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The assimilatory activity of cotyledons can play an essential role in the survival of seedlings with a slow and delayed development of primary leaves. Changes in the photosynthetic activity of the cotyledon, from the onset of greening through senescence, were studied in two such plants, carob and sunflower, in order to determine its efficiency and duration, also in connection with the achievement of assimilatory autonomy by the plantlet. Chlorophyll analyses showed that the cotyledon's chloroplasts reached maximal greening in plantlets with a pair of expanded leaves. In contrast, the cotyledon's photosynthetic activity, measured as the rate of oxygen release, started to decrease early, before expansion of primary leaves. The decrease was due to the inactivation of a number of photosystem II (PSII) units, as revealed by immunodetection of breackdown products of the reaction centre's D1 and D2 thylakoid proteins. No signals of PSII alteration were noticed in the primary leaf chloroplasts that differentiated under the same environmental conditions. The damage to the cotyledon PSII, occurring in a non-photoinhibitory situation, might be due to a slower rate of turnover of D1 polypeptide than in the leaf thylakoids. The differential turnover of this protein in cotyledons and in leaves might represent an organ-specific regulation of the photosynthetic activity. The peculiarity of the cotyledon thylakoids make these organs useful objects for studying the metabolic cycle of both D1 and D2 proteins in vivo, under non-photoinhibiting conditions.  相似文献   
Summary Research carried out into successively older sunflower leaves has allowed us to follow the different ontogenetic stages leading to the building up of a well-differentiated chloroplast. In all the intrathylakoid compartments of the young plastids there is very electron-dense material whose accumulation causes the dilatation of some thylakoid profiles and, consequently, the forming of roundish bodies. The thylakoid membranes appear as Lithtly Stained Membranes which, according to the most recent interpretation, are considered as incompletely organized ones. At a subsequent stage there is an increase of the thylakoid membrane staining along with a decrease of the electron-density of the intrathylakoid compartments that, at the end of the ontogenetic process, appear electrontransparent and flattened. Therefore, the intrathylakoid material appears to have been used up in the forming of well-organized membranes. This particular situation, present in the early ontogenetic stages of the plastids, may be attributed to an initial disequilibrium between the synthesis speed of membranal material and the capability to build up well-organized membranes.  相似文献   
Botanical fruits derive from ovaries and their most important function is to favor seed dispersal. Fleshy fruits do so by attracting frugivorous animals that disperse seeds together with their own excrements (endozoochory). Gymnosperms make seeds but have no ovaries to be transformed into fruits. Many species surround their seeds with fleshy structures and use endozoochory to disperse them. Such structures are functionally fruits and can derive from different anatomical parts. Ginkgo biloba and Taxus baccata fruit-like structures differ in their anatomical origin since the outer seed integument becomes fleshy in Ginkgo, whereas in Taxus, the fleshy aril is formed de novo. The ripening characteristics are different, with Ginkgo more rudimentary and Taxus more similar to angiosperm fruits. MADS-box genes are known to be necessary for the formation of flowers and fruits in Angiosperms but also for making both male and female reproductive structures in Gymnosperms. Here, a series of different MADS-box genes have been shown for the first time to be involved also in the formation of gymnosperm fruit-like structures. Apparently, the same gene types have been recruited in phylogenetically distant species to make fleshy structures that also have different anatomical origins. This finding indicates that the main molecular networks operating in the development of fleshy fruits have independently appeared in distantly related Gymnosperm taxa. Hence, the appearance of the seed habit and the accompanying necessity of seed dispersal has led to the invention of the fruit habit that thus seems to have appeared independently of the presence of flowers.  相似文献   
Fleshy fruits represent a very important economic resource and, therefore, they are an ideal target for biotechnological ameliorations. However, because of their physiological and anatomical characteristics, ripe fleshy fruits represent an extremely difficult material for transient gene expression assays aimed at the study of gene promoters in a short time. To this purpose, a fast and efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transient gene expression system was developed for ripe fleshy fruits. A beta-glucuronidase reporter gene interrupted by an intron was used in order to prevent the possible expression of GUS activity by the Agrobacterium cells. The contemporary use of another reporter gene was used to check the transformation efficiency. This method is based on the injection of an Agrobacterium suspension into the fruits, and allows both qualitative and quantitative assays in a wide range of fruits to be carried out.  相似文献   
