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KcsA is a prokaryotic potassium channel. The present study employs cysteine scanning mutagenesis and site-directed spin labeling to investigate the structure of the second transmembrane segment (residues 82-120) in functional tetrameric channels reconstituted in lipid bilayers. Spin-spin interactions are observed between nitroxide side chains at symmetry-related sites close to the 4-fold axis of symmetry. To aid in quantitative analysis of these interactions, a new diamagnetic analogue of the nitroxide side chain is used to prepare magnetically dilute samples with constant structure. Using constraints imposed by the spin-spin interactions, a packing model for this segment is deduced that is in excellent agreement with the recently reported crystal structure [Doyle, D., et al. (1998) Science 280, 69-77]. The relatively immobilized state of the nitroxide side chains suggests that the channel is rigid on the electron paramagnetic resonance time scale. Moreover, the poor sulfhydryl reactivity of the cysteine at many locations indicates that the channel is not subject to the low-frequency fluctuations that permit reaction of buried cysteines. At sites expected to be located in the pore, the accessibility of the side chains to collision with O(2) or nickel(II) ethylenediaminediacetate is low. This inaccessibility, together with the generally low mobility of the side chains throughout the sequence, makes it difficult to detect the presence of the pore based on these measurements. However, the presence of a solvated pore can be directly demonstrated using a polarity parameter deduced from the EPR spectra recorded at low temperature. These measurements also reveal the presence of a polarity gradient in the phospholipid bilayer.  相似文献   
Zhao M  Kálai T  Hideg K  Altenbach C  Hubbell WL  Kaback HR 《Biochemistry》2000,39(37):11381-11388
A series of nitroxide spin-labeled alpha- or beta-galactopyranosides and a nitroxide spin-labeled beta-glucopyranoside have been synthesized and examined for binding to the lactose permease of Escherichia coli. Out of the twelve nitroxide spin-labeled galactopyranosides synthesized, 1-oxyl-2, 5, 5-trimethyl-2-[3-nitro-4-N-(hexyl-1-thio-beta-D-galactopyranosid-1 -yl )]aminophenyl pyrrolidine (NN) exhibits the highest affinity for the permease based on the following observations: (a) the analogue inhibits lactose transport with a K(I) about 7 microM; (b) NN blocks labeling of single-Cys148 permease with 2-(4'-maleimidylanilino) naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid (MIANS) with an apparent affinity of about 12 microM; (c) electron paramagnetic resonance demonstrates binding of the spin-labeled sugar by purified wild-type permease in a manner that is reversed by nonspin-labeled ligand. The equilibrium dissociation constant (K(D)) is about 23 microM and binding stoichiometry is approximately unity. In contrast, the nitroxide spin-labeled glucopyranoside does not inhibit active lactose transport or labeling of single-Cys148 permease with MIANS. It is concluded that NN binds specifically to lac permease with an affinity in the low micromolar range. Furthermore, affinity of the permease for the spin-labeled galactopyranosides is directly related to the length, hydrophobicity, and geometry of the linker between the galactoside and the nitroxide spin-label.  相似文献   
Although it is well known that low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) from wheat affect bread and noodle processing quality, the function of specific LMW-GS proteins remains unclear. It is important to find the genes that correspond to individual LMW-GS proteins in order to understand the functions of specific proteins. The objective of this study was to link LMW-GS genes and haplotypes characterized using well known Glu-A3, Glu-B3, and Glu-D3 gene-specific primers to their protein products in a single wheat variety. A total of 36 LMW-GS genes and pseudogenes were amplified from the Korean cultivar Keumkang. These include 11 Glu-3 gene haplotypes, two from the Glu-A3 locus, two from the Glu-B3 locus, and seven from the Glu-D3 locus. To establish relationships between gene haplotypes and their protein products, a glutenin protein fraction was separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) and 17 protein spots were analyzed by N-terminal amino acid sequencing and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). LMW-GS proteins were identified that corresponded to all Glu-3 gene haplotypes except the pseudogenes. This is the first report of the comprehensive characterization of LMW-GS genes and their corresponding proteins in a single wheat cultivar. Our approach will be useful to understand the contributions of individual LMW-GS to the end-use quality of flour.  相似文献   
A dark state tertiary structure in the cytoplasmic domain of rhodopsin is presumed to be the key to the restriction of binding of transducin and rhodopsin kinase to rhodopsin. Upon light-activation, this tertiary structure undergoes a conformational change to form a new structure, which is recognized by the above proteins and signal transduction is initiated. In this and the following paper in this issue [Cai, K., Klein-Seetharaman, J., Altenbach, C., Hubbell, W. L., and Khorana, H. G. (2001) Biochemistry 40, 12479-12485], we probe the dark state cytoplasmic domain structure in rhodopsin by investigating proximity between amino acids in different regions of the cytoplasmic face. The approach uses engineered pairs of cysteines at predetermined positions, which are tested for spontaneous formation of disulfide bonds between them, indicative of proximity between the original amino acids. Focusing here on proximity between the native cysteine at position 316 and engineered cysteines at amino acid positions 55-75 in the cytoplasmic sequence connecting helices I-II, disulfide bond formation was studied under strictly defined conditions and plotted as a function of the position of the variable cysteines. An absolute maximum was observed for position 65 with two additional relative maxima for cysteines at positions 61 and 68. The observed disulfide bond formation rates correlate well with proximity of these residues found in the crystal structure of rhodopsin in the dark. Modeling of the engineered cysteines in the crystal structure indicates that small but significant motions are required for productive disulfide bond formation. During these motions, secondary structure elements are retained as indicated by the lack of disulfide bond formation in cysteines that do not face toward Cys316 in the crystal structure model. Such motions may be important in light-induced conformational changes.  相似文献   
