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The Trachypetinae (type genus Trachypetus Guérin de Méneville) comprise seven species of large-bodied wasps in three genera (Cercobarcon Tobias, Megalohelcon Turner and Trachypetus) endemic to continental Australia. Historically they have been variously treated, as members of the Helconinae in the case of Megalohelcon, or as separate subfamilies (Cercobarconinae and Trachypetinae). Some 25 years ago they were united in a single subfamily, the Trachypetinae, based on a number of characters. Although there has been conflicting evidence from morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies as to how best to treat the group, there has been a growing consensus that they fall outside the rest of the Braconidae, although taxon sampling has been a limiting factor for molecular studies. We generated a molecular dataset comprising five gene fragments (nuclear 28S ribosomal rDNA, nuclear 18S, elongation factor 1-alpha, mitochondrial 16S rDNA, and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1) for a taxonomically broad range of Braconidae, Ichneumonidae, trachypetines and outgroup hymenopterans including the first molecular data for the trachypetines Cercobarcon and Trachypetus obtained using specially designed internal primers. Molecular and combined molecular and morphological analyses confirm the monophyly of the Trachypetinae and robustly place them as sister to the Braconidae. Detailed morphological analysis including newly recognized characters shows that trachypetines lack several synapomorphies that define the Braconidae, and that they possess a number of symplesiomorphies absent from this family but found in some ichneumonids. We conclude that family-level status is warranted for the group based on both molecular and morphological criteria, and hence we propose the new family, Trachypetidae Schulz stat.n. (type genus Trachypetus Guérin de Méneville), for it. As a result, the remaining extant Braconidae become clearly defined based on synapomorphies not present in Trachypetidae stat.n. This published work has been registered on ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5418F709-D724-4F14-89D8-1E054D1D27D0 .  相似文献   
Zaldivar‐River ó n, A., Areekul, B., Shaw, M. R. & Quicke, D. L. J. (2004). Comparative morphology of the venom apparatus in the braconid wasp subfamily Rogadinae (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Braconidae) and related taxa. —Zoologica Scripta, 33, 223–237. The morphology of the venom apparatus intima in representatives of 38 genera of the problematic braconid wasp subfamily Rogadinae and other cyclostome braconids was investigated and a preliminary phylogenetic analysis for the group was performed with the information obtained. Despite the limited number of characters, the data suggest several relationships at various taxonomic levels. The venom apparatus in the Clinocentrini and the Stiropiini is relatively unmodified and similar to that found in other genera previously placed within a broader concept of the Rogadinae (e.g. genera of Lysitermini, Pentatermini, Tetratermini, Hormiini) and also to that of the Betylobraconinae. The presence of a cone of filaments located inside the secondary venom duct near to its insertion on the venom reservoir/primary venom duct is proposed as a synapomorphy for the tribe Rogadini to the exclusion of Stiropiini, Clinocentrini and Yeliconini. Other features of the secondary venom duct and its insertion on the venom reservoir/primary venom duct support a number of relationships between the genera of the Rogadini and also within the large genus Aleiodes. A clade containing 15 Rogadini genera (Bathoteca, Bathotecoides, Bulborogas, Canalirogas, Colastomion, Conspinaria, Cystomastacoides, Macrostomion, Megarhogas, Myocron, Pholichora, Rectivena, Rogas, Spinaria and Triraphis) is supported by the presence of a thickened and short secondary venom duct, whereas the different members of Aleiodes (excluding members of the subgenus Heterogamus) and Cordylorhogas are distinguished by having a recessed secondary venom duct with well‐defined and numerous internal filaments. New World Rogas species exhibit a unique venom apparatus and may not be closely related to the Old World ones. Features of the venom apparatus of the enigmatic genus Telengaia and the exothecine genera Shawiana and Colastes suggest that the Telengainae and Exothecinae are both closely related to the Braconinae, Gnamptodontinae, and possibly to the Opiinae and Alysiinae. An unsculptured venom reservoir was found in one specimen of the type species of Avga, A. choaspes, which is consistent with it occupying either a very basal position within the cyclostome braconids or belonging to a recently recognized ‘Gondwanan’ clade that also includes the Aphidiinae.  相似文献   
Interactions between male stag beetles usually involve aggressive behavior using their long mandibles as weapons to compete with rival males over females. Considerable variation exists within populations in male body size, and may affect their behavior and the outcome of male-male contests. We investigated the aggressive interactions between male Aegus chelifer chelifer, a small tropical stag beetle species. Morphological traits in relation to aggressiveness and the outcome of fights were examined in laboratory-reared beetles. The fight-engagement ratios of major and minor morph males were not significantly different and analyses revealed that the size of body parts had more effect on the fighting success than the weapon part (mandibles). The probability of winning a contest was higher in males with a larger head width (HW), and so HW was considered as the resource holding potential (RHP). No effects of the trait size on the initiation of fights or aggressive intensity was found. Relationships between the fight duration and RHP were not significantly consistent with any assessment strategies, but were close to the mutual assessment model.  相似文献   
