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A new simple preparation method for NaK-ATPase-rich membrane fragments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method for the isolation of highly active membrane bound NaK-ATPase without detergents in quantity from the electric organ of the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is described. This method consists of the homogenation of electric organ with an isotonic solution containing sucrose, histidine, EDTA, and arginine, and of the separation of the higher active membrane fraction from the microsomal fraction by density gradient centrifugation. The enzyme has a specific activity of about 20 μmol Pi/min/mg at 37°C, and 13 μmol Pi/min/mg at 30°C. Although it is not as pure as the detergent-treated enzyme preparation based on the level of phosphorylated protein, ouabain binding, or sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, its enzyme activity is comparable to that of the purified enzymes. This preparation is very stable and is able to change its medium by Sephadex chromatography without any loss of enzyme activity and protein content. This preparation is also expected to keep the original characteristics as well as the enzyme in the tissue.  相似文献   
Biotinylation of fusion proteins in E. coli was studied using a sequence of Propionibacterium freudenreichii transcarboxylase 1.3S biotin subunit. As the biotinylation sequence, we examined two sequences: one was of amino acid residues [84-123] of 1.3S, a partial sequence containing a region from a conserved tetrapeptide (Ala-Met-Bct-Met) around the biotinyl lysine (Bct) to the carboxyl terminal; the other was of an almost entire sequence [18-123]. We constructed recombinant plasmids for fusion proteins of beta-galactosidase, of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, and of alkaline phosphatase. We found the biotinylation in the [18-123] sequence fused to alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   
Microiontophoretic study was performed to elucidate dopaminergic mechanism in the nucleus accumbens (Acc) of rats anesthetized with chloral hydrate. Iontophoretically applied dopamine produced an inhibition of glutamate-induced firing in 28 (62%) out of 45 Acc neurons tested. The dopamine-induced inhibition of 14 Acc neurons was clearly antagonized by simultaneous application of haloperidol, and a partial antagonism by sulpiride was observed in 3 out of 10 Acc neurons. These results indicate that dopamine produces an inhibition of the Acc neuron and that, compared to haloperidol, sulpiride is a less potent blocker of the postsynaptic dopamine receptor involved in the dopamine-induced inhibition.  相似文献   
A cytoplasmic extract of Drosophila melanogaster early embryos supported DNA synthesis which was dependent on an added single stranded DNA template, phi X174 viral DNA. The product DNA made during early reaction was about 100 to 600 nucleotides in length and complementary to the added template. After alkali treatment, 70 to 80 per cent of the product DNA chains exposed 5'-hydroxyl ends, suggesting covalent linkage of primer RNA at their 5'-ends. Post-labeling of 5'-ends of the product DNA with polynucleotide kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP revealed that oligoribonucleotides, mainly hexa- and heptanucleotides, were covalently linked to the 5'-ends of the majority of the DNA chains. The nucleotide sequence of the linked RNA was mainly 5'(p)ppApA(prN)4-5, where tri- (or di-) phosphate terminus was detected by the acceptor activity for the cap structure with guanylyltransferase and [alpha-32P]GTP. The structure of this primer RNA was comparable to that of the octaribonucleotide primer isolated from the nuclei of Drosophila early embryos.  相似文献   
Growth and death rates of aboveground plant parts were measured in a mature forest and four different-aged deciduous broadleaf forests regeneratede after clear-cutting, with special reference to rates for woody parts (stems and branches) of different diameters (ø) in rerms of the pipe model theory (Shinozaki et al., 1964). The total biomass increment of woody parts of trees higher than 1.3 m varied within a range of 2.1-4.6 ton ha?1 yr?1, the increase beingdue largely to the growth of canopy trees exposed to direct sunlight. Biomass increments of small (ø<1 cm) and medium (1≤ø<5 cm) woody parts were negligibly small except in the youngest forest, and changes in aboveground woody biomass with forest age after clear-cutting mainly resulted from accumulation of large (5 cm<ø) woody parts of canopy trees. Biomass loss of trees due to death and grazing increased with forest age from 4.0 to 8.3 ton ha?1 yr?1. Recovery of leaf and small wood falls was observed at the early stage of regeneration, while large wood falls increased during regeneration. Flower and fruit fall was markedly higher in the mature forest than in the other four forest types. Mortality of woody parts became higher with forest age and was 20, 5.0 and 0.46% yr?1 for small, medium and large parts, respectively, at the mature stage. Aboveground net production of the forest was in therange 7.6-13.3 ton ha?1 yr?1 with the undergrowth vegetation lower than 1.3 m being 0.4-1.4 ton ha?1 yr?1. Production recovered rapidly at an early stage of regeneration and was highest in mature forest.  相似文献   
Metabolism of Choline Chloride and Its Analogs in Wheat Seedlings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The incorporation rate of choline chloride and allylcholinebromide into wheat protoplasts were rapid compared with theincorporation rate of benzylcholine bromide. Choline chloridewas metabolized via two pathways: choline betaine and choline phosphorylcholine phos-phatidylcholine. Allylcholine bromidewas metabolized via only one pathway: allylcholine phosphorylallylcholine phosphatidylallylcholine, and benzylcholine bromide was notmetabolized at all. These results suggest that the stimulationof photosynthesis (Hyeon et al. 1988) by these compounds iscaused directly by these choline analogs and not by their metabolites. (Received June 29, 1989; Accepted October 20, 1989)  相似文献   
Solution conformations of cyclo(GRGDSPA) have been analyzed by the use of two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and the dynamical simulated annealing calculation. It has been shown that the RGDS segment in cyclo(GRGDSPA) takes a beta-turn conformation. We have concluded that this beta-turn conformation is essential for the physiological activity of cyclo(GRGDSPA).  相似文献   
During periods of water deficit, plants accumulate late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) proteins which are thought to protect cells from stresses associated with dehydration. One of these genes, le25, is expressed in tomato leaves and roots in response to water deficit and abscisic acid accumulation. To study the function of this protein and to test the effect of overproduction of the LE25 protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc), a recombinant plasmid in which le25 is expressed under the control of the GAL1 promoter was constructed. The content of LE25 was high in Sc cells transformed with the recombinant plasmid. The transformant exhibited several stress-tolerant phenotypes. Growth of the transformant in a medium with 1.2 M NaCl was improved, as compared to a control strain. While the control strain showed a long lag phase of 40 h, le25-expressing cells showed a shortened lag phase of 10 h. However, no growth improvement was observed in a medium with 2 M sorbitol. In addition, the transformant had an increased survival rate after freezing stress, but not after high-temperature stress. These results, together with its predicted secondary structure, may indicate that LE25 functions as an ion scavenger.  相似文献   
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