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  • 1 Inbreeding and parthenogenesis are especially frequent in colonizing species of plants and animals, and inbreeding in wood‐boring species in the weevil families Scolytinae and Platypodidae is especially common on small islands. In order to study the relationship between colonization success, island attributes and mating system in these beetles, we analysed the relative proportions of inbreeders and outbreeders for 45 Pacific and Old World tropical islands plus two adjacent mainland sites, and scored islands for size, distance from nearest source population, and maximum altitude.
  • 2 The numbers of wood‐borer species decreased with decreasing island size, as expected; the degree of isolation and maximum island altitude had negligible effects on total species numbers.
  • 3 Numbers of outbreeding species decreased more rapidly with island size than did those of inbreeders. Comparing species with similar ecology (e.g. ambrosia beetles) showed that this difference was best explained by differential success in colonization, rather than by differences in resource utilization or sampling biases. This conclusion was further supported by analyses of data from small islands, which suggested that outbreeding species have a higher degree of endemism and that inbreeding species are generally more widespread.
  • 4 Recently established small populations necessarily go through a period of severe inbreeding, which should affect inbreeding species much less than outbreeding ones. In addition, non‐genetic ecological and behavioural (‘Allee’) effects are also expected to reduce the success of outbreeding colonists much more than that of inbreeders: compared with inbreeders, outbreeders are expected to have slower growth rates, have greater difficulties with mate‐location and be vulnerable to random extinction over a longer period.
Proper management of ecosystems requires an understanding of both the species interactions as well as the effect of climate variation. However, a common problem is that the available time-series are of different lengths. Here, we present a general approach for studying the dynamic structure of such interactions. Specifically, we analyse the recruitment of the world's largest cod stock, the Northeast Arctic cod. Studies based on data starting in the 1970-1980s indicate that this stock is affected by temperature through a variety of pathways. However, the value of such studies is somewhat limited by the fact that they are based on a quite specific ecological and climatic situation. Recently, this stock has consisted of fairly young fish and the spawning stock has consisted of relatively few age groups. In this study, we develop a model for the effect of capelin (the cod's main prey) and herring on cod recruitment since 1973. Based on this model, we analyse data on cod, herring and temperature going back to 1921 and find that food-web effects explain a significant part of the cod recruitment variation back to around 1950.  相似文献   
A large proportion of the hyperdiverse weevils are wood boring and many of these taxa have subsocial family structures. The origin and relationship between certain wood boring weevil taxa has been problematic to solve and hypotheses on their phylogenies change substantially between different studies. We aimed at testing the phylogenetic position and monophyly of the most prominent wood boring taxa Scolytinae, Platypodinae and Cossoninae, including a range of weevil outgroups with either the herbivorous or wood boring habit. Many putatively intergrading taxa were included in a broad phylogenetic analysis for the first time in this study, such as Schedlarius, Mecopelmus, Coptonotus, Dactylipalpus, Coptocorynus and allied Araucariini taxa, Dobionus, Psepholax, Amorphocerus-Porthetes, and some peculiar wood boring Conoderini with bark beetle behaviour. Data analyses were based on 128 morphological characters, rDNA nucleotides from the D2-D3 segment of 28S, and nucleotides and amino acids from the protein encoding gene fragments of CAD, ArgK, EF-1α and COI. Although the results varied for some of the groups between various data sets and analyses, one may conclude the following from this study: Scolytinae and Platypodinae are likely sister lineages most closely related to Coptonotus; Cossoninae is monophyletic (including Araucariini) and more distantly related to Scolytinae; Amorphocerini is not part of Cossoninae and Psepholax may belong to Cryptorhynchini. Likelihood estimation of ancestral state reconstruction of subsociality indicated five or six origins as a conservative estimate. Overall the phylogenetic results were quite dependent on morphological data and we conclude that more genetic loci must be sampled to improve phylogenetic resolution. However, some results such as the derived position of Scolytinae were consistent between morphological and molecular data. A revised time estimation of the origin of Curculionidae and various subfamily groups were made using the recently updated fossil age of Scolytinae (100 Ma), which had a significant influence on node age estimates.  相似文献   