A distinguishing feature of rod arrestin is its ability to form oligomers at physiological concentrations. Using visible light scattering, we show that rod arrestin forms tetramers in a cooperative manner in solution. To investigate the structure of the tetramer, a nitroxide side chain (R1) was introduced at 18 different positions. The effects of R1 on oligomer formation, EPR spectra, and inter-spin distance measurements all show that the structures of the solution and crystal tetramers are different. Inter-subunit distance measurements revealed that only arrestin monomer binds to light-activated phosphorhodopsin, whereas both monomer and tetramer bind microtubules, which may serve as a default arrestin partner in dark-adapted photoreceptors. Thus, the tetramer likely serves as a 'storage' form of arrestin, increasing the arrestin-binding capacity of microtubules while readily dissociating to supply active monomer when it is needed to quench rhodopsin signaling.  相似文献   
A new de novo synthesis of the enantiomeric pair D-myo-inositol 1,2,4-trisphosphate and D-myo-inositol 2,3,6-trisphosphate is described. Starting from enantiopure dibromocyclohexenediol, several C2 symmetrical building blocks were synthesized which gave access to D-myo-inositol 1,2,4,5-tetrakisphosphate and D-myo-inositol 1,2,3,6-tetrakisphosphate. Exploiting the high regiospecificity of two partially purified phosphohydrolases from Dictyostelium, a 5-phosphatase and a phytase, the inositol tetrakisphosphates were converted enzymatically to the target compounds. Their potential to modulate the activity of Ins3,4,5,6P4 1-kinase was investigated and compared with the effects of D-myo-inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate.  相似文献   
Conformational changes induced by ATP hydrolysis on actin are involved in the regulation of complex actin networks. Previous structural and biochemical data implicate the DNase I binding loop (D-loop) of actin in such nucleotide-dependent changes. Here, we investigated the structural and conformational states of the D-loop (in solution) using cysteine scanning mutagenesis and site-directed labeling. The reactivity of D-loop cysteine mutants toward acrylodan and the mobility of spin labels on these mutants do not show patterns of an α-helical structure in monomeric and filamentous actin, irrespective of the bound nucleotide. Upon transition from monomeric to filamentous actin, acrylodan emission spectra and electron paramagnetic resonance line shapes of labeled mutants are blue-shifted and more immobilized, respectively, with the central residues (residues 43–47) showing the most drastic changes. Moreover, complex electron paramagnetic resonance line shapes of spin-labeled mutants suggest several conformational states of the D-loop. Together with a new (to our knowledge) actin crystal structure that reveals the D-loop in a unique hairpin conformation, our data suggest that the D-loop equilibrates in F-actin among different conformational states irrespective of the nucleotide state of actin.  相似文献   
Three examples of microhabitats of foraminifera around inhabited macrofaunal tubes (Echiurus echiurus) from the German Bight are given. Compared to ambient sediments, abundances and biomass of foraminifera were up to 3 times higher within the tube. Bacterial abundances were about 2 times higher and bacterial biomass was up to 5 times higher within the tube. Data suggest that tubes and burrows provide microhabitats with increased food concentrations and foraminiferal abundances.  相似文献   
Side chain mobility, accessibility, and backbone motion were studied by site-directed spin labeling of sequential cysteine mutants of the G strand in tear lipocalins (TL). A nitroxide scan between residues 98 and 105 revealed the alternating periodicity of mobility and accessibility to NiEDDA and oxygen, characteristic of a beta-strand. Residue 99 was the most inaccessible to NiEDDA and oxygen. EPR spectra with the fast relaxing agent, K(3)Fe(CN)(6), exhibited two nitroxide populations for most residues. The motionally constrained population was relatively less accessible to K(3)Fe(CN)(6) because of dynamic tertiary contact, probably with side chain residues of adjacent strands. With increasing concentrations of sucrose, the spectral contribution of the immobile component was greater, indicating a larger population with tertiary contact. Increased concentrations of sucrose also resulted in a restriction of mobility of spin-labeled fatty acids which were bound within the TL cavity. The data suggest that sucrose enhanced ligand affinity by slowing the backbone motion of the lipocalin. The correlation time of an MTSL derivative (I) attached to F99C resulted in the lack of side chain motion and therefore reflects the overall rotation of the TL complex. The correlation time of F99C in tears (13.5 ns) was the same as that in buffer and indicates that TL exists as a dimer under native conditions. TL-spin-labeled ligand complexes have a shorter correlation time than the protein alone, indicating that the fatty acids are not rigidly anchored in the cavity, but move within the pocket. This segmental motion of the ligand was modulated by protein backbone fluctuations. Accessibility studies with oxygen and NiEDDA were performed to determine the orientation and depth of a series of fatty acid derivatives in the cavity of TL. Fatty acids are oriented with the hydrocarbon tail buried in the cavity and the carboxyl group oriented toward the mouth. In general, the mobility of the nitroxide varied according to position such that nitroxides near the mouth had greater mobility than those located deep in the cavity. Nitroxides positioned up to 16 carbon units from the hydrocarbon tail of the ligand are motionally restricted and inaccessible, indicating the cavity extends to at least this depth. EPR spectra obtained with and without sucrose showed that the intracavitary position of lauric acid in TL is similar to that in beta-lactoglobulin. However, unlike beta-lactoglobulin, TL binds 16-doxyl stearic acid, suggesting less steric hindrance and greater promiscuity for TL.  相似文献   
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