Strawberry is a soft fruit with a short postharvest shelf-life. The loss of fruit firmness during ripening is mainly due to the disassembly of parenchyma cell walls mediated by the expression of genes encoding enzymes acting on pectins, such as pectate lyase, or hemicellulose, e.g. endo-β-1,4-glucanase. To determine if the simultaneous down-regulation of FaplC and FaEG3 genes, encoding a pectate lyase and a endo-β-1,4-glucanase, respectively, exerted an additive effect on strawberry softening, transgenic plants expressing tandem antisense sequences of both genes under the control of the constitutive promoter CaMV35S were generated. Fifteen independent transgenic lines were obtained and fruit yields and several quality parameters of transgenic ripe fruit were recorded during two consecutive years. Fruit yield was reduced in most of the lines, especially in the first evaluation period, and five out of 15 lines (33 %) did not set fruit. The expression of FaplC and FaEG3 genes was measured in ripe fruits from six selected lines showing the highest fruit yields. All selected lines showed a high level of FaplC gene silencing, ranging from 97 to 71 %; however, FaEG3 gene expression was only significantly down-regulated in two lines. Fruit colour and soluble solids contents were similar in control and transgenic ripe fruits, while fruit weight was slightly lower than control in some of the lines. In all lines, transgenic fruits were significantly firmer than control, with an increase in firmness ranging from 19 to 32 %. The reduction of fruit softening in transgenic fruits was not correlated with the suppression of FaEG3 gene expression, and lines with the highest simultaneous down-regulation of FaplC and FaEG3 showed similar fruit firmness to lines where only FaplC was suppressed. These results indicate that pectate lyase and endo-β-1,4-glucanase do not act in an additive or synergistic way during strawberry softening, and question the role of glucanases in this process.  相似文献   
Ethylene has long been regarded as the main regulator of ripening in climacteric fruits. The characterization of a few tomato mutants, unable to produce climacteric ethylene and to ripen their fruits even following treatments with exogenous ethylene, has shown that other factors also play an important role in the control of climacteric fruit ripening. In climacteric peach and tomato fruits it has been shown that, concomitant with ethylene production, increases in the amount of auxin can also be measured. In this work a genomic approach has been used in order to understand if such an auxin increase is functional to an independent role played by the hormone during ripening of the climacteric peach fruits. Besides the already known indirect activity on ripening due to its up-regulation of climacteric ethylene synthesis, it has been possible to show that auxin plays a role of its own during ripening of peaches. In fact, the hormone has shown the ability to regulate the expression of a number of different genes. Moreover, many genes involved in biosynthesis and transport and, in particular, the signalling (receptors, Auxin Response Factors and Aux/IAA) of auxin had increased expression in the mesocarp during ripening, thus strengthening the idea that this hormone is actively involved in the ripening of peaches. This study has also demonstrated the existence of an important cross-talk between auxin and ethylene, with genes in the auxin domain regulated by ethylene and genes in the ethylene domain regulated by auxin.  相似文献   
Phenolic compounds appear to be involved in a number of regulatoryactivities in plants. During the last decade an increasing amountof evidence has brought to light the role played by salicylicacid in a number of physiological processes. Particularly interestingis the inhibitory effect of salicylic acid on ethylene biosynthesis,which might make this natural plant compound a useful tool forcontrolling some of the responses usually promoted by ethylene.Our data show that salicylic acid is actually able to reduceleaf abscission in both peach and pepper plants. Biochemicalanalyses have revealed that the enzyme usually involved in thisphenomenon (cellulase, EC [EC] .) does not increase followingactivation of leaf abscission in plants treated with salicylicacid. In contrast, control plants show a marked increase inthe levels of both enzyme activity and cellulase protein. Flushingplants with exogenous ethylene in the presence of salicylicacid induces an increase in cellulase expression which, however,does not equal the level induced in plants without salicylicacid. Key words: Cellulase, leaf abscission, peach, pepper, salicylic acid  相似文献   
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