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Summary We recently described a nonradioactive method for in situ hybridization with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) labelled oligonucleotide probes. An antibody to BrdU and immunocytochemistry were used in order to detect the hybridization signal. We have now applied this method to semithin Epon sections, in order to hybridize consecutive sections through single cells with different probes and to stain them with antibodies to neuropeptides. It could be shown that Epon embedding preserves mRNA well. In the present study we used a BrdU labelled synthetic oligonucleotide probe complementary to a fragment of the vasopressin precursor and an antibody to Arg-vasopressin. Vasopressin mRNA was demonstrable in a fraction of the vasopressin immunoreactive neurons in the magnocellular nuclei. In addition some of the magnocellular neurons showed either hybridization or vasopressin immunostaining only, perhaps indicating different stages of synthetic and secretory activity. The method described seems to be a valuable tool for studying synthetic activity in peptidergic neurons on a single cell level. The method might also have potential for in situ hybridization on the electronmicroscopical level.  相似文献   
Summary N2-fixing cyanobacteria occur in symbiotic associations with fungi (ascomycetes) as lichens and with a few green plants. The associated cyanobacterium is always a species ofNostoc orAnabaena. Only a small number of plant genera are involved but there is a remarkable range of host diversity. Associations occur with several bryophytes (e.g.Anthoceros, Blasia, Cavicularia), a pteridophyte (Azolla), cycads (nine genera includingMacrozamia andEncephalartos) and an angiosperm (Gunnera). Except forGunnera, where the cyanobacterium penetrates the plant cells, the cyanobacteria are extracellular with specialized morphological modifications and/or structures of the host plant organs providing an environment which facilitates interaction with the prokaryote.Salient aspects of current knowledge pertaining to the establishment, perpetuation, and functioning of the individual symbioses are summarized. Where possible this includes information concerning recognition and specificity, mode(s) of infection, morphological modifications/adaptations of the host plant and a synopsis of morphological, physiological and biochemical changes common to the symbiotic cyanobacteria. The latter encompasses heterocyst frequencies, enzymes involved in ammonia assimilation, photosynthetic capability and metabolic interaction with the host.TheAzolla-Anabaena symbioses, which have potential agronomic significance as an alternative nitrogen source and maintain continuity with the endophyte through the sexual cycle, are emphasized.  相似文献   
A panel of monoclonal antibodies to neurofilaments have been investigated with regard to the location of their respective epitopes on neurofilament polypeptides and their ability to label the neurofibrillary tangles and paired helical filaments (PHF) which are characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. All of the neurofilament monoclonal antibodies that label tangles and PHF are directed against epitopes in the side arm domains of the two larger neurofilament polypeptides, NF-H and NF-M, and do not recognise the alpha-helical rod domains of these proteins. Immuno-electron microscopy demonstrates that the neurofilament antibodies label the constituent PHF per se and do not simply stain neurofilaments that might be admixed with PHF. These neurofilament epitopes are differentially retained by PHF, following isolation. Thus, antibody labelling of PHF is not simply due to the presence of normal neurofilament polypeptides. We propose that in tangle-bearing neurons, neurofilaments are degraded by proteases and that it is fragments of the side arms which contribute to the composition of PHF.  相似文献   
Distribution Coding in the Visual Pathway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Although a variety of types of spike interval histograms have been reported, little attention has been given to the spike interval distribution as a neural code and to how different distributions are transmitted through neural networks. In this paper we present experimental results showing spike interval histograms recorded from retinal ganglion cells of the cat. These results exhibit a clear correlation between spike interval distribution and stimulus condition at the retinal ganglion cell level. The averaged mean rates of the cells studied were nearly the same in light as in darkness whereas the spike interval histograms were much more regular in light than in darkness. We present theoretical models which illustrate how such a distribution coding at the retinal level could be “interpreted” or recorded at some higher level of the nervous system such as the lateral geniculate nucleus. Interpretation is an essential requirement of a neural code which has often been overlooked in modeling studies. Analytical expressions are derived describing the role of distribution coding in determining the transfer characteristics of a simple interaction model and of a lateral inhibition network. Our work suggests that distribution coding might be interpreted by simply interconnected neural networks such as relay cell networks, in general, and the primary thalamic sensory nuclei in particular.  相似文献   
