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After reviewing the use of non-human primates of the Old and New Worlds for human malaria research, we concluded that another experimental animal which is easily available to use and possible to rear indoors is needed. Thus, we studied the susceptibility of the marmoset Callithrix penicillata to Plasmodium falciparum erythrocytic infections. The marmosets received various P. falciparum human isolates, directly from a patient and from continuous cultures. The Palo Alto strain, which has been adapted to the night monkey Aotus trivirgatus and further maintained in the squirrel monkey Saimiri sciureus was also used. In a total of 20 marmosets we performed 31 inoculations, with 10(5) to 10(9) parasites, intraperitoneally, intracardiacly or intravenously. Blood samples from each animal were examined daily up to day 90 post-inoculation. None of the intact marmosets developed patent infections. Four out of 19 C. penicillata, previously splenectomized, showed circulating parasites for up to five days after intravenous inoculation with the Palo Alto strain, becoming negative thereafter. Neither the addition to the simian diet of p-aminobenzoic acid, essential for the parasite metabolism, nor drug-immunosuppression, improved the marmoset susceptibility to P. falciparum.  相似文献   
Plasmodium (Novyella) juxtanucleare is a widely distributed parasite that primarily infects chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). All species of Novyella are characterized by very small schizonts, which in the case of P. juxtanucleare are always found juxtaposed to the erythrocyte nucleus, hence its name. Nearly complete small-subunit ribosomal RNA sequences have been obtained from 2 isolates of this species, and comparisons with other Plasmodium species have been made. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that this parasite is closely related to other avian-infecting Plasmodium species and that molecular relationships among the avian-infecting plasmodia do not correspond to their morphology-based subgeneric classifications.  相似文献   
The Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase enzyme (PfLDH) has been considered as a potential molecular target for antimalarials due to this parasite's dependence on glycolysis for energy production. Because the LDH enzymes found in P. vivax, P. malariae and P. ovale (pLDH) all exhibit ~90% identity to PfLDH, it would be desirable to have new anti-pLDH drugs, particularly ones that are effective against P. falciparum, the most virulent species of human malaria. Our present work used docking studies to select potential inhibitors of pLDH, which were then tested for antimalarial activity against P. falciparum in vitro and P. berghei malaria in mice. A virtual screening in DrugBank for analogs of NADH (an essential cofactor to pLDH) and computational studies were undertaken, and the potential binding of the selected compounds to the PfLDH active site was analyzed using Molegro Virtual Docker software. Fifty compounds were selected based on their similarity to NADH. The compounds with the best binding energies (itraconazole, atorvastatin and posaconazole) were tested against P. falciparum chloroquine-resistant blood parasites. All three compounds proved to be active in two immunoenzymatic assays performed in parallel using monoclonals specific to PfLDH or a histidine rich protein (HRP2). The IC(50) values for each drug in both tests were similar, were lowest for posaconazole (<5 μM) and were 40- and 100-fold less active than chloroquine. The compounds reduced P. berghei parasitemia in treated mice, in comparison to untreated controls; itraconazole was the least active compound. The results of these activity trials confirmed that molecular docking studies are an important strategy for discovering new antimalarial drugs. This approach is more practical and less expensive than discovering novel compounds that require studies on human toxicology, since these compounds are already commercially available and thus approved for human use.  相似文献   
