vitro study was then conducted on first-order arteries with HF and normal blood flow (NF) to assess shear stress (1, 10, and 20 dyn/cm(2))-induced release of NO into the perfusate. In HF arteries of both age groups, shear stress-induced NO production increased significantly. In 24-mo-old rats, the reduced shear stress-induced NO production in NF arteries was normalized by HF to a level similar to that in NF arteries of 6-mo-old rats. The increased NO production in HF arteries of 24-mo-old rats was associated with increased shear stress-induced dilation, expression of eNOS protein, and shear stress-induced eNOS phosphorylation. Wortmannin, a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor, reduced shear stress-induced eNOS phosphorylation and vasodilation. Superoxide production decreased significantly in HF compared with NF arteries in 24-mo-old rats. The decreased superoxide production was associated with significant increases in CuZn-SOD and extracellular SOD protein expressions and total SOD activity. These results suggest that stimulation with chronic HF restores shear-stress-induced activation of eNOS and antioxidant ability in aged arteries.  相似文献   
Our previous studies demonstrated that, in gracilis muscle arterioles of male mice deficient in the gene for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), flow-induced dilation (FID) is mediated by endothelial PGs. Thus the present study aimed to identify the specific isoform of cyclooxygenase (COX) responsible for the compensatory mediation of FID in arterioles of eNOS-knockout (KO) mice. Experiments were conducted on gracilis muscle arterioles of male eNOS-KO and wild-type (WT) mice. Basal tone and magnitude of FID of arterioles were comparable in the two strains of mice. A role for COX isoforms in the mediation of the responses was assessed by use of valeryl salicylate (3 mM) and NS-398 (10 microM), inhibitors of COX-1 and COX-2, respectively. In eNOS-KO arterioles, valeryl salicylate or NS-398 alone inhibited FID (at maximal flow rate) by approximately 51% and approximately 58%, respectively. Administration of both inhibitors eliminated the dilation. In WT arterioles, inhibition of COX-2 did not significantly affect FID, whereas inhibition of COX-1 decreased the dilation by approximately 57%. The residual portion of the response was abolished by additional administration of Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Western blot analysis indicated a comparable content of COX-1 protein in arterioles of WT and eNOS-KO mice. COX-2 protein, which was not detectable in arterioles of WT mice, was strongly expressed in arterioles of eNOS-KO mice, together with an upregulation of COX-2 gene expression. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed the presence of COX-2 in the endothelium of eNOS-KO arterioles. In conclusion, COX-2-derived PGs are the mediators responsible for maintenance of FID in arterioles of eNOS-deficient mice.  相似文献   
The protein deleted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1) interacts with the tensin family of focal adhesion proteins to play a role as a tumor suppressor in a wide spectrum of human cancers. This interaction has been proven to be crucial to the oncogenic inhibitory capacity and focal adhesion localization of DLC1. The phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain of tensin2 predominantly interacts with a novel site on DLC1, not the canonical NPXY motif. In this study, we characterized this interaction biochemically and determined the complex structure of tensin2 PTB domain with DLC1 peptide by NMR spectroscopy. Our HADDOCK-derived complex structure model elucidates the molecular mechanism by which tensin2 PTB domain recognizes DLC1 peptide and reveals a PTB-peptide binding mode that is unique in that peptide occupies the binding site opposite to the canonical NPXY motif interaction site with the peptide utilizing a non-canonical binding motif to bind in an extended conformation and that the N-terminal helix, which is unique to some Shc- and Dab-like PTB domains, is required for binding. Mutations of crucial residues defined for the PTB-DLC1 interaction affected the co-localization of DLC1 and tensin2 in cells and abolished DLC1-mediated growth suppression of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. This tensin2 PTB-DLC1 peptide complex with a novel binding mode extends the versatile binding repertoire of the PTB domains in mediating diverse cellular signaling pathways as well as provides a molecular and structural basis for better understanding the tumor-suppressive activity of DLC1 and tensin2.  相似文献   
