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In meso-eutrophic Lake Constance (Germany-Austria-Switzerland),phytoplankton bioraass, pigments and water transparency, aswell as primary productivity, have been followed between 1980and 1989. During this period, municipal phosphorus loading declinedsignificantly. Since 1981, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP)concentrations during deep lake mixing have decreased from 3.0to currently 1 6 mmol m3 at a rate of 7% year1.Nitrate concentrations, by contrast, continued to rise. Duringthe period of maximum phosphorus loading, flushing through theoutlet and sedimentation were about equally important sinksof phosphorus from the euphotic zone. Recently, however, sedimentationand subsequent burial of P in the bottom deposits contributedabout three-quarters to the overall P-losses from the systemMain reasons for this shift are unchanged settling fluxes ofphosphorus out of the euphotic zone and decreasing concentrationsof total phosphorus in the water. Only during spring, do concentrations of soluble reactive phosphoruswithin the euphotic zone decrease in proportion to the formationof particulate organic matter. Later during the season, euphoticSRP concentrations continue to be low but are no longer matchedby high plankton biomass because phosphorus is efficiently removedby settling of particles In spite of the observed dramatic decreasein phosphorus loading since 1980, chlorophyll concentrationsand water transparency, as well as annual phytoplankton productivity(300 g C m2), have not shown a consistent downward trend.However, the intensity of phosphorus regeneration within theeuphoric zone, which can be used as a measure of the degreeof nutrient limitation, is likely to have increased significantlyThe most probable explanation for the insensitivity of importanttrophic state indicators to reduced nutrient loading is that,in Lake Constance, biomass accumulation to a greater extentis controlled by losses, mainly grazing by zooplankton and sedimentation,than by primary resources. This is concluded from the observationthat phytoplankton biomass always falls far short of the nutrient-dependentcarrying capacity of the system.  相似文献   
The iaaM and iaaH genes of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes play an important role in crown gall and hairy root disease. The iaaM gene codes for tryptophan monooxygenase which converts tryptophan into indole-3-acetamide (IAM). IAM is converted into the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by indoleacetamide hydrolase, encoded by the iaaH gene. In functional studies on the activity of the iaa genes of the TB region of the A. tumefaciens biotype III strain Tm4, the frequently used 35S--glucuronidase (35S-UidA or GUS) marker gene was found to inhibit IAA synthesis and root induction encoded by the TB iaa genes. To exert this inhibition, the 35S-UidA gene must be cotransferred with the iaaH gene. The 35S promoter alone is sufficient to cause the inhibitory effect.  相似文献   
In the present investigation, we examined the role of trophoblast and parietal endoderm cells in the synthesis of carbohydrate-containing components of Reichert's membrane. To eliminate the function of Reichert's membrane as a filter between maternal and embryonal tissues we carried out our examination under in vitro conditions. Parietal yolk sac from mouse embryos on day 9 post coitum (p.c.) were cultivated for 0 to 5 days. Because tannic acid enables a complex formation between carbohydrates and osmium we chose the fixation with this acid for the ultrastructural study. Electron microscopy showed that for assembly of Reichert's membrane, trophoblast cells produce and then release components that were detected as tannic acid-positive granules both in the Reichert's membrane and in the vacuoles of the trophoblast cells. To localize specific carbohydrates we used postembedding-gold-lectin histochemistry on LR-GoldR-embedded tissues. Strong binding sites for the lectins WGA (Triticum vulgare), RCA I (Ricinus communis) and Con A (Canavalia ensiformis) were observed in Reichert's membrane and trophoblast cells but not in the parietal endoderm cells. The LTA (Lotus tetragonolobus)-binding pattern was positive in the membrane and its adjacent cells but that of the LFA (Limax flavus) was negative in the parietal endoderm cells and very weak in Reichert's membrane and trophoblast cells. Our results demonstrate that trophoblast cells are involved in the construction of Reichert's membrane through the production and release of specific glycoconjugates.  相似文献   
Staphylococcal infections that result from an alteration in a patient's immune response at the surgical site are a major problem in procedures that incorporate biomaterials in trauma surgery and joint replacement. Diagnosis of infection based on pathogen detection is difficult and exacerbated by increasing numbers of partially or totally resistant strains of nosocomial pathogens, particularly Staphylococcus aureus. Expression profiling of a host's cellular immune response could facilitate the identification of the pathways involved in pathogen recognition and eradication and could lead to more rational design of drugs and therapies. To this end, we constructed and characterized ten individually tagged and directionally cloned cDNA libraries from peripheral blood cells (PBC), spleen (Sp), thymus (Th), lymph node (LN), and bone marrow (BM) from immunologically naive and challenged pigs as part of an implant-associated orthopedic model of deep infection. Three of these libraries were normalized at C 0 t values 5, 10, 20, and 30. The libraries comprise more than 20 million primary transformants with an average insert length >1.4 kb. Cluster analysis of 7620 ESTs revealed 1029 clusters containing an average of 3.6 sequences and 3846 singletons. Gene discovery is estimated to be ∼64%. Searches of public databases resulted in 49.3% annotated porcine sequences, of which 22.2% had significant homologies to ESTs from a variety of species, and 28.5% were without a significant match in any public database. We also identified 9.1% ESTs as involved in host cell and organism defense and 11.5% related to cell signaling and communication. These sequences, together with the 28.5% appearing as novel, are of specific interest to the infectious disease process.  相似文献   


Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTL) recognize complexes of peptide ligands and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I molecules presented at the surface of Antigen Presenting Cells (APC). Detection and isolation of CTL''s are of importance for research on CTL immunity, and development of vaccines and adoptive immune therapy. Peptide-MHC tetramers have become important reagents for detection and enumeration of specific CTL''s. Conventional peptide-MHC-tetramer production involves recombinant MHC production, in vitro refolding, biotinylation and tetramerization; each step followed by various biochemical steps such as chromatographic purification, concentration etc. Such cumbersome production protocols have limited dissemination and restricted availability of peptide-MHC tetramers effectively precluding large-scale screening strategies involving many different peptide-MHC tetramers.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have developed an approach whereby any given tetramer specificity can be produced within 2 days with very limited effort and hands-on time. The strategy is based on the isolation of correctly oxidized, in vivo biotinylated recombinant MHC I heavy chain (HC). Such biotinylated MHC I HC molecules can be refolded in vitro, tetramerized with streptavidin, and used for specific T cell staining-all in a one-pot reaction without any intervening purification steps.