Several species of Aspidosperma plants are used to treat diseases in the tropics, including Aspidosperma ramiflorum, which acts against leishmaniasis, an activity that is experimentally confirmed. The species, known as guatambu-yellow, yellow peroba, coffee-peroba andmatiambu, grows in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil in the South to the Southeast regions. Through a guided biofractionation of A. ramiflorum extracts, the plant activity against Plasmodium falciparum was evaluated in vitro for toxicity towards human hepatoma G2 cells, normal monkey kidney cells and nonimmortalised human monocytes isolated from peripheral blood. Six of the seven extracts tested were active at low doses (half-maximal drug inhibitory concentration < 3.8 µg/mL); the aqueous extract was inactive. Overall, the plant extracts and the purified compounds displayed low toxicity in vitro. A nonsoluble extract fraction and one purified alkaloid isositsirikine (compound 5) displayed high selectivity indexes (SI) (= 56 and 113, respectively), whereas compounds 2 and 3 were toxic (SI < 10). The structure, activity and low toxicity of isositsirikine in vitro are described here for the first time in A. ramiflorum, but only the neutral and precipitate plant fractions were tested for activity, which caused up to 53% parasitaemia inhibition of Plasmodium berghei in mice with blood-induced malaria. This plant species is likely to be useful in the further development of an antimalarial drug, but its pharmacological evaluation is still required.  相似文献   
Most medicinal plants used against malaria in endemic areas aim to treat the acute symptoms of the disease such as high temperature fevers with periodicity and chills. In some endemic areas of the Brazilian Amazon region one medicinal plant seems to be an exception: Ampelozyziphus amazonicus, locally named “Indian beer” or “Saracura-mira”, used to prevent the disease when taken daily as a cold suspension of powdered dried roots. In previous work we found no activity of the plant extracts against malaria blood parasites in experimentally infected animals (mice and chickens) or in cultures of Plasmodium falciparum. However, in infections induced by sporozoites, chickens treated with plant extracts were partially protected against Plasmodium gallinaceum and showed reduced numbers of exoerythrocytic forms in the brain. We now present stronger evidence that the ethanolic extract of “Indian beer” roots hampers in vitro and in vivo development of Plasmodium berghei sporozoites, a rodent malaria parasite. Some mice treated with high doses of the plant extract did not become infected after sporozoite inoculation, whereas others had a delayed prepatent period and lower parasitemia. Our data validates the use of “Indian beer” as a remedy for malaria prophylaxis in the Amazon, where the plant exists and the disease represents an important problem which is difficult to control. Studies aiming to identify the active compounds responsible for the herein described causal prophylactic activity are needed and may lead to a new antimalarial prophylactic.  相似文献   
A circumsporozoite protein-specific monoclonal antibody (N2H6D5) was injected into malaria-infected mosquitoes to determine its effect on the sporogonic cycle. After injection of antibody into mosquitoes (100 ng each), positive immunofluorescence (measured on air-dried sporozoites) reactions in hemolymph extracts were observed at a dilution of 1:1000. At 72 hr postinjection the levels dropped to 1:10. Sporozoites coinjected with antibody did not invade the salivary glands. In naturally infected mosquitoes, sporozoites were released over a period of 3 to 4 days. Therefore, mosquitoes were injected twice. The first injection was a day before the beginning of sporozoite release and the second, 2 days later. Sporozoite invasion of the salivary glands was assessed 3 days after the second injection, by microscopic examination of dissected glands. At this stage, all oocysts had completed maturation and released the sporozoites. Salivary gland infections were totally prevented in mosquitoes given two injections of 100 ng N2H6D5. Hence, sustained presence of anti-circumsporozoite antibodies in the hemolymph can render female Aedes aegypti refractory to Plasmodium gallinaceum.  相似文献   
We are developing transgenic mosquitoes resistant to malaria parasites to test the hypothesis that genetically-engineered mosquitoes can be used to block the transmission of the parasites. We are developing and testing many of the necessary methodologies with the avian malaria parasite, Plasmodium gallinaceum, and its laboratory vector, Aedes aegypti, in anticipation of engaging the technical challenges presented by the malaria parasite, P. falciparum, and its major African vector, Anopheles gambiae. Transformation technology will be used to insert into the mosquito a synthetic gene for resistance to P. gallinaceum. The resistance gene will consist of a promoter of a mosquito gene controlling the expression of an effector protein that interferes with parasite development and/or infectivity. Mosquito genes whose promoter sequences are capable of sex- and tissue-specific expression of exogenous coding sequences have been identified, and stable transformation of the mosquito has been developed. We now are developing the expressed effector portion of the synthetic gene that will interfere with the transmission of the parasites. Mouse monoclonal antibodies that recognize the circumsporozoite protein of P. gallinaceum block sporozoite invasion of mosquito salivary glands, as well as abrogate the infectivity of sporozoites to a vertebrate host, the chicken, Gallus gallus, and block sporozoite invasion and development in susceptible cell lines in vitro. Using the genes encoding these antibodies, we propose to clone and express single-chain antibody constructs (scFv) that will serve as the effector portion of the gene that interferes with transmission of P. gallinaceum sporozoites.  相似文献   
