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Grain yields were measured over 2 seasons from a range of field crops following liming and deep ripping an acid and compacted soil in north-eastern Victoria. Lime (2.5 t ha–1) substantially reduced the level of exchangeable Al and exchangeable Mn whilst raising soil pH by about 1.0 unit. The crops grown were 7 cultivars of wheat and one cultivar each of triticale, oats, barley, rapeseed, safflower, field pea, chick pea and lupins. With the exception of lupin, liming the soil increased (p=0.05) the grain yield of all crops and cultivars. With the wheat cultivars there were 2 distinct groups with different tolerance to soil acidity. Wheat, oats, triticale and lupins had higher absolute yields than the other crops. Safflower and chick pea had very low yields without soil amendment. The magnitude of the lime response did not differ between the wheat cultivars (17%) or between any of the crop species (range 9–29%). Deep ripping the soil to break a hard compacted layer resulted in more yield for all the cereals and safflower. The results demonstrate the importance of using crops with tolerance to acid soil conditions as well as gains that can be obtained with ameliorating identifiable soil problems.  相似文献   
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalytic DNA polymerase I 180-kDa subunit and the tightly associated 86-kDa polypeptide have been purified using immunoaffinity chromatography, permitting further characterization of the DNA polymerase activity of the DNA primase-DNA polymerase protein complex. The subunits were purified to apparent homogeneity from separate overproducing yeast strains using monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing each subunit. When the individual subunits were recombined in vitro a p86p180 physical complex formed spontaneously, as judged by immunoprecipitation of 180-kDa polypeptide and DNA polymerase activity with the anti-86-kDa monoclonal antibody. The 86-kDa subunit stabilized the DNA polymerase activity of the 180-kDa catalytic subunit at 30 degrees C, the physiological temperature. The apparent DNA polymerase processivity of 50-60 nucleotides on poly(dA).oligo(dT)12 or poly(dT).oligo(A)8-12 template-primer was not affected by the presence of the 86-kDa subunit but was reduced by increased Mg2+ concentration. The Km of the catalytic 180-kDa subunit for dATP or DNA primer terminus was unaffected by the presence of the 86-kDa subunit. The isolated 180-kDa polypeptide was sufficient to catalyze all the DNA synthesis that had been observed previously in the DNA primase-DNA polymerase protein complex. The 180-kDa subunit possessed a 3'----5'-exonuclease activity that catalyzed degradation of polynucleotides, but degradation of oligonucleotide substrates of chain lengths up to 50 was not detected. This exonuclease activity was unaffected by the presence of the 86-kDa subunit. Despite the striking physical similarity of the DNA primase-DNA polymerase protein complex in all eukaryotes examined, the data presented here indicate differences in the enzymatic properties detected in preparations of the DNA polymerase subunits isolated from S. cerevisiae as compared with the properties of preparations from Drosophila cells. In particular, the 3'----5'-exonuclease activity associated with the yeast catalytic DNA polymerase subunit was not masked by the 86-kDa subunit.  相似文献   
The hormone insulin is synthesized in the beta cell of the pancreas as the precursor, proinsulin, where the carboxyl terminus of the B-chain is connected to the amino terminus of the A-chain by a connecting or C-peptide. Proinsulin is a weak insulin agonist that possesses a longer in vivo half-life than does insulin. A form of proinsulin clipped at the Arg65-Gly66 bond has been shown to be more potent than the parent molecule with protracted in vivo activity, presumably as a result of freeing the amino terminal residue of the A-chain. To generate a more active proinsulin-like molecule, we have constructed an "inverted" proinsulin molecule where the carboxyl terminus of the A-chain is connected to the amino terminus of the B-chain by the C-peptide, leaving the critical Gly1 residue free. Transformation of Escherichia coli with a plasmid coding for A-C-B human proinsulin led to the stable production of the protein. By a process of cell disruption, sulfitolysis, anion-exchange chromatography, refolding, and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, two forms of the inverted proinsulin differing at their amino termini as Gly1 and Met0-Gly1 were identified and purified to homogeneity. Both proteins were shown by a number of analytical techniques to be of the inverted sequence, with insulin-like disulfide bonding. Biological analyses by in vitro techniques revealed A-C-B human proinsulin to be intermediate in potency when compared to human insulin and proinsulin. The time to maximal lowering of blood glucose in the fasted normal rat appeared comparable to that of proinsulin. Additionally, we were able to generate fully active, native insulin from A-C-B human proinsulin by proteolytic transformation. The results of this study lend themselves to the generation of novel insulin-like peptides while providing a simplified route to the biosynthetic production of insulin.  相似文献   
Cold-acclimated twigs of Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. released less HCN at −4.5 C than nonacclimated twigs following slow freezing to −25 C or rapid freezing to −78 C. Cold-acclimated twigs frozen slowly to −25 C released more HCN than cold-acclimated twigs frozen only to −4.5 C. Cold-acclimated twigs frozen slowly to −25 C and then rapidly to −78 C released less HCN at −4.5 C than cold-acclimated twigs frozen rapidly to −78 C. In general, K+ efflux and the inability to reduce triphenyl tetrazolium chloride following freezing and thawing paralleled HCN release at −4.5 C. Because low K+ efflux and high triphenyl tetrazolium chloride reduction are known to depend upon membrane integrity, the increased K+ efflux and the decreased triphenyl tetrazolium chloride reduction following freezing and thawing provide indirect evidence that HCN release at −4.5 C is a measure of membrane damage in frozen cells.  相似文献   
