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We investigated the population dynamics of Copidodiaptomus numidicus (Copepoda: Calanoida) and Thermocyclops dybowskii (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) in Castelo-do-Bode Reservoir (Portugal). Both species in the reservoir were regulated mainly by food availability during the summers of 1993 and 1994. C. numidicus was always more abundant than T. dybowskii in the reservoir. C. numidicus produced two generations during the sampling period of both years whereas T. dybowskii produced two and three generations in 1993 and 1994, respectively. Because of high temperatures and low rainfall in 1994, the reservoir was more eutrophic than in 1993. Higher clutch size and a higher percentage of ovigerous females suggest that both species were benefiting from better feeding conditions in 1994. Despite this, population growth was reduced in 1994 relatively to 1993. Vertebrate predation and predation by copepods seem to have been minor factors in explaining this decline. However, the presence of Mesostoma sp. in the reservoir may have contributed to the reduction of both copepod populations during specific periods in 1994 although the calanoid was more affected than the cyclopoid by this predation.  相似文献   
Antibodies were prepared against the soluble proteins from six tissues of Drosophila larvae. These were used to analyse the antigens in different tissues and at different developmental stages. The results suggest (1) the pattern of antigens determines the characteristics of a tissue, (2) salivary gland antigens are sequestered by the imaginal disks, (3) not all pupal glue antigens are synthesized in the salivary glands, and (4) most larval serum antigens are synthesized by the fat body.  相似文献   
CD4+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are essential for the maintenance of the immune system''s equilibrium, by dampening the activation of potential auto-reactive T cells and avoiding excessive immune activation. To correctly perform their function, Tregs must be maintained at the right proportion with respect to effector T cells. Since this equilibrium is frequently disrupted in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), we hypothesize that its deregulation could hamper immune reconstitution in patients with poor CD4+ T cell recovery under highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). We analysed Tregs percentages amongst CD4+ T cells in 53 HIV-infected patients under HAART, with suppression of viral replication and distinct levels of immune reconstitution. As controls, 51 healthy individuals were also analysed. We observed that amongst the patients with Nadir values (the lowest CD4+ T cell counts achieved) <200 cells/µL, the individuals with high Tregs percentages (≥10% of total CD4+ T cells) had the worse CD4+ T cell reconstitution. In accordance, the well-described direct correlation between the Nadir value and CD4+ T cell reconstitution is clearly more evident in individuals with high Tregs proportions. Furthermore, we observed a strong negative correlation between Tregs percentages and CD4+ T cell recovery among immunological non-responder HIV+ individuals. All together, this work shows that high Tregs frequency is an important factor associated with sub-optimal CD4+ T cell recovery. This is particularly relevant for immunological non-responders with low Nadir values. Our results suggest that the Tregs proportion might be of clinical relevance to define cut-offs for HAART initiation.  相似文献   
By in vitro translation of mRNA’s isolated from free and membrane-bound polysomes, direct evidence was obtained for the synthesis of two lysosomal hydrolases, β-glucuronidase of the rat preputial gland and cathespin D of mouse spleen, on polysomes bound to rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes. When the mRNA’s for these two proteins were translated in the presence of microsomal membranes, the in vitro synthesized polypeptides were cotranslationally glycosylated and transferred into the microsomal lumen. Polypeptides synthesized in the absence of microsomal membranes were approximately 2,000 daltons larger than the respective unglycosylated microsomal polypeptides found after short times of labeling in cultured rat liver cells treated with tunicamycin. This strongly suggests that nascent chains of the lysosomal enzymes bear transient amino terminal signals which determine synthesis on bound polysomes and are removed during the cotranslational insertion of the polypeptides into the ER membranes. In the line of cultured rat liver cells used for this work, newly synthesized lysosomal hydrolases showed a dual destination; approximately 60 percent of the microsomal polypeptides detected after short times of labeling were subsequently processed proteolytically to lower molecular weight forms characteristic of the mature enzymes. The remainder was secreted from the cells without further proteolytic processing. As previously observed by other investigations in cultured fibroblasts (A. Gonzalez-Noriega, J.H. Grubbs, V. Talkad, and W.S. Sly, 1980, J Cell Biol. 85: 839-852; A. Hasilik and E.F. Neufeld, 1980, J. Biol. Chem., 255:4937-4945.) the lysosomotropic amine chloroquine prevented the proteolytic maturation of newly synthesized hydrolases and enhanced their section. In addition, unglycosylated hydrolases synthesized in cells treated with tunicamycin were exclusively exported from the cells without undergoing proteolytic processing. These results support the notions that modified sugar residues serve as sorting out signals which address the hydrolases to their lysosomal destination and that final proteolytic cleavage of hydrolase precursors take place within lysosome itself. Structural differences in the carbohydrate chains of intracellular and secreted precursors of cathespin D were detected from their differential sensitivity to digestion with endoglycosidases H and D. These observations suggest that the hydrolases exported into the medium follow the normal secretory route and that some of their oligosaccharides are subject to modifications known to affect many secretory glycoproteins during their passage through the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
