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Ocular albinism of the Nettleship-Falls type (OA1) and X-linked ichthyosis (XI) due to steroid sulfatase (STS) deficiency are cosegregating in three cytogenetically normal half-brothers. The mother has patchy fundal hypopigmentation consistent with random X inactivation in an OA1 carrier. Additional phenotypic abnormalities that have been observed in other STS "deletion syndromes" are not present in this family. STS is entirely deleted on Southern blot in the affected males, but the loci MIC2X, DXS31, DXS143, DXS85, DXS43, DXS9, and DXS41 are not deleted. At least part of DXS278 is retained. Flow cytometric analysis of cultured lymphoblasts from one of the XI/OA1 males and his mother detected a deletion of about 3.5 million bp or about 2% of the X chromosome. Southern blot and RFLP analysis in the XI/OA1 family support the order tel-[STS-OA1-DXS278]-DXS9-DXS41-cen. An unrelated patient with the karyotype 46,X,t(X;Y) (p22;q11) retains the DXS143 locus on the derivative X chromosome but loses DXS278, suggesting that DXS278 is the more distal locus and is close to an XI/OA1 deletion boundary. If a contiguous gene deletion is responsible for the observed XI/OA1 phenotype, it localizes OA1 to the Xp22.3 region.  相似文献   
Human neutrophils (PMN) have received little attention as to the role they play in host defense against Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc). We have characterized the binding and phagocytosis of Hc yeasts by human PMN and quantified the PMN respiratory burst in response to this organism. mAb specific for CD11a, CD11b, and CD11c all partially blocked the attachment of unopsonized yeasts to PMN; a mAb to CD18 inhibited attachment by greater than 90%. Thus, human PMN recognize and bind Hc yeasts via CD18 adhesion receptors as has been found for human cultured macrophages and alveolar macrophages. Unopsonized yeasts were phagocytosed by PMN, but phagocytosis was increased markedly by heat-labile and heat-stable serum opsonins. These opsonins promoted enhanced phagocytosis of yeasts by increasing the attachment of Hc yeasts to the PMN membrane. Phagocytosis of viable or heat-killed Hc yeasts by PMN did not induce the secretion of superoxide anion (O2-) as quantified by the reduction of cytochrome c. O2- was not detected when yeasts were opsonized in normal serum or immune serum, or at a ratio of yeasts to PMN of up to a 100:1. However, phagocytosis of opsonized yeasts by PMN did not prevent them from subsequently releasing O2- after further incubation with opsonized zymosan or PMA. Opsonized Hc yeasts clearly stimulated the PMN respiratory burst as quantified by intracellular reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium, reduction of cytochrome c in the presence of cytochalasin D, oxygen consumption, luminol-enhanced and nonenhanced chemiluminescence, and H2O2 production. These data suggest that phagocytosis of Hc yeasts by PMN is associated with intracellular entrapment of O2- that is not detectable by reduction of extracellular cytochrome c.  相似文献   
Experimental frequency, concentration, and temperature dependences of the deuteron relaxation times T1 and T2 of D2O solutions of bovine serum albumin are reported and theoretically described in a closed form without formal parameters. Crucial processes of the theoretical concept are material exchange, translational diffusion of water molecules on the rugged surfaces of proteins, and tumbling of the macromolecules. It is also concluded that, apart from averaging of the relaxation rates in the diverse deuteron phases, material exchange contributes to transverse relaxation by exchange modulation of the Larmor frequency. The rate limiting factor of macromolecular tumbling is determined by the free water content. In a certain analogy to the classical free-volume theory, a “free-water-volume theory” is presented. There are two characteristic water mass fractions indicating the saturation of the hydration shells (Cs ≈ 0.3) and the onset of protein tumbling (C0 ≈ 0.6). The existence of the translational degrees of freedom of water molecules in the hydration shells has been verified by direct measurement of the diffusion coefficient using an NMR field-gradient technique. The concentration and temperature dependences show phenomena indicating a percolation transition of clusters of free water. The threshold water content was found to be Ccw ≈ 0.43.  相似文献   