In a double-blind trial of vitamin D supplements in pregnant Asian women calciferol (ergocalciferol, 1000 IU/day) was administered to 59 women and placebo to 67 controls during the last trimester. The two groups had similar distributions of maternal age, height, parity, number of vegetarians, countries of origin, and sex and gestation of the infants. At entry to the trial maternal serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-OHD) concentrations were low in both treatment and control groups and significantly lower in vegetarians than non-vegetarians. Mothers in the treatment group gained weight faster in the last trimester than those in the control group, and at term they and their infants all had adequate plasma 25-OHD concentrations, Mothers and infants in the control group, however, had low plasma concentrations of 25-OHD and calcium and raised plasma alkaline phosphatase (bone isoenzyme) activity. Five of these infants developed symptomatic hypocalcaemia. Almost twice as many infants in the control group were small for gestational age (29% v 15%), but there were no significant differences between the two groups of infants in antropometric measurements. Infants in the control group, however, had larger fontanelles, suggesting impaired ossification of the skull. Because of the benefits to mothers and infants in the treatment group and the absence of side effects, vitamin D supplements should be given to all pregnant Asian women in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   
A controlled trial was conducted to determine whether counselling by a specialist nurse prevented the psychiatric morbidity associated with mastectomy and breast cancer. Seventy-five patients were counselled by the nurse and monitored during follow-up, while 77 patients received only the care normally given by the surgical unit. Counselling failed to prevent morbidity, but the nurse''s regular monitoring of the women''s progress led her to recognise and refer 76% of those who needed psychiatric help. Only 15% of the control group whose condition warranted help were recognised and referred. Consequently, 12 to 18 months after mastectomy there was much less psychiatric morbidity in the counselled group (12%) than in the control group (39%). These findings highlight the high degree of psychiatric morbidity in patients who have undergone mastectomy and indicate the need to find ways of reducing this morbidity.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine if patients who lack muscle phosphorylase (i.e., McArdle's disease), and therefore the ability to produce lactic acid during exercise, demonstrate a normal hyperventilatory response during progressive incremental exercise. As expected these patients did not increase their blood lactate above resting levels, whereas the blood lactate levels of normal subjects increased 8- to 10-fold during maximal exercise. The venous pH of the normal subjects decreased markedly during exercise that resulted in hyperventilation. The patients demonstrated a distinct increase in ventilation with respect to O2 consumption similar to that seen in normal individuals during submaximal exercise. However their hyperventilation resulted in an increase in pH because there was no underlying metabolic acidosis. End-tidal partial pressures of O2 and CO2 also reflected a distinct hyperventilation in both groups at approximately 70-85% maximal O2 consumption. These data show that hyperventilation occurs during intense exercise, even when there is no increase in plasma [H+]. Since arterial CO2 levels were decreasing and O2 levels were increasing during the hyperventilation, it is possible that nonhumoral stimuli originating in the active muscles or in the brain elicit the hyperventilation observed during intense exercise.  相似文献   
Recombinant virus‐like particles (VLPs) represent a safe and effective vaccine strategy. We previously described a stable transgenic plant system for inexpensive production and oral delivery of VLP vaccines. However, the relatively low‐level antigen accumulation and long‐time frame to produce transgenic plants are the two major roadblocks in the practical development of plant‐based VLP production. In this article, we describe the optimization of geminivirus‐derived DNA replicon vectors for rapid, high‐yield plant‐based production of VLPs. Co‐delivery of bean yellow dwarf virus (BeYDV)‐derived vector and Rep/RepA‐supplying vector by agroinfiltration of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves resulted in efficient replicon amplification and robust protein production within 5 days. Co‐expression of the P19 protein of tomato bush stunt virus, a gene silencing inhibitor, further enhanced VLP accumulation by stabilizing the mRNA. With this system, hepatitis B core antigen (HBc) and Norwalk virus capsid protein (NVCP) were produced at 0.80 and 0.34 mg/g leaf fresh weight, respectively. Sedimentation analysis and electron microscopy of transiently expressed antigens verified the efficient assembly of VLPs. Furthermore, a single replicon vector containing a built‐in Rep/RepA cassette without P19 drove protein expression at similar levels as the three‐component system. These results demonstrate the advantages of fast and high‐level production of VLP‐based vaccines using the BeYDV‐derived DNA replicon system for transient expression in plants. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;103: 706–714. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Several premature aging mouse models have been developed to study aging and identify interventions that can delay age-related diseases. Yet, it is still unclear whether these models truly recapitulate natural aging. Here, we analyzed DNA methylation in multiple tissues of four previously reported mouse models of premature aging (Ercc1, LAKI, Polg, and Xpg). We estimated DNA methylation (DNAm) age of these samples using the Horvath clock. The most pronounced increase in DNAm age could be observed in Ercc1 mice, a strain which exhibits a deficit in DNA nucleotide excision repair. Similarly, we detected an increase in epigenetic age in fibroblasts isolated from patients with progeroid syndromes associated with mutations in DNA excision repair genes. These findings highlight that mouse models with deficiencies in DNA repair, unlike other premature aging models, display accelerated epigenetic age, suggesting a strong connection between DNA damage and epigenetic dysregulation during aging.  相似文献   
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