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Treatment of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic with antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) is known to cause occasional unexplained depletion of white blood cells, especially neutrophil granulocytes. It has been known for many years that neuroleptics can interfere with the mitochondrial respiratory chain in vitro. Because there has been a growing interest recently in mitochondrial targeting of drugs, and since a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model that predicts mitochondrial accumulation of neuroleptics has been published, we investigated the effects of neuroleptics on white blood cell mitochondria. Venous blood samples were collected from both patients undergoing treatment with neuroleptics and healthy volunteers. The samples were processed for transmission electron microscopy. The resulting images of white blood cells were analyzed using stereology to compare quantitatively mitochondrial morphology in the patient and control groups. We found that in patients, but not in controls, there was swelling of mitochondria and fragmentation of the mitochondrial cristae. There also were fewer mitochondria in patients than in controls, although due to the swelling of the organelles, the volume density of mitochondria in the two groups was not significantly different. Such changes are typical of a toxic insult. Consequently, it seems plausible that, since schizophrenia is not a disease considered to affect white blood cells per se, these changes probably are due to the medication.  相似文献   
Aim: To assess the survival of bacteria during two alternative means of cattle carcase disposal in windrows: static pile composting (SPC) and above ground burial in soil (AGB), under temperate climate conditions on agricultural land, compared to surface disposal as the control method. Methods and Results: Bacteriological reference materials (pooled bovine faeces in permeable nylon bags and lyophilized cultures of Escherichia coli in glass ampoules) were positioned above and below each of 33 beef cattle carcases (250–300 kg). Temperatures at these sites were monitored with data loggers, while temperature and CO2 probes were applied repeatedly at varying depths along the windrows. Aliquots of each reference material were cultured from three randomly selected animals from the SPC and AGB group and from all three control animals on five occasions (at 28, 56, 84, 126 and 182 days). SPC was highly efficacious in the destruction of coliforms in faeces and E. coli in ampoules within 28 days, while AGB was not significantly better than controls until 84 days, and bacteria in reference materials above the AGB carcases were still viable after 182 days. Temperature probes and loggers showed SPC provided sustained temperatures of 55–70°C, while AGB did not reach temperatures of 30°C, and the temperature differences correlated with bacteriological findings. Conclusions: In relation to emergency disease management, SPC can be successfully applied to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in cattle carcases, but AGB is unsuitable for carcase disposal. Significance and Impact of the Study: In emergency, animal disease outbreaks in temperate climates requiring large‐scale ruminant carcase disposal, SPC can be successfully applied for the destruction of micro‐organisms.  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine the effect of diet acidification and an in-feed antibiotic growth promotant (Tylosin, Ty) on selected culturable bacterial populations in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Female C57Bl mice were given a standard diet supplemented with Acid Pak (AP) or Ty in the drinking water. After 21 days, lumen and adherent populations of Enterobacteriaceae, enterococci/streptococci, and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from the ileum, caecum, colon and faeces were enumerated. General intestinal health was assessed by the frequency of haemolytic bacteria in the different intestinal compartments. Contrary to expectations, AP and Ty significantly increased haemolytic bacteria in the lumen of the caecum and colon (P<0.05). The small but significant growth-enhancing effect of Ty (P<0.05) was associated with decreases in enterococci/streptococci and surprisingly, LAB, as well as increases in coliforms. AP, which failed to improve growth rates, reduced coliforms, had limited effects on enterococci/streptococci, and specifically failed to promote the growth of LAB populations in all intestinal compartments. Ty supplementation was also associated with a significant increase in macrolide-resistant enterococci throughout the GIT. CONCLUSIONS: Dietary acidification is less effective than Ty in modulating the population dynamics of selected culturable populations of enteric bacteria. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The mouse can provide a useful experimental model to examine the effects of new dietary supplements, formulations or regimes on changes in microbial population dynamics, including monitoring for antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   
A combination of uni- and multiplex PCR assays targeting 58 virulence genes (VGs) associated with Escherichia coli strains causing intestinal and extraintestinal disease in humans and other mammals was used to analyze the VG repertoire of 23 commensal E. coli isolates from healthy pigs and 52 clinical isolates associated with porcine neonatal diarrhea (ND) and postweaning diarrhea (PWD). The relationship between the presence and absence of VGs was interrogated using three statistical methods. According to the generalized linear model, 17 of 58 VGs were found to be significant (P < 0.05) in distinguishing between commensal and clinical isolates. Nine of the 17 genes represented by iha, hlyA, aidA, east1, aah, fimH, iroN(E. coli), traT, and saa have not been previously identified as important VGs in clinical porcine isolates in Australia. The remaining eight VGs code for fimbriae (F4, F5, F18, and F41) and toxins (STa, STb, LT, and Stx2), normally associated with porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli. Agglomerative hierarchical algorithm analysis grouped E. coli strains into subclusters based primarily on their serogroup. Multivariate analyses of clonal relationships based on the 17 VGs were collapsed into two-dimensional space by principal coordinate analysis. PWD clones were distributed in two quadrants, separated from ND and commensal clones, which tended to cluster within one quadrant. Clonal subclusters within quadrants were highly correlated with serogroups. These methods of analysis provide different perspectives in our attempts to understand how commensal and clinical porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli strains have evolved and are engaged in the dynamic process of losing or acquiring VGs within the pig population.  相似文献   
