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人类肠道菌群能够产生多种代谢产物或与人体相互作用产生肠道菌群-宿主共代谢物,显著影响人体各大系统的生理功能。当人体健康状态以及肠道菌群发生变化时,肠道代谢物的种类和含量也会相应受到影响,因此肠道菌群代谢产物具有作为疾病诊断指针的巨大潜力。本文总结了常见的几类肠道微生物代谢产物,包括糖类、胆碱代谢物、脂质、氨基酸与肽类、维生素、胆汁酸、短链脂肪酸、酚、苯甲酰基和苯基衍生物等,及其在不同疾病状态下的作用机理,以期更好地理解肠道菌群、代谢产物和疾病之间的相关性,为疾病的预防、诊断和治疗提供新的靶点。  相似文献   
Li  Jing  Hu  Yangyang  Yuan  Yifei  Zhao  Yinan  Han  Qiqi  Liu  Canyu  Hu  Xue  Zhou  Yuan  Wang  Yun  Guo  Yu  Wu  Chunchen  Chen  Xinwen  Pei  Rongjuan 《中国病毒学》2021,36(3):501-509
Virologica Sinica - Hepatitis B virus (HBV) belongs to Hepadnaviridae family and mainly infects hepatocytes, which can cause acute or chronic hepatitis. Currently, two types of antiviral drugs are...  相似文献   
肖建华  丁鑫  蔡超男  张灿瑜  张晓妍  李朗  李捷 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5703-5712
掌握气候变化对珍稀濒危物种的分布和适应性变化趋势的影响,是开展保护生物学研究的基础。闽楠(Phoebe bournei)是我国东部亚热带森林的优势树种,也是金丝楠木的主要来源树种。它具有重要的经济、园林与生态价值,目前已被列为国家II级保护植物。预测不同气候背景下该物种的地理分布格局可为这一珍贵树种的资源保护、合理利用与开发提供指导依据,同时也为闽楠的起源与地理分化研究奠定基础。本研究基于闽楠的123个分布点信息与19个气候因子,采用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)与ArcGIS空间分析,构建闽楠于末次冰期(距今22000年)、当前(1950-2000年)以及未来(2050年与2070年)相应地潜在分布区格局,并确定未来受威胁的适生区、面积与影响分布的气候因子。结果表明:闽楠的适生区覆盖浙江、福建、江西、广东、广西、湖南、湖北、贵州及重庆,制约闽楠地理分布的气候因子主要是温度季节性变化标准差(Bio4)、最暖月最高温(Bio5)与最干季降水量(Bio17);在末次盛冰期闽楠退缩到我国东部的许多山区,诸如武夷山、浙闽丘陵、武陵山、雪峰山、湘黔桂毗邻的山区;随着全球气候变暖,到2050年与2070年闽楠的适生区有着破碎化甚至丧失的风险。  相似文献   
DNA-hydrolyzing DNAs represent an attractive type of DNA-processing catalysts distinctive from the protein-based restriction enzymes. The innate DNA property has enabled them to readily join DNA-based manipulations to promote the development of DNA biotechnology. A major in vitro selection strategy to identify these DNA catalysts relies tightly on the isolation of linear DNAs processed from a circular single-stranded (ss) DNA sequence library by self-hydrolysis. Herein, we report that by programming a terminal hybridization stem in the library, other than the previously reported classes (I & II) of deoxyribozymes, two new classes (III & IV) were identified with the old selection strategy to site-specifically hydrolyze DNA in the presence of Zn2+. Their representatives own a catalytic core consisting of ∼20 conserved nucleotides and a half-life of ∼15 min at neutral pH. In a bimolecular construct, class III exhibits unique broad generality on the enzyme strand, which can be potentially harnessed to engineer DNA-responsive DNA hydrolyzers for detection of any target ssDNA sequence. Besides the new findings, this work should also provide an improved approach to select for DNA-hydrolyzing deoxyribozymes that use various molecules and ions as cofactors.  相似文献   
赭曲霉转化甾体过程中色素的分析和控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对甾体C11α羟基化菌株赭曲霉发酵液中色素的分离纯化,得到一种砖红色的色素。经紫外-可见分光光度法、红外光谱法和核磁共振谱图分析,证明该色素为苯醌类色素,与初级代谢过程中的芳香族氨基酸有相同的代谢途径,利用芳香族氨基酸的代谢模式,在加有2%沃氏氧化物的发酵体系中添加5mmol/L的色氨酸,或5mmol/L等体积的苯丙氨酸和酪氨酸混合液,均能明显抑制发酵过程中色素的产生,提高产物的收率。同时通过诱变选育的莽草酸缺陷型菌株发酵后,甾体转化力均有所下降,但发酵液不再产生砖红色色素,进一  相似文献   
Quantifying the per capita effects of invasive alien species is crucial for assessing their ecological impact. A major challenge to risk assessment of invasive species was to understand the factors that cause per capita effects to vary in different ecological contexts, particularly in a warming world. By conducting functional response experiments, we estimated the per capita effects (attack rate and maximum feeding rate) of an invasive herbivorous snail, Pomacea canaliculata, toward ten host plant species. We tested whether variation in these effects is related to plant nutritional and physical properties (total N and dry matter content (DMC)) and examined how increasing temperature can shift these relationships. We observed stronger per capita effects (i.e., higher attack rate and maximum feeding rate) by the snail on plants with higher total N, but no direct relationship was found with DMC. A significant interaction effect of total N and DMC on the attack rate indicated that DMC probably adjusted the feeding indirectly. Warmer temperatures reduced correlations between snail functional responses and host plant nutritional properties (total N) by increasing maximum feeding rate for plants of low nutrition, but there was no such effect on attack rates. However, given the nonreplacement design used in our study, the nonsignificant effect of temperature on the attack rate should be caveated. Our result suggests that characterizing the per capita effects of herbivores using functional responses can reveal the mechanisms by which climate change may alter herbivore–plant interactions and, thus, the ecological impacts of introduced herbivores.  相似文献   
为探讨海南风吹楠(Horsfieldia hainanensis)的濒危原因,利用限制性酶切位点相关的DNA测序技术(RAD-seq)开发单核苷酸多态性(SNPs),评估居群的遗传多样性和遗传结构.结果表明,海南风吹楠的遗传多样性较低(Ho=0.167),其中BWL居群表现出最高的遗传多样性;居群间存在中等程度的遗传分...  相似文献   
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