Abasic sites represent the most frequent DNA lesions in the genome that have high mutagenic potential and lead to mutations commonly found in human cancers. Although these lesions are devoid of the genetic information, adenine is most efficiently inserted when abasic sites are bypassed by DNA polymerases, a phenomenon termed A‐rule. In this study, we present X‐ray structures of a DNA polymerase caught while incorporating a nucleotide opposite an abasic site. We found that a functionally important tyrosine side chain directs for nucleotide incorporation rather than DNA. It fills the vacant space of the absent template nucleobase and thereby mimics a pyrimidine nucleobase directing for preferential purine incorporation opposite abasic residues because of enhanced geometric fit to the active site. This amino acid templating mechanism was corroborated by switching to pyrimidine specificity because of mutation of the templating tyrosine into tryptophan. The tyrosine is located in motif B and highly conserved throughout evolution from bacteria to humans indicating a general amino acid templating mechanism for bypass of non‐instructive lesions by DNA polymerases at least from this sequence family.  相似文献   
The customary method for controlling leishmaniasis and sand fly bites in Israel is the spraying of large quantities of residual insecticides on walls of houses and neighboring surfaces. However, the high summer temperatures, strong radiation, and dust limit the efficacy of the method. The sand fly vectors of Leishmania appeared to come uphill to the village of Kfar Adumim. Therefore, to block their path and improve control, beta-cyfluthrine or DDT were repeatedly sprayed on a strip of cloth that was stretched on the ground along and near the peripheral houses. The efficacy of the treatments was examined by comparing the proportions of sand flies that had been caught before and after the treatments, below and above the belt. The capture near the houses of sand flies that had been marked by colored sugar baits below the protective belt indicated that they were moving uphill and crossing the strip. The catches showed a gradual uphill decrease, up to the houses, in the number of sand flies. However, the proportions of sand flies caught in the different sites were similar before and after insecticide treatments showing that the belt was ineffective. Laboratory tests of pieces of the sprayed strip and exposure of sand flies to similar pieces indicated that the lack of effect was not caused by deficiency of insecticides.  相似文献   
The histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TsA) potently induces 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) promoter activity in reporter gene assays as well as 5-LO mRNA expression. We identified two proximal Sp1/Sp3 binding sites in the 5-LO gene promoter mediating the TsA effect in both 5-LO-negative HeLa cells and in 5-LO expressing Mono Mac 6 (MM6) cells, the tandem GC-boxes, by contrast, were not important for the TsA effect. TsA neither altered the protein expression levels of Sp1/Sp3 nor of the histone deacetylases HDAC1/2, nor did it apparently change the protein complex formation by these factors. Also, treatment of cells with TsA did not change the binding affinity of Sp1/Sp3 in cell extracts, as tested by DAPA analysis using probes containing the proximal GC boxes. However, in the living cell TsA induced Sp1, Sp3 and RNA polymerase II recruitment to the 5-LO promoter without changing the acetylation status of histone protein H4. Cotransfection studies suggest that both Sp1 and Sp3 can mediate the TsA effect. This is the first report demonstrating that Sp3 is involved in the regulation of 5-LO promoter activity. In summary, we show that TsA increases 5-LO promoter activity by the enhanced recruitment of Sp1 and Sp3 to the 5-LO promoter.  相似文献   
Effect of light intensity on macromolecular synthesis in cyanobacteria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The light-dependent incorporation of NaH14CO3 into low molecular weight compounds, polysaccharide, or protein was determined in cultures of the cyanobacteriumMerismopedia tenuissima incubated at a series of light intensities. There was an inverse relationship between incorporation into polysaccharide and protein. At light intensities of 90 E/m2/sec or above, relative incorporation of radioisotope into polysaccharide was greatest and relative incorporation into protein was lowest. Optimal relative protein accumulation occurred in samples incubated at 20 E/m2/sec. A broader optimum of light intensity for maximal protein accumulation was found if ammonia rather than nitrate was the nitrogen source. Physiological adaptation of cultures to growth at a particular light intensity did not alter the pattern of macromolecular incorporation when those cultures were tested over the series of light intensities. The response of cultures ofOscillatoria rubescens to light intensity was similar to that ofM. tenuissima, although incorporation into low molecular weight compounds was significantly greater.The effect of light intensity on macromolecular synthesis in a natural population ofOscillatoria rubescens was also determined. A pattern similar to that observed in batch cultures ofO. rubescens was occasionally found, but in other experiments there was no increase in relative protein incorporation when light intensity was decreased.  相似文献   
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