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The outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of Gram-negative bacteria has been ascribed multiple functions including maintenance of structural membrane integrity and porin activity. OmpA has also been implicated in various host defense processes in that it contributes to bacterial serum resistance and activates certain immune cells. Recently, OmpA was shown to be the molecular target for neutrophil elastase (NE), and Escherichia coli mutants lacking OmpA were resistant to the bactericidal effects of NE. In addition to NE, neutrophils use a variety of other antibacterial effector molecules such as oxygen radicals and bactericidal peptides or proteins. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of E. coli OmpA regarding susceptibility to other neutrophil-derived defense systems. We found that OmpA-deficient (OmpA(-)), but not wild-type isogenic, E. coli activated human neutrophils to produce oxygen radicals intracellularly. This activation was found to require an intact neutrophil cytoskeleton but was independent of bacterial phagocytosis. Furthermore, we found that the OmpA(-) strain was more susceptible to membrane-acting bactericidal peptides than the wild-type strain, although the susceptibility to different oxygen radicals was independent of the presence of OmpA. Taken together, these data suggest an important role for OmpA in the context of bacteria vs. host interactions.  相似文献   
Abstract Two bla TEM-like genes were characterized that encoded IRT β-lactamases (previously called TRI) in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli resistant to amoxycillin alone and to combinations of amoxycillin with β-lactamase inhibitors. Plasmids carrying this resistance were isolated from E. coli K 12 transconjugants and the genes were sequenced after amplification of defined fragments, using TEM-1-specific primers. The gene for IRT-1 β-lactamase resembled the bla TEM-1B gene, and that for IRT-2 resembled bla TEM-2. However, both IRT enzymes have a glutamine residue at position 37, which is characteristic of TEM-1. The unique nucleotide difference with parental genes corresponding to amino acid variation was observed at nucleotide position 929. The consequence of C to T transition in the bla IRT-1 gene and C to A transversion in the bla IRT-2 gene was the substitution of arginine 241 in the native protein by cysteine and serine, respectively, in the mutants. Thus, the nature of amino acid 241 is critical in conferring resistance or susceptibility to β-lactamase inhibitors. Furthermore, these basic to neutral amino acid replacements explain the more acidic p I (p I =5.2) of these IRT enzymes compared to that of TEM-1 (p I =5.4). The presence of cysteine-241 in IRT-1 also explains the selective sensitivity of this β-lactamase to inhibition by p -chloromercuribenzoate.  相似文献   
It is widely accepted that neutrophil serine proteases (NSPs) play a critical role in neutrophil-associated lung inflammatory and tissue-destructive diseases. To investigate NSP pathogenic role(s), various mouse experimental models have been developed that mimic acutely or chronically injured human lungs. We and others are using mouse exposure to cigarette smoke as a model for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with or without exacerbation. However, the relative contribution of NSPs to lung disease processes as well as their underlying mechanisms remains still poorly understood. And the lack of purified mouse NSPs and their specific substrates have hampered advances in these studies. In this work, we compared mouse and human NSPs and generated three-dimensional models of murine NSPs based on three-dimensional structures of their human homologs. Analyses of these models provided compelling evidence that peptide substrate specificities of human and mouse NSPs are different despite their conserved cleft and close structural resemblance. These studies allowed us to synthesize for the first time novel sensitive fluorescence resonance energy transfer substrates for individual mouse NSPs. Our findings and the newly identified substrates should better our understanding about the role of NSPs in the pathogenesis of cigarette-associated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as other neutrophils-associated inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   
Proteinase 3 (PR3), is a matrix-degrading serine proteinase expressed in different hematopoietic cell lineages. The PR3 protein appears to regulate the myeloid differentiation and was found to be the autoantigen associated with Wegener granulomatosis. We have isolated and characterized the gene for mouse PR3 (mPR3) and determined its chromosomal location. The gene has been localized to Chromosome (Chr) 10. Comparison of mouse PR3 genomic structure with that of its human counterpart indicates that: 1) the mPR3 gene spans 7 kb organized in 5 exons and 4 introns, 2) the codons of His-Asp-Ser of the catalytic site are conserved and spread out over different exons, similar to the human gene, and 3) the gene product encodes a pre-proform of the protein. Knowledge of the structure and chromosomal location of the mPR3 gene may help better the understanding of the temporal and cell-specific expression of mouse PR3. Received: 14 July 1998 / Accepted: 28 October 1998  相似文献   
Activated neutrophils use myeloperoxidase (MPO) to generate an array of potent toxic oxidants. In the current studies we used genetically altered mice deficient in MPO to investigate the role of the enzyme in host defense against the Gram-negative bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae, an important human pathogen. For comparison, we used mice deficient in the antimicrobial molecule, neutrophil elastase (NE). When challenged i.p., mice deficient in either MPO or NE were markedly more susceptible to bacterial infection and death. In vitro studies suggested that MPO impairs the morphology of bacteria in a distinctive way. Of importance, our in vitro studies found that MPO mediated oxidative inactivation of NE, an enzyme that has been widely implicated in the pathogenesis of various tissue-destructive diseases. This pathway of oxidative inactivation may be physiologically relevant, because activated neutrophils isolated from MPO-deficient mice exhibited increased elastase activity. Our observations provide strong evidence that MPO, like NE, is a key player in the killing of K. pneumoniae bacteria. They also suggest that MPO may modulate NE to protect the host from the tissue-degrading activity of this proteinase.  相似文献   
