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Synaptogenesis has been extensively studied along with dendritic spine development in glutamatergic pyramidal neurons, however synapse development in cortical interneurons, which are largely aspiny, is comparatively less well understood. Dact1, one of 3 paralogous Dact (Dapper/Frodo) family members in mammals, is a scaffold protein implicated in both the Wnt/β-catenin and the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity pathways. We show here that Dact1 is expressed in immature cortical interneurons. Although Dact1 is first expressed in interneuron precursors during proliferative and migratory stages, constitutive Dact1 mutant mice have no major defects in numbers or migration of these neurons. However, cultured cortical interneurons derived from these mice have reduced numbers of excitatory synapses on their dendrites. We selectively eliminated Dact1 from mouse cortical interneurons using a conditional knock-out strategy with a Dlx-I12b enhancer-Cre allele, and thereby demonstrate a cell-autonomous role for Dact1 during postsynaptic development. Confirming this cell-autonomous role, we show that synapse numbers in Dact1 deficient cortical interneurons are rescued by virally-mediated re-expression of Dact1 specifically targeted to these cells. Synapse numbers in these neurons are also rescued by similarly targeted expression of the Dact1 binding partner Dishevelled-1, and partially rescued by expression of Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, a synaptic protein genetically implicated in susceptibility to several major mental illnesses. In sum, our results support a novel cell-autonomous postsynaptic role for Dact1, in cooperation with Dishevelled-1 and possibly Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, in the formation of synapses on cortical interneuron dendrites.  相似文献   
Seasonal weight loss (SWL) is the most important limitation to animal production in the Tropical and Mediterranean regions, conditioning producer’s incomes and the nutritional status of rural communities. It is of importance to produce strategies to oppose adverse effects of SWL. Breeds that have evolved in harsh climates have acquired tolerance to SWL through selection. Most of the factors determining such ability are related to changes in biochemical pathways as affected by SWL. In this study, a gel based proteomics strategy (BN: Blue-Native Page and 2DE: Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis) was used to characterize the mitochondrial proteome of the secretory tissue of the goat mammary gland. In addition, we have conducted an investigation of the effects of weight loss in two goat breeds with different levels of adaptation to nutritional stress: Majorera (tolerant) and Palmera (susceptible). The study used Majorera and Palmera dairy goats, divided in 4 sets, 2 for each breed: underfed group fed on wheat straw (restricted diet, so their body weight would be 15–20% reduced by the end of experiment), and a control group fed with an energy-balanced diet. At the end of the experimental period (22 days), mammary gland biopsies were obtained for all experimental groups. The proteomic analysis of the mitochondria enabled the resolution of a total of 277 proteins, and 148 (53%) were identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. Some of the proteins were identified as subunits of the glutamate dehydrogenase complex and the respiratory complexes I, II, IV, V from mitochondria, as well as numerous other proteins with functions in: metabolism, development, localization, cellular organization and biogenesis, biological regulation, response to stimulus, among others, that were mapped in both BN and 2DE gels. The comparative proteomics analysis enabled the identification of several proteins: NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 75 kDa subunit and lamin B1 mitochondrial (up-regulated in the Palmera breed), Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) subunit beta-2 (up-regulated in the Majorera breed) and cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 1, mitochondrial and Chain D, Bovine F1-C8 Sub-Complex Of Atp Synthase (down-regulated in the Majorera breed) as a consequence of weight loss.  相似文献   
Chemical signaling between organisms is a ubiquitous and evolutionarily dynamic process that helps to ensure mate recognition, location of nutrients, avoidance of toxins, and social cooperation. Evolutionary changes in chemical communication systems progress through natural variation within the organism generating the signal as well as the responding individuals. A promising yet poorly understood system with which to probe the importance of this variation exists between D. melanogaster and S. cerevisiae. D. melanogaster relies on yeast for nutrients, while also serving as a vector for yeast cell dispersal. Both are outstanding genetic and genomic models, with Drosophila also serving as a preeminent model for sensory neurobiology. To help develop these two genetic models as an ecological model, we have tested if - and to what extent - S. cerevisiae is capable of producing polymorphic signaling through variation in metabolic volatiles. We have carried out a chemical phenotyping experiment for 14 diverse accessions within a common garden random block design. Leveraging genomic sequences for 11 of the accessions, we ensured a genetically broad sample and tested for phylogenetic signal arising from phenotypic dataset. Our results demonstrate that significant quantitative differences for volatile blends do exist among S. cerevisiae accessions. Of particular ecological relevance, the compounds driving the blend differences (acetoin, 2-phenyl ethanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol) are known ligands for D. melanogasters chemosensory receptors, and are related to sensory behaviors. Though unable to correlate the genetic and volatile measurements, our data point clear ways forward for behavioral assays aimed at understanding the implications of this variation.  相似文献   
The potential clinical and economic impact of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy is immense. MSCs act through multiple pathways: (1) as “trophic” cells, secreting various factors that are immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, proangiogenic, proliferative, and chemoattractive; (2) in conjunction with cells native to the tissue they reside in to enhance differentiation of surrounding cells to facilitate tissue regrowth. Researchers have developed methods for the extraction and expansion of MSCs from animal and human tissues. While many sources of MSCs exist, including adipose tissue and iliac crest bone graft, compact bone (CB) MSCs have shown great potential for use in orthopaedic surgery. CB MSCs exert powerful immunomodulatory effects in addition to demonstrating excellent regenerative capacity for use in filling boney defects. CB MSCs have been shown to have enhanced response to hypoxic conditions when compared with other forms of MSCs. More work is needed to continue to characterize the potential applications for CB MSCs in orthopaedic trauma.  相似文献   