A large nuclear protein of 2089 amino acids, NFBD1/MDC1 has recently been implicated in tumorigenesis and tumor growth. In this study, we investigated its expression in cervical cancers and explored its function using gene knockdown approaches. We report here that NFBD1 expression is substantial increased in 24 of 39 cases (61.5%) of cervical cancer tissues at the mRNA level and in 35 of 60 cases (58.3%) at the protein level compared with the case matched normal tissues. Tumors with higher grade of malignancy tend to have higher levels of NFBD1 expression. By infecting cells with retroviruses expressing NFBD1 shRNA, we successfully knocked down NFBD1 expression in cervical cancer cell lines HeLa, SiHa, and CaSki. NFBD1 knockdown cells display significant growth inhibition, cell cycle arrest, higher apoptotic rate, and enhanced sensitivity to adriamycin. Furthermore, NFBD1 knockdown also inhibits the growth of HeLa cells in nude mice. Western blot analyses further revealed that NFBD1 knockdown induced Bax, Puma, and Noxa while down-regulating Bcl-2; it also up-regulated cytochrome C and activated caspases 3 and 9. Therefore, the function of NFBD1 may be involved in the CDC25C-CyclinB1/CDC2 pathway at the G2/M checkpoint, and the cytochrome C/caspase 3 apoptotic pathway. Since expression of NFBD1 seems to be related to the oncogenic potential of cervical cancer, and suppression of its expression can inhibit cancer cell growth both in vitro and in vivo, NFBD1 may be a potential therapeutic target in human cervical cancer.  相似文献   
从舟山群岛滩涂土壤中获得了海水和底泥样品,并从中提取到了一株耐盐细菌,通过用不同盐浓度的培养基培养,挑取单菌落,反复划线纯化,得到了耐盐菌的单菌落。通过菌株基因组DNA的提取、菌株的抗性实验、质粒的提取、16S rRNA的PCR扩增及克隆、16S rRNA的全序列分析等手段,对该菌株的16S rRNA的基因序列进行了研究。  相似文献   
建立逆转录病毒介导的NFBD1基因RNA干扰表达体系,并观察其在宫颈癌SiHa细胞中对NFBD1表达的影响.将人NFBD1基因RNA干扰双链DNA片段重组到pSUPER Retro质粒中,构建携带人NFBD1基因RNA干扰的逆转录病毒载体pSUPER-shRNA-NFBD1,经PT67细胞包装后,产生的重组逆转录病毒感染宫颈癌细胞株SiHa细胞,并用嘌呤霉素筛选产生稳定的细胞克隆,用实时荧光定量PCR和Westernblotting检测细胞中NFBD1 mRNA和蛋白表达的变化.重组逆转录病毒质粒经测序鉴定正确;逆转录病毒感染SiHa细胞后用嘌呤霉素筛选出稳定的细胞克隆;实时荧光定量PCR和Westernblotting检测人NFBD1 mRNA和蛋白表达水平明显低于阴性对照组和未干扰组.携带人NFBD1基因RNA干扰双链DNA片段的逆转录病毒感染SiHa细胞后能明显抑制NFBD1 mRNA和蛋白表达,为进一步研究NFBD1在宫颈癌中的作用奠定了基础.  相似文献   
MCPH1, initially identified as an hTERT repressor, has recently been implicated in mediating DNA damage response and maintaining chromosome integrity. This study is to investigate its potential role in the onset of cervical cancer. In the study, decreased expression of MCPH1 was observed in 19 of 31 cases (61.3 %) at mRNA level and 44 of 63 cases (69.8 %) at protein level of cervical tumor tissues compared with the paired nontumor tissues. Reduced MCPH1 protein expression was significantly associated with high-tumor grade (1 vs. 3 P = 0.013; 2 vs. 3 P = 0.047). In addition to inhibit SiHa cell migration and invasion, the overexpression of MCPH1 inhibited cervical cancer cells growth through inducing S phase arrest and mitochondrial apoptosis. Further analysis demonstrated cyclinA2/CDK2, CDC25C-cyclinB/CDC2, and p53/p21 pathways were involved in the MCPH1 overexpression-induced S phase arrest. Moreover, the overexpression of MCPH1 activated mitochondrial apoptosis through regulating several apoptosis-related proteins such as p53, Bcl-2, Bax, cytochrome c, caspase-3, and PARP-1. Our findings indicate that downregulated MCPH1 correlates with tumor progression in cervical cancer, and MCPH1 has an important role in regulating cell growth through regulating the cell cycle and apoptosis. Thus, it may be a crucial tumor suppressor gene and a novel candidate therapeutic target for cervical cancer.  相似文献   
应用数量化理论Ⅲ原理和方法分析了13个芍药分类群与6种商品芍药的特征性成分的HPLC图谱的相似性,用三维图形表达各种间,种内的空间位置,根据空间距离大小,比较它们的相似程度,结果与经典分类的分类群间断有一定的相似和不同。  相似文献   
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