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Spheroplasts from aerobically grown wild-type Paracoccus denitrificans cells respire with succinate despite specific inhibition of the cytochrome bc1 complex by myxothiazol. Coupled to this activity, which involves only b-type cytochromes, there is translocation of 1.5-1.9 h+/e- across the cytoplasmic membrane. Similar H+ translocation ratios are observed during oxidation of ubiquinol in spheroplasts from aerobically grown mutants of Paracoccus lacking cytochrome c oxidase, or deficient in cytochrome c, as well as in a strain of E. coli from which cytochrome d was deleted. These observations show that the cytochrome o complex is a proton pump much like cytochrome aa3 to which it is structurally related.  相似文献   
The temperature dependence of the transport kinetics of flounder Na(+)-coupled inorganic phosphate (P(i)) cotransporters (NaPi-IIb) expressed in Xenopus oocytes was investigated using radiotracer and electrophysiological assays. (32)P(i) uptake was strongly temperature-dependent and decreased by approximately 80% at a temperature change from 25 degrees C to 5 degrees C. The corresponding activation energy (E (a)) was approximately 14 kcal mol(-1) for the cotransport mode. The temperature dependence of the cotransport and leak modes was determined from electrogenic responses to 1 mM P(i) and phosphonoformic acid (PFA), respectively, under voltage clamp. The magnitude of the P(i)- and PFA-induced changes in holding current decreased with temperature. E (a) at -100 mV for the cotransport and leak modes was approximately 16 kcal mol(-1) and approximately 11 kcal mol(-1), respectively, which suggested that the leak is mediated by a carrier, rather than a channel, mechanism. Moreover, E (a) for cotransport was voltage-independent, suggesting that a major conformational change in the transport cycle is electroneutral. To identify partial reactions that confer temperature dependence, we acquired presteady-state currents at different temperatures with 0 mM P(i) over a range of external Na(+). The relaxation time constants increased, and the peak time constant shifted toward more positive potentials with decreasing temperature. Likewise, there was a depolarizing shift of the charge distribution, whereas the total available charge and apparent valency predicted from single Boltzmann fits were temperature-independent. These effects were explained by an increased temperature sensitivity of the Na(+)-debinding rate compared with the other voltage-dependent rate constants.  相似文献   
Two α-l-arabinofuranosidases with different substrate specificities were used to modify the arabinose-to-xylose ratio of cereal arabinoxylans: one enzyme (AXH-m) removed the l-arabinofuranosyl substituents from the monosubstituted xylopyranosyl residues and the other (AXH-d3) the (1 → 3)-linked l-arabinofuranosyl units from the disubstituted xylopyranosyl residue. In this study, we noticed that not only the arabinose-to-xylose ratio but also the position of the arabinofuranosyl substituents affects the water-solubility of arabinoxylans. The AXH-d3 treatment had no significant effect on the solution conformation of arabinoxylans, but the density of the arabinoxylan molecules decreased in DMSO solution after AXH-m modification. The possible heterogeneity of arabinoxylans complicated the interpretation of data describing the macromolecular properties of the enzymatically modified samples.  相似文献   
Applying distance-to-frontier analysis, we have used 2.9 million patents and population data to assess whether the relative capacity of world countries and major regions to create new knowledge and technology has become globally more equal or less equal between 1990 and 2010. We show with the Gini coefficient that the global distribution of inventors has become more equal between major countries and regions. However, this trend has been largely due to the improved performance of only two major countries, China and India. The worst performing regions, totalling a population of almost 2 billion, are actually falling behind. Our results suggest that substantial parts of the global population have fallen further behind countries at the global frontier in their ability to create new knowledge and inventions, and that the catch-up among the least developed and middle-income countries is highly uneven, prompting questions about the nature and future of the global knowledge economy.  相似文献   