Differentiation of neutrophil granulocytes (neutrophils) occurs through several steps in the bone marrow and requires a coordinate regulation of factors determining survival and lineage-specific development. A number of genes are known whose deficiency disrupts neutrophil generation in humans and in mice. One of the proteins encoded by these genes, glucose-6-phosphatase-β (G6PC3), is involved in glucose metabolism. G6PC3 deficiency causes neutropenia in humans and in mice, linked to enhanced apoptosis and ER stress. We used a model of conditional Hoxb8 expression to test molecular and functional differentiation as well as survival defects in neutrophils from G6PC3−/− mice. Progenitor lines were established and differentiated into neutrophils when Hoxb8 was turned off. G6PC3−/− progenitor cells underwent substantial apoptosis when differentiation was started. Transgenic expression of Bcl-XL rescued survival; however, Bcl-XL-protected differentiated cells showed reduced proliferation, immaturity and functional deficiency such as altered MAP kinase signaling and reduced cytokine secretion. Impaired glucose utilization was found and was associated with ER stress and apoptosis, associated with the upregulation of Bim and Bax; downregulation of Bim protected against apoptosis during differentiation. ER-stress further caused a profound loss of expression and secretion of the main neutrophil product neutrophil elastase during differentiation. Transplantation of wild-type Hoxb8-progenitor cells into irradiated mice allowed differentiation into neutrophils in the bone marrow in vivo. Transplantation of G6PC3−/− cells yielded few mature neutrophils in bone marrow and peripheral blood. Transgenic Bcl-XL permitted differentiation of G6PC3−/− cells in vivo. However, functional deficiencies and differentiation abnormalities remained. Differentiation of macrophages from Hoxb8-dependent progenitors was only slightly disturbed. A combination of defects in differentiation and survival thus underlies neutropenia in G6PC3−/− deficiency, both originating from a reduced ability to utilize glucose. Hoxb8-dependent cells are a model to study differentiation and survival of the neutrophil lineage.  相似文献   
Surfactant protein D (SP-D) plays important roles in innate immunity including the defense against bacteria, fungi, and respiratory viruses. Because SP-D specifically interacts with neutrophils that infiltrate the lung in response to acute inflammation and infection, we examined the hypothesis that the neutrophil-derived serine proteinases (NSPs): neutrophil elastase, proteinase-3, and cathepsin G degrade SP-D. All three human NSPs specifically cleaved recombinant rat and natural human SP-D dodecamers in a time- and dose-dependent manner, which was reciprocally dependent on calcium concentration. The NSPs generated similar, relatively stable, disulfide cross-linked immunoreactive fragments of approximately 35 kDa (reduced), and sequencing of a major catheptic fragment definitively localized the major sites of cleavage to a highly conserved subregion of the carbohydrate recognition domain. Cleavage markedly reduced the ability of SP-D to promote bacterial aggregation and to bind to yeast mannan in vitro. Incubation of SP-D with isolated murine neutrophils led to the generation of similar fragments, and cleavage was inhibited with synthetic and natural serine proteinase inhibitors. In addition, neutrophils genetically deficient in neutrophil elastase and/or cathepsin G were impaired in their ability to degrade SP-D. Using a mouse model of acute bacterial pneumonia, we observed the accumulation of SP-D at sites of neutrophil infiltration coinciding with the appearance of approximately 35-kDa SP-D fragments in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Together, our data suggest that neutrophil-derived serine proteinases cleave SP-D at sites of inflammation with potential deleterious effects on its biological functions.  相似文献   
The observation that antioxidant vitamins fail to confer protective benefits in large, well-designed randomized clinical trials has led many to question the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of disease. However, there is little evidence that proposed antioxidants actually scavenge reactive intermediates in vivo. Ascorbate reacts rapidly with oxidants produced by activated neutrophils in vitro, and neutrophils markedly increase their oxidant production when mice are infected intraperitoneally with the gram-negative bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. To explore the antioxidant properties of ascorbate in vivo, we therefore used K. pneumoniae infection as a model of oxidative stress. When mice deficient in L-gulono-gamma-lactone oxidase (Gulo(-/-)), the rate-limiting enzyme in ascorbate synthesis, were depleted of ascorbate and infected with K. pneumoniae, they were three times as likely as ascorbate-replete Gulo(-/-)mice to die from infection. Mass spectrometric analysis of peritoneal lavage fluid revealed a marked increase in the levels of oxidized amino acids and of F2-isoprostanes (sensitive and specific markers of lipid oxidation) in infected animals. Surprisingly, there were no significant differences in the levels of the oxidation products in the ascorbate-deficient and -replete Gulo(-/-)mice. Our observations suggest that ascorbate plays a previously unappreciated role in host defense mechanisms against invading pathogens but that the vitamin does not protect amino acids and lipids from oxidative damage during acute inflammation. To examine the oxidation hypothesis of disease, optimal antioxidant regimens that block oxidative reactions in animals and humans need to be identified.  相似文献   
According to the widely accepted view, neutrophil elastase (NE), a neutrophil-specific serine protease, is a major contributor to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection-associated host tissue inflammation and damage, which in severe cases can lead to death. Herein, we provide for the first time compelling evidence that the host rather employs NE to protect itself against P. aeruginosa infection. Using a clinically relevant model of pneumonia, targeted deficiency in NE increased the susceptibility of mice to P. aeruginosa. We found that NE was required for maximal intracellular killing of P. aeruginosa by neutrophils. In investigating the mechanism of NE-mediated killing of P. aeruginosa, we found that NE degraded the major outer membrane protein F, a protein with important functions, including porin activity, maintenance of structural integrity, and sensing of host immune system activation. Consistent with this, the use of an isogenic mutant deficient in outer membrane protein F negated the role of NE in host defense against P. aeruginosa infection.  相似文献   
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