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Shells from 14 populations of sphaeriid clams including Sphaeriumstriatinum, S. simile, Pisidium walkeri, Musculim partumeiumand M. iransversum were analyzed for organic carbon (µgCmg–1 shell), nitrogen (µg,N mg–1 shell) andCaCOs (%CaCO3 of total clam dry weight). Habitat waters wereassessed for total hardness (expressed as ppm CaCo3), ppm Ca,ppm Mg, conductivity (µmho) and suspended organic Carbon(µgCl–1). For all populations, shell organic C andN are positively correlated and there is an inverse relationshipbetween the amounts of shell CaCO3 and shell organic carbon.Trophic considerations give the best correlation with shelltype at the generic level of consideration since species ofMusculium are found at the opposite end of the trophic scale(eutrophic) from all other populations studied. For S. striatinum,the most extensively studied species, the amount of shell CaCO3is inversely related to water hardness. The selection of shellsin the Sphaeriidae is discussed in relation to structural-functionalneeds and habitat conditions 1 Present Address: Department of Biology, Syracuse University,Syracuse, New York 13210, U.S.A. 2 Present Address: Department of Zoology, Miami University,Oxford, Ohio 45056, U.S.A. (Received 5 December 1978;  相似文献   
External and internal head structures of adults of Galloisiana yuasai (Grylloblattodea) are described. The results are compared with conditions found in representatives of other lower neopteran lineages, notably in Austrophasma and Karoophasma (both Mantophasmatodea). Sutures and ridges of the head capsule are discussed. A new nomenclature for head muscles is presented for the entire Dicondylia (= Zygentoma + Pterygota). Galloisiana (like its sister taxon Grylloblatta) is mostly characterized by plesiomorphic features, such as the largely unspecialized orthopteroid mouthparts, the multisegmented filiform antennae, the presence of trabeculae tentorii, the absence of muscles associated with the antennal ampullae, the presence of musculus stipitalis transversalis (0mx11) and the presence of musculus tentoriofrontalis anterior (0te2). Autapomorphies of Grylloblattodea are: (i) compound eyes composed of only 60 ommatidia or less; (ii) a lacinia with a proximal tooth; (iii) a rounded submentum; (iv) loss of musculus craniohypopharyngealis (0hy3); and (v) loss of musculus labroepipharyngealis (0lb5). The phylogenetic evaluation of 104 characters of the head yields a branching pattern with Grylloblattodea as a sister group of Mantophasmatodea in clade Xenonomia. Putative synapomorphies of both taxa are: (i) a distinct angle (more than 60°) between the submentum and the mentum; (ii) posteriorly oriented labial palpi; (iii) a flat and lobe‐like hypopharynx with a suspensorium far ventrad of the anatomical mouth opening; (iv) loss of musculus tentorioparaglossalis (0la6); and (v) a connection between the antennal ampulla and the supraoesophageal ganglion containing nuclei. Xenonomia is placed in a clade with the two dictyopteran terminals. Another monophyletic group is Embioptera + Phasmatodea. Most branches of the single tree obtained in our analysis are weakly supported. The results clearly show that more data and a much broader taxon sampling are required to clarify the phylogenetic interrelationships of the lower neopteran orders. However, our results narrow down the spectrum of possible solutions, and represent a starting point for future phylogenetic analyses, with an extensive concatenated dataset.  相似文献   
Titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) are a monogamous, New World primate. Adult pair‐mates form a bidirectional social bond and offspring form a selective unidirectional bond to their father. Some of the neurobiology involved in social bonds and maternal behavior is similar to the neural circuitry involved in nonsocial reward. Due to these overlapping mechanisms, social states may affect responses to external rewarding stimuli. We sought to determine whether having a social attachment, and/or being in the presence of that attachment figure, can affect an individual's response to a rewarding stimulus. In addition, we compared affiliative bonds between pair‐mates to those between offspring and fathers. Eighteen adult male titi monkeys were either living alone (Lone), with a female pair‐mate (Paired), or with the natal group (Natal; N = 6/condition). Each individual went through eight 30‐min preference tests for a sweet substance, Tang. For Paired and Natal males, half of the test sessions were with their attachment figure and half were alone. Lone males were always tested alone. Preference scores for Tang, time spent drinking, affiliative, and arousal behaviors were measured. Paired and Natal males emitted significantly more isolation peeps and locomoted more when tested alone compared to when tested with their attachment figure, and paired males engaged in more affiliative behavior than Natal males. Lone males engaged in significantly more behaviors indicative of behavioral arousal such as locomotion and piloerection compared to Paired and Natal males. Finally, Paired males drank significantly more Tang and had a significantly greater preference for Tang compared to Lone and Natal males. These results indicate that offspring undergo a behavioral separation response upon separation from their father that persists into adulthood, Lone males are more behaviorally reactive, and that living with an attachment figure and the type of attachment relationship result in different responses to a rewarding sweet stimulus. Am. J. Primatol. 74:758‐769, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
The Ultrastructure of Myosin-Extracted Striated Muscle Fibers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electron microscope examination of myosin-extracted psoas muscleof the rabbit reveals a number of thin filaments, about 25 Äin diameter, bridging the gap between the ends of the actinsand the remaining myosin of the M band. Extraction of actinfrom the region of the Z disc shows similar thin filaments nearthe Z disc. Myosin-extraction of several invertebrate musclesreveals a remaining network of thin filaments in the regionof the A band. These thin filaments are probably elastic, andcould contribute to the functioning of these muscles.  相似文献   
