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Several studies in rat kidney have established that an appreciable fraction of proximal absorption is passive in nature and occurs across the highly conductive paracellular pathway. Passive absorption is generally ascribed to the transepithelial Cl- distribution, luminal Cl- activity (alpha lCl) being higher than plasma Cl- activity (alpha pCl). The inequality alpha lCl greater than alpha pCl generates a transepithelial diffusion potential, lumen positive, which taken together with the chemical potential differences of Cl- and Na+ across the epithelium gives rise to transepithelial electrochemical potential differences for Cl- and Na+ favoring their absorption. The alpha lCl greater than alpha pCl distribution is traditionally ascribed to preferential bicarbonate absorption. We argue that HCO3- absorption alone cannot generate a non equilibrium transepithelial Cl- distribution. Other mechanisms are necessary. Our measurements in amphibian proximal tubule demonstrate that the intracellular Cl- activity, alpha cCl, is higher than the theoretical value predicted for equilibrium. This distribution is the result of two basolateral coupled transport processes (Cl-/HCO3- exchange and Cl-/Na+ cotransport). It contributes to the exit of Cl- from cell to lumen (by passive diffusion and K+/Cl- cotransport), yielding alpha lCl values higher than the theoretical value for equilibrium with regard to plasma. Thus, a small transcellular flux of Cl- (without solvent) proceeds from interstitium to lumen. It compensates the dissipative tendency of a much higher paracellular Cl- absorptive flux (in association with water) on the transepithelial Cl- gradient. The result is a steady-state luminal Cl- distribution above equilibrium, along the major part of the proximal tubule.  相似文献   
The effects on transformation and transduction of an ultraviolet sensitivity (uvr(-)) and two ultraviolet sensitivity-recombination deficiency (rec-1(-) and rec-2(-)) mutations in isogenic strains of Bacillus subtilis were investigated. Transformation frequency in the rec-1(-) and rec-2(-) strains was reduced to approximately 5 and 25%, respectively, of the parental strains. Normal kinetics of deoxyribonucleic acid dose response in transformation were found for the rec-1(+) and rec-2(-) strains. Biphasic curves were obtained with the rec-1(-) strains. Transduction frequency with bacteriophage SP-10 decreased parallel to transformation frequency in the rec-1(-) and rec-2(-) strains. This result suggests that transformation and SP-10 transduction share a common mechanism for genetic recombination. It also indicates that the reduction in transformation frequency of these strains was not due to altered competence. Transduction frequency with bacteriophage PBS-1 or 3NT, on the contrary, was not diminished in rec-1(-) strains. This frequency was reduced in rec-2(-) strains but not as severely as that of transformation or SP-10 transduction. Several hypotheses to interpret these differences are presented. Recombination frequency between linked markers was reduced more than 50% in transformation by the presence of the rec-1(-) mutation. Linkage was unaffected in the rec-2(-) strains. Neither the rec-1(-) nor the rec-2(-) mutation had an effect on linkage in PBS-1 or 3NT transduction. The uvr(-) strains were transformed at a frequency equal to or greater than that of the parental strains. These strains were transduced by all bacteriophage systems at frequencies about twofold higher than those of parental strains.  相似文献   
This work was aimed to investigate whether shoot Sr concentrations of plant species are related to respective Ca concentrations and to soil properties and to compare the Sr-Ca observed ratios (OR), defined as the quotient of the ratios Sr/Ca in shoots and in the soil solution or in the extractable form, among species and soils. Ten pasture plant species were grown in pots (1-L volume) filled with eight soils differing in the various physicochemical characteristics. Each pot received 50 mg Sr except those of the soil with the highest cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) that received 100 mg Sr per pot. For each soil, shoot Sr concentrations of species were linearly and positively related with the respective Ca concentrations. C.E.C, organic matter content and Ca in the soil solution or in the extractable form were the only soil properties that were related, all negatively, with shoot Sr concentrations. The ratio of extractable Sr and Ca was positively and linearly related with the ratio of Sr and Ca. in the soil solution. OR was affected by both species and soils. Most of OR values of all species in all soils ranged between 0.8 and 1.5, except for the grass Agrostis capillaris which had the highest values for most of soils. This indicates that Agrostis capillaris compared to other species, takes up proportionally more Sr than Ca.  相似文献   