We have developed an efficient “one-pot, mix-and-read” strategy for peptide-MHC tetramer generation, and demonstrated specific T cell straining comparable to a commercially available MHC-tetramer. Here, seven peptide-MHC tetramers representing four different human MHC (HLA) class I proteins have been generated. The technique should be readily extendable to any binding peptide and pre-biotinylated MHC (at this time we have over 40 different pre-biotinylated HLA proteins). It is simple, robust, and versatile technique with a very broad application potential as it can be adapted both to small- and large-scale production of one or many different peptide-MHC tetramers for T cell isolation, or epitope screening.  相似文献   
KRAS mutations are major factors involved in initiation and maintenance of pancreatic tumors. The impact of different mutations on patient survival has not been clearly defined. We screened tumors from 171 pancreatic cancer patients for mutations in KRAS and CDKN2A genes. Mutations in KRAS were detected in 134 tumors, with 131 in codon 12 and only 3 in codon 61. The GGT>GAT (G12D) was the most frequent mutation and was present in 60% (80/134). Deletions and mutations in CDKN2A were detected in 43 tumors. Analysis showed that KRAS mutations were associated with reduced patient survival in both malignant exocrine and ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC). Patients with PDACs that had KRAS mutations showed a median survival of 17 months compared to 30 months for those without mutations (log-rank P = 0.07) with a multivariate hazard ratio (HR) of 2.19 (95%CI 1.09–4.42). The patients with G12D mutation showed a median survival of 16 months (log-rank-test P = 0.03) and an associated multivariate HR 2.42 (95%CI 1.14–2.67). Although, the association of survival in PDAC patients with CDKN2A aberrations in tumors was not statistically significant, the sub-group of patients with concomitant KRAS mutations and CDKN2A alterations in tumors were associated with a median survival of 13.5 months compared to 22 months without mutation (log-rank-test P = 0.02) and a corresponding HR of 3.07 (95%CI 1.33–7.10). Our results are indicative of an association between mutational status and survival in PDAC patients, which if confirmed in subsequent studies can have potential clinical application.  相似文献   
New commercially available Human Papillomavirus (HPV) assays need to be evaluated in a variety of cervical screening settings. Cobas HPV Test (cobas) is a real-time PCR-based assay allowing for separate detection of HPV genotypes 16 and 18 and a bulk of 12 other high-risk genotypes. The aim of the present study, Horizon, was to assess the prevalence of high-risk HPV infections in an area with a high background risk of cervical cancer, where women aged 23–65 years are targeted for cervical screening. We collected 6,258 consecutive cervical samples from the largest cervical screening laboratory in Denmark serving the whole of Copenhagen. All samples were stored in SurePath media. In total, 5,072 samples were tested with cobas, Hybrid Capture 2 High Risk HPV DNA test (HC2) and liquid-based cytology. Of these, 27% tested positive on cobas. This proportion decreased by age, being 43% in women aged 23–29 years and 10% in women aged 60–65 years. HC2 assay was positive in 20% of samples, and cytology was abnormal (≥ atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) for 7% samples. When only samples without recent abnormalities were taken into account, 24% tested positive on cobas, 19% on HC2, and 5% had abnormal cytology. The proportion of positive cobas samples was higher than in the ATHENA trial. The age-standardized cobas positivity vs. cytology abnormality was 3.9 in our study and 1.7 in ATHENA. If in Copenhagen the presently used cytology would be replaced by cobas in women above age 30 years, an extra 11% of women would based on historical data be expected to have a positive cobas test without an underlying cervical intraepithelial lesion grade 3 or worse. Countries with a high prevalence of HPV infections should therefore proceed to primary HPV-based cervical screening with caution.  相似文献   
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