Several studies suggest the involvement of Na+ and HCO3 transport in the formation of cerebrospinal fluid. Two Na+-dependent HCO3 transporters were recently localized to the epithelial cells of the rat choroid plexus (NBCn1 and NCBE), and the mRNA for a third protein was also detected (NBCe2) (Praetorius J, Nejsum LN, and Nielsen S. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 286: C601–C610, 2004). Our goal was to immunolocalize the NBCe2 to the choroid plexus by immunohistochemistry and immunogold electronmicroscopy and to functionally characterize the bicarbonate transport in the isolated rat choroid plexus by measurements of intracellular pH (pHi) using a dual-excitation wavelength pH-sensitive dye (BCECF). Both antisera derived from COOH-terminal and NH2-terminal NBCe2 peptides localized NBCe2 to the brush-border membrane domain of choroid plexus epithelial cells. Steady-state pHi in choroidal cells increased from 7.03 ± 0.02 to 7.38 ± 0.02 (n = 41) after addition of CO2/HCO3 into the bath solution. This increase was Na+ dependent and inhibited by the Cl and HCO3 transport inhibitor DIDS (200 µM). This suggests the presence of Na+-dependent, partially DIDS-sensitive HCO3 uptake. The pHi recovery after acid loading revealed an initial Na+ and HCO3-dependent net base flux of 0.828 ± 0.116 mM/s (n = 8). The initial flux in the presence of CO2/HCO3 was unaffected by DIDS. Our data support the existence of both DIDS-sensitive and -insensitive Na+- and HCO3-dependent base loader uptake into the rat choroid plexus epithelial cells. This is consistent with the localization of the three base transporters NBCn1, Na+-driven Cl bicarbonate exchanger, and NBCe2 in this tissue. bicarbonate metabolism; BCECF; cerebrospinal fluid; acid/base transport; ammonium prepulse  相似文献   
The fluorescence of a fluorophore depends on its environment, and if attached to a protein it may report on conformational changes. We have combined two-electrode voltage clamp with simultaneous fluorescence measurements to detect conformational changes in a type IIb Na(+)/P(i) cotransporter expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Four novel Cys, labeled with a fluorescent probe, yielded voltage- and substrate-dependent changes in fluorescence (F). Neither Cys substitution nor labeling significantly altered the mutant electrogenic properties. Different F responses to voltage and substrate were recorded at the four sites. S155C, located in an intracellular re-entrant loop in the first half of the protein, and E451C, located in an extracellular re-entrant loop in the second half of the protein, both showed Na(+), Li(+), and P(i)-dependent F signals. S226C and Q319C, located at opposite ends of a large extracellular loop in the middle of the protein, mainly responded to changes in Na(+) and Li(+). Hyperpolarization increased F for S155C and S226C but decreased F for Q319C and E451C. The labeling and F response of S155C, confirmed that the intracellular loop containing Ser-155 is re-entrant as it is accessible from the extracellular milieu. The behavior of S155C and E451C indicates a strong involvement of the two re-entrant loops in conformational changes during the transport cycle. Moreover, the data for S226C and Q319C suggest that also the large extracellular loop is associated with transport function. Finally, the reciprocal voltage dependences of the S155C-E451C and S226C-Q319C pairs suggest reciprocal conformational changes during the transport cycle for their respective local environments.  相似文献   
The folding of most integral membrane proteins follows a two‐step process: initially, individual transmembrane helices are inserted into the membrane by the Sec translocon. Thereafter, these helices fold to shape the final conformation of the protein. However, for some proteins, including Aquaporin 1 (AQP1), the folding appears to follow a more complicated path. AQP1 has been reported to first insert as a four‐helical intermediate, where helix 2 and 4 are not inserted into the membrane. In a second step, this intermediate is folded into a six‐helical topology. During this process, the orientation of the third helix is inverted. Here, we propose a mechanism for how this reorientation could be initiated: first, helix 3 slides out from the membrane core resulting in that the preceding loop enters the membrane. The final conformation could then be formed as helix 2, 3, and 4 are inserted into the membrane and the reentrant regions come together. We find support for the first step in this process by showing that the loop preceding helix 3 can insert into the membrane. Further, hydrophobicity curves, experimentally measured insertion efficiencies and MD‐simulations suggest that the barrier between these two hydrophobic regions is relatively low, supporting the idea that helix 3 can slide out of the membrane core, initiating the rearrangement process.  相似文献   
