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We examined three groups of wild baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli National Park, Kenya, to determine the prevalence of aerobic antibiotic-resistant fecal bacteria in nonhuman primates with and without contact with human refuse. Using standard isolation and replica plating techniques, we found only low numbers of antibiotic-resistant gram-negative enteric bacteria in two groups of baboons leading an undisturbed existence in their natural habitat and having limited or no contact with humans. However, resistance was significantly higher among enteric bacteria from the third group of baboons living in close proximity to a tourist lodge and having daily contact with unprocessed human refuse. Conjugation studies and analysis of the cell DNA by gel electrophoresis showed that in many cases resistance was plasmid-borne and transferable. These data suggest that wild nonhuman primates in frequent contact with human debris have a higher proportion of antibiotic-resistant enteric bacteria than do conspecifics without this contact. The findings further suggest that such groups of wild animals may constitute a heretofore overlooked source of antibiotic resistance in the natural environment.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody, AFRC MAC 203, was used to examine the expression of a nodule-induced cell surface antigen associated with lipopolysaccharide in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841. Silver-enhanced immunogold-labeled tissue sections revealed that, in very young tissues of pea root nodules, the nodule-induced form of lipopolysaccharide antigen was not expressed either by rhizobia in the infection thread or by bacteria recently released into the plant cell cytoplasm. In the more mature regions of the nodule, the antigen was expressed by membrane-enclosed bacteroids, including immature forms that had not yet expressed the enzyme nitrogenase and were not yet Y shaped. Immunogold labeling of thin sections revealed that the MAC 203 antigen, but not the nitrogenase, was also expressed by bacteria in infection threads situated in and between bacteroid-containing plant cells in mature nodule tissue.  相似文献   
Billingen (Lower Arenig/Lower Ordovician) sediments of the St. Petersburg region, northwest Russia and the Leba area, northern Poland of the East European Craton yield acritarch assemblages, which are largely homogenous though displaying minor compositional differences that probably reflect a gradient from inner to outer shelf environments. Comparison with coeval acritarch microflora from the Yangtze Platform, South China, shows an overall similarity between Baltoscandian and South Chinese phytoplankton. The widespread uniformity in the fossil microphytoplankton may be related to the extensive global 'evae' sea-level transgression, which characterized the Billingen time. This suggests that during the Tremadoc through early Arenig times, acritarch assemblages displayed essentially an undifferentiated cold-water and oceanic character along the whole margin of Perigondwana in the South, as well as on the South Chinese and Baltic platforms, at middle latitudes (Mediterranean oceanic Realm). Despite this overall similarity, however, some typical taxa of the high-latitude Mediterranean Province (Arbusculidium, Coryphidium and Striatotheca) occur in South China, but are absent in Baltica. This discrepancy is explained as caused by differences in climatic and physiographic conditions that prevailed at the two palaeocontinents at this time. The inferred pattern of oceanic circulation during the Lower Ordovician is consistent with the palynological evidence of a prevailing warmer climate in Baltica than in South China, although the two palaeocontinents occupied the same palaeolatitudinal position.  相似文献   
The Rhizobium--legume symbiosis.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The rhizobia are soil microorganisms that can interact with leguminous plants to form root nodules within which conditions are favourable for bacterial nitrogen fixation. Legumes allow the development of very large rhizobial populations in the vicinity of their roots. Infections and nodule formation require the specific recognition of host and Rhizobium, probably mediated by plant lectins. Penetration of the host by a compatible Rhizobium species usually provokes host root cell division to form the nodule, and a process of differentiation by both partners then ensues. In most cases the rhizobia alter morphologically to form bacteroids, which are usually larger than the free-living bacteria and have altered cell walls. At all stages during infection, the bacteria are bounded by host cell plasmalemma. The enzyme nitrogenase is synthesized by the bacteria and, if leghaemoglobin is present, nitrogen fixation will occur. Leghaemoglobin is a product of the symbiotic interaction, since the globin is produced by the plant while the haem is synthesized by the bacteria. In the intracellular habitat the bacteria are dependent upon the plant for supplies of energy and the bacteroids, in particular, appear to differentiate so that they are no longer able to utilize the nitrogen that they fix. Regulation of the supply of carbohydrate and the use of the fixed nitrogen thus appear to be largely governed by the host.  相似文献   