Naphtho[2,3-b]thiophen-4,9-quinone and five derivatives were prepared using the Friedel-Crafts reaction and tandem-lithiation of aromatic diethylamides. These quinones were evaluated for their trypanocidal and anti-plasmodial activities by their effects on: (1) growth of epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro, (2) lysis of trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi in murine blood, (3) growth of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro, and (4) inhibition of the recombinant enzyme trypanothione reductase. The parent compound, naphtho[2,3-b]thiophen-4,9-quinone (3a), was among the most active quinone tested in vitro against P. falciparum at 0.2 μM. However, it was inactive against P. berghei-infected mice treated with 2.3 mmol/kg daily for 5 days. Most of the quinones prepared were active against T. cruzi epimastigotes in culture but exhibited weak activity at 4 °C against trypomastigotes in murine blood as well against the enzyme trypanothione reductase. Further structural modifications will be necessary to improve the in vivo activity of the naphthothiophenquinones.  相似文献   
The antimalarial activity of benzo[a]phenazines synthesized from 1,2-naphthoquinone, lapachol, beta-lapachone and several derivatives have been tested against Plasmodium falciparum in vitro using isolates of parasites with various susceptibilities to chloroquine and/or mefloquine. Parasite growth in the presence of the test drugs was measured by incorporation of [(3)H]-hipoxanthine in comparison to controls with no drugs, always testing in parallel chloroquine, a standard antimalarial. Among seven benzophenazines tested, four had significant in vitro activities; important, the parasites resistant to chloroquine were more susceptible to the active phenazines in vitro. The doses of phenazines causing 50% inhibition of parasite growth varied from 1.67 to 9.44 microM. The two most active ones were also tested in vivo against Plasmodium berghei in mice, in parallel with lapachol and beta-lapachone. The 3-sulfonic acid-beta-lapachone-derived phenazine was the most active causing up to 98% inhibition of parasitaemia in long term treatment (7 doses) subcutaneously, whereas the phenazine from 3-bromo-beta-lapachone was inactive. Thus, these simple phenazines, containing polar (-Br,-I) and ionizable (-SO(3)H, -OH) groups, easily synthesized from cheap, natural or synthetic precursors (lapachol and beta-lapachone), at rather low cost, provide prototypes for development of new antimalarials aiming the chloroquine resistant parasites.  相似文献   
In this review we discuss the ongoing situation of human malaria in the Brazilian Amazon, where it is endemic causing over 610,000 new acute cases yearly, a number which is on the increase. This is partly a result of drug resistant parasites and new antimalarial drugs are urgently needed. The approaches we have used in the search of new drugs during decades are now reviewed and include ethnopharmocology, plants randomly selected, extracts or isolated substances from plants shown to be active against the blood stage parasites in our previous studies. Emphasis is given on the medicinal plant Bidens pilosa, proven to be active against the parasite blood stages in tests using freshly prepared plant extracts. The anti-sporozoite activity of one plant used in the Brazilian endemic area to prevent malaria is also described, the so called "Indian beer" (Ampelozizyphus amazonicus, Rhamnaceae). Freshly prepared extracts from the roots of this plant were totally inactive against blood stage parasites, but active against sporozoites of Plasmodium gallinaceum or the primary exoerythrocytic stages reducing tissue parasitism in inoculated chickens. This result will be of practical importance if confirmed in mammalian malaria. Problems and perspectives in the search for antimalarial drugs are discussed as well as the toxicological and clinical trials to validate some of the active plants for public health use in Brazil.  相似文献   
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