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The melanogenic actions of the melanocortins are mediated by the melanocortin‐1 receptor (MC1R). MC1R is a member of the G‐protein‐coupled receptors (GPCR) superfamily expressed in cutaneous and hair follicle melanocytes. Activation of MC1R by adrenocorticotrophin or α‐melanocyte stimulating hormone is positively coupled to the cAMP signaling pathway and leads to a stimulation of melanogenesis and a switch from the synthesis of pheomelanins to the production of eumelanic pigments. The functional behavior of the MC1R agrees with emerging concepts in GPCR signaling including dimerization, coupling to more than one signaling pathway and a high agonist‐independent constitutive activity accounting for inverse agonism phenomena. In addition, MC1R displays unique properties such as an unusually high number of natural variants often associated with clearly visible phenotypes and the occurrence of endogenous peptide antagonists. Therefore MC1R is an ideal model to study GPCR function. Here we review our current knowledge of MC1R structure and function, with emphasis on information gathered from the analysis of natural variants. We also discuss recent data on the regulation of MC1R function by paracrine and endocrine factors and by external stimuli such as ultraviolet light.  相似文献   
The hemocyanin of Limulus polyphemus is a 48-subunit aggregate. This 3.3 × 106-dalton oligomer is composed of structurally and functionally heterogeneous subunits. Using polyacrylamide electrophoresis J. Markl, A. Markl, W. Schartau, and B. Linzen (J. Comp. Physiol. Ser. B130,283–292, 1979) observed 12 bands; while using immunoelectrophoresis, M. Hoylaerts, G. Preaux, R. Witters, and R. Lontie (Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochem.87, 417–418, 1979) and J. Lamy, J. Lamy, J. Weill, J. Bonaventura, C. Bonaventura, and M. Brenowitz. (Arch. Biochem. Biophys.196, 324–339, 1979) observed 8 subunits. To proceed with an analysis of subunit roles in assembly it is first necessary to determine the number of distinct subunits. Refinement of the chromatographic separation procedures has led to the isolation of 8 immunologically distinct subunits as well as additional charge isomers which cannot be distinguished immunologically. Alkaline electrophoresis revealed 15 bands and isoelectric focusing up to 17. On the basis of extensive control experiments, including composit acrylamide-agarose immunoelectrophoresis and checks for conformational isomers, aggregation, proteolysis, and other types of degradation, we conclude that the electrophoretic heterogeneity of immunologically identical subunits is not artifactual. We have extended the nomenclature used by Lamy et al. (1979) to include the electrophoretic heterogeneity by using primes (′) to denote electrophoretically distinguishable subunits which are immunologically identical. A number of patterns have become apparent by correlating the results obtained by the different techniques. For example, immunologically pure subunit II, which shows 3 bands on alkaline electrophoresis, is in fact a mixture of electrophoretically distinct subunits II, II′, II″. Except for subunits II, II′, and II″ immunoelectrophoretically identical subunits are typically homogeneous on sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels. However, slight differences in the apparent molecular weight are observed on high-resolution gels between immunologically unrelated subunits. The immunological identity and electrophoretic differences suggest that the charge isomers which are immunologically identical have similar antigenic surfaces. If a charge substitution is not in a critical location, we would expect the electrophoretically distinct but immunologically identical subunits to have identical assembly roles. Comparison of the results for Limulus hemocyanin with the hemocyanin of related species Eurypelma californicum and Androctanus australis, which have 7 and 8 immunologically distinct subunits, respectively, suggests that the calcium-mediated aggregation from 24 to 48 subunits of Limulus does not require more extensive subunit complexity.  相似文献   
The Oligochaeta of some streams flowing into the Rio de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, were investigated. Twenty nine taxa (twenty four naidids, five tubificids) were identified. Most species are cosmopolitan, but Dero evelinae, Pristina leidyi, Slavina isochaeta and Bothrioneurum sp. are neotropical. Bratislavia unidentata, Haemonais waldvogeli and Nais pardalis are reported for the first time in Argentina. Variants occurr in the shape of the distal end of the penial sheaths of Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri. The dominant Naidid genera are Dero and Pristina. In the polluted El Gato stream only L. hoffmeisteri and L. claparedeianus were found.  相似文献   
