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Brita  Nyman 《Physiologia plantarum》1969,22(4):809-818
Biotin can not replace nonanal for Dipodascus aggregatus. The growth-promoting effect of nonanal (80 μW) remained unchanged when the concentration of biotin was increased from 2 μm per 1 to 200 μm per I. Oleic acid stimulated the growth of D. aggregates. However, unlike nonanal, oleic acid promoted growth even if cells from the exponential phase of growth were used as inoculum. The concentrations of oleic acid required to produce growth–stimulation were considerably higher than the concentrations of nonanal required to promote growth. The growth-stimulating effect f nonanal seems to be different from t he effect of oleic acid. The incorporation of 1C-ghtCOM by D. aggregates was stimulated by the addition of nonanal (80μm) to the growth medium. The uptake of glucosamine was not affected by nonanal (80 or 160 μM in the presence of ethanol, 0.8 to 100μ in the absence of ethanol). Hexokinase activity in cell-free homogenates was not affected by the addition of nonanal over a concentration range from 0.0059 to 1250μM.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ultradünnschnitte durch die Thymusrinde erwachsener männlicher Mäuse wurden mit einer Einkristallschicht von Ilford-L 4-Photoemulsion überzogen. In elektronenmikroskopischen Autoradiogrammen können die mit H3-Thymidin markierten Zelltypen besser erkannt werden als in lichtmikroskopisch-autoradiographischen Untersuchungen am gleichen Gewebe.Den größten Anteil der freien Zellen stellen die kleinen Lymphocyten mit dichten, von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen, unmarkierten Kernen und schmalem Zytoplasmasaum. In der subkapsulären Zone finden sich gehäuft große Lymphozyten und ihre Vorstufen mit einem umfangreichen, nicht so dichten Kern und einem breiteren, freie Ribosomen enthaltenden Zytoplasmasaum. 83% der Kerne dieser Zellen sind deutlich markiert. Die epithelialen Retikulumzellen im Inneren der Rinde und das Randepithel haben unmarkierte Kerne. Nur vereinzelt werden markierte Retikulumzellen unmittelbar unter dem Randsaum gefunden. Plasmazellen sind in der Rinde nur selten zu finden. Ihre Kerne weisen keine Markierung auf. Die lichtmikroskopisch-autoradiographisch erhobenen Befunde von Hinrichsen (1963, 1965) werden elektronenmikroskopisch bestätigt: Bei der Maus stellt die unmittelbar unter der Kapsel liegende Randzone des Thymus die Keimschicht zur Bildung von Thymuslymphozyten dar.
Summary Sections of the thymus of adult male mice were covered with Ilford-L 4 photographic emulsion. In electron microscopic autoradiograms, the labelled cell types after H3-thymidine injection — can be more easily identified than with light microscopic autoradiographic methods.Most of the free cells are small lymphocytes with dense, mostly unlabelled nuclei and scanty cytoplasm. In the sub-capsular zone larger lymphocytes with a bigger, but not so condensed nucleus and more extensive cytoplasm containing free ribosomes can be found. 83% of their nuclei are labelled with tritiated thymidine. The nuclei of epithelial reticulum cells in the inner cortex and the surface epithelium are unlabelled. Only very few labelled reticulum cells can be found immediately under the connective tissue layer. Plasma cells are rarely found in the cortex. Their nuclei are not labelled. The light microscopic autoradiographic findings by Hinrichsen (1963, 1965) are electronmicroscopically confirmed: the lymphocytes of the mouse thymus originate in the immediately sub-capsular cortex of the thymus.