In males of the flea beetle, Alagoasa bicolor L., spermatocytes have two achiasmate sex chromosomes, X and Y, each of which is approximately five times larger than the ten pairs of chiasmate autosomes. At metaphase I, these univalent sex chromosomes are located on a spindle domain separated from the autosomal spindle domain by a sheath of mitochondria. A single centriole pair is located at each pole of the spindle. In prometaphase I, each sex chromosome appears to maintain an attachment to both spindle poles via kinetochore microtubules (i.e., amphitelic orientation). Before anaphase I, this orientation changes to the syntelic orientation (both sister kinetochores connected to the same pole), perhaps by the release of microtubule attachments from the more distant pole by each of the chromosomes. The syntelic orientation just prior to anaphase I leaves each sex chromosome attached to the nearest pole via kinetochore microtubules, ensuring nonrandom segregation. As the sex chromosomes reorient, the autosomes follow in a sequential manner, starting with the bivalent closest to the sex spindle domain. We report here data that shed new light on the mechanism of this exceptional meiotic chromosome behavior.  相似文献   
Voltage clamp fluorometry (VCF) combines conventional two-electrode voltage clamp with fluorescence measurements to detect protein conformational changes, as sensed by a fluorophore covalently attached to the protein. We have applied VCF to a type IIb Na+-coupled phosphate cotransporter (NaPi-IIb), in which a novel cysteine was introduced in the putative third extracellular loop and expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Labeling this cysteine (S448C) with methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents blocked cotransport function, however previous electrophysiological studies (Lambert G., I.C. Forster, G. Stange, J. Biber, and H. Murer. 1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:637–651) suggest that substrate interactions with the protein can still occur, thus permitting study of a limited subset of states. After labeling S448C with the fluorophore tetramethylrhodamine MTS, we detected voltage- and substrate-dependent changes in fluorescence (ΔF), which suggested that this site lies in an environment that is affected by conformational change in the protein. ΔF was substrate dependent (no ΔF was detectable in 0 mM Na+) and showed little correlation with presteady-state charge movements, indicating that the two signals provide insight into different underlying physical processes. Interpretation of ion substitution experiments indicated that the substrate binding order differs from our previous model (Forster, I., N. Hernando, J. Biber, and H. Murer. 1998. J. Gen. Physiol. 112:1–18). In the new model, two (rather than one) Na+ ions precede Pi binding, and only the second Na+ binding transition is voltage dependent. Moreover, we show that Li+, which does not drive cotransport, interacts with the first Na+ binding transition. The results were incorporated in a new model of the transport cycle of type II Na+/Pi cotransporters, the validity of which is supported by simulations that successfully predict the voltage and substrate dependency of the experimentally determined fluorescence changes.  相似文献   
Weissella confusa VTT E-90392 is an efficient producer of a dextran that is mainly composed of α-(1→6)-linked D-glucosyl units and very few α-(1→3) branch linkages. A mixture of the Chaetomium erraticum endodextranase and the Aspergillus niger α-glucosidase was used to hydrolyze W. confusa dextran to glucose and a set of enzyme-resistant isomaltooligosaccharides. Two of the oligosaccharides (tetra- and hexasaccharide) were isolated in pure form and their structures elucidated. The tetrasaccharide had a nonreducing end terminal α-(1→3)-linked glucosyl unit (α-D-Glcp-(1→3)-α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glc), whereas the hexasaccharide had an α-(1→3)-linked isomaltosyl side group (α-D-Glcp-(1→6)[α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glcp-(1→3)]-α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glc). A mixture of two isomeric oligosaccharides was also obtained in the pentasaccharide fraction, which were identified as (α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glcp-(1→3)-α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glc) and (α-D-Glcp-(1→6)[α-D-Glcp-(1→3)]-α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glcp-(1→6)-α-D-Glc). The structures of the oligosaccharides indicated that W. confusa dextran contains both terminal and elongated α-(1→3)-branches. This is the first report evidencing the presence of elongated branches in W. confusa dextran. The (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopic data on the enzyme-resistant isomaltooligosaccharides with α-(1→3)-linked glucosyl and isomaltosyl groups are published here for the first time.  相似文献   
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