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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) contributes to about 10% of acquired epilepsy. Even though the mechanisms of post-traumatic epileptogenesis are poorly known, a disruption of neuronal networks predisposing to altered neuronal synchrony remains a viable candidate mechanism. We tested a hypothesis that resting state BOLD-fMRI functional connectivity can reveal network abnormalities in brain regions that are connected to the lesioned cortex, and that these changes associate with functional impairment, particularly epileptogenesis. TBI was induced using lateral fluid-percussion injury in seven adult male Sprague-Dawley rats followed by functional imaging at 9.4T 4 months later. As controls we used six sham-operated animals that underwent all surgical operations but were not injured. Electroencephalogram (EEG)-functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was performed to measure resting functional connectivity. A week after functional imaging, rats were implanted with bipolar skull electrodes. After recovery, rats underwent pentyleneterazol (PTZ) seizure-susceptibility test under EEG. For image analysis, four pairs of regions of interests were analyzed in each hemisphere: ipsilateral and contralateral frontal and parietal cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus. High-pass and low-pass filters were applied to functional imaging data. Group statistics comparing injured and sham-operated rats and correlations over time between each region were calculated. In the end, rats were perfused for histology. None of the rats had epileptiform discharges during functional imaging. PTZ-test, however revealed increased seizure susceptibility in injured rats as compared to controls. Group statistics revealed decreased connectivity between the ipsilateral and contralateral parietal cortex and between the parietal cortex and hippocampus on the side of injury as compared to sham-operated animals. Injured animals also had abnormal negative connectivity between the ipsilateral and contralateral parietal cortex and other regions. Our data provide the first evidence on abnormal functional connectivity after experimental TBI assessed with resting state BOLD-fMRI.  相似文献   
Cerebrovascular diseases are one of the most common causes of epilepsy in adults, and the incidence of stroke-induced epileptogenesis is increasing as the population ages. The mechanisms that lead to stroke-induced epileptogenesis in a subpopulation of patients, however, are still poorly understood. Recent advances in inducing epileptogenesis in rodent focal ischemia models have provided tools that can be used to identify the risk factors and neurobiologic changes leading to development of epilepsy after stroke. Here we summarize data from models in which epileptogenesis has been studied after focal ischemia; photothrombosis, middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion with filament, and endothelin-1-induced MCA occlusion. Analysis of the data indicates that neurobiologic changes occurring during stroke-induced epileptogenesis share some similarities to those induced by status epilepticus or traumatic brain injury. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Simo S. Oja  相似文献   
From a population-based study on the incidence of potentially drug-associated blood dyscrasias 28 cases were identified with pancytopenia. Who recovered within 90 days after diagnosis. Early recovery occurred more frequently in patients showing normal or increased cellularity of the bone marrow than in patients with bone marrow hypoplasia. Median recovery times of leukocytes were 14 and 10 days and of platelets 21 and 9 days in patients with and without bone marrow hypoplasia, respectively. Age and sex distribution were similar in both groups. Of 28 patients, 11 reported a period of fever before onset of pancytopenia. Sixteen patients in whom information on drug use was available had taken a median of 4 drugs before the onset of symptoms that were related to pancytopenia. From these results we present the hypothesis that transient pancytopenia with or without marrow hypoplasia can be the expression of the same type of bone marrow injury and that drugs or viral infections should be considered as etiological factors.  相似文献   
The effect of vigabatrin (gamma-vinyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid), a new anticonvulsant drug, on the transmitter amino acids in rat cisternal CSF was studied. CSF was collected through a permanently implanted polyethylene cannula from freely moving rats at 5, 24, 48, and 96 h after administration of 1,000 mg/kg of vigabatrin. The free gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) level was elevated maximally (13.5-fold; p less than 0.01) at 24 h after injection. The homocarnosine (GABA-histidine) level also was increased (123%; p less than 0.01) at 24 h after injection, and its concentration remained at the same level for the next 3 days. Glycine and taurine concentrations had increased [31% (p less than 0.05) and 63% (p less than 0.01), respectively] at 5 h after injection. It is interesting that the levels of glutamate and aspartate increased [330% (p less than 0.05) and 421% (p less than 0.01), respectively] at 96 h after injection, the time when the free GABA level had returned to the baseline concentration and the vigabatrin level was 3% of the maximal concentration. The present study indicates that a single dose of vigabatrin in rats elevates levels of both the inhibitory and excitatory amino acids in CSF. However, the temporal profile of observed changes in relation to vigabatrin injection shows that neither the long-lasting elevation of GABA content nor the increase in glutamate and aspartate levels correlates with the level of vigabatrin in CSF. These findings suggest that the excitatory mechanisms are also augmented following acute administration of vigabatrin, especially when the content of GABA had decreased to the baseline level and the level of vigabatrin was low.  相似文献   