Chemostat cultures of Escherichia coli B/r/1 under conditions of glucose limitation in a salts medium at high water activity ( a w of 0.999) and at an a w of 0.987, controlled by NaCl, have been compared. The system was run at dilution rates above 0.035 h-1. The results suggested that the organism adapted to the lower a w of the medium as no significant change was observed in the energy requirement for maintenance, although the maximum molar growth yield for glucose decreased by 23.2%. Such cultures showed also a shorter lag and a higher growth rate in batch at an a w of 0.987, as compared with cultures initiated with an unadapted ( a w of 0.999) inoculum.  相似文献   
Summary To assess the mechanism(s) by which intraluminal chloride concentration is raised above equilibrium values, intracellular Cl activity ( i Cl ) was studied in the proximal tubule ofNecturus kidney. Paired measurements of cell membrane PD (V BL) and Cl-selective electrode PD (V BL Cl ) were performed in single tubules, during reversible shifts of peritubular or luminal fluid composition. Steadystate i Cl was estimated at 14.6±0.6 mmol/liter, a figure substantially higher than that predicted for passive distribution. To determine the site of the uphill Cl transport into the cell, an inhibitor of anion transport (SITS) was added to the perfusion fluid. Introduction of SITS in peritubular perfusate decreased i Cl , whereas addition of the drug in luminal fluid slightly increased i Cl ; both results are consistent with basolateral membrane uphill Cl transport from interstitium to the cell. TMA+ for Na+ substitutions in either luminal or peritubular perfusate had no effect on i Cl . Removal of bicarbonate from peritubular fluid, at constant pH (a situation increasing HCO 3 outflux), resulted in an increase of i Cl , presumably related to enhanced Cl cell influx: we infer that Cl is exchanged against HCO 3 at the basolateral membrane. The following mechanism is suggested to account for the rise in luminal Cl concentration above equilibrium values: intracellular CO2 hydration gives rise to cell HCO 3 concentrations above equilibrium. The passive exit of HCO 3 at the basolateral membrane energizes an uphill entry of Cl into the cell. The resulting increase of i Cl , above equilibrium, generates downhill Cl diffusion from cell to lumen. As a result, luminal Cl concentration also increases.C.N.R.S. Greco 24. Part of this work was presented at the 12th annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Boston, Mass. (Edelman et al., 1979).  相似文献   
Studies on the specificity of the ATP-dependent DNase of Bacillus subtilis 168, carried out with pure enzyme at the optimal conditions for its action, have shown that the substrate is double-stranded linear DNA. Linear single-stranded DNA (separated strands of B. subtilis DNA and linear phage fd DNA) is not attacked, neither are there any circular forms (supercoiled or nicked simian virus 40 and circular single-stranded fd DNAs). The double-stranded DNA can be completely hydrolysed, the limit products being, almost exclusively, mononucleotides. The presence of terminal phosphate residues in the substrate (either at the 3' or the 5' end) is not necessary for enzyme action. This DNase appears therefore to be an exonuclease processively liberating mononucleotides from both strands of the native linear DNA. ATP (indispensable for the DNase reaction) is also hydrolysed by the enzyme, to ADP and inorganic orthophosphate (Pi) in the presence of DNA. The apparent Km for ATP, in the ATPase reaction, is 0.15 mM. At high ATP concentrations, which inhibit the DNase activity, there is activation of the ATPase reaction. Three molecules of ATP are consumed for each DNA phosphodiester bond split, at optimal conditions for DNase activity.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli B/r/l was grown under conditions of periodic feeding. Glucose, the only carbon source, was supplied at intervals longer than the generation time of the organism. Thus, each period of glucose availability was followed by a period of depletion. This process gave rise to two synchronous populations, one dividing shortly after a new supply of fresh medium and the other dividing at a later stage within the feeding cycle. Thymine incorporation experiments suggested that the double population emerged as the result of a discriminatory blockage of DNA replication.  相似文献   