The wide distribution and dominance of invasive inbreeding species in many forest ecosystems seems paradoxical in face of their limited genetic variation. Successful establishment of invasive species in new areas is nevertheless facilitated by clonal reproduction: parthenogenesis, regular self-fertilization, and regular inbreeding. The success of clonal lineages in variable environments has been explained by two models, the frozen niche variation (FNV) model and the general-purpose genotype (GPG) model. We tested these models on a widely distributed forest pest that has been recently established in Costa Rica-the sibling-mating ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus morigerus. Two deeply diverged mitochondrial haplotypes coexist at multiple sites in Costa Rica. We find that these two haplotypes do not differ in their associations with ecological factors. Overall the two haplotypes showed complete overlap in their resource utilization; both genotypes have broad niches, supporting the GPG model. Thus, probable or not, our findings suggest that X. morigerus is a true ecological generalist. Clonal aspects of reproduction coupled with broad niches are doubtless important factors in the successful colonization of new habitats in distant regions.  相似文献   
A high growth rate for Arcto-Norwegian cod, Gadus morhua, in the Barents Sea and adjacent areas from the larva period to the 0-group enhances survival and ultimately recruitment to the fishery. However, it appeared that high growth rates for a cohort through the 0-group were not continued as the cohort ages. Based on survey data, there was a significant negative correlation between the average length at the 0-group and its average length at ages 2 through 8. We provided evidence suggesting that this phenomenon was caused by the inter-annual variability in inflow of warm, prey-rich Atlantic water into the Barents Sea from the Norwegian Sea. Enhanced inflow provided favorable conditions for cod growth during the larva and juvenile pelagic intervals. However, this same strong inflow carried a proportion of the cohort farther to the east in the Barents Sea, where the bottom water is colder than in the west. The colder conditions experienced by such cohorts, as compared to cohorts that have a more westerly settlement, led to slower growth prior to age 2. Slow growth during this interval appeared to be the reason for these cohorts' relatively smaller mean length at older ages.  相似文献   
The macrophytes Fucus serratus and Zostera marina form similar substrates for associated flora and fauna in shallow waters in Norway. While F. serratus forms a more or less continuous belt on rocky substrate along the coast, Z. marina forms disjunct populations on sandy or muddy bottoms. This study focused on the organisms associated with these two macrophytes in two localities in the Skagerrak region. In total, 130 taxa of epiphytic organisms were identified: 22 green algae, 41 red algae, 32 brown algae, eight diatoms and 27 sessile animals. One hundred and twenty-seven taxa of mobile macrofauna were registered. The dominant group was crustaceans, with amphipods as the order containing most species. Many species of both plants and animals preferred one or the other habitat. It is concluded that coastal macrophyte systems have high species diversity.  相似文献   
Coexistence of recently diverged and ecologically similar sister species in complete sympatry represents a particularly compelling case for sympatric speciation. This study investigates the possible sympatric origin of two coexisting bark beetle taxa that utilize the same host plant on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. Aphanarthrum subglabrum and Aphanarthrum glabrum ssp. nudum breed inside dead twigs of Euphorbia lamarckii plants and are closely related to the allopatric A. glabrum ssp. glabrum in Tenerife, El Hierro and La Gomera. We tested the various speciation hypotheses in a genealogical context, using mitochondrial gene fragments from Cytochrome Oxidase I and 16S, and nuclear gene fragments from Enolase, Elongation Factor 1alpha and Histone H3. Phylogenetic analyses of the combined nuclear DNA data strongly supported a sister relationship between two sympatric and reproductively isolated taxa in La Palma. However, network analyses of subdivided nonrecombinant segments of the Enolase locus indicated a closer relationship between the two allopatric A. glabrum subspecies, suggesting multiple colonizations of this island. A bimodal distribution of mtDNA haplotypes in La Palma further documented the independent colonization of this island, with asymmetric introgression of mtDNA between two lineages. Consequently, the sympatric origin of the La Palma species is concluded to have involved allopatric phases before the parallel colonization of this island and subsequent introgression at some loci. The clear genetic and morphological evidence for reproductive isolation between these species suggests that the sympatric completion of divergence was either due to initial genetic incompatibility, morphological character displacement in male genitalia, or a combination of these factors.  相似文献   
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