Mutation in Plaur gene encoding urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) results in epilepsy and autistic phenotype in mice. In humans, a single nucleotide polymorphism in PLAUR gene represents a risk for autism spectrum disorders. Importantly, the expression of uPAR is elevated in the brain after various epileptogenic insults like traumatic brain injury and status epilepticus. So far, the consequences of altered uPAR expression on brain networks are poorly known. We tested a hypothesis that uPAR regulates post-injury neuronal reorganization and consequent functional outcome, particularly epileptogenesis. Epileptogenesis was induced by intrahippocampal injection of kainate in adult male wild type (Wt) or uPAR knockout (uPAR?/?) mice, and animals were monitored with continuous (24/7) video-electroencephalogram for 30 days. The severity of status epilepticus did not differ between the genotypes. The spontaneous electrographic seizures which developed were, however, longer and their behavioral manifestations were more severe in uPAR?/? than Wt mice. The more severe epilepsy phenotype in uPAR?/? mice was associated with delayed but augmented inflammatory response and more severe neurodegeneration in the hippocampus. Also, the distribution of newly born cells in the dentate gyrus was more scattered, and the recovery of hippocampal blood vessel length from status epilepticus-induced damage was compromised in uPAR?/? mice as compared to Wt mice. Our data demonstrate that a deficiency in uPAR represents a mechanisms which results in the development of a more severe epilepsy phenotype and progressive brain pathology after status epilepticus. We suggest that uPAR represents a rational target for disease-modifying treatments after epileptogenic brain insults.  相似文献   
Deficient energy metabolism and network hyperactivity are the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, we show that administration of exogenous oxidative energy substrates (OES) corrects neuronal energy supply deficiency that reduces the amyloid‐beta‐induced abnormal neuronal activity in vitro and the epileptic phenotype in AD model in vivo. In vitro, acute application of protofibrillar amyloid‐β1–42 (Aβ1–42) induced aberrant network activity in wild‐type hippocampal slices that was underlain by depolarization of both the neuronal resting membrane potential and GABA‐mediated current reversal potential. Aβ1–42 also impaired synaptic function and long‐term potentiation. These changes were paralleled by clear indications of impaired energy metabolism, as indicated by abnormal NAD(P)H signaling induced by network activity. However, when glucose was supplemented with OES pyruvate and 3‐beta‐hydroxybutyrate, Aβ1–42 failed to induce detrimental changes in any of the above parameters. We administered the same OES as chronic supplementation to a standard diet to APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice displaying AD‐related epilepsy phenotype. In the ex‐vivo slices, we found neuronal subpopulations with significantly depolarized resting and GABA‐mediated current reversal potentials, mirroring abnormalities we observed under acute Aβ1‐42 application. Ex‐vivo cortex of transgenic mice fed with standard diet displayed signs of impaired energy metabolism, such as abnormal NAD(P)H signaling and strongly reduced tolerance to hypoglycemia. Transgenic mice also possessed brain glycogen levels twofold lower than those of wild‐type mice. However, none of the above neuronal and metabolic dysfunctions were observed in transgenic mice fed with the OES‐enriched diet. In vivo, dietary OES supplementation abated neuronal hyperexcitability, as the frequency of both epileptiform discharges and spikes was strongly decreased in the APPswe/PS1dE9 mice placed on the diet. Altogether, our results suggest that early AD‐related neuronal malfunctions underlying hyperexcitability and energy metabolism deficiency can be prevented by dietary supplementation with native energy substrates.  相似文献   
Gene therapy represents an innovative and promising alternative for the treatment of epileptic patients who are resistant to conventional antiepileptic drugs. Among the various approaches for the application of gene therapy in the treatment of CNS disorders, recombinant viral vectors have been most widely used so far. Several gene targets could be used to correct the compromized balance between inhibitory and excitatory transmission in epilepsy. Transduction of neuropeptide genes such as galanin and neuropeptide Y (NPY) in specific brain areas in experimental models of seizures resulted in significant anticonvulsant effects. In particular, the long-lasting NPY over-expression obtained in the rat hippocampus using intracerebral application of recombinant adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors reduced the generalization of seizures from their site of onset, delayed acquisition of fully kindled seizures and afforded neuroprotection. These results establish a proof-of-principle for the applicability of AAV-NPY vectors for the inhibition of seizures in epilepsy. Additional investigations are required to demonstrate a therapeutic role of gene therapy in chronic models of seizures and to address in more detail safety concerns and possible side-effects.  相似文献   
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