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Two methods were used to radioiodinate sea urchin sperm: lactoperoxidase-glucose oxidase and Iodo-Gen. Following iodination the sperm are viable, they undergo the acrosome reaction, and they fertilize eggs. Of the radioactivity associated with the labeled sperm, 28–50% is presumed to be free 125I?, 37–47% is incorporated in lipid, and 8–15% is in trypsin-digestible material believed to be protein. Digestion of the labeled, living sperm with trypsin removes 95.6–99.5% of the macromolecular label (the cells are alive after digestion) suggesting that almost all the protein label is on the external surface of the cell. Thin-layer chromatography of the lipid fraction shows that the major membrane phospholipids and cholesterol are labeled. SDS-PAGE analysis shows the protein-incorporated 125I is distributed among four glycoproteins of >250K, 84K, 64K, and 52K dalton apparent molecular weight. Twenty-eight percent of the total protein (trypsin-digestible) label is in the 84K component and 46% in the 64K band. Although both molecules contain much of the label, they are relatively minor components of the TX-100 extract of sperm. The methods outlined will be useful in determining the role of sperm surface components in fertilization.  相似文献   
Storage of apple fruits ( Pyrus malus L. cv. Golden Delicious) at different temperatures (0, 12 and 35°C) markedly altered the pattern of water freezing in the seeds. Higher temperatures of storage brought about a shift from the sequential to the discontinuous type of freezing in seeds, the low temperature exotherm (LTE) being much more pronounced than the high temperature one (HTE). The occurrence of LTE was highly correlated with embryo death. Fruit storage at higher temperatures also caused a decrease in the threshold super cooling temperature of seeds and of naked embryos, removed from the seed coat and endosperm. The decrease was less pronounced in naked embryos than in intact seeds. The results presented show that the frost resistance of apple seeds relies mainly on the supercooling ability of the embryos and is increased by the presence of seed coat and endosperm. The broad peak of the LTE indicates that, in contrast with other seeds and many super cooling organs, massive ice nucleation in apple seeds occurs within the embryo tissues and that extra organ freezing seems to be of less importance. Therefore, the increased super cooling ability of apple seeds, isolated from fruits stored at higher temperatures, seems to rely on those seed properties that protect embryo cells against heterogeneous ice nucleation.  相似文献   
To catalog polypeptides that were specific to developing hearts, we separated 35S-methionine-labeled 9.5 day mouse embryos into cardiac and noncardiac (carcass) components. Two-dimensional gels were then used to analyze the polypeptides synthesized in these two fractions. As a result, we were able to distinguish polypeptides that were specific to or increased in the heart as well as those polypeptides that were specific to or increased in the embryo minus the dissected heart. Using this analysis, there were two polypeptides that were cardiac-specific and 17 that were expressed at increased levels by at least twofold in the heart. The cardiac-specific polypeptides may be used in further studies to identify early cardiac tissue. Conversely, there were 26 polypeptides unique to noncardiac structures and an additional 15 that were increased in the carcass more than twofold relative to the heart. The noncardiac-specific polypeptides may be used to define contamination of putative cardiac tissue with noncardiac material. Two of the polypeptides expressed more abundantly in the carcass appeared to correspond to known proteins in the mouse fibroblast database, cyclin and tropomyosin 4. Thus the heart at 9.5 days of murine development can be distinguished readily from the remainder of the embryonic mouse both macroscopically and on two-dimensional gels.  相似文献   
Multidrug resistance (MDR) of tumour cells is related to the overexpression of ATP-dependent pumps responsible for the active efflux of antitumour agents out of resistant cells. Benzoperimidine and anthrapyridone compounds exhibit comparable cytotoxic activity against sensitive and MDR tumour cells. They diffuse extremely rapidly across the plasma membrane and render the ATP-dependent efflux inefficient. Such uptake could disturb an energy metabolism of normal cells possessing an elevated level of ATP-dependent proteins, especially erythrocytes having a high level of the MRP1, MRP4 and MRP5 proteins. In this study the effect of five antitumour agents: benzoperimidine (BP1), anthrapyridones (CO1, CO7) and reference drugs used in the clinic: doxorubicin (DOX) and pirarubicin (PIRA), on the energetic state in human erythrocytes has been examined. These compounds have various types of structure and kinetics of cellular uptake (slow--DOX, CO7, moderate--PIRA, fast--BP1, CO1) resulting in their different ability to saturate ATP-dependent transporters. The energetic state of erythrocytes was examined by determination of purine nucleotide contents (ATP, ADP, AMP), NAD(+) and values of adenylate energy charge (AEC) using an HPLC method. It was found that the level of nucleotides as well as the AEC value of erythrocytes were not changed during 24 h of incubation with these agents independently of their structure and ability to saturate ATP-dependent pumps. This is a very promising result in view of their potential use in the clinic as antitumour drugs against multidrug resistant cancers.  相似文献   
Epicardial fat is a relatively neglected component of the heart and could be an important risk factor of cardiac disease. The objective of our study was to assess the relationship between epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) extent, fat distribution, and coronaropathy in a group of adult victims of accidental or suspicious sudden death. In 56 cadavers, we performed 34 measurements of EAT from five computerized photographs of the heart (anterior and posterior faces, and three ventricle transversal slices) and analyzed their relationship with anthropometric markers of adiposity (BMI, waist and leg circumference, thickness of abdominal and thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT)), with the presence and staging of coronary artery disease (CAD), and with markers of myocardial hypertrophy. Simple linear regressions showed that EAT measurements are highly intercorrelated (r from 0.4 to 0.6, P < 0.001), and correlate with age, waist circumference, and heart weight, and to a lesser extent, with BMI, abdominal SAT thickness, and leg SAT thickness. Multiple regression showed that age, waist circumference, and heart weight significantly and independently correlate with EAT (P < 0.0001). No other anthropometric measurement was found independently correlated with EAT. The EAT/myocardium ratios correlated positively with age and waist circumference. Anterior and posterior areas of EAT were found significantly increased in patients with CAD and correlated positively with CAD staging (P = 0.0034, r = 0.38). Anterior EAT surface was found positively associated with CAD (P = 0.01), independently of age and other adiposity measurements. Prospective studies are needed to assess the risk of occurrence/progression of CAD that relate to EAT excess.  相似文献   
Samples of dried foods, feeds, and drugs were examined for Enterobacteriaceae by using buffered glucose-Brilliant Green-bile broth as the final enrichment medium and deep tubes of violet-red-bile-glucose-agar for confirmation. The pre-enrichment treatments used for the resuscitation of sublethally impaired cells were overnight incubation in lactose broth versus incubation for 1 to 6 hr at room temperature in shallow layers of tryptone soya peptone broth. The latter restoration treatment appeared to be significantly more productive.  相似文献   
Ongoing oscillations and evoked responses are two main types of neuronal activity obtained with diverse electrophysiological recordings (EEG/MEG/iEEG/LFP). Although typically studied separately, they might in fact be closely related. One possibility to unite them is to demonstrate that neuronal oscillations have non-zero mean which predicts that stimulus- or task-triggered amplitude modulation of oscillations can contribute to the generation of evoked responses. We validated this mechanism using computational modelling and analysis of a large EEG data set. With a biophysical model, we indeed demonstrated that intracellular currents in the neuron are asymmetric and, consequently, the mean of alpha oscillations is non-zero. To understand the effect that neuronal currents exert on oscillatory mean, we varied several biophysical and morphological properties of neurons in the network, such as voltage-gated channel densities, length of dendrites, and intensity of incoming stimuli. For a very large range of model parameters, we observed evidence for non-zero mean of oscillations. Complimentary, we analysed empirical rest EEG recordings of 90 participants (50 young, 40 elderly) and, with spatio-spectral decomposition, detected at least one spatially-filtred oscillatory component of non-zero mean alpha oscillations in 93% of participants. In order to explain a complex relationship between the dynamics of amplitude-envelope and corresponding baseline shifts, we performed additional simulations with simple oscillators coupled with different time delays. We demonstrated that the extent of spatial synchronisation may obscure macroscopic estimation of alpha rhythm modulation while leaving baseline shifts unchanged. Overall, our results predict that amplitude modulation of neural oscillations should at least partially explain the generation of evoked responses. Therefore, inference about changes in evoked responses with respect to cognitive conditions, age or neuropathologies should be constructed while taking into account oscillatory neuronal dynamics.  相似文献   