Summary The ability to identify genes that specify nitrogenase (nif genes) in Rhizobium depends on the close homology between then and the corresponding nif genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae (Nuti et al. 1979; Ruvkun and Ausubel 1980). Rhizobium plasmids of high molecular weight (>100 Md) were separated on agarose gels, transferred to nitrocellulose filters and tested for their ability to hybridise with radioactively labelled pSA30, containing the nifKDH region of K. pneumoniae. Five large plasmids, each present in different strains of R. leguminosarum or R. phaseoli, were found to hybridise. Each of these plasmids had previously been shown to determine other symbiotic functions such as nodulation ability. The nif genes on three different plasmids appeared to be in conserved DNA regions since they were within an EcoRI restriction fragment of the same size.  相似文献   
Continental margins are disproportionally important for global primary production, fisheries and CO2 uptake. However, across the Northeast Atlantic shelves, there has been an ongoing summertime decline of key biota—large diatoms, dinoflagellates and copepods—that traditionally fuel higher tropic levels such as fish, sea birds and marine mammals. Here, we combine multiple time series with in situ process studies to link these declines to summer nutrient stress and increasing proportions of picophytoplankton that can comprise up to 90% of the combined pico‐ and nanophytoplankton biomass in coastal areas. Among the pico‐fraction, it is the cyanobacterium Synechococcus that flourishes when iron and nitrogen resupply to surface waters are diminished. Our field data show how traits beyond small size give Synechococcus a competitive edge over pico‐ and nanoeukaryotes. Key is their ability to grow at low irradiances near the nutricline, which is aided by their superior light‐harvesting system and high affinity to iron. However, minute size and lack of essential biomolecules (e.g. omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and sterols) render Synechococcus poor primary producers to sustain shelf sea food webs efficiently. The combination of earlier spring blooms and lower summer food quantity and quality creates an increasing period of suboptimal feeding conditions for zooplankton at a time of year when their metabolic demand is highest. We suggest that this nutrition‐related mismatch has contributed to the widespread, ~50% decline in summer copepod abundance we observe over the last 60 years. With Synechococcus clades being prominent from the tropics to the Arctic and their abundances increasing worldwide, our study informs projections of future food web dynamics in coastal and shelf areas where droughts and stratification lead to increasing nutrient starvation of surface waters.  相似文献   
Experiencing psychological trauma during childhood and/or adolescence is associated with an increased risk of psychosis in adulthood. However, we lack a clear knowledge of how developmental trauma induces vulnerability to psychotic symptoms. Understanding the psychological processes involved in this association is crucial to the development of preventive interventions and improved treatments. We sought to systematically review the literature and combine findings using meta‐analytic techniques to establish the potential roles of psychological processes in the associations between developmental trauma and specific psychotic experiences (i.e., hallucinations, delusions and paranoia). Twenty‐two studies met our inclusion criteria. We found mediating roles of dissociation, emotional dysregulation and post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms (avoidance, numbing and hyperarousal) between developmental trauma and hallucinations. There was also evidence of a mediating role of negative schemata, i.e. mental constructs of meanings, between developmental trauma and delusions as well as paranoia. Many studies to date have been of poor quality, and the field is limited by mostly cross‐sectional research. Our findings suggest that there may be distinct psy­chological pathways from developmental trauma to psychotic phenomena in adulthood. Clinicians should carefully ask people with psychosis about their history of developmental trauma, and screen patients with such a history for dissociation, emotional dysregulation and PTSD symptoms. Well conducted research with prospective designs, including neurocognitive assessment, is required in order to fully understand the biopsychosocial mechanisms underlying the association between developmental trauma and psychosis.  相似文献   
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