Herrn Professor Bargmann zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Karyotypes for 8 different species of Hyacinthaceae from Ethiopia and Kenya are presented. Five represent new chromosome information: Drimia macrocarpa (2n = 20 + 4 B), Ledebouria revoluta (2n = 28), L. somaliensis (2n = 30), L. urceolatu (2n = 20), Ornithogalum grucillimum (2n = 24). A table summing up the present chromosome information from tropical East and North East-Africa are given.  相似文献   
The significance of endogenously formed prostaglandins in the vasodilation induced by nicotinic acid (NIC) was investigated. The forearm venous plasma level of radioimmunoassayed PGE (R-PGE) and the forearm blood flow (FBF) were measured in 13 healthy male volunteers at rest and during infusion of NIC. Each subject was subsequently re-studied after pretreatment with the PG synthesis inhibitor, naproxen. In the absence of naproxen, NIC infusion resulted in an almost four-fold rise in the release of R-PGE and a 60% increase in FBF. Pretreatment with naproxen did not affect the basal release of R-PGE or the basal FBF but inhibited both the release of R-PGE and the increase in FBF following NIC. The data support the hypothesis that the vasolidating effect of NIC is largely dependent upon an increased vascular formation of PG.  相似文献   
It is well-known that word frequencies arrange themselves according to Zipf''s law. However, little is known about the dependency of the parameters of the law and the complexity of a communication system. Many models of the evolution of language assume that the exponent of the law remains constant as the complexity of a communication systems increases. Using longitudinal studies of child language, we analysed the word rank distribution for the speech of children and adults participating in conversations. The adults typically included family members (e.g., parents) or the investigators conducting the research. Our analysis of the evolution of Zipf''s law yields two main unexpected results. First, in children the exponent of the law tends to decrease over time while this tendency is weaker in adults, thus suggesting this is not a mere mirror effect of adult speech. Second, although the exponent of the law is more stable in adults, their exponents fall below 1 which is the typical value of the exponent assumed in both children and adults. Our analysis also shows a tendency of the mean length of utterances (MLU), a simple estimate of syntactic complexity, to increase as the exponent decreases. The parallel evolution of the exponent and a simple indicator of syntactic complexity (MLU) supports the hypothesis that the exponent of Zipf''s law and linguistic complexity are inter-related. The assumption that Zipf''s law for word ranks is a power-law with a constant exponent of one in both adults and children needs to be revised.  相似文献   
All basal ganglia subnuclei have recently been identified in lampreys, the phylogenetically oldest group of vertebrates. Furthermore, the interconnectivity of these nuclei is similar to mammals and tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (dopaminergic) fibers have been detected within the input layer, the striatum. Striatal processing is critically dependent on the interplay with the dopamine system, and we explore here whether D2 receptors are expressed in the lamprey striatum and their potential role. We have identified a cDNA encoding the dopamine D2 receptor from the lamprey brain and the deduced protein sequence showed close phylogenetic relationship with other vertebrate D2 receptors, and an almost 100% identity within the transmembrane domains containing the amino acids essential for dopamine binding. There was a strong and distinct expression of D2 receptor mRNA in a subpopulation of striatal neurons, and in the same region tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive synaptic terminals were identified at the ultrastructural level. The synaptic incidence of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive boutons was highest in a region ventrolateral to the compact layer of striatal neurons, a region where most striatal dendrites arborise. Application of a D2 receptor agonist modulates striatal neurons by causing a reduced spike discharge and a diminished post-inhibitory rebound. We conclude that the D2 receptor gene had already evolved in the earliest group of vertebrates, cyclostomes, when they diverged from the main vertebrate line of evolution (560 mya), and that it is expressed in striatum where it exerts similar cellular effects to that in other vertebrates. These results together with our previous published data (Stephenson-Jones et al. 2011, 2012) further emphasize the high degree of conservation of the basal ganglia, also with regard to the indirect loop, and its role as a basic mechanism for action selection in all vertebrates.  相似文献   
Gram-positive soil bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum uses the compatible solutes glycine betaine, proline, and ectoine for protection against hyperosmotic shock. Osmoregulated glycine betaine carrier BetP and proline permease PutP have been previously characterized; we have identified and characterized two additional osmoregulated secondary transporters for compatible solutes in C. glutamicum, namely, the proline/ectoine carrier, ProP, and the ectoine/glycine betaine/proline carrier, EctP. A ΔbetP ΔputP ΔproP ΔectP mutant was unable to respond to hyperosmotic stress, indicating that no additional uptake system for these compatible solutes is present. Osmoregulated ProP consists of 504 residues and preferred proline (Km, 48 μM) to ectoine (Km, 132 μM). The proP gene could not be expressed from its own promoter in C. glutamicum; however, expression was observed in Escherichia coli. ProP belongs to the major facilitator superfamily, whereas EctP, together with the betaine carrier, BetP, is a member of a newly established subfamily of the sodium/solute symporter superfamily. The constitutively expressed ectP codes for a 615-residue transporter. EctP preferred ectoine (Km, 63 μM) to betaine (Km, 333 μM) and proline (Km, 1,200 μM). Its activity was regulated by the external osmolality. The related betaine transporter, BetP, could be activated directly by altering the membrane state with local anesthetics, but this was not the case for EctP. Furthermore, the onset of osmotic activation was virtually instantaneous for BetP, whereas it took about 10 s for EctP.  相似文献   
Summary Interferon-γ can facilitate the spinal nociceptive flexor reflex and elicit neuropathic pain-related behavior in rats and mice. Immunoreactivity for the interferon-γ receptor (IFN-γR) occurs in the superficial layers of the dorsal horn and the lateral spinal nucleus in the rat and mouse spinal cord, as well as in subsets of neurons in the dorsal root ganglia. The aim of the present study was to examine the cellular localization and origin of the IFN-γR in the spinal cord. As viewed by confocal microscopy, the immunopositivity for the IFN-γR was co-localized with that of the presynaptic marker synaptophysin and with neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the lateral spinal nucleus, whereas only a minor overlap with these molecules was observed in laminae I and II of the dorsal horn. There was no co-localization of the IFN-γR with markers for astrocytes and microglial cells. Ultrastructurally, the IFN-γR was found predominantly in axon terminals in the lateral spinal nucleus but also at postsynaptic sites in dendrites in laminae I and II. The IFN-γR expressed in neurons in dorsal root ganglia was transported in axons both centrally and peripherally. Hemisection of the spinal cord caused no reduction in immunolabelling of the IFN-γR in the dorsal horn or the lateral spinal nucleus. Since rhizotomy does not effect the immunolabelling in the lateral spinal nucleus, our observation indicates that the presynaptic receptors in this nucleus are derived from intrinsic neurons. The localization of the IFN-γR in the spinal cord differed from that of the AMPA glutamate receptor subunits 2 and 3 and the substance P receptor (NK1). Our results, showing localization of IFN-γR to pre- and postsynaptic sites in the dorsal horn and lateral spinal nucleus indicate that IFN-γ can modulate nociception at the spinal cord level.  相似文献   