In this two-part paper (Background and Initial Assumptions (part 1) and Results of Survey Research (part 2)), we present surveys whose main objective is to determine whether, and to what extent, the life cycle assessment (LCA) technique is used for the identification and assessment of environmental aspects in environmental management systems (EMS) and whether there are any differences in this respect between the companies and countries analysed.


The survey research was carried out using the computer assisted self-administered interviewing method among selected Polish, German and Swedish organisations which implement EMS in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and/or the EMAS regulation.


The organisations investigated, regardless of their country, are dominated by qualitative and semi-quantitative techniques of assessment and identification of environmental aspects. LCA was used sporadically, although some differences can be observed between the countries analysed.


The environmental managers accustomed to traditional qualitative and semi-quantitative solutions have not been given preparation to enable them to understand and adopt different approaches such as LCA. On the other hand, representatives of the organisations investigated declared that they were ready to accept an even longer timescale for the identification and assessment processes relating to environmental aspects, which represents a potential opportunity for LCA. The more precise understanding and definition of environmental problems that are precisely defined in LCA would represent a novelty for environmental managers. In practice, environmental problems are defined in a general sense and rather ambiguously, as this level of detail is sufficient in the context of qualitative and semi-quantitative techniques commonly used for the identification and assessment of environmental aspects.  相似文献   
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