Treatment of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic with antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics) is known to cause occasional unexplained depletion of white blood cells, especially neutrophil granulocytes. It has been known for many years that neuroleptics can interfere with the mitochondrial respiratory chain in vitro. Because there has been a growing interest recently in mitochondrial targeting of drugs, and since a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model that predicts mitochondrial accumulation of neuroleptics has been published, we investigated the effects of neuroleptics on white blood cell mitochondria. Venous blood samples were collected from both patients undergoing treatment with neuroleptics and healthy volunteers. The samples were processed for transmission electron microscopy. The resulting images of white blood cells were analyzed using stereology to compare quantitatively mitochondrial morphology in the patient and control groups. We found that in patients, but not in controls, there was swelling of mitochondria and fragmentation of the mitochondrial cristae. There also were fewer mitochondria in patients than in controls, although due to the swelling of the organelles, the volume density of mitochondria in the two groups was not significantly different. Such changes are typical of a toxic insult. Consequently, it seems plausible that, since schizophrenia is not a disease considered to affect white blood cells per se, these changes probably are due to the medication.  相似文献   
We previously described an enrichment-immunoassay utilizing a T6 monoclonal antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Here we evaluated it for the rapid screening for Salmonella in fishmeal obtained from the national Animal and Plant Quarantine service in the People's Republic of China. In this method, the number of Salmonella present is first expanded by appropriate enrichment cultures, and the pathogens are then directly detected by the T6 immunoassay. In a total of 94 enrichment cultures of fishmeal, we obtained an overall concordance of 98% between the results obtained in parallel by this method and by conventional test method. The positive prediction by this method was 92% and the negative prediction was 100%. The turn around time for the new test was 27 h which is a significant improvement from the turn around time exceeding 96 h required for the conventional test method. This test proved to be compatible with the routine work flow in the practical setting of a quarantine laboratory.  相似文献   
Abstract The biology of the Australian phytoseiid mite Typhlodromips montdorensis is described from material collected in Queensland and South Australia in 1994−1996. At 25°C, when fed on cumbungi ( Typha sp.) pollen, the life cycle was completed in approximately 7 days, with an intrinsic rate of natural increase ( r m ) of 0.32. Female−male pairs produced a mean total of 52.7 eggs within 28 days of oviposition. Females that were deprived of males after first mating stopped laying eggs after 7−19 days; however, if another male was added, they resumed egg laying and produced, on average, a total of 49.4 eggs. The sex ratio was 2.24 females to one male. At 25°C, fecundity on a diet of thrips larvae (first-instar Frankliniella schultzei Trybom) was high, ranging from 2.72 to 3.58 eggs per day on the third day, depending on previous diet. Consumption rate of thrips was also high, with an average of 7.23−14.44 first-instar larvae eaten per day on the third day, depending again on previous diet and also on number of thrips larvae made available. The species was also observed to feed on: (i) broad mite, Polyphago­tarsonemus latus (Banks); (ii) tomato russet mite, Aculops lycopersici (Massee); and (iii) two-spotted mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. No diapause was observed under conditions of 25°C, 8 h light and 10°C, 16 h dark. Eggs were sensitive to low humidity, with 50% failing to hatch below 70.8% relative humidity. This species is of interest as a candidate biological control agent for thrips, broad mite and tomato russet mite in protected crops.  相似文献   


Mannose binding lectin (MBL) is an important host defence protein against opportunistic fungal pathogens. This carbohydrate-binding protein, an opsonin and lectin pathway activator, binds through multiple lectin domains to the repeating sugar arrays displayed on the surface of a wide range of clinically relevant microbial species. We investigated the contribution of MBL to antifungal innate immunity towards C. parapsilosis in vitro.  相似文献   
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae induces respiratory disease in swine by colonizing cilia causing ciliostasis, cilial loss and epithelial cell death. Heparin binds to M. hyopneumoniae cells in a dose-dependent manner and blocks its ability to adhere to porcine cilia. We show here that Mhp493 (P216), a paralogue of the cilium adhesin P97 (Mhp183), is cleaved between amino acids 1040 and 1089 generating surface-accessible, heparin-binding proteins P120 and P85. Antiphosphoserine antibodies recognized P85 in 2-D immunoblotting studies and TiO2 chromatography of trypsin digests of P85 isolated a single peptide with an m/z of 917.3. A phosphoserine residue in the tryptic peptide 90VSELpSFR96 (position 94 in P85) was identified by MALDI-MS/MS. Polyhistidine fusion proteins (F1P216, F2P216, F3P216) spanning Mhp493 bound heparin with biologically significant Kd values, and heparin, fucoidan and mucin inhibited this interaction. Latex beads coated with F1P216, F2P216 and F3P216 adhered to and entered porcine kidney epithelial-like (PK15) cell monolayers. Microtitre plate-based assays showed that sequences within P120 and P85 bind to porcine cilia and are recognized by serum antibodies elicited during infection by M. hyopneumoniae . Mhp493 contributes significantly to the surface architecture of M. hyopneumoniae and is the first cilium adhesin to be described that lacks an R1 cilium-binding domain.  相似文献   
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