Oncolytic viruses (OVs) represent an exciting new biological approach to cancer therapy. In particular, RNA viruses have emerged as potent agents for oncolytic virotherapy because of their capacity to specifically target and destroy tumour cells while sparing normal cells and tissues. Several barriers remain in the development of OV therapy, including poor penetration into the tumour mass, inefficient virus replication in primary cancers, and tumour-specific resistance to OV-mediated killing. The combination of OVs with cytotoxic agents, such as small molecule inhibitors of signalling or immunomodulators, as well as stealth delivery of therapeutic viruses have shown promise as novel experimental strategies to overcome resistance to viral oncolysis. These agents complement OV therapy by unblocking host pathways, delivering viruses with greater efficiency and/or increasing virus proliferation at the tumour site. In this review, we summarize recent development of these concepts, the potential obstacles, and future prospects for the clinical utilization of RNA OVs in cancer therapy.  相似文献   
In this study, we used 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci to show that oceanic distances as small as 2-5 km are sufficient to produce high levels of population genetic structure (multilocus F(ST) as high as 0.22) in the Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni), a heavily exploited reef fish lacking a pelagic larval dispersal phase. Global F(ST) among all populations, separated by a maximum distance of 203 km, was 0.18 (R(ST) = 0.35). Moreover, two lines of evidence suggest that estimates of F(ST) may actually underestimate the true level of genetic structure. First, within-locus F(ST) values were consistently close to the theoretical maximum set by the average within-population heterozygosity. Second, the allele size permutation test showed that R(ST) values were significantly larger than F(ST) values, indicating that populations have been isolated long enough for mutation to have played a role in generating allelic variation among populations. The high level of microspatial structure observed in this marine fish indicates that life history traits such as lack of pelagic larval phase and a good homing ability do indeed play a role in shaping population genetic structure in the marine realm.  相似文献   
Contribution of amino compounds to dissolved organic nitrogen in forest soils   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) may play an important role in plantnutrition and nitrogen fluxes in forest ecosystems. In spite of the apparentimportance of DON, there is a paucity of information concerning its chemicalcomposition. However, it is exactly this chemical characterization that isrequired to understand the importance of DON in ecosystem processes. Theprimaryobjective of this study was to characterize the distribution of free aminoacidsand hydrolyzable peptides/proteins in the DON fraction of Oa horizon leachatesalong an extreme edaphic gradient in northern California. Insitu soil solutions were extracted by centrifugation from Oahorizonscollected beneath Pinus muricata (Bishop pine) andCupressus pygmaea (pygmy cypress) on slightlyacidic/fertile and highly acidic/infertile sites. DON accounted for 77 to99% of the total dissolved nitrogen in Oa horizon leachates. Nitrogen infree amino acids and alkyl amines ranged from 0.04–0.07 mgN/L on the low fertility site to 0.45–0.49 mg N/L onthe high fertility site, and accounted for 1.5 to 10.6% of the DON fraction.Serine, glutamic acid, leucine, ornithine, alanine, aspartic acid andmethylamine were generally the most abundant free amino compounds. Combinedamino acids released by acid hydrolysis accounted for 48 to 74% of theDON, suggesting that proteins and peptides were the main contributor to DON inOa horizon leachates. Together, nitrogen from free andcombined amino compounds accounted for 59 to 78% of the DON. Most of theDON was found in the hydrophobic fraction, which suggests the presence ofprotein/peptide-polyphenol complexes or amino compounds associated withhumic substances. Because free and combined amino acids can be an importantnitrogen source for some plants, soil DON may play an important role in plantnutrition and ecosystem function.  相似文献   
The cre/loxP recombination system is a valuable tool used to generate tissue specific genomic rearrangements in mouse models. The deletion of a region of interest flanked by two loxP sites is accomplished by the recombinase (cre) enzyme, which binds to the inverted repeat segments of two loxP sites and recognition of a conserved TA sequence in the asymmetric central spacer region “ATAACTTCGTATA ‐NNNTANNN‐TATACGAAGTTAT. In vivo, we found that a single T to C mutation at position 4 of the central spacer region in the distal (3′) loxP site, completely inhibited the recombination reaction in two conditional mouse models. These mice were generated using a mitochondrial methionyl‐tRNA formyltransferase (Mtfmt) gene targeted construct and cre transgene under the control of tissue‐specific promoters: calcium/calmodulin‐dependent kinase II alpha (Camk2a‐cre) and myosin light polypeptide 1 (Myl1‐cre). Surprisingly, transient transfection of a plasmid expressing cre in dermal fibroblasts derived from the same mutant floxed Mtfmt(loxP/loxP) mice line, successfully deleted the region of interest. This study demonstrates the sequence specificity required in vivo, the possibility of bypassing this limitation by expressing high levels of cre recombinase ex vivo and raises concerns related to the quality control of large scale production of gene targeted constructs and mice. genesis 53:695–700, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Recent forensic studies have shown that the hyoid bone is a sexually dimorphic element of the human skeleton. Given the advanced techniques of collecting human remains in archeological and forensic contexts, the recovery of hyoid bones is now more frequent in skeletal samples. For that reason the authors propose a new method for estimating sex based on hyoid bodies from archeological sites.  相似文献   
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