The change in polyphenol content in the primed leaves of burley, flue-cured, and Turkish tobaccos during air-curing was related to the activities and isozymes of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase. The quantity of chlorogenic acid was rapidly reduced during the first week of curing. The decrease in rutin content during curing was less significant, especially when the concentration of chlorogenic acid was high in leaf tissues. This result was further confirmed by in vitro assays with partially purified tobacco polyphenol oxidase.  相似文献   
1. The effects of varying the plasma insulin concentration by infusion while maintaining euglycaemia by infusion of glucose on nutrient arterio-venous differences across the hind-limb and mammary gland in lactating and non-lactating sheep were investigated. 2. Insulin infusion increased the glucose arterio-venous difference across the hind-limb; this effect of insulin was decreased by lactation, suggesting that lactation induces insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. 3. Lactation increased but insulin infusion decreased the plasma concentrations of acetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate and non-esterified fatty acids. 4. Insulin infusion decreased the arterio-venous differences of acetate and hydroxybutyrate across the hind-limb; this effect of insulin is probably indirect, resulting from the decrease in plasma concentrations of these metabolites. 5. Infusion of insulin had no effect on the glucose arterio-venous difference across the mammary gland, but did decrease the oxygen arterio-venous difference. 6. The results suggest that lactation results in insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, at least with respect to glucose utilization; this should facilitate the preferential utilization of glucose by the mammary gland.  相似文献   
Summary The microproblematicumPycnoporidium ? eomesozoicum Flügel, 1972, from Upper Triassic reefs of the Alpine-Mediterranean region, Turkey Oman and Iran (originally interpreted as possible alga) represents the type species of a new strophomenid brachiopod genus (Gosaukammerella n.g.). The genus is characterized by a very small, millimeter-sized plano-convex shell, whose ventral valve is attached to the substratum (mainly sponges) by symmetrically arranged outgrowths developing from a pseudopunctate, lamellose foliated shell wall and composed of densely spaced subparallel ‘tubes’ comparable with productide spines secreted by papillose extensions of the mantle.Gosaukammerella seems to be the only reliable candidate for the existence of post-Paleozoic strophomenid (productid ?) brachiopods. Gosaukammerella eomesozoica is restricted to possibly cryptic, shaded reef environments inhabited predominantly by sponges serving as substrates for micromorphic brachiopods.  相似文献   
Summary Intercellular junctions in the uterine epithelium of the ovoviviparous urodele Salamandra salamandra were studied in pregnant and non-pregnant females by freeze-fracture technique. Junctional complexes consist of zonulae occludentes (tight junctions) and numerous maculae adhaerentes (desmosomes); z. adhaerentes and nexuses (gap junctions) could not be identified. Tight junctions are of the flexible type exhibiting loosely interconnected fibrils. The fibrillary network appears stretched more often in pregnant females possibly due to the mechanical stress of pregnancy. The structure and occurrence of the junctions identified, especially that of the tight junctions, is discussed with regard to the functions of the uterus during pregnancy.Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der Gefrierbruchtechnik wurden im Uterus-epithel trächtiger und nichtträchtiger Feuersalamanderweibchen (Salamandra salamandra) Zonulae occludentes und Maculae adhaerentes, jedoch keine Z. adhaerentes sowie Nexus identifiziert. Die Z. occludentes sind flexibel. Ihr fibrilläres Netzwerk ist bei trächtigen Weibchen öfter gestreckt; das ist möglicherweise auf die stärkere Ausdehnung des Uterusgewebes während der Trächtigkeit zurückzuführen. Das Vorkommen der verschiedenen Kontakt-strukturen, namentlich das der Z. occludentes, wird im Hinblick auf die Funktionen des Uterus während der Trächtigkeit diskutiert.We are indebted to Mrs. K. Ott for excellent technical assistance and to Miss Dr. U. Beigel for linguistic help  相似文献   
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