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6-O-methyl-, 6-O-propyl-, 6-O-pentyl- and 6-O-benzyl-D-galactose, and 6-O-methyl-, 6-O-propyl- and 6-O-pentyl-D-glucose inhibit the glucose-transport system of the human erythrocyte when added to the external medium. Penetration of 6-O-methyl-D-galactose is inhibited by D-glucose, suggesting that it is transported by the glucose-transport system, but the longer-chain 6-O-alkyl-D-galactoses penetrate by a slower D-glucose-insensitive route at rates proportional to their olive oil/water partition coefficients. 6-O-n-Propyl-D-glucose and 6-O-n-propyl-D-galactose do not significantly inhibit L-sorbose entry or D-glucose exit when present only on the inside of the cells whereas propyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, which also penetrates the membrane slowly by a glucose-insensitive route, only inhibits L-sorbose entry or D-glucose exit when present inside the cells, and not when on the outside. The 6-O-alkyl-D-galactoses, like the other nontransported C-4 and C-6 derivatives, maltose and 4,6-O-ethylidene-D-glucose, protect against fluorodinitrobenzene inactivation, whereas propyl beta-D-glucopyranoside stimulates the inactivation. Of the transported sugars tested, those modified at C-1, C-2 and C-3 enhance fluorodinitrobenzene inactivation, where those modified at C-4 and C-6 do not, but are inert or protect against inactivation. An asymmetric mechanism is proposed with two conformational states in which the sugar binds to the transport system so that C-4 and C-6 are in contact with the solvent on the outside and C-1 is in contact with the solvent on the inside of the cell. It is suggested that fluorodinitrobenzene reacts with the form of the transport system that binds sugars at the inner side of the membrane. An Appendix describes the theoretical basis of the experimental methods used for the determination of kinetic constants for non-permeating inhibitors.  相似文献   
We have demonstrated that muscarinic stimulation of inositol phosphate production in cultured atrial cells from chicks at 14 days in ovo is partially sensitive to inhibition by pertussis toxin. In these cells, muscarinic agonist binding is coupled to phospholipase C activity via at least two guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins), one sensitive to pertussis toxin and the other (Gp) insensitive to pertussis toxin [Barnett, Shamah, Lassegue, Griendling & Galper (1990) Biochem. J. 271, 437-442]. In the current study we demonstrate that during embryonic development of the chick heart, muscarinic stimulation of inositol phosphate production decreases by 50% between days 5 and 14 in ovo in cells cultured from both atrium and ventricle. In atrial cells, however, pertussis toxin-sensitive muscarinic stimulation of inositol phosphate production increased from undetectable levels at day 5 in ovo to 40% of total stimulation at day 12 in ovo. Muscarinic stimulation of inositol phosphate production in the ventricle did not become sensitive to pertussis toxin at any age studied. In permeabilized atrial cells from embryonic chicks at 5 days in ovo, guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP[S]) stimulated InsP1 levels by 40 +/- 10% (mean +/- S.E.M., n = 3), InsP2 levels by 117 +/- 18% and InsP3 levels by 51 +/- 8%, suggesting that at day 5 in ovo all of the muscarinic-stimulated inositol phosphate production was coupled to phospholipase C via Gp. H.p.l.c. analysis demonstrated that, in spite of these changes in coupling of phospholipase C to different G-proteins, no changes could be demonstrated in the isomers of InsP3 produced in response to carbamylcholine at both days 5 and 14 in ovo. These data demonstrate that embryonic development of the chick atrium is associated with a switch in coupling of muscarinic receptors to phospholipase C from Gp to a pertussis toxin substrate. This developmental switch in coupling of G-proteins may be related to possible developmental switches in levels of muscarinic receptor isoforms or switches in the subtype of phospholipase C.  相似文献   
Gene 5 protein-DNA complex: modeling binding interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A helical (not toroidal) complex consisting of eight gene 5 protein dimers per turn is proposed for the extension of DNA from dimer to dimer using known bond length constraints, postulated protein-nucleic acid interactions (determined from NMR and chemical modification studies), other physical properties of the complex, and data from electron micrographs. The binding channel has been dictated by these known parameters and the relative ease of geometrically fitting these constituents. This channel is different from that previously reported by other modelers. The channel lies underneath the long arm "claw-like" extension of the monomer, so that it rests inside the outer surface of the protein complex. An explanation is proposed for the two binding modes, n = 4 (the predominate mode) and n = 3, based on the weak binding interaction of Tyrosine 34. Also, the site of the less mobile nucleic acid base as reported from ESR studies (S.-C. Kao, E.V. Bobst, G.T. Pauly and A.M. Bobst, J. Biom. Struc. Dyn. 3,261 (1985)) is postulated as involving the fourth nucleotide, and this particular base is stacked between Tyrosine 34 and Phenylalanine 73'.  相似文献   