Reproduction by workers is rare in honey bee colonies that have an active queen. By not producing their own offspring and preventing other workers from producing theirs, workers are thought to increase their inclusive fitness due to their higher average relatedness towards queen-produced male offspring compared with worker-produced male offspring. But there is one exception. Workers of the Cape honey bee, Apis mellifera capensis, are able to produce diploid female offspring via thelytokous parthenogenesis and thus produce clones of themselves. As a result, worker reproduction and tolerance towards worker-produced offspring is expected to be more permissive than in arrhenotokous (sub)species where worker offspring are male. Here we quantify the extent to which A. m. capensis workers contribute to reproduction in queenright colonies using microsatellite analyses of pre-emergent brood. We show that workers produced 10.5% of workers and 0.48% of drones. Most of the workers' contribution towards the production of new workers coincided with the colonies producing new queens during reproductive swarming.  相似文献   
Ovariole number in insects determines potential fecundity and can be influenced by genes, environmental conditions during development and parental effects. In the present study, three hypotheses are tested for ovariole number determination in the grasshopper Romalea microptera (Beauvois), which exhibits both intra‐ and interpopulation variation in ovariole number. In hypothesis 1, variation in ovariole number is a result of genetic variation. In hypothesis 2, ovariole number is influenced by nutrition during development. In hypothesis 3, ovariole number is influenced by maternal nutritional status. Females from four treatments are compared: low‐food, high‐food, daughters of low‐food, and daughters of high‐food. There is a relationship between parent and offspring ovariole number despite different environments, supporting hypothesis 1. Also, ovariole numbers are slightly, but significantly lower in individuals fed a low‐food diet compared with a high‐food diet, supporting hypothesis 2. Hypothesis 3 is not supported: starved and well‐fed females produce eggs of similar mass, as well as offspring with similar numbers of ovarioles, suggesting that the nutritional status of mothers does not influence offspring mass or offspring ovariole number. The results imply that genetic variation and developmental conditions determine ovariole number in this species but maternal environment does not. These results conflict with previous studies of ovariole determination in grasshoppers and locusts.  相似文献   
The morphospace of 54 species of Commelinaceae from nine genera was examined with simultaneous attention to constraints, adaptive hypotheses and relatedness. Eleven morphological traits, including leaf length and width, angle between the leaves and internode distances, were measured for each species and analysed by principal components analysis and nested analysis of variance. The results revealed a significant signal of relatedness in vegetative morphology; genus explained 20–50% of the variance in a single trait. The relationships between some traits are consistent with adaptive explanations. The findings are consistent with the prediction that evolution for optimal phyllotaxis should be relaxed as self‐shading decreases, and that light availability governs leaf size and branching patterns. Constraints potentially explain some trait correlations, and support was found for the hypothesis that structural constraints govern leaf size and internode size correlations. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 257–268.  相似文献   
Eleven microsatellite DNA loci were identified and characterized for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) collected from the Penobscot River, Maine, USA and the River Nith, Scotland, UK. The markers revealed high levels of genetic diversity (seven to 48 alleles per locus), heterozygosity (to 100%), and allelic heterogeneity (all comparisons). Considerable differentiation was observed as the genetic distance (chord) between the two collections was 0.680 and the pairwise FST, 0.12, was highly significant. These findings are consistent with patterns of continental‐level differentiation observed previously using an alternate suite of microsatellite loci. Locus‐by‐locus analyses of molecular variance suggested that most markers were suitable for delineating kinships and population genetic structure.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Proteins of the membrane skeleton of Euglena gracilis were extensively phosphorylated in vivo and in vitro after incubation with [32P]-orthophosphate or γ-[32P] ATP. Endogenous protein threonine/serine activity phosphorylated the major membrane skeletal proteins (articulins) and the putative integral membrane protein (IP39) anchor for articulins. The latter was also the major target for endogenous protein tyrosine kinase activity. A cytoplasmic domain of IP39 was specifically phosphorylated, and removal of this domain with papain eliminated the radiolabeled phosphoamino acids and eliminated or radically shifted the PI of the multiple isoforms of IP39. In gel kinase assays IP39 autophosphorylated and a 25 kDa protein which does not autophosphorylate was identified as a threonine/serine (casein) kinase. Plasma membranes from the membrane skeletal protein complex contained threonine/serine (casein) kinase activity, and cross-linking experiments suggested that IP39 was the likely source for this membrane activity. pH optima, cation requirements and heparin sensitivity of the detergent solubilized membrane activity were determined. Together these results suggest that protein kinases may be important modulators of protein assembly and function of the membrane skeleton of these protistan cells.  相似文献   
Physiological responses to root pruning were investigated bycomparing 14CO2 fixation rates, the partitioning of 14C-labelledassimilate, and soluble and insoluble carbohydrate levels inthe leaves of carrot plants following the removal of some ofthe fibrous roots, or fibrous roots and part of the tap root.Root pruning reduced 14CO2 fixation by 28–45% but leafspecific activity (14C assimilation g-1 leaf fresh weight) wasunchanged. The proportion of total assimilate exported to theroot system increased following root pruning and this was atthe expense of the developing leaves. In younger plants (wherethe tap root received 10% of the assimilate) the supply of 14Cto the tap root was maintained in spite of root pruning. However,shortening the tap root to 3 cm in older plants (in which 30%of the fixed 14C was normally exported to the developing storageorgan), reduced its sink capacity and resulted in slightly greaterretention of 14C in the mature leaves. Greater concentrationsof insoluble carbohydrate were found in the mature leaves followingroot pruning but soluble sugar content was unaffected. Onlysmall differences were observed in the distribution of 14C betweensoluble and insoluble carbohydrate fractions when plants werefed 14CO2 several days after the root pruning operations. Thesephysiological responses were mainly associated with the removalof fibrous roots and support the view that the fibrous rootsystem is more important than the developing storage organ inregulating growth in young carrot plants.  相似文献   
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