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The Src family of tyrosine protein kinases represent an expanding class of closely related intracellular enzymes that participate in the signal transduction pathways of a variety of surface receptors. One of the more surprising aspects of the information relating Src protein kinases to receptor signaling is the apparent diversity of receptor types with which the Src-related enzymes are reported to interact physically or functionally. Traditional biochemical and genetic approaches have yielded much information regarding the interactions between the Src tyrosine protein kinases and other cellular proteins in defined cell types, and emerging technologies, most notably homologous recombination in embryonal stem cells to achieve gene "knockouts," are providing new insights into the participation of the Src-related gene products in signal transduction and development.  相似文献   
Considerable interest in the D-xylose catabolic pathway of Pachysolen tannophilus has arisen from the discovery that this yeast is capable of fermenting D-xylose to ethanol. In this organism D-xylose appears to be catabolized through xylitol to D-xylulose. NADPH-linked D-xylose reductase is primarily responsible for the conversion of D-xylose to xylitol, while NAD-linked xylitol dehydrogenase is primarily responsible for the subsequent conversion of xylitol to D-xylulose. Both enzyme activities are readily detectable in cell-free extracts of P. tannophilus grown in medium containing D-xylose, L-arabinose, or D-galactose and appear to be inducible since extracts prepared from cells growth in media containing other carbon sources have only negligible activities, if any. Like D-xylose, L-arabinose and D-galactose were found to serve as substrates for NADPH-linked reactions in extracts of cells grown in medium containing D-xylose, L-arabinose, or D-galactose. These L-arabinose and D-galactose NADPH-linked activities also appear to be inducible, since only minor activity with L-arabinose and no activity with D-galactose is detected in extracts of cells grown in D-glucose medium. The NADPH-linked activities obtained with these three sugars may result from the actions of distinctly different enzymes or from a single aldose reductase acting on different substrates. High-performance liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography of in vitro D-xylose, L-arabinose, and D-galactose NADPH-linked reactions confirmed xylitol, L-arabitol, and galactitol as the respective conversion products of these sugars. Unlike xylitol, however, neither L-arabitol nor galactitol would support comparable NAD-linked reaction(s) in cellfree extracts of induced P. tannophilus. Thus, the metabolic pathway of D-xylose diverges from those of L-arabinose or D-galactose following formation of the pentitol.  相似文献   
A murine monoclonal antibody, termed HeFi-1, was produced after immunization with the L428 Hodgkin's disease tissue culture cell line. HeFi-1 selectively stained only the Reed-Sternberg or Hodgkin's cells in 18 of 18 cases of Hodgkin's disease, including the nodular sclerosis, mixed cellularity, and lymphocyte-depleted histologic subtypes. HeFi-1 did not stain any cells in normal lung, brain, salivary gland, thyroid, gall bladder, pancreas, liver, testis, breast, endometrium, or kidney. Rare large cells at the edge of the lymphoid follicles were stained in normal tonsil, colon, and hyperplastic thymus. There was no staining of any cells in 14 cases of B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; however, the malignant cells in three of 11 cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which appeared to express T cell markers were also stained with HeFi-1. Tissue culture cell lines including the T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia lines MOLT4 and CEM, the histiocytic cell line U-937, and the amniotic cell line WISH were not stained. Seven Epstein Barr virus (EBV)-positive lymphoblastoid cell lines were stained with HeFi-1, but there was no staining of three EBV+ African Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines or three EBV- American Burkitt's cell lines. HeFi-1 did not block the ability of the L428 cells to stimulate a mixed lymphocyte reaction or function as accessory cells for mitogen-induced human T cell proliferative responses. Modulation of the HeFi-1 cell surface antigen on the L428 cells was not observed. HeFi-1 specifically immunoprecipitated a cell surface protein of approximately 120,000 daltons from both the L428 and EBV+ lymphoblastoid cell lines. HeFi-1 monoclonal antibody should prove useful not only in the diagnosis, staging, and potential therapy of Hodgkin's disease, but also for determining the cell of origin of the Reed-Sternberg cell.  相似文献   
We have identified a strain of polyomavirus, Py(L), which is unusual in causing acute morbidity and early death after inoculation of newborn mice. We determined that these animals died of kidney failure associated with extensive, virus-mediated destruction of renal tissue. Interestingly, the Py(L) strain infects baby mouse kidney cell cultures more efficiently than do other strains.  相似文献   
Polyomavirus middle tumor antigen (mT) was expressed in a line of mouse NIH 3T3 cells under control of the dexamethasone-regulatable mouse mammary tumor virus promotor. Contrary to rat F111 cells which were rendered anchorage independent by mT expression alone (L. Raptis, H. Lamfrom, and T.L. Benjamin, Mol. Cell. Biol. 5:2476-2487, 1985), mT-producing NIH 3T3 cells were unable to grow in agar even after full mT induction. The mT:pp60c-src-associated phosphatidylinositol kinase was activated in these cells to a degree similar to that in fully transformed cells expressing the small and large T antigens, in addition to mT. We therefore propose that the stimulation of this phosphatidylinositol kinase, although apparently necessary, is not sufficient for transformation of NIH 3T3 cells by polyomavirus.  相似文献   