The six "core" proteins of HeLa cell 40S nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (hnRNP particles) package 700-nucleotide lengths of pre-mRNA into a repeating array of regular particles. We have previously shown that the C proteins exist as anisotropic tetramers of (C1)3C2 in 40S hnRNP particles and that each particle probably contains three such tetramers. We report here that proteins A2 and B1 also exist in monoparticles as (A2)3B1 tetramers and that each monoparticle contains at least three such tetramers. Proteins A2 and B1 dissociate from isolated monoparticles as a stable tetramer upon nuclease digestion. In low-salt gradients, the tetramers sediment at 6.8S, which is consistent with a mass of 145 kDa. In 200 mM salt, the concentration which dissociates these proteins from RNA, only 4.2S dimers exist in solution. Tetramers of (A2)3B1 possess the ability to package multiples of 700 nucleotides of RNA in vitro into an array of regular, 22.5-nm 43S particles. Unlike the in vitro assembly of intact 40S hnRNP, the (A2)3B1 tetramers assemble by means of a highly cooperative process. These findings indicate that the (A2)3B1 tetramers play a major role in hnRNP assembly and they further support the contention that 40S monoparticles are regular structures composed of three copies of three different tetramers, i.e., 3[(A1)3B2, (A2)3B1, (C1)3C2].  相似文献   
Summary Genetic variation has been studied in plasma samples from 107 Amerindian children and their parents, and 110 Japanese children and their parents by means of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Twenty-three polypeptides were scored; the identity of nine of these is at present still unknown. Genetic variation was encountered in 11 of these polypeptides. We have previously reported that the index of heterozygosity was 6.2±0.7% for 20 randomly selected, silver stained polypeptides scored for genetic variation in Caucasoids (Rosenblum et al. 1983b). For technical reasons only 11 of these 20 polypeptides could be routinely scored in preparations from the Amerindian samples. For these 11 polypeptides, the indices of heterozygosity in the three populations were: Amerindians, 4.5±0.6%; Japanese, 5.7±0.7%; Caucasoids, 8.0±1.1%. Even with these relatively small numbers some striking ethnic differences as regards individual polypeptides are apparent.  相似文献   
Guanidinobenzoatase is a trypsin-like protease on the surface of cells capable of migration, for example leukaemia cells. We have used a number of fluorescent probes that are competitive inhibitors of guanidinobenzoatase to locate leukaemia cells in resin sections of kidney tissue obtained from leukaemic rats. We have demonstrated how this competitive inhibition system can be used to direct desired molecules (such as cytotoxic drugs) to these cells and to monitor the arrival of such compounds at the active site of guanidinobenzoatase. The principles developed in this study could equally well be applied to other enzymes on other cells provided suitable competitive inhibitors were designed. The presence of an enzyme on the surface of a cell can be used to direct molecules to that cell provided that these molecules contain a functional group that acts as an inhibitor for the chosen enzyme.  相似文献   
Wild House mice, Mus musculus, were bred in two laboratory environments, one warm (controls) and one cold (Eskimo). At the seventh generation, mice of both stocks were cross-fostered at birth in both environments. In the warm environment, differences in both genotype and nest environment influenced growth: (1) Eskimo reared by Eskimo females were the heaviest of the four classes of fostered young; and (2) control foster parentage retarded growth. There was, however, no good evidence of differences in the reproductive performance of the four classes of fostered mice. In the cold environment, the effects of both genetical differences and of fostering were greater. Both the superior growth of Eskimo reared by Eskimo and the retarding effect of control foster parentage were more marked. Moreover, adult males with control foster parents had less fat than had those with Eskimo foster parents. Reproductive performance was also affected: (1) the young of the pairs with Eskimo genotype were heavier than the young of control pairs; (2) the litters of mice with Eskimo foster parents were larger than those of mice with control foster parents, and their young were heavier. Differences among the young of fostered mice represent a grandmother effect. Evidently, selection in a cold environment had led, not only to adaptive genetical changes in the ability to respond directly to cold, but also to changes in parental performance; and the latter enhanced the fitness, in the cold environment, of their offspring and grandoffspring.  相似文献   
The possible correlation between malnutrition and degree of severity of rotavirus-associated infantile diarrhea which appears to occur in human populations was studied using a mouse model. To determine the effects of general malnutrition or altered levels of dietary protein, female mice were fed throughout pregnancy and infection periods with diets diluted with 0, 300, or 600 g glucose/kg, designated as normal nutrient to calorie ratio (N/C) diet, 70% N/C diet, or 40% N/C diet or with diets containing 75, 150, or 300 g casein/kg, as low-, normal-, or high-protein diets. Murine rotavirus was given by gavage to the 2-day-old offspring of these dams, and the extent of infection determined. Marked increases in severity of diarrheal disease were seen in the infants from dams receiving the 40 and 70% N/C diets and the low-protein diet. Severity of infection was seen as increased deaths, reduced weight gain, and increased passage of diarrheic feces. Intestinal viral levels and intestinal diarrhea scores did not vary appreciably. Serum interferon remained below detectable limits throughout the studies, but serum antibody was determined in dams 30 days post-virus exposure. The latter titers were lower in the infected mice from dams fed the 40 and 70% N/C diets, but were essentially the same in all the protein diet groups. Cross-fostering was done using the 40 and 100% N/C diets, wherein mice from dams fed either diet were placed on mothers fed the opposite diet. Increased severity of infection was again seen when the virus was given 2 days after the exchange, although the greatest infection occurred in animals from dams fed 40% N/C diet which were then fostered by other similarly fed dams. The increased host sensitivity to the rotaviral infection appeared to be a result of both pre- and postnatal dietary effects.  相似文献   
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