The development of liquid-ion-exchanger microelectrodes displaying tip diameters less than or equal to 1 micron has permitted direct measurement of the transmembrane chemical and electrochemical gradients of several permeant ion species in cells of small size. We have used Cl- and H+ resins to study the intracellular Cl- activity (alpha iCl) and cell pH (pHi) in the proximal tubule of Necturus kidney. These determinations were performed in association with perfusion of peritubular capillaries by several artificial solutions, in order to assess the dependence of alpha iCl and pHi on the composition of physiologic plasma constituents and selected inhibitors. The main findings are: Intracellular chloride activity, alpha iCl, is higher than the theoretical value predicted from electrochemical equilibrium. Peritubular application of SITS resulted in a decrease of alpha iCl and increase of pHi; these observations are taken to indicate that Cl- uptake is achieved across the basolateral membrane in exchange for HCO-3 by a mechanism sensitive to SITS. Na+ removal from peritubular fluid elicited a small reduction of alpha iCl, suggesting the presence of carrier-mediated Cl--Na+ cotransport from interstitium to cell, contributing to the rise of alpha iCl above equilibrium. In conclusion, two carrier-mediated processes (Cl-/HCO-3 exchange and Cl--Na+ symport) located at the basolateral membrane of the proximal tubule may account for the establishment of alpha iCl values above equilibrium, at steady state. The physiologic role of these carriers is discussed in relation to proximal electrolyte absorption.  相似文献   
Critical processes of B-cell physiology, including immune signaling through the B-cell receptor (BcR) and/or Toll-like receptors (TLRs), are targeted by microRNAs. With this in mind and also given the important role of BcR and TLR signaling and microRNAs in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), we investigated whether microRNAs could be implicated in shaping the behavior of CLL clones with distinct BcR and TLR molecular and functional profiles. To this end, we examined 79 CLL cases for the expression of 33 microRNAs, selected on the following criteria: (a) deregulated in CLL versus normal B-cells; (b) differentially expressed in CLL subgroups with distinct clinicobiological features; and, (c) if meeting (a) + (b), having predicted targets in the immune signaling pathways. Significant upregulation of miR-150, miR-29c, miR-143 and miR-223 and downregulation of miR-15a was found in mutated versus unmutated CLL, with miR-15a showing the highest fold difference. Comparison of two major subsets with distinct stereotyped BcRs and signaling signatures, namely subset 1 [IGHV1/5/7-IGKV1(D)-39, unmutated, bad prognosis] versus subset 4 [IGHV4-34/IGKV2-30, mutated, good prognosis] revealed differences in the expression of miR-150, miR-29b, miR-29c and miR-101, all down-regulated in subset 1. We were also able to link these distinct microRNA profiles with cellular phenotypes, importantly showing that, in subset 1, miR-101 downregulation is associated with overexpression of the enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) protein, which has been associated with clinical aggressiveness in other B-cell lymphomas. In conclusion, specific miRNAs differentially expressed among CLL subgroups with distinct BcR and/or TLR signaling may modulate the biological and clinical behavior of the CLL clones.  相似文献   
Crystals of the small ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus diffract to 3A and exhibit reasonable isomorphism and moderate resistance to irradiation. A 5A MIR map of this particle shows a similar shape to the part assigned to this particle within the cryo-EM reconstructions of the whole ribosome and contains regions interpretable either as RNA chains or as protein motifs. To assist phasing at higher resolution we introduced recombinant methods aimed at extensive selenation for MAD phasing. We are focusing on several ribosomal proteins that can be quantitatively detached by chemical means. These proteins can be modified and subsequently reconstituted into depleted ribosomal cores. They also can be used for binding heavy atoms, by incorporating chemically reactive binding sites, such as -SH groups, into them. In parallel we are co-crystallizing the ribosomal particles with tailor made ligands, such as antibiotics or cDNA to which heavy-atoms have been attached or diffuse the latter compounds into already formed crystals.  相似文献   
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