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Franz Boas spent several weeks at Fort Rupert, British Columbia, at the end of 1894, when he saw the Kwakiutl hamatsa ritual in situ for the first time. Soon after his return east Boas posed for a series of photographs in the U.S. National Museum for a diorama of the hamatsa dance. These photographs, now published for the first time, are a sharp reminder of Boas' constant (and sometimes forced) collaboration with the limited number of anthropological institutions in America at the end of the century, and of his personal difficulties in establishing himself professionally in America.  相似文献   
We characterized 59 canine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the endangered Italian wolf (Canis lupus) population, which were discovered by resequencing sequence‐tagged‐site (STS) DNA sequences that are known to contain SNPs in domestic dogs. Dog SNPs were usually found also in wolves. Additional SNPs unique in dogs or wolves were discovered, which is important for detecting hybrids between dogs and wolves. We developed new primer sets and analysed 15 SNPs by Pyrosequencing. The characterized SNPs will provide an important addition to the genetic markers that are currently available for studying wild populations of canids.  相似文献   
Loss of habitat and human exploitation have driven many turtle species to the brink of extinction, particularly in many parts of southern Asia. The spiny turtle (Heosemys spinosa) is a terrestrial species distributed throughout the Sundaland region of South‐East Asia. Despite international legislative protection, H. spinosa continues to be illegally collected for the food and traditional medicine markets of China. Given its widespread distribution, taxonomists have reasonably questioned whether H. spinosa truly represents a single evolutionary lineage or multiple undiagnosed species. Recently, a large and illegal shipment of rare, wild‐caught H. spinosa was confiscated in Hong Kong, China, and the turtles were eventually distributed to several zoos and academic collections. Based on analyses of these individuals, along with additional individuals from the pet trade and museum collections, we found concordant genetic and phenotypic variation, indicating that two distinct types of H. spinosa exist in this collection of turtles. Further characterization of this variation will require field surveys and the collection of additional morphological and genetic data from specimens of known geographic provenance. However, our data indicate that this highly exploited, endangered species may contain additional cryptic taxa, and emphasize the critical need for systematic evaluation of species before unrecognized variation is lost forever. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 811–824.  相似文献   
A Review of the Chemical Ecology of Antarctic Marine Invertebrates   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
The interdisciplinary field of marine invertebrate chemicalecology is relatively young, and particularly so in polar marineenvironments. In this review we present evidence that the incidenceof chemical defense in antarctic benthic marine invertebratephyla is widespread. Mechanisms of chemical defense have beendetected in antarctic representatives of the Porifera, Cnidaria,Brachiopoda, Tunicata, Nemertea, Mollusca and Echinodermata.This argues against earlier bio-geographic theories that predicteda low incidence of chemical defense in polar waters where levelsof fish predation are low. Selection for chemical defense inbenthic sessile and sluggish marine invertebrates is likelya response to an environmentally stable community shown to bestructured primarily by biotic factors such as predation andcompetition. Holoplankton and the eggs, embryos and larvae ofboth benthic and planktonic antarctic macroinvertebrates mayalso employ chemical defense to offset mortality during characteristicallyslow development and long life span where susceptibility topredation is seemingly high. While most research to date hasfocused on the role of secondary metabolites in mediating predation,it is likely that bioactive compounds in antarctic marine invertebratesalso serve roles as antifoulants and allelochemics. The diversityof bioactive metabolites detected to date in antarctic marineinvertebrates sets the stage both for continuing and for broadeningefforts to evaluate their functional and ecological significance.  相似文献   
Regression Smoothers for Estimating Parameters of Growth Analyses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of regression smoothers is to obtain predictedvalues of a dependent variable and its first derivative fromempirical data without having to assume any particular functionalrelationship between the dependent and independent variables.An early variant of this type of analysis, specifically naturalB-splines, was first applied to growth analyses by Parsons andHunt in 1981 (Annals of Botany 48 : 341–352, 1981). Theobject of this paper is to describe and evaluate two recentadvances in this area (cubic spline smoothers and loess smoothers)in the context of plant growth analysis and compare them tonaturalB -splines. The accuracies of these methods are evaluatedusing simulated data of a type that normally causes difficultieswith other methods. A bootstrap procedure is described thatimproves the estimate of the optimal smoother parameter. Itis shown that these smoothers can capture even subtle changesin relative growth rate. The method is then applied to growthdata ofHolcus lanatus. B -splines; cubic spline smoothers; growth analyses; Holcus lanatus ; loess; relative growth rate; RGR  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Eimeria vermiformis sp. n. and E. papillata sp. n. are described from the mouse Mus musculus. The sporulated oocysts of E. vermiformis are 18–26 by 15–21 μ (mean 23.1 by 18.4 μ); its sporocysts are 11–14 by 6–10 μ (mean 12.8 by 7.9 p). The sporulated oocysts of E. papillata are 18–26 by 16–24 μ (mean 22.4 by 19.2 μ); its sporocysts are 10–13 by 6–9 μ (mean 11.2 by 8.0 μ). A substiedal body is present in E. papillata sporocysts. Patent infections were produced in white laboratory mice with both species. Fourteen species of Eimeria have now been described from the genus Mus.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. The life cycle of Eimeria ferrisi is described from experimentally infected Mus musculus. The prepatent period was 3 days and the patent period was 3–4 days. The endogenous stages were found only in the cecum and colon. Three generations of schizonts were found. Mature 1st-generation schizonts first seen 24 hr postinoculation (PI) measured 10.9 (7–14) × 10.2 (6–13) μm and had 9.6 (7–14) merozoites. Some 2nd-generation schizonts had uninucleate merozoites and others had multinucleate merozoites. The former were first seen in small numbers 36 hr PI and were most abundant 48 hr PI. They measured 9.6 (5–13) × 7.9 (6–12) μm and had 18 (6–25) merozoites. Schizonts with multinucleate merozoites were seen 72 hr PI. Mature 3rd-generation schizonts were seen 72 hr PI. They measured 14.0 (12–18) × 11-0 (9–13) μm and had 12.5 (5–16) merozoites. Macrogamonts were first seen in 72 hr sections. Each young macrogamont had a large nucleus with a prominent nucleolus. Only one type of cytoplasmic granule appeared to be involved in the formation of the oocyst wall. Mature macrogamonts were 11.0 (5–14) × 10.0 (6–13) μm. Crescent-shaped bodies were observed in the parasitophorous vacuole of trophozoites and young macrogamonts. Early microgamonts were first recognized at 96 hr by the presence of darkly stained and irregularly shaped nuclei. Usually, mature microgametes were arranged in long, narrow whorls at the periphery of the microgamont or in whorls at the surface of 2–5 compartments.  相似文献   
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