Five strains of the heterothallic yeastSaccharomycopsis crataegensis have been previously shown to contain DNA and/or RNA plasmidlike molecules (Shepherd et al. 1987). Three DNA plasmids, designated pScrl-1,-2 and -3, were found in strain NRRL Y-5902, while two were identified in each of NRRL strains Y-5903 and Y-5904. DNA plasmids were not identified inS. crataegensis strains Y-5910 or YB-192. FourS. crataegensis strains (Y-5903, Y-5904, Y-5910 and YB-192) were also shown to possess double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules not found in strain Y-5902 (Shepherd et al. 1987). Hybridization studies now demonstrate the DNA plasmids in Y-5903 and Y-5904 to be highly homologous to their respective size counterparts (pScrl-1 and pScrl-2) in Y-5902 and to show some homology to pScrl-3. Restriction endonuclease mapping studies confirm the linear nature of each plasmid and establish identical restriction maps for a 1.4 kilobase (kb) region in pScrl-2 and -3. This 1.4 kb region accounts for the hybridization homology of pScrl-2 and pScrl-3 noted by Shepherd et al. (1987) and for homology of the plasmids of Y-5903 and Y-5904 to pScrl-3 of Y-5902. The pScrl plasmids show no homology to the dsRNA molecules ofS. crataegensis, the 2 M circular DNA ofStaccharomyces cerevisiae, the killer plasmids ofKluyveromyces lactis, or the linear DNA plasmids ofPichia inositovora.In crosses between linear DNA plasmid-containing and dsRNA-containing strains, only progeny containing the pScrl plasmids were recovered. Poor spore viability and a lack of complete tetrad recovery limited the extent of the analysis, but the findings suggest a cytoplasmic mode of inheritance for these linear DNAs.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   
Activation of protein tyrosine kinases is one of the initial events following aggregation of the high-affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E (Fc epsilon RI) on RBL-2H3 cells, a model mast cell line. The protein tyrosine kinase p72syk (Syk), which contains two Src homology 2 (SH2) domains, is activated and associates with phosphorylated Fc epsilon RI subunits after receptor aggregation. In this report, we used Syk SH2 domains, expressed in tandem or individually, as fusion proteins to identify Syk-binding proteins in RBL-2H3 lysates. We show that the tandem Syk SH2 domains selectively associate with tyrosine-phosphorylated forms of the gamma and beta subunits of Fc epsilon RI. The isolated carboxy-proximal SH2 domain exhibited a significantly higher affinity for the Fc epsilon RI subunits than did the amino-proximal domain. When in tandem, the Syk SH2 domains showed enhanced binding to phosphorylated gamma and beta subunits. The conserved tyrosine-based activation motifs contained in the cytoplasmic domains of the gamma and beta subunits, characterized by two YXXL/I sequences in tandem, represent potential high-affinity binding sites for the dual SH2 domains of Syk. Peptide competition studies indicated that Syk exhibits a higher affinity for the phosphorylated tyrosine activation motif of the gamma subunit than for that of the beta subunit. In addition, we show that Syk is the major protein in RBL-2H3 cells that is affinity isolated with phosphorylated peptides corresponding to the phosphorylated gamma subunit motif. These data suggest that Syk associates with the gamma subunit of the high-affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E through an interaction between the tandem SH2 domains of SH2 domains of Syk and the phosphorylated tyrosine activation motif of the gamma subunit and that Syk may be the major signaling protein that binds to Fc epsilon RI tyrosine activation motif of the gamma subunit and that Syk may be the major signaling protein that binds to Dc epsilon tyrosine activation motifs in RBL-2H3 cells.  相似文献   
Several styryl-based compounds were evaluated for their capacity to act as inhibitors of the non-receptor tyrosine protein kinase p56lck. Our results demonstrate that alpha-cyanocinnamamide compounds can inhibit both the in vitro tyrosine autophosphorylation of p56lck as well as p56lck phosphorylation of exogenous substrates. Compound 67B-83-A was found to inhibit p56lck protein kinase activity with a calculated IC50 of 7 to 10 microM. This compound did not significantly inhibit the tyrosine protein kinase activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor and was found to be a less effective tyrosine protein kinase inhibitor for other members of the src family of protein kinases.  相似文献   
Rabbit antisera raised against human FYN-specific peptides were used to evaluate the expression of the fyn gene product in normal and murine polyomavirus middle tumor antigen (MTAg)-transformed rat cells. The antisera were capable of detecting p60fyn in both normal and MTAg-transformed cells. Two different antisera directed against unique p60fyn sequences were found to detect p60fyn-MTAg complexes in cell lysates from the MTAg-transformed cells. The MTAg molecules immunoprecipitated by FYN antisera were phosphorylated on tyrosine during immune-complex kinase reactions at sites similar to those found on MTAg in complexes with pp60c-src. Whereas the abundance of p60fyn was estimated to be less in the MTAg-transformed cells than in their normal counterparts, the specific activities of p60fyn molecules in the normal and transformed cells were similar.  相似文献   
Several fast-transported proteins that appear as single bands after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis resolve into multiple spots during isoelectric focusing. A method was devised for determining if such microheterogeneity in net charge indicates that individual polypeptides have been posttranslationally modified to differing extents. Dorsal root ganglia were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine and either [3H]leucine or [3H]proline, proteins fast-transported into peripheral sensory axons were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and isotope incorporation ratios of proteins associated with individual gel spots were determined. When four microheterogeneous glycoproteins were analyzed, each protein "family" showed markedly similar isotope ratios for its three to seven characteristic spots. Such ratios differed between families by almost twofold. In addition, a group of nonglycosylated, sulfate-containing proteins was identified as a family on the basis of the similar isotope incorporation ratios of its component spots. These results suggest that protein microheterogeneity can result from variable sulfation of tyrosine residues as well as from variation in sialic acid-containing oligosaccharide side-chains. More generally, the method can be utilized to test for protein microheterogeneity in cases where the amounts of protein are too low to permit peptide mapping analysis and where the nature of the charge-altering modification is unknown.  相似文献   
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