Generic relationships within the parasitoid wasp subfamily Braconinae are assessed based on a molecular phylogenetic analysis of four gene fragments: mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 16S rDNA, nuclear 28S D2-D3 rDNA and elongation factor 1-alpha. Our results support the recognition of Aphrastobraconini, Braconini and Coeloidini plus three new tribes: Compsobraconini tribus nov ., Tropobraconini tribus nov . and Virgulibraconini tribus nov . The first of these new tribes is restricted to the New World; the second includes the Old World genera Tropobracon Cameron, Trispinaria Quicke and Grangerbracon Samartsev and Belokobylskij and possibly others, whereas the third comprises the Australian genus Virgulibracon Quicke, plus several other described and undescribed Australian genera. Consistent placement of Amyosoma Viereck with members of the Virgulibraconini tribus nov . is discussed, whereas Amyosoma is left currently unplaced. A preliminary key to tribes is presented, and the characters used to differentiate between Aphrastobraconini and Braconini are revised. Megacoeloides Quicke was never recovered with Coeloides, the type genus of Coeloidini, so it is treated as Braconinae incertae sedis. By combining molecular and morphological traits, nearly all valid genera are assigned to tribes, and the possible relationships of the remainder are discussed. Alienoclypeus Shenefelt, 1978 is synonymised with Atanycolus Förster, 1862 (Atanycolus insolitus (Shenefelt) comb. nov .). Several new genera have been revealed and will be described elsewhere.  相似文献   
Species of the braconid wasp genus Yelicones Cameron from North, Central and South America are revised and the first phylogenetic analysis of the world Yelicones fauna is presented. The results are considered from a biogeographical perspective and the effect of including and excluding colour characters is investigated. One hundred and twenty‐four species from throughout the world are recognised. Eighty‐five species are from the New World, 63 of which are new. A fully illustrated key to New World species is provided. A total of 116 characters were scored, of which 86 were morphological and 30 were based on the wasps’ colour pattern. All analyses show a near perfect diversion between New and Old World species. However, analyses excluding and including colour produced completely opposite results in terms of whether New or Old World species were basal. We found that in our data matrix colour characters performed at least as well as morphological characters in terms of their ensemble retention index, making it difficult to decide which phylogenetic hypotheses is correct. However, consideration of venom apparatus features leads us to prefer the hypotheses placing the New World taxa basally.  相似文献   
In the tropics, antagonistic seed predation networks may have different properties than mutualistic pollination and seed dispersal networks, but the former have been considerably less studied. We tested whether the structure of antagonistic tripartite networks composed of host plants, insects developing within seeds and fruits, and their insect parasitoids could be predicted from plant phylogenetic distance and plant traits. We considered subsets of the networks (‘subnetworks') at three rainforest locations (Panama, Thailand, Papua New Guinea), based on insect families, plant families or plant functional groups. We recorded 3197 interactions and observed a low percentage of realized interactions, especially in Panama, where insect host specificity was higher than in Thailand or New Guinea. Several factors may explain this, including insect faunal composition, incidence of dry fruits, high fruit production and high occurrence of Fabaceae at the Panamanian site. Host specificity was greater among seed-eaters than pulp-eaters and for insects feeding on dry fruits as opposed to insects feeding on fleshy fruits. Plant species richness within plant families did not influence insect host specificity, but site characteristics may be important in this regard. Most subnetworks were extremely specialized, such as those including Tortricidae and Bruchinae in Panama. Plant phylogenetic distance, plant basal area and plant traits (fruit length, number of seeds per fruit) had important effects on several network statistics in regressions weighted by sampling effort. A path analysis revealed a weak direct influence of plant phylogenetic distance on parasitoid richness, indicating limited support for the ‘nasty host hypothesis'. Our study emphasizes the duality between seed dispersal and seed predation networks in the tropics, as key plant species differ and host specificity tends to be low in the former and higher in the latter. This underlines the need to study both types of networks for sound practices of forest regeneration and conservation.  相似文献   
Stag beetles usually have great intraspecific variation in their body sizes, which can be affected by both environmental and genetic factors. However, direct studies on wild-caught specimens may be insufficient to clarify such variation due to the confounding effects of ecological variance in natural habitats. To evaluate this, the stag beetle Aegus chelifer chelifer MacLeay, 1819 was collected from within two localities (Bangkok metropolitan area and Chanthaburi province) in Thailand and then reared under the same condition to investigate the differences in morphological characteristics between the wild-caught and captive-bred beetles and between the two geographical populations. Narrow-sense heritabilities (h2) of the observed traits in adults were not significant. Variation in the body size of captive-bred specimens was less than in the wild-caught specimens and the overlap of the body size variation between the two populations was lower in the captive-bred beetles. The Chanthaburi population had a significantly larger body size than the Bangkok population. Allometric slopes and intercepts were also significantly different between the two geographic populations. Captive-bred larvae showed similar relative growth rates, but male larvae from the Chanthaburi population had a longer feeding period, and so a larger adult body size, than those from the Bangkok population. The differences between the two populations could be explained by adaptation through larval performances and body size in order to respond to their habitats.  相似文献   
The sesiid moth, Akaisphecia melanopuncta O. Gorbunov & Arita, 1995, is recorded from Thailand for the first time, having originally been described from Vietnam and subsequently recorded from Laos. Photographs of a living individual are presented that illustrate that in life it is a very good mimic of red-and-black aposematic Hemiptera (Heteroptera) such as various predatory pyrrhocorids.  相似文献   
During an investigation of the insect food web in Papua New Guinea several specimens of a new genus and species of large, black and orange braconine braconid wasp were reared from fruits of Rubiaceae. These are described here as Karposibracon papuensis Quicke & Butcher gen. et sp. nov. Karposibracon gen. nov. appears to belong to the tribe Braconini and is the largest known species in this group, with body length up to 12?mm. The new genus is illustrated photographically, distinguished from other genera, and comments are on its likely biology provided.  相似文献   
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