A liquid-phase assay system based on small-zone size-exclusion chromatography was used to examine the binding of a monoclonal anti-idiotopic antibody, F6, to its idiotope on the murine plasmacytoma IgA, TEPC-15. Chromatographic behavior revealed a strong association between T-15 and F6, which was previously characterized by solid-phase immunoassay as recognizing a nonbinding site epitope of the T-15. This chromatographic pattern suggests that the inability of the hapten phosphorylcholine to inhibit the anti-idiotope:idiotope relationship in solid-phase immunoassay might be equally explained by the low affinity of the hapten relative to the high affinity of the anti-idiotope antibody. Bivalent interactions between solid-phase IgA and liquid-phase IgG should enhance the binding of the anti-idiotope to an extent that would prevent the hapten from dissociating the complex. Under these solid-phase assay conditions, observation of hapten inhibition may, in some cases, indicate site specificity, but absence of inhibition cannot be interpreted. Computer simulations of solid-phase hapten inhibition scenarios were used to evaluate the qualitative nature of binding inhibition profiles expected under various conditions of liquid- and solid-phase reactant affinities and concentrations. The apparently unusual inhibition curves previously observed in the T-15:anti-T-15 studies in which the degree of binding inhibition by hapten appeared to be independent of anti-idiotope concentration may be predictable in cases of excess solid-phase epitope; the plateau inhibition value is a function of relative affinity constants and concentrations of solid-phase and inhibitor components. The results additionally suggest that the affinity of a liquid-phase antibody may modulate the effective concentration of solid-phase epitope.  相似文献   
The packing interactions in crystals of human lambda-type antibody light chain dimers have been reviewed. These homologous proteins are composed of individually specific variable domains, but all have very similar constant domain sequences. The proteins do not emulate each other in their overall crystallization behavior: each attains an individually characteristic space group or unit cell dimensions. However, each of these protein crystals has one unit cell dimension in common, 72.4(+/- 0.2) A. Examination of the protein packing in these crystals reveals that the common cell dimension is a consequence of a packing arrangement of their constant domains, which is conserved in all three crystals. In this striking arrangement, beta-sheets of adjacent constant domains are placed in juxta-position to form an "infinite chain". Although this constant domain packing pattern is rigorously conserved, the variable domain packing arrangements in each of these crystals are different. The conservation of the "infinite" beta-sheet pattern suggests that the constant domain interactions dominate the thermodynamic energy of lattice formation, probably through a combination of specific hydrogen bond formations and by a decrease in the solvent-accessible surface. A single amino acid substitution prohibits this characteristic interneighbor hydrogen bond pattern in the homologous kappa-type light chains. This may explain the observation that very few kappa-type light chains have been crystallized.  相似文献   
Summary Three nodulation-deficient (nod) mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum were isolated following insertion of the transposon Tn5 into pRL1JI, the R. leguminosarum plasmid known to carry the nodulation genes. DNA adjacent to the nod: Tn5 alleles was subcloned and used to probe a cosmid clone bank containing DNA from a Rhizobium strain carrying pRL1JI. Two cosmid clones which showed homology with the probe contained about 10 kb of DNA in common. The R. leguminosarum host-range determinants were found to be present within this 10 kb common region since either of the cosmid clones could enable a cured R. phaseoli strain to nodulate peas instead of Phaseolus beans, its normal host. Electron microscopy of nodules induced by Rhizobium strains cured of their normal symbiotic plasmid but containing either of the two cosmid clones showed bacteroid-forms surrounded by a peri-bacteroid membrane, indicating that normal infection had occurred. Thus it is clear that this 10 kb region of nodDNA carries the genes that determine host range and that relatively few bacterial genes may be involved in nodule and bacteroid development.  相似文献   
A Bence Jones protein with phenotype Inv (1, –2) was isolated from the urine of a patient with multiple myeloma. Inv typing of the patient's relatives established the presence of anInv 1 allele in the kindred, and that the patient's genotype wasInv 1/Inv 3. Hence, the absence of Inv (2) in the Bence Jones protein was shown to be genetic and not an artifact caused by the disease. The tryptic peptide-containing residues 191 through 194 were isolated and shown to be composed of Leu, Tyr, Ala, Cys, with Leu at the amino end. Hence, the residue at 191 is the same as that present in Inv (1, 2) Bence Jones proteins. More detailed study of the tryptic peptides established that residue 153 is Val rather than Ala as in all other K chains thus far studied. The primary sequence: Ala153, Leu191 determines Inv (1, 2); Ala153, Val191 determines Inv (3); and Val153, Leu191 determines Inv (1). The Val153, Val191 sequence has not been observed. It may correspond to Inv (–). These data are strikingly similar to the data for the Kern and Oz isotypes (changes at 154 and 191, respectively) in the chain. As in the case of theK chain, only three of the four possible combinations have been observed. The implications of this parallelism and of crystallographic findings on chains, reported by others, are discussed.  相似文献   
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