We tested the hypothesis that expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) in cancer tissue can predict effectiveness of bevacizumab added to capecitabine and oxaliplatin (CAPEOX) in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC).

Experimental Design

Patients with mCRC treated with first line CAPEOX and bevacizumab (CAPEOXBEV): screening (n = 212) and validation (n = 121) cohorts, or CAPEOX alone: control cohort (n = 127), were identified retrospectively and archival primary tumor samples were collected. Expression of 754 miRNAs was analyzed in the screening cohort using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) arrays and expression levels were related to time to disease progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS). Significant miRNAs from the screening study were analyzed in all three cohorts using custom PCR arrays. In situ hybridization (ISH) was done for selected miRNAs.


In the screening study, 26 miRNAs were significantly correlated with outcome in multivariate analyses. Twenty-two miRNAs were selected for further study. Higher miR-664-3p expression and lower miR-455-5p expression were predictive of improved outcome in the CAPEOXBEV cohorts and showed a significant interaction with bevacizumab effectiveness. The effects were strongest for OS. Both miRNAs showed high expression in stromal cells. Higher expression of miR-196b-5p and miR-592 predicted improved outcome regardless of bevacizumab treatment, with similar effect estimates in all three cohorts.


We have identified potentially predictive miRNAs for bevacizumab effectiveness and additional miRNAs that could be related to chemotherapy effectiveness or prognosis in patients with mCRC. Our findings need further validation in large cohorts, preferably from completed randomized trials.  相似文献   
The mutagenic effect of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) was studied in the liver perfusion/cell culture system. Male Wistar rats, fed a selenium-deficient diet with or without selenium supplementation in the drinking water, were used as liver donors. UDMH caused an increased mutation frequency in Chinese hamster V79 cells exposed in the perfusate. The effect was statistically significant with both selenium-deficient and selenium-supplemented livers. With selenium-deficient livers, a significant mutagenic effect was also obtained when V79 cells were treated with bile collected after the administration of UDMH. Bile flow and bile acid excretion were not affected by UDMH treatment of selenium-deficient or selenium-supplemented livers. There was a tendency towards reduced C-oxygenation of N,N-dimethylaniline in microsomes from selenium-deficient livers perfused with UDMH. The lactate/pyruvate ratio in the perfusate was increased by UDMH, the effect being more pronounced with selenium-deficient than selenium-supplemented livers.  相似文献   
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