The role of hydrological droughts in shaping meiofauna abundance through alterations in biofilm biomass and composition was investigated. In January 2005, continental Portugal was under a moderate to severe drought resulting from a 40% to 60% decrease in rainfall during the previous 12 months relative to the long-term average (1961–1990). Reservoir capacity was reduced by 30–50% relative to average values and the width of streams was reduced by 20–80% in the Zêzere River Basin (central Portugal). Algal biomass and algal class composition of biofilms was assessed through quantification of algal pigments in three reservoir and six river locations. During drought, habitat alterations are expected to be sharp in rivers while, in the absence of water quality deterioration, the habitat characteristics of reservoirs are expected to remain fairly unaffected. Chlorophylls and carotenoid pigments were extracted from biofilm samples and analysed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In the winter of 2003, during the period of average rainfall, biofilm biomass did not exceed 5 μg chlorophyll a cm−2 at any location. River biofilm biomass was roughly half of that measured in the reservoirs. In the winter of 2005 (drought), biofilm biomass increased by more than 5-fold in river locations and remained low or decreased in the reservoirs. Algal biofilms were either dominated by Bacillariophyceae or by Chlorophyceae regardless of the existence of drought. The relative contribution of Bacillariophyceae to total biofilm biomass was higher during the drought than under average hydrological conditions. The abundance of harpacticoids, cladocerans and ostracods was favoured by the drought only in the reservoirs where an increase in diatom proportion in biofilms was observed. The increase in the abundance of cyclopoid copepods, turbellarians, nematodes and chironomids in rivers during the drought could be explained by algal class composition and biomass of biofilms and environmental variables (organic matter sediment content, phosphorus availability content and sediment granulometry). The hydrological drought appears to regulate meiofauna abundance only in river locations, possibly through the promotion of the growth of biofilms and the availability of organic matter deposited in rivers during the drought. Handling editor: D. Ryder  相似文献   
Pollen tubes must navigate through different female tissues to deliver sperm to the embryo sac for fertilization. Protein disulfide isomerases play important roles in the maturation of secreted or plasma membrane proteins. Here, we show that certain T-DNA insertions in Arabidopsis thaliana PDIL2-1, a protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), have reduced seed set, due to delays in embryo sac maturation. Reciprocal crosses indicate that these mutations acted sporophytically, and aniline blue staining and scanning electron microscopy showed that funicular and micropylar pollen tube guidance were disrupted. A PDIL2-1-yellow fluorescent protein fusion was mainly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum and was expressed in all tissues examined. In ovules, expression in integument tissues was much higher in the micropylar region in later developmental stages, but there was no expression in embryo sacs. We show that reduced seed set occurred when another copy of full-length PDIL2-1 or when enzymatically active truncated versions were expressed, but not when an enzymatically inactive version was expressed, indicating that these T-DNA insertion lines are gain-of-function mutants. Our results suggest that these truncated versions of PDIL2-1 function in sporophytic tissues to affect ovule structure and impede embryo sac development, thereby disrupting pollen tube guidance.  相似文献   
Daphnia hyalina is a cladoceran present throughthe whole year except for late summer in Maranhão,a meso-eutrophic reservoir in central Portugal. Apartfrom the influence of food, both vertebrate andinvertebrate predation pressures seem to have aneffect on D. hyalina population dynamics.Enclosure experiments were designed to assess therelative importance of both types of predation. Afterthe summer crash, D. hyalina reached highernumbers in the fishless enclosures than in the lakedespite of high predation pressure upon juveniles byAcanthocyclops robustus. Fish predation upon thelargest individuals, especially large egg bearingfemales, was responsible for the lower fertility ofthe open water population when compared with theenclosure population. In the enclosures an increase intail spine length was observed. The longer tail spineprobably offered protection from copepod predation,allowing at least some of the juveniles to coexistwith their potential predator and reach the adultstage, less susceptible to